viernes, abril 15, 2016
Mike Quinsey - 15 April 2016
People’s expectations are rising and their confidence improving so much, that they are coming forward to support the Light. The truth has begun to surface and the lies and distortion of the facts are not so easily accepted as they were. People’s perception of what is going on is revealing the truth, and they have the ability to be discerning where false information is circulated. These are the predicted times when what has been hidden will be revealed, and although the news is still largely controlled by those on the dark side, it does sometimes leak out. There have been many resignations as the dark Ones are revealed, and it will continue until it reaches a point when their place is taken by Beings of Light. It is in fact already happening on a small scale and often it has a knock on effect that leads to others who have hidden their actions coming out.
These matters take time to surface but they most certainly will come out in due course. Some Beings of Light are still in the middle of what is happening, but their voices are often muted by those who still hide the truth. However, matters are changing even more rapidly than previously and the pressure is mounting on those who support the Illuminati. They know that their time is limited and had hoped to escape responsibility for their deeds. There is no escape and they will have to answer for their actions, regardless of how much they try to avoid the inevitable time of accountability.
So what is expected of you as you enter the New Age with full expectations of Ascension. By now if you are preparing yourself for it you should be able to see the whole of Humanity as One and as your Brothers and Sisters. That being so you are expected treat all as equal and with Universal Love, and that is not as difficult as it may first appear. It does mean however that you have to drop any prejudice you might feel against any other person. That is what you should be aiming for if you want to move on from the lower dimensions. It is the biggest step upwards that you can make, and you can do it if you really want to.
Bear in mind that you are eventually going to leave the lower vibrations, as the changes occur in your approach and understanding of spiritual understanding. In any event it is your underlying wish to return to the higher vibrations, because you sense that your home is there where you can live in peace and are not bound by the problems found in the lower vibrationms. They are of course part of your experiences that you have to rise up from, if you wish to evolve. As has been previously indicated, you agreed to drop down into the lower vibrations, and you were assured that at any time you wished to progress, you would be given help. Time as you know it is on your side but if you wish to take advantage of the coming end of the last cycle and the opportunity to ascend, you need to apply yourself to reach the level of vibration that is necessary to do so.
You can seem to standstill where your evolution is concerned, but all the time you are making progress. You may have your ups and downs, but progress is inevitable as the more experience you gain the greater your ability to find the way home. In this instance it is where you came from to try your skills in overcoming the challenges presented to you. When you finally return to the higher dimensions all will be revealed to you, as you have been severely restricted by the lower vibrations and even temporarily lost your memory. Some of you have a "feeling" of experiences in a higher level, and occasionally a memory of them. This sometimes results from your "out of the body" experiences during your sleep time, although most souls cannot bring such things to their waking mind.
Some question why you have to go through so much turmoil to establish the New Age. Simply put it is the result of an immense clearing out of the old that no longer serves your needs or purpose. However, many souls are reluctant to release that which is familiar to them and if that is their choice it will be upheld. It means however that they cannot continue to remain on Earth as the vibrations lift up. So they will at a suitable time move to another "Earth" where they can continue their chosen experiences. They would not in fact feel at home in levels that were too high for their comfort or desire to continue experiencing the lower dimensions. Be assured that they would still be given every help to assist them to evolve at the speed that suited them. You are never alone in your desire to evolve and help is but a call away.
Many evolved souls on Earth are ready to serve others and their plan has gone ahead as necessary, so that when it is safe to do so they can put their plans into action. It means that because of the constant delays, once they commence there will be a stream of welcome changes quickly brought into being. Free energy will bring about so many changes in a relatively short time, that you will hardly have time to catch your breath. The mood of people will change from despair to hope as they see the changes taking place that with help from the Galactic Forces will occur with all speed. Distribution is no problem at all when you consider that you have immense facilities to call upon that are at your disposal. The size of the challenge to distribute new equipment will be easily handled by those who wait to serve you.
Political changes are necessary so that the right people are in place to ensure everything proceeds speedily and efficiently. There has been too much "serving of self" when the privilege of representing the people has been abused. People of the right approach and good intentions are waiting in the wings and ready to move quickly into action. All of you are known for exactly what you are and no pretence or false claims will get you anywhere. However, many of you are ready to commit yourselves to work for the good of others. Be assured that your talents will be called upon as and when needed. People will have much to ask when the truth starts to emerge and that is where those who are enlightened can be of great help.
This year is still going to be one to remember and although matters are not manifesting as quickly as intended, be assured many things are happening behind the scenes. To say the least you will not be disappointed once those of the Light feel safe enough to proceed with their projects.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Mike Quinsey