viernes, abril 15, 2016
Christine Day - Message From the Pleiadians April 2016
There is much for each one of you to reach out for at this essential time on the planet. Each one of you now get to choose the moment you reach forward to receive that which is uniquely yours. Through the changing energetic vista on your planet you are enabled to move back into a place of powerful restoration within yourself. There is no need to wait any longer to return back to a place of power within your heart.
As the veils lift on your planet there is a resurrection energy opening up to enable you to realign back to an authentic aspect of your own frequency. This frequency is authentic to you. This light aspect that is being revealed holds the love patterning that your heart cells have been waiting to receive. This patterning creates a rejuvenation of your spirit to open through you.
There are going to be a series of essential veils being lifted through this month to accelerate your own potential to awaken. The focus is placed on moving beyond the illusion that has kept you in that state of struggle, not having enough and feeling as though you are floundering in a state of lack.
Know that this is your time to flourish and we witness you as you choose consciously to let go and receive that which is yours. Yes, you have heard many times that you are the grand creator. This is Truth.
Yet you have been held back in being able to recognize this Truth by these veils that have been in place on your planet for lifetimes. Change is coming and you alone can open into the changing dynamic within you, to begin to let go of old habits of negative thought patterns, old belief systems and self judgment.
Be willing to take a new pathway with your self. Bringing your awareness into your heart space activates your heart’s desire and opens you to receiving that which is rightfully yours.
We are with you supporting you in your transformation. Know that you are the only one who can reach into your own heart and access your own spiritual gifts.
The light of Truth shines through as the veils lift one by one. This light shines upon you reflecting the light that you are. We witness you.
The Pleiadians
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Christine Day,