It is I, St Germain. I wish to keep you informed as to what is taking place in the world of the RV, etc. It is coming to a head and it is going to be even more than has been forecast. There are many new aspects of it that will be coming through the networks once the whole thing is in place. As these new measures come into being it will be obvious that there has been much reason for the delays. It is a thorough process that has been activated and followed through with, and as the pieces of the puzzle have been brought forward there has been much that has made sense to the ones in place for the distribution. It is part of what has been behind the delays and yet could not be spoken of because of the need for security.
As I speak with you there is a great deal of activity taking place that will come to fruition when all is in place with the extras I have told you about. I mention this because it is something that will be seen and wondered about at first glance, for with this news that there will be more than everyone had thought there would be, it could bring much confusion. I will tell you this, and it is that when it is all seen and made public it will all make sense to you and you will be grateful for the insertion of the extras that will be in place when it is time for the coming forward of it all. You will see how much this is all coming to be in the energy of living in the moment. It will be an eye-opening process that you will all garner much from.
I and so many of us who are in the background at this time supporting you energetically in these times of awakening are all in awe of what so many of you are doing to bring about the new freedom that is on the threshold in so many aspects of your lives. We honor and respect you, and that adds to the Love that we have for all of mankind. Take some time to enjoy each other and what it is that brings you joy and laughter. It is very empowering for you to be in that energy of peace, joy and Love. You are the proof of that in this moment. Blessings to you all!
Thank you dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate / link to original article