The New Earth energies are now flooding across and within the Planet Earth, I deliberately use the term “Planet Earth” in reference to this planet, the old 3d earth created reality trying to teach the distortion that is presented to you as “mother” Earth. I have previously blogged referring to the need to embrace the MALE ENERGY in TRUTH, it is THIS energy that is now flooding across and within planet earth, available to those in human form for the first time ever in their human incarnation, for within the old 3d earth created CONSTRUCT this energy was taught in its distorted form. As your human vehicle needs the BALANCE of both male and female energies this kept the balance just out of reach as it is not possible to achieve any balance if part of the equation is not TRUTH.
Within the old 3d earth created reality the focus was continually on the female energy to the extent that the male energy was contained and suppressed so much that those who have taken human male form almost ceased to be able to function. It is not TRUTH to assume that the human male has no input into the ascension process, indeed he is PIVOTAL to the ascension process. The old 3d earth created reality continually placing the “nurturing” at the feet of the female and in the process DIS-empowering both energies.
The MALE ENERGY IN TRUTH has been rejected as a frequency continually within the old 3d earth created reality, this was deliberate for it would have brought balance and balance would have sought to dissolve the CONSTRUCT that is the old 3d earth reality. This has at a very human conscious waking mind level seen human society swing wildly out of balance with many in human female form trying to take on the role that they have been taught is for the human male leaving many in human male form wondering why they are even walking the planet. All is designed within the old 3d earth created paradigms to continually seek to disempower both forms of the human vehicle by pitting one against the other continually. The human male and the human female in active “combat” at a frequency level, appearing to live in harmony but with deep distrust of each other frequency wise.
Many of you have questioned MANIFESTATION in relation to abundance within human society and I place before you the MALE ENERGY in TRUTH, until this is anchored and balanced within each HUMAN BEING alive upon this planet then the flow of abundance will be interrupted. This flow is now switched back on as it were as those who are here to help balance these energies at a universal level work to anchor this within their personal human vehicles and spread this frequency across and within Planet Earth. Abundance is reached through BALANCE, that is the anchoring of both the male and female energies in TRUTH. It is not achievable through trying to balance the male energy as taught within the old 3d earth created reality for that frequency is distorted and is distorted deliberately.
The male and female energies in TRUTH work in HARMONY within, through and around each other, they are mutually supportive and I ask you to view this at a universal frequency level. Trying to work with this at a human vehicle level for many of you at this time will see you blinded by the very teachings that you are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth created reality. Those of you who have taken human female form blind to the filtering that you are TAUGHT in relation to human males and vice versa. I have blogged repeatedly about the use of human language to further contain and suppress, it may APPEAR that human males and human females speak the same language but they DO NOT. The interpretation of the frequency of the human language distorted for BOTH of them.
This is being addressed by the New Earth energies through the increase in ability of KNOWing and TELEPATHY, this when anchored fully will bypass the need for human language with the FEELing being the key to communication. Indeed many of you may now be working with this to new levels, no longer distracted and side tracked by what is being said and focusing instead of the FEELing of the situation/scenario that you are working with. This sees TRUTH revealed at all levels and many of you may be stunned by what you are shownat this present time. As the childrens magick trick of “optical illusions” shows repeatedly it is VERY EASY to fool the human naked eyes, it is entirely possible to present something to the human vehicle and persuade it that it is something else entirely. This is the foundation of the old 3d earth created reality, imagine if you will a huge circus tent, the tent sides being the edge of planet earth, the old 3d earth created reality the ringmaster and the human race the audience. It is now time to step out of the circus tent and view this planet in TRUTH.
This is done by focusing on the FEELing, for TRUTH JUST IS and the frequency of TRUTH is high vibrational, TRUTH along with the LOVE that IS is the very fabric of the universe and this is what you are asked to fully align with at this moment. This allows for all that is NOT TRUTH to fall away like cobwebs. That which IS TRUTH will now strengthen beyond anything you could ever imagine.