We refer of course to something far less tangible than the light that your friendly neighbour, the Sun, so generously bestows upon you all. For the light we are referring to, is the light that is bringing in all of the changes you so hanker for, the light that goes all the way into your very soul, and the light that goes all the way into the very core of your planet. And, thanks to each and every one of you, this light has found a home here. And so it continues to grow and multiply, as each and every one of you act as prisms for this incoming light so that it can be refracted into millions of brilliant beams, scattering in all directions, penetrating deep into the darkest corners of this globe.
For we have come to once more sing your praise, and we are but a small fraction of the heavenly host that at this very moment is doing the same. For without you, this all-important light would not be able take hold in this seemingly barren land. For you are the anchors, you are the ones that through your very tangible body can enable this intangible light to become manifest. And it is the effect of this light passing through you that are making it all come about. For as you so willingly open yourselves up to these injections of energetic particles of different wavelengths, you act as manifestors, it is through your body that the changes become manifest. For without you, it would simply be a potential, but an untapped one. Remember, matter is indeed energy interacting with consciousness, but in this case, it is energy interacting with consciousness and a physical body. This may seem to run counter to what you have learned so far, but this is the case. For without you, no changes would come true, as you are the ones that harbour the only possibility to make them come about with your very presence here on this planet at this exact moment.
And so, we would like to take some time to remind you all that even if you do feel frail and unimportant, you are nothing of the kind. For you are true creators in every sense of the word, and as you take your breath, you inhale the potential, and as you exhale, you make it come into being. We know this will not match the idea you have of manifesting in perfect detail, but this is in fact the simple but ever so efficient explanation to this whole process. Our task is to be the observer and the intermediary, the ones that have the complete and detailed overview and therefore can assist you on every single step of your convoluted journey. For as you all know so well by now, you do not have a detailed map with which to trace your route beforehand. Or rather, you do have that, but it is lodged somewhere deep in your soul, and it is not given to you to print it out and use it as a navigational device in the usual sense. For you need to navigate by your own inner compass, and as this whole operation is something that is intricately planned beforehand, but at the same time something that is in constant flux according to the steps taken by every single participant at any given time, following a predestined path would not be of any help at all.
That is why you will feel like you are walking into unknown territory every time you take a new step, and rightly so. For no one has gone down this exact path before, and therefore, you need to be able to truly listen within to get your bearings. And that is what you have all done, and that is why you are all here at this exact spot at this exact point in time. For you are here to create miracles, you are here to increase the amount of information that can be delivered and taken into use, not only by you, but by every single soul on this planet. For remember you are doing this for the collective, and even if this entails that each and every single one of you will have to travel your own unique path to do so, you are also very much an intrinsic part of this whole machinery. For you are indeed the cogs and the wheels that are driving this whole process forwards, and you are doing so at an ever increasing speed, and so we have come to remind you that once again you are in the process of speeding of this process even more. For as the day of the Equinox dawns, you will all in some way participate in a huge quickening of the incoming tide of light, and even if it for some will seem to be almost too much, it will only serve to lift you all to even higher realms, and through that, your speed of manifesting will once again increase exponentially.
So again we say thank you for all that you are and for all that you do, and know that you are the ones pulling in all of this extra light by the very fact that you have managed to anchor such extreme amounts already. For you are the ones doing it, we are simply here to aid you in every way we can, and we know that in the times ahead, what you will be able to accomplish through all of this light-catching and redistribution will be more than enough to make even the grandest of dreams come true.
www.aishanorth.wordpress.com / link to original article