Perhaps the biggest core mistake you’ll make along your path of conscious growth is subscribing to the belief that you live in a world of objects.
You don’t.
You live in a world of energy.
Objects are separate. Energy is continuous.
Objects have gaps between them; they can appear to be apart and not touching. Energy is always connected to itself; it is always in touch.
Objects can sit still. Energy is always moving, even in apparent stillness.
If you work at a job you dislike and exchange your energy for bits of colored paper or for more digits in a computer database, you are mistaking objects and numbers for energy. You could be much, much happier if you aligned your working energy with your inspiration and participated in an even greater field of positive and flowing energy instead of trading your energy for dead and lifeless numbers combined with a flow-back of unaligned energy.
If you feel stressed or bored at work, you’re missing out on the wonderful benefits that come from aligning your life energy with the flow of inspiration. You may exist, but you’re not really living.
If you cling to a relationship that isn’t flowing and growing, you’ve made a similar mistake. You could be much, much happier if you replaced that object-style relationship of mutual exchanges and compromises with a positively aligned and flowing one that is constantly refreshing its energy in new and exciting ways. You could feel limitless channels of love passing into and through you from all directions instead of fixating on a person as object and choking the flow.
To begin changing modes, start acting on your instincts and intuitive impulses immediately instead of squashing them.
Some impulses may be too big and scary for you to trust at first, like the impulse to quit your job or to donate all your stuff and go travel, so if you can’t accept those yet, begin with the small ones, and build up from there.
If you’ve made many decisions from the reality-as-object model, you may initially find yourself in a field of mostly dark energy when you begin to wake up. You will notice this in the form of negative emotions flowing through your life such as fear, stress, worry, anxiety, dread, doubt, sorrow, grief, pain, loneliness, jealousy, envy, inadequacy, disappointment, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and so on. Believe it or not, this awareness is a positive step — a big leap beyond feeling apathetic or numb.
To realign yourself with the light, begin to notice this dark energy, and start consciously turning away from it. Keep doing the best you can to realign your energy with lightness, peace, ease, creativity, happiness, fun, laughter, excitement, passion, love, compassion, empathy, caring, and wholeness.
Keep the energy in your life flowing, and do your best to align this flow with ever greater sources of inspiration.
The objects in your reality are temporary forms that express the energy flowing through your life, but ultimately they are of little consequence. If you do have many objects present in your life, love them, appreciate them, and feel as much gratitude for them as you can summon.
Feel gratitude every day — every hour if you can. Appreciate. But don’t appreciate just objects. Appreciate the flow of energy in your life, even if it seems dark at first. Appreciate the lessons. Appreciate the experience. Appreciate the freedom. Appreciate the vastness of possibilities. Appreciate the pain (your teacher and ally). Appreciate the scars. Appreciate the most dreadful parts of your life as best you can, and the dread will soon evaporate.
You are here to learn, grow, create, be inspired, and most of all — to be ridiculously, disgustingly happy and fulfilled. You have the freedom and the ability to enjoy a life that is filled to the brim with delicious experiences and adventures, deep love and connection, and delightful acts of creative flow.
You’ll find it ten times easier to enter into and immerse yourself in this flow state if you release the notion that you live in a world of objects. You live in a world of energy. You are energy. I am energy. Everything is energy. And we are always interconnected. We can forget or deny our connection, but it remains strong nonetheless.
In every moment there exists the opportunity and the invitation to uplift and elevate your energy, to tap into the flow of inspiration, and to be happier than you were just a moment ago. Can you sense the presence of that invitation in your life right now? Are you saying yes to it?
Even if you read this as text, this article isn’t just words. It’s energy. The words are merely the envelope. The message is the energy. Did you receive and feel the energy from it?
This article originally appeared at
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