Your Signature is Your Most Valuable Property!
August 17, 2013
Always remember to sign “without prejudice” before and above your signature! This simple process reserves all your unalienable rights. ~BK
Your property is pledged for the rest of your life upon your signature and your promise to perform is pledged into perpetual debt. The bankers don’t even bother to go to court They leave it up to the agencies to administer the agency corporate public policy. It is the public policy of that agency to bill you on your promise to perform. If you don’t pay, they follow up on the public policy on notice of default and give you one more chance to pay. Then they proceed to sell the property at a tax auction. They never go to court or appear in court to back up their claim against you. Did any of your government licensed and controlled teachers ever stress that your signature is your most valuable personal property? Did your government teachers ever tell youthat any time you sign any document, you should sign it “without prejudice,” or with “All RightsReserved” above your signature. This means you are reserving your God given unalienable rightswhich cannot be transferred and all other rights for which your forefathers died.
The Corporate U.S.. Government provides, or at best pretends to provide for this reservation of rights under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 1-207 and 1-103. You need more information in this area. It is not in the best interest of the United States Corporate “PUBLIC” schools to teach you about their bankruptcy proceedings and how they have set the snare to Compel you
into paying their debt. The Corporate “PUBLIC” schools are strictly designed for their Corporate citizen/subjects. That is. the Corporate U.S.. Public School citizens.
Notice all the emphases on being a “good” Citizen. Basically all their teachers and their students are trained to produce labor and material in exchange for valueless green paper called “money.” It is not money, it functions “AS” money. Lawful money must be backed by something of value. Bankers take your labor, services, and material (homes, cars, farms, etc.) in exchange for their valueless corporate paper. This paper is backed only by the “full faith and Confidence of the United States Government” THE MOTHER CORPORATION.
I do not have faith or confidence in the U.S. BANKRUPT CORPORATE GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATORS WHO HAVE PERVERTED THEIR Constitutional CHARTER, enslaving the sovereign American people into their bankruptcy obligations. Their fraudulent money laundering process promotes your payment on the corporate government’s bankruptcy debt. This debt is mathematically impossible to pay Off. You and your family are in continual financial bondage to the international bankers. They love it so!
Black’s Law Dictionary 1990, defines “Money Changers” as: … of a banker… today handled by the international departments of banks.” Let me think for a moment, what did Christ do to the Money Changers.” Oh, Yes, he severely interfered with their activity. Three days later he was crucified. Lincoln was killed for interfering with the money changers. Kennedy was
slaughtered for interfering with the money changers.
Let’s return to the subject of your property, and the tax sale for not paying property taxes. In this situation under a standard deed (not common law deed) you are actually in default. Not because you understand the default or you like being in default, you just are in default of the tax payment. So they put your property up for sale. At the tax sale, Joe Doe, average American, bids on your property and gets it. Now, there is a procedure he must go through step by step to establish. He is required to give you another chance. You have six months and a day to pay off the default. If, at this time, you pay off the amount the county says you owe, plus penalties, interest, fines, etc., then your property is taken off default status and it is yours to continue to pay taxes on the next year. link to original article