2 - Watch your emotions, watch your
reactions and everything around you, you are having your internal temples
cleaned, we would say so, that you may increasingly anchor Light. That's not
what you heard from the Masters, that your bodies are your temple? Well, dear
ones, a cleaning in this temple is being made, the entire "library"
containing thousands of misinformation that was all that was given to you as
the true throughout history, all that
was told you it was "reality" is being removed, and with this cleaning,
comes the ego "desperation" by seeing that it is losing space in this
inner temple.
3 – In each new Light Portal to open up
in the Earth, you will become more aware of your true nature, as these illusory
ideas created by the ego are being evicted out of your emotional bodies. In
reality, it’s a somewhat painful work for your Uni beings who already feels the
subtle vibrations of Christ energies, it’s hard cleaning, it’s like "walk
on coals" for souls as noble and loving as you, my beloved. Maintain
firmness in your ideals; keep the Faith in God that never, ever, forsake no
soul which wishes with all its heart, to live in harmony and serenity.
4 - Beloved Lightworkers, you have
managed to keep the loving banner at so high mast that reaches to fill us with
gratitude and amazement, in the best sense of the word, because of your genuine
courage on keeping the love of God manifested in Earth. Of course, isn’t an
easy task, my dear ones, when you are placed in the midst of uncomfortable
situations, you may know that no situation is random, dear ones, you are where
you may be and you must believe it with all your strength. Remember that love
never forsake souls desirous of good. Also you may know that the movement of
increase and descent of vibrations or situations that places you in the midst
of this tide of rises and falls are nothing more than the opportunity given
from God to each of you to be victorious, that you can clearly define which
side you wanna to be, because He gave to your souls the freedom of choice and
the tools so that you can deal with any adverse situations that come to your
path, and once again, the most powerful weapon is the love that you bring into
you. Regardless of the choices, all souls have the same weapons, each one will
use in the time it deems necessary. What has happened in the present moment is
the final test to everyone to decide if you will use the weapons now or later
5 - Constantly you have been tested by
the everyday situations, these situations that plague your sweet hearts so
desirous of harmony and peace. May know, beloved of my heart, everything is for
your own growth, and all the souls that are currently with you, living
together, they are by mercy of the Supreme Creator who, seeing in you,
beautiful souls, the flaming love, hopes the awakening of dormant souls through
your constant bombings of love and humility. Consider, dear ones, that you are
currently being instruments of God’s love toward them that are at their most
pious of awakening, where they have to make choices much more difficult than
yours, these choices in the past you have already done and you are just, here
now, to serve for Divine mercy towards such souls. Just know that isn’t easy to
abandon the still latent residents vices at the ends of their subconscious that
has always focused on pain and discontent.
6 - Beloved, consider this great
opportunity as a blessing from Father / Mother God in your lifes, allow
yourself to be the God's hand, allow to rise these souls who need support in
this last hour. There will be more and more situations like this happening
everywhere, inasmuch as the Portals open and everyone will have to make their
choices, the separation of "chaff from the wheat” is in progress and the
characters of this story are having to choose, both with their personal
circumstances, the choice of accepting the yoke of ego or peace that is
constantly being offered by God through endless opportunities.
7 – All of you from your planet, at this
time, are facing this separation of the old paradigm, one part suffers because
it doesn’t consider the new world that is being born a reality as palpable as
that of the old system.he other no longer regard the ancient world as palpable
and genuine as what is manifesting now. Those who are still not allowing to
leave the old, suffer by seeing who are leaving for the new world. Who are
leaving for the new, suffer by seeing so loved beings left behind by their own
choices. Yes, there is suffering on both sides, but that's part of the whole
process that involves the kingdom changing. Suffering in both souls
"classes" is still a reality to some extent, because the souls that
are, by freewill, choosing the new world, wll see the illusion of pain turn off
as they put their feet in the New Age that is manifesting. Other souls have to
live with the pain until they see that it’s a mere illusion and if they’re in
it is due to their own choices, which we respect and honor.
8 - We always say that every being has
its own individual time to naturally experience certain situations in arduous
lower dimensions, by the time they find it’s necessary, knowing that there is
no eternal pain and, in the end, all beings in three-dimensional experiments
will have to come back home, because that's the idea, to return home with experiences
to tell and then, to be the masters who will teach the new generations of
vibrant souls in new worlds that are constantly being created by the Supreme
9 - Beloved, we love you and we wish you
good luck to each of you in these finishing times where you are being
constantly put to the test, and “just between us”, you are being successful.
All souls are to be congratulated, regardless the choices they are making,
because they’re all worthy of applause for the simple fact that they’re where
they are, simply because they wanted to depart from the Source to experience
the lower kingdoms and with these experiences, they leveraged the rise of the
resident souls, in these kingdoms of evolution.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as your
colleague and partner in these finishing times, I am immensely happy to bring
more such information that you may be aware every day what is had going on with
you and around you.
Be in peace,
Be in the Light.
Gabriel: Thank you, SaLuSa.
Orginal in Portuguese