When You Need Reassurance, We are There – A Message from the Angels – 18 May 2013, by Tazjima
We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother. We welcome you back to your Self, beloved ones.
As you go through your daily activities, we walk by your side. We
are a part of the greater You, existing in the realms of Light, as
emanations of the Creator.
Now, during these times of much trouble and turmoil, both
individually and at world level, we stand beside you. With a word from
you and through the authority granted us by your Soul, we guide, protect
and mentor.
Know always that we are a part of that inner voice that speaks to
you, like a clear beam of light, penetrating through layers of doubt and
fear, when you need reassurance that you are on the right path for you
and for the Creator, for whom you act. All experience whether it is
deemed positive or negative in the eyes of society is of equal value on
your journey of experience and getting to know yourself. What “society”
has approved in these times is often not of value to those who are
actively on the path to self-discovery and re-union with the Soul and
Monad. What appears “real” in the eyes of many is simply not real in
terms of what exists beyond the minute surface appearances of the
crumbling structures of 3D reality.
We encourage all those who are currently wrestling with decisions and
temptations to actively listen to what emerges from the center of your
being. Is your “gut” twisted into knots; is your sleep less than
satisfying? Are the temptations dancing through your head distracting
your attention from what is really important in your life today… your
personal Ascension and that of the planet?
Certainly all of you continue to undergo bouts of intense clearings,
even if you thought you had worked through most of the layers of the
unending onion. Remember, dear ones, you work not just for yourself but
for the many millions who will and are already following in your
footsteps. You have placed yourself in your particular environment to
be the shining light. If that light sometimes gets smudged with soot,
know that your angels and guardian elementals will help shine it up.
The strength that emanates from your center will guide you back to
the path that you have been following all your life, at first
unconsciously and now more consciously. A dear friend of our scribe
recently remarked in regards to her being presented with temptation:
“From my experience, this has been more about smoothing your
connection to yourself. We are presented with a situation which appears
to be all that we thought we were seeking. Yet, the voice within (and
it is our voice) simply repeats what it knows – this isn’t love.
It takes a while for us to understand exactly what it means since
everything – emotions, physical feelings, what we have been told by the
world – appears right. It’s that little word, ‘appears’. That’s the
clue. We are seeing beyond ‘appears’ to the reality.
One aspect (of the experience) is that it shows we are being
protected by ‘ourselves’ without having to rely on someone else to guide
Learn to trust that silent voice or feeling that emanates from your
center, from the wisdom of the Heart and the calm clarity of the Higher
Mind. It is your Self speaking to you. And it contains all the love,
forgiveness and understanding you require to feel centered and whole,
again. You may have felt that you have left the Path but you have never
left your Self behind. It has your back.
The connections within are being re-wired in each one of you,
strengthening the outer awareness of your connection to Source, to your
Soul, to your soul family or Monad and to the Creator. Each day as you
undergo more clearings and various experiences, as your body is
bombarded by cosmic rays and CMEs from your own solar body, Sol, you are
becoming what you have not been in a very long time, a completely
conscious HueMan being… an angelic being encased in form. This is not
an easy undertaking, but you were chosen to make this journey on behalf
of the Creator and for the sake of many who needed you to guide them on
their way, at least initially.
This is a magical time for those who are embodied on planet Earth or
Terra, as some would call her. It is also a time that is challenging
all the constructs that have been erected over the past few centuries
above the wreckage of the more ancient, grounded civilizations that
preceded the present modern world in which you find yourself. The
flimsy structures of 3D have had their foundations ripped from beneath
them. All that is false is now being revealed, in your own personal
lives, as those things and thoughts that are not the “real” you and
those things that society has deemed important but are no more real or
valuable as fool’s gold.
Seek the treasure that lies within, your connection with the Soul and
with Creator. As you grow in self-awareness you will create your own
world, the one that you want to live in, not a miscreation formed in the
mind of another and forced upon you.
We are here as a part of the resources given to you by your loving
Mother / Father God, your local representations of Source, who are not
in and of themselves Creator, but who work on behalf of Creator even as
we do.
Discover the peace that exists within when you are in complete
alignment with Self. Discover it and cherish it for it will be your
protection as you move through the challenges that will appear in each
of your lives in the coming months and years. What has been falsely
constructed in your societies must be cast down and recreated in
wholeness, to the benefit of all not just a few. The destruction of
what you have known as the real world will affect all, but in the end,
all will benefit from the changes.
We are here for you and lovingly assist when you call out to us to
come to you. See our presence in the smile of a stranger, in the antics
of your pets, in the beauty of a flower and the freshness of the air
touched with rain.
We go now, in peace, knowing that we do the work of the Creator.
You, too, do the work, even those who are not aware that they are here
to assist Creator in experiencing itself in all its aspects. Rejoice in
the knowledge and honor your selves as being worthy of the Creator’s
love and regard for your many sacrifices and for your many joys that you
experience along the way.
Thank you, beloved angels.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved.
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