sábado, septiembre 25, 2021

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You’ve Surpassed Atlantis & Lemuria - Sep 25, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been experiencing the ripple effect that humanity has been creating throughout the entire galaxy and universe. We are all connected to one another, and so when there is an improvement in the vibration of the human collective consciousness, we not only notice it, we feel it. We benefit from the movement forward that you are making. So by helping all of you, we help ourselves, and even though this is not our primary motivation for helping you, it is a nice bonus. We want you to all to start feeling the ripple effect that you as individuals are having on the entire human collective.

viernes, septiembre 24, 2021

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Peace Seeds - Sep 24, 2021

Peace Seeds by Archangel Michael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson –
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings and love, I Archangel Michael, extend to your being now. It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth the gifts of the Creator through my being. Today I wish to bring forward seeds of peace. I wish to speak of the vibration of peace and its seeding into the Earth.

You are a radiant beacon of light; you are an anchor of the Creator's light, and it is your purpose and your natural ability to express the Creator’s energy and light through your being. As you focus more upon the expression of the Creator so more light, love, wisdom and truth will be attracted to you, flowing through your being to be expressed into your reality. Deep within your being there is a Seat of Peace. It is where the essence of the Creator's peace at the vibration you currently connect with and remembering is present. This vibration of peace is like a sanctuary, it is like a well, a source of peace. It is a space that you can enter to recover, to rejuvenate, and to remember the truth of the Creator. This Seat of Peace fills your being with peace. It energises your being with the vibration of peace that is aligned with your current being. The more you connect with this Seat of Peace within your being, the more you will attract higher vibrations of peace to flow over and through your being to heighten your Seat of Peace. Heighten your experience of peace in your reality, allowing your energy and vibration of peace to quicken and increase will support you in exploring and embodying deeper states of peace, understanding, and acknowledging the presence of the Creator's peace.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Cosas Prácticas Ordinarias – Parte 4 - Miércoles de Sanación - 28 de julio, 2021

Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce - Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Miércoles 28 de Julio de 2021 – Cosas Prácticas Ordinarias – Parte 4

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la cuarta canalización del mes, en una serie de cuatro, de las que les hemos hablado y les contamos sobre un tema muy común, que ahora segmentamos, un asunto en cuatro secciones o partes y luego las presentamos más tarde en modo audio donde se puedan escuchar todas juntas. Canalizaciones cortas que se vuelven una más larga sobre un tema, y esa es la idea.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Septiembre 24, 2021

Queridos amigos. En un tiempo de grandes cambios, muchos de los mensajes de Kryon dieron información que es nueva para nosotros pero relevante ahora. El extracto de abajo indica una gran elevación en los niveles de conciencia de algunas de las almas que están naciendo ahora. Ellos ya tendrán un nivel avanzado de conciencia, y serán capaces de expresarse inteligentemente a una edad mucho más joven de lo que vosotros consideraríais normal.

Mike Quinsey.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 24, 2021

Dear friends,
In a time of great changes many of the Kryon messages gave information that is new to us but relevant now. The extract below is indicating a major upliftment in the consciousness levels of some of those souls being born now. They will already have an advanced level of consciousness, and able to express themselves intelligently at a much younger age than you would consider normal.

Mike Quinsey.

John Smallman - Jesus - The form you have chosen is always perfect for you - September 23, 2021

All sentient life forms are Love expressing Itself through those forms. That is not always apparent because, as beings in form, the need to care for those forms is an ongoing daily requirement that very frequently distracts you from your overall intent to be only loving whatever arises. So forgive yourselves for any “sins or errors” that you “commit,” and make a point of fully accepting yourselves, just as you are, in the here and now environment of life in form. You are all, without any exceptions, doing your best, but because you are all, by design, evolving spiritually in every moment of your lives in form, you keep being brought to the awareness that you need to evolve even further, that you need to stop reacting egotistically when something unexpectedly occurs and upsets you, even momentarily.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The True Beauty… - September 24, 2021

The True Beauty… 

Before you arrived, each of you agreed to the things you would learn and the length of time you would be on your Earth plane. Occasionally, the experience of linear time makes the challenging drag on forever and the happy seem too short. Regardless of how you are moving through them, please remember these moments are the reason you chose to be here now.

The true beauty of the situation is this; you never have to experience any of it ever again unless you want to and, in the grand scheme of things, your life happens in just a blink of the Universal eye. Make the most of it! ~ Creator


Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats - Sep 24, 2021


Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats

J: Hello! Well you’ve just come through with this rather stunning message, and when I relaxed into it, I found it made complete sense.

A: Hello and blessings to all who feel this message. We are glad that it made sense to you, let us explore it a little more.

Many of you are used to thinking of the white hats as an elite group of off-world beings, political and military personnel, who are working for humanity’s release from the matrix of torture that has imprisoned you. That is correct, and yet it is only part of the truth; yes, it includes these people – the names you are familiar with are at the higher levels, they are the ‘public face’ of this group.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, September 24, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, September 24, 2021

Operating out of kindness to self
is key.

In order to see your new path
you must admit
where you have been.

Not from a place of disadvantage
or punitive responsiveness
but from a placement
of love's assurance.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 10 ⚡️ 21 - Sep 24, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

24 September 2021 21:30 UTC
