jueves, julio 25, 2019

Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies – Infinite Time - July 25, 2019

July Review

These recent months have been an interesting flow, and the third quarter feels just as energizing. July energies of Infinite Mind seemed to bring a bit of peaceful energy to the detailed discovery of June. Did you notice any new layers of detail in what seemed like an old, old issue? June uncovered some treasure, and July began the process of weaving gold into your field.

Ascension Q&A: Receiving guidance, Bliss States & Disclosure Event

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturian - Galactic Ambassadors to Earth - July 25, 2019

Galactic Ambassadors to Earth
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today? 
Yes, we do have a message for you today and always. In fact, we have messages for all of our dear grounded ones who have chosen to take an earth vessel within your NOW. 
We say “within your NOW” because we, the beings who resonate to the fifth-dimensional frequency and beyond, no longer need to wear an earth vessel. However, if we do visit Earth, which we only do for a strong reason, we will temporarily wear a third-dimensional form so that we can easily walk among you.

Retiro de canalización Kryon # 2 - Reflexiones Lineales Parte 1 - McCloud, California, 28 de junio - 1 de julio de 2019

McCloud - Retiro Nº2 de Canalización - 28 de junio a 1 de julio, 2019
Adironnda a través de Marilyn Harper - Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

McCloud 3 - Reflexiones Lineales Parte 1

Marilyn Harper:

Ahh! De modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Muy bueno ver a cada uno de ustedes, sus luces brillantes, su irradiación luminosa, sienten que McCloud nunca será la misma, ¿eh? (se ríe). Verán, en esta energía, en este foco, en la sombra de la gran montaña, los lemurianos danzan tap y dicen "¡Hola, amigos, oh, están de vuelta, están de vuelta! ¡Yupii!" Eso es lo que ustedes hacen, es lo que traen; así es como deseamos que ustedes entiendan la frecuencia y vibración de lo que piensan, sienten, eligen, sabemos que el Maestro Shamir (N.T. Shamir Ladhani) que les enseñó la energía del corazón expandido, por supuesto, y Nayane que estuvo en los

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JULIO Y AGOSTO 2019 - Julio 25, 2019



*** Una palabra de su anfitriona de Luz
*** El Año Nuevo Maya comienza el 26 de Julio de 2019
*** Día fuera del tiempo 25 de Julio de 2019 - Kin 13 Caminante del Cielo Cósmico Rojo
*** La Frecuencia Galáctica de este Año Nuevo Maya convoca los poderes del Mago
*** Mago Blanco es su propio poder duplicado
*** Portal estelar 8:8
*** Elevación de Sirio 2019
*** Mercurio y la estrella Sirio
*** Juego de runas de cristal
*** Símbolos de poder del Reiki en cristales


Gracias a todos, verdadera y genuinamente desde cada gota de mi ser con gratitud sincera por todas sus oraciones, sus bendiciones financieras y su amor; ha sido mi Isla en esta Tormenta. Personalmente respondí, envié un correo electrónico o le escribí a cada uno de ustedes dándole las gracias. A medida que me renuevo y me reescribo como cada uno de ustedes lo está haciendo en sus propias iniciaciones de vida personal, veo muchas nuevas fases y matices de quién soy y quién no soy. Observo mi mundo como Alicia en el País de las Maravillas y me pregunto qué ropa y qué zapatos estoy llenando. Incluso mi altura y alcance han cambiado como si me estuviera transformando dentro y fuera de la conciencia colectiva multidimensional.

A message from the Whales, and their perspective on Commercial Whaling

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - July 25 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

July 25 2019 – 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

  • 7/25 17:00 UTC – Still calm… maximum peak at 23 UTC yesterday at 9 Hz.
  • 7/24 17:00 UTC – Someone turned off the meters Today was a day of massive calm. The highest peak was at 7 Hz at 10:45 UTC. Trying to recall a day of such calm… couldn’t remember.
  • 7/23 17:00 UTC – Another calm day, the maximum peak was 11 Hz. At 21 UTC yesterday (which is part of today’s graph) while for the “UTC today” the peak was 9 Hz at 11:30 UTC.
  • 7/22 17:00 UTC – Flat calm. For the second day in a row the amplitude has been at low value… unusual lately.

Crop Circle - Sunrise at Pepperbox Hill 25/07/2019 4K

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, July 25, 2019


So many of you want assurances. You want to know that your relationship will last, that your manifestation will take form, that your friendships are forever. Due to your deep attachment to outcome, you start to constrain the energy, to worry, to micro-manage, to control, and to be on high alert for what might be wrong.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How You Are Ascending - July 25, 2019


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the direction that we see humanity going in at this time. We know that you are ascending, and hopefully, you know that by now as well. But it is how you get there that is being determined by you and the choices that you make in your lives. You, as individuals, are making choices that affect the entire collective that you are aligned with. And therefore, you are determining your own fate regarding how humanity is going to get over the final humps to expanding your consciousness to the point of no return. And that is essentially what the fifth dimension is for all of you.