miércoles, agosto 16, 2017

Mermaids of Mu, Neptune and the Cosmic Trine (Total Solar Eclipse - 21st August 2017)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nº 3 - La Tierra - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 3 - La Tierra

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Los que nunca vieron canalizar anteriormente, pueden preguntar ¿Cómo es que puede cruzar ese velo tan rápido, tan fácilmente, tan veloz? En la vieja energía no era este el caso, y eso de por sí muestra la diferencia entre lo que era y lo que es.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 16, 2017

When people act out it is because they are uncomfortable, frustrated, overwhelmed and fearful. Because the energies you are in are bringing up so much that is ready to be acknowledged, healed, and released in a very intense way - a way that cannot be avoided any longer - you will see people being reactive in their discomfort.

Lisa Renee - Historical Timeline Trigger Events - August 2017

August 2017
Historical Timeline Trigger Events
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month we have an increased opportunity to break through our amnesiac barriers and memory wiping, to regain personal knowledge that connects us with the truth of our own experience, at individual, collective and galactic levels. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered.  Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Thank you! - August 16, 2017

Thank you!

Posted on August 16, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

On the morning of August 16 six years ago, my life changed completely. That is when I received the first installment of what would grow into a huge volume of channeled messages. Messages I just knew I was meant to share with the world. First as words, later also as paintings. I was a self-employed graphic designer at that time, doing work that I really enjoyed. But before lunch, I had sent out an email to all of my clients telling them I was no longer able to work for them. And so, I walked away from my old life. It was the most monumental decision I have ever made. But also the easiest one. For I simply could not NOT do it.

Ailia Mira - El Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Cómo Sucede Su Experiencia - Julio 29, 2017

Hola Divinos Míos:

Es bueno estar con ustedes. Nosotros vemos que mientras conversamos con ustedes acerca de su capacidad para crear su experiencia por medio del uso intencional de su foco de atención, algunos de ustedes están empezando a relacionarse con su vida con un creciente sentimiento de curiosidad.

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 12 de agosto de 2017

Blossom: Bueno, ha pasado mucho tiempo. Estoy asentada en mi nueva morada y por último de nuevo en línea. Así que, aquí estoy, tan llena de entusiasmo para volver a ponerse en contacto. ¡HOLA!

Federación de la Luz: Bienvenida usted. Estamos deseosos de estar de nuevo en contacto con usted también, Blossom. Pues hemos guardado silencio para que usted pueda lograr lo que era necesario sobre una base terrenal. También habrá sentido, un cambio en su mismo Ser. ¿No es así?

martes, agosto 15, 2017

Kryon - Stamford - "Dual Channelling" - 2017

Jennifer Hoffmann - El Momento del “Ajá” – Ayuda y Asistencia Divinas - 9 de Agosto 2017

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Seguramente miraste al cielo para pedir ayuda con la esperanza de que ocurriera algo en algún momento de pánico e impotencia. A veces era así, y otras veces, no. Es en esos momentos de “Dios, ayúdame” cuando deseamos desesperadamente que el cielo se abra, que los ángeles acudan en nuestro rescate -y no estaría mal que, además, se nos ofreciera una varita mágica. Sin embargo, se nos recuerda que somos soberanos de nuestra realidad y que debemos actuar desde nuestro poder. Aunque, en ocasiones, nos llega un momento de “¡AJÁ!” y logramos ver el camino que nos aleja del caos. Entonces comprendemos lo que realmente significa “AJÁ”.

NI-BI-RU, Planet X, Pole Shift and the New 5D Earth

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 15, 2017

The energetic work that you have been a part of over the past several years has been creating an energetic foundation to be built upon. The times you are in now are the completion of the foundation, and you will be moving forward into the aspects of joyful creation as you step beyond the transformative energies of this month.

Sheldan Nidle Update~8-15-17~golden opportunities lie ahead...

8 Ik, 0 Uo, 1 Ik

Dratzo! All continues to quickly move forward. Those in the know expect that a major energy shift is to occur with this month's solar eclipse. It has been foretold that this galactic event should take place after a major global release of a vast amount of currency. This solar event would then jump-start the NESARA Republic and the worldwide kick-off of GESARA. It is this series of global events that could truly set this month apart.

lunes, agosto 14, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday August 14, 2017

Dear Ones, the greater your discomfort, the greater your resistance. It may be resistance to a situation, a circumstance, the energies, or where the flow is trying to take you, but make no mistake, if you are uncomfortable resistance is at its core.

Susan Leland - Sananda: "You Are Radiant Beings, Here to Help Light the Way!!!" -August 8, 2017


"You Are Radiant Beings,
Here to Help Light the Way!!!"

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
August 8, 2017

"Greetings Beloved Family! I am Sananda, and I am here with Ashtar and all of the Light Beings here gathered on the Bridge of The New Jerusalem. Now, I do have my own ship, but I travel most often either in my own merkaba, or with Ashtar, because we, along with Saint Germain and many others, are here to ensure the success of your Ascensions, of the Ascension of Planet Earth. Because this is the moment, as you measure time, for all of this to be in progress!

Brenda Hoffman - Micro to Macro Dream Time - August 14, 2017

Dear Ones,

Maybe you believe you have removed yourself from 3D creations. We beg to differ for your thoughts are, for the most part, a repeat of what you have been taught is correct instead of creating your new world order.

Even though you might feel as if you are creating something new, we venture to guess that if you removed the word new from the object or objects of your attention, your creation would be similar to creations in your 3D world.

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Archangel Zadkiel - August 14, 2017

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

Everything has its moment, and every event is embedded in a specific time quality. That’s why in this world every moment is unique and can never be repeated in the same way.


Beloved humans,

On the reel of life, events uncoil daily that need to be interpreted correctly and met with the adequate response. For that, clear perception is of great importance. Because moments that pass unused and unseen are often wasted opportunities.

domingo, agosto 13, 2017

Kara Schallock - Energies of Now - 13-Aug-2017

While eclipses are powerful for change, I honor the Simplicity of it. I do not buy into the hype and I see there is a lot of that, and I don't follow the crowd...yet, I do honor everyone's choices. In this Ascension Note, I won't be spending time glorifying the upcoming solar eclipse, but rather speak to the underlying energy of it. This eclipse and any labels we use detract from the message. Any time we use labels, whether describing ourselves or defining something, we only touch the surface, rather than going deeper.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday August 13, 2017

One of the most nurturing things you can do for yourselves, especially during times of energetic intensity, is to consciously connect with the sun and allow the healing rays to wash over you and soothe you. You and the sun are so connected and it is playing a major role in your enlightenment process. It is a wonderful resource that we encourage you to utilize for your healing, shifting, and comfort. Ten minutes a day on your bare skin with the clear intention to receive its gifts and support is all that is required. ~Archangel Gabriel

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Junio 4, 2017


Nuestro amoroso trabajo es aconsejar y asistir a todos a despertar a un estado nuevo y más real de conciencia. Ustedes están haciendo un buen trabajo en este respecto, a pesar de la confusión resultante a menudo al descubrir que muchas de las creencias demostradas eran nada más que conceptos aceptados como la realidad. El primer paso de todo cambio es el de la conciencia.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 11 de Agosto, 2017

Estáis bien dentro de la Nueva Era y los cambios necesarios están progresando y comenzando a suceder. No pueden detenerse y son necesarios para comenzar el establecimiento de la nueva versión de la Tierra. La vieja Tierra va a ser limpiada y todo lo que sea de las bajas vibraciones desaparecerá. Para la Raza Humana eso significa una vida sin el duro trabajo y la incesante necesidad de capear con la falta de cosas que os darían una vida pacífica y gratificante. Las influencias negativas se reducirán gradualmente hasta que sean completamente eliminadas. Al mismo tiempo, grandes cambios asegurarán que vuestra vida se haga más satisfactoria y será una experiencia maravillosa el estar presente en la nueva Tierra, y lo más importante es que tendréis más tiempo libre para vosotros mismos.