domingo, abril 16, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 16, 2017

There is always an influx of Christed energies during your Easter holiday. This is a high vibrational energy that is available for you to open up and receive. Regardless of your belief system, this energy is present for you to harness to soothe, heal, and support you moving forward on your own ascension journey. All that is required is simply taking a moment to still yourself, open up, and intend to receive the energetic gifts of the day. A moment of heartfelt gratitude will then claim and integrate them as your own. ~Archangel Gabriel

sábado, abril 15, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Week 3 of Stages of Being Your Higher SELF - 4-15-17

Stages of Being Your Higher SELF

Week 3 of Preparation for Multidimensional Leadership Training 2017

You begin to FEEL your physical body speaking with you.

As we move through the stages of recognizing that we ARE Multidimensional, we begin to hear an inner dialogue within our inner awareness. In fact, we begin to establish a relationship with this inner voice, or inner self, or extended version of our SELF.

In fact, as we continue with this inner communication, we find that it is important to document our inner/outer conversations in some manner. We realize this fact because that, which was so clear within the NOW of the conversation, does not adhere to our daily consciousness. Therefore, we begin to dedicate ourselves to document our inner discussions with in inner self.

2017 IS STRANGE Part 10 // MARCH - APRIL

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (36) - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, Abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (36)
en Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, Abril de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es una Hermandad diferente por un momento o dos. Para el oyente: este evento en particular tiene hombres presentes. Están atrás. Son un apoyo a lo que está sucediendo aquí, por eso es un tipo distinto de reunión, donde los hombres están presentes por un rato y luego salen, honrando la reunión de mujeres que continúa. Podrían decir que es un microcosmos de lo que enseñamos. Es casi un hito para lo que ustedes enseñan y lo que yo enseño.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 14 de Abril, 2017

Los cambios esperados están sucediendo y están elevando las vibraciones, y se ha notado que vuestro Sol parece mucho más brillante, con una luz más blanca. Ciertamente, las vibraciones están creciendo rápidamente y cuando alcancen cierto punto la Ascensión se producirá instantáneamente. Como ya se ha mencionado, las almas que no estén preparadas para ascender se trasladarán en ese momento a otro planeta como la Tierra para seguir con su evolución. En el pasado se os han contado el tipo de cambios que traerán las vibraciones superiores y que naturalmente serán muy gratamente recibidas mientras os eleváis más hacia la Luz y el Amor. Por lo tanto, las bajas vibraciones están comenzando a transmutarse y la evidencia de ello ha aparecido con frecuencia en el reino animal, en el que han ocurrido las más inusuales, improbables y pacíficas relaciones. Esto cumple la predicción de que “el León yacerá junto al Cordero”.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 15, 2017

Dear Ones, we are always speaking to you, always guiding you. We encourage you and give you information through your environment, through animals signs, by angel signs, and nature signs. There is a wealth of information and guidance available to you, if only you have eyes to see!

Kryon "The basics of Belief"

Asara - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - April 15, 2017

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

With every step you are taking towards your spiritual evolution, you are not only changing your own reality for the better, but you are greatly contributing to the ascension of mother Earth and the multi-verse.

viernes, abril 14, 2017

Sheldan Nidle - 11 de Abril, 2017

11 Men, 18 Mac, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! La locura de esta extraña realidad sigue presentando constantemente nuevas interpretaciones de cómo funciona este mundo. Nos hemos quedado en un dilema sobre cómo resolverlo. A causa de eso nos hemos quedado frenados, pero aún estamos en el proceso final de hacer posible lo que se ha predicho sobre la liberación de la RV y el fin de la vieja USA s.a. Este reino está lleno de constantes obstáculos que de alguna forma dan marcha atrás a las bendiciones que hacen avanzar todo hacia delante. Esperamos oír pronto que al final han comenzado los iniciales y tan esperados desembolsos. Los que están a cargo de esta labor insisten en que el actual estado mal encaminado de este reino no va a posponer ese momento que se prolonga tanto. Esperamos oír las buenas noticias y sabemos que algo grande está a punto de ocurrir. Este viaje vuestro está constantemente contaminado por las retorcidas trampas de una cábala oscura supuestamente sin ayuda. Nos suelen hacer reír sus suposiciones. Nuestra creencia es que un conjunto importante de milagros está a punto de descender y cambiarlo todo.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Celebridad - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, el 2 de abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, el 2 de abril de 2017

La Celebridad

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el final de un día de taller. Muchas veces he dicho que estos son mensajes diferentes. Muchas veces los mensajes son solo para quienes están presentes. Sin embargo, las instrucciones para mi socio son de publicar todos los mensajes, para asegurar que puedan ser oídos y sentidos. Entonces hay oyentes que, por supuesto, no son asistentes. Parte de lo que les diré a ustedes, queridos, sentados en las sillas, es que también será apropiado para los que escuchen, pero esto es especialmente para este grupo.

Natalie Glasson - Lord Melchizedek - How to Merge with Your True Identity - 14th April 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 14th April 2017 –
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

It is my purpose, Lord Melchizedek, to awaken your inner remembrance at this time. I am present to stimulate the light within you so that truth may emerge from within your being, entering your conscious mind. You may call upon my presence at any time to work with you, inviting me to awaken your inner remembrance and stimulate the light within you, whether you wish to gain guidance or a deeper understanding concerning a particular matter or simply to enhance your ascension process. It is my purpose at this time to support all in connecting with their inner truth, awakening and realising all that is the Creator within. To assist I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share information concerning your identity and how with contemplation upon your identity, you can experience greater inner liberation and acceleration of your ascension.



Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul share about the current lunar cycle of the Full Moon Energies of Libra within the Sun of Aires. This cycle represents the first Ascension Festival of Light ~ FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST.

We have now arrived once again at the time of the year when the Ascension Festivals become the focal point of our pathway in Mastery. The Festival of the Christ is the first of these events falling on the April 11th, 2017, 6:09 GMT (2:09 AM Eastern; April 10th-11:09 PM Pacific) which brings us the Moon in Libra with the Sun of Aires.
The Festival of the Christ is a time in which the essence of Love is the main focus to come into the planet. In order to truly receive the Divine Essence of Love we have to learn to Resurrect those elements which do not align within this creative process. Then, the ability to become one with the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Ascended Masters that have walked this path before us is opened to great opportunity to do so.
It is up to each Initiate in how they want to experience this event.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 14, 2017

Patience is a by-product of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing. It is the unshakeable knowledge that everything that happens has purpose and is serving you in some way, which allows you to simply be in any situation without pushing against it, which creates the experience of inner peace. From there your beingness simply holds the space and creates ripples of calm that anyone else can benefit from should they decide to. Patience and peace are trust and faith in action. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 14 April 2017

The expected changes are taking place that are raising the vibrations, and it has been noted that your Sun appears much brighter with more of a white light. Certainly the vibrations are rapidly increasing and when they reach a certain point, Ascension will take place instantaneously. As mentioned previously, souls that are not ready to ascend will at that time move to another Earth like planet to continue their evolution. In the past you have been told of the type of changes that the higher vibrations will bring you that are of course gratefully received as they lift you more into the Light and Love. Therefore the lower vibrations are beginning to be transmuted and evidence of it has frequently appeared in the animal kingdom, when the most unusual and unlikely peaceful pairings have occurred. It fulfils the prediction that “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb”.

jueves, abril 13, 2017

Kryon "The Celebrity" 2017

Sandra Walter - The New Temple of the Divine Self - Apr 13, 2017


The New Temple of the Divine Self

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
This timeline split is one of the more interesting projects I have worked on. The affect on my consciousness and experience is profound; it is another passage of I will never be the same as the lower self continues to fade.
The New Template of Self reveals the New Temple of the Divine Self
Resolving the Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in three days metaphor unfolds in our realities on a global scale. It takes patience to integrate and comprehend this latest upgrade of consciousness. Instant integration is still true for some frequencies, however leveling up changed with the timeline split, which is still in progress. The recommendation for rest, meditation in the stillness, and maintaining a calm center remains essential. Personally I spend most of my days in lengthy meditative states, hours of Gatework training with the Cosmic Stargates, and just BEing in the stillness, bearing witness to my body and consciousness leveling up. Many dreamtime visits with the Tribe as well; thank you for the lovely emails when you see me.

Blossom Goodchild - April 13, 2017

I offer here an emotional message from the beautiful White Cloud. After 'we' had finished, I balled my eyes out for some reason! Release? Relief? Who knows ... yet, it touched me deeply. I TRUST it will do the same for you. Not that I want you to ball your eyes out, yet you know what I mean!

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Website: Blossom Goodchild The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

Tom Kenyon - A Hathor World Meditation - The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm
A Hathor World Meditation through Tom Kenyon

We are using the metaphor of a hurricane or cyclone to describe the situation your world is now facing.

In the midst of the destructive power of these metaphorical “storms” there is a center place of silence. It is called the “Eye of the Storm.”

As the current Chaotic Node increases in intensity, chaotic and destructive forces from multiple sources will swirl about you, much like a hurricane or cyclone. Finding the center “still point” within is a spiritual necessity to survive these times intact.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 13, 2017

It is the ego that seeks accolades, it is the soul that seeks the joy of beingness. One is fleeting, the other deeply satisfying because one depends upon an external while the other is an expression of self. As your planet continues to evolve, there will be much joy and wonder in the discovery of the wholeness that exists within. Simply put, you will shift into choosing to love and serve for no other reason than it feels wonderful to finally express yourself in your truth and divinity, and it will become irrelevant if anyone notices or not. ~Archangel Gabriel

Alcyon Pléyades 55: Influencia lunar, bases alienígenas, fraude llegada hombre a la luna, Apolo 11