viernes, marzo 17, 2017

Service-to-Self/Service-to-Others Revolutions, Rogues and Freedom Seekers

Natalie Glasson - The Pleiadian Consciousness - Healing the Emptiness Within - March 17, 217

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 17th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Pleiadians Consciousness, come forth in love and truth to greet you. We bring forth the energy and light of our civilisation to support you in your period of ascension. As a being upon the Earth, you are not alone, your consciousness is connected to all aspects of the Creator, and all aspects of the Creator are connected with you. This is an aspect of ascension which is dawning now; there is a duality within your ascension which requires to be dissolved so that truth may manifest for you to experience. Often as human beings, you can feel alone and separate from others and even the Creator, this can cause tremendous pain and suffering which manifests into your physical reality and experiences. This is simply a result of a lack of consciously realising and acknowledging your eternal connection with the Creator. In order to dissolve experiences of loneliness and separation, there is a need to accept an aspect of ascension which appears to be two contrasting ideas.

Kryon - Cuando Aletea la Mariposa - Reedición - Newport, California, el 4 de Diciembre de 2016

"Cuando aletea la mariposa"

Esta canalización en vivo fue dada en Newport, California, el 4 de Diciembre de 2016

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega o se condensa la información. Lo que se da en vivo suele tener implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje realzado, dado en Newport, California.


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos están convencidos de que el hombre en la silla simplemente canaliza a su Yo Superior. Es mucho más que eso, y a través de todos estos años, desde este escenario no se intentó probarlo. La razón es que ustedes tienen libre albedrío. Desde la percepción más grande a la más pequeña, su opción para aceptar o rechazar es un don para ustedes en este planeta, y el Espíritu nunca tocará esta libertad que tienen.

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Ones - The Center Path of Peace and Calm - 4-16-17

The Center Path of Peace and Calm

By the Golden Ones

Dearest Golden Ones,
I have been moving through a major initiation regarding change and relocation. It has been extremely stressful, yet simultaneously great fun. In other words, I have been bouncing from one polarity to another.

I am contacting you now to ask for your assistance in guiding me, as well as my readers, to find the Center Path of Peace and Calm. I think that you have already answered me, as the term of “Center Path of Peace and Calm,” did not come from me.

Yes, dear Scribe, we the Golden Ones, did remind you of the Center Path of Peace and Calm. It is a “path less traveled,” even within a planet that is in as much transition as dear Mother Earth is experiencing.

John Smallman- Saul - When you open yourselves in Love you have nothing to hide - March 17, 2017

Humanity IS awakening! There numerous signs of this appearing all across the planet, signs that are plainly visible except to those who choose to remain unaware or in denial about the true nature of humanity – that humans are immortal spiritual beings having a temporary and limited physical experience embodied as humans. There are indeed many who, being unaware of their spiritual essence, see only the physical world and wish to remain harshly judgmental of those with whom they disagree due to their own intense inner sense of unworthiness from which they can only hide or escape by projecting that unworthiness out onto others. But, as compassion for others becomes more and more widespread, those onto whom they angrily project their fears are refusing in increasing numbers to fight back or defend themselves. That is an enormous change in attitudes.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday March 17, 2017

Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is sooner or later you will forget to do that, and you will quickly see how much smoother surrender days go. Treating it like an experiment also gets your ego self out of the way and into a state of cooperation.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 17 March 2017

Although you may not be aware of it everything is going in accordance with the plan that leads to Ascension. It may bring forth different periods of time for completion and one thing is certain, and that is the changes for the better are destined to manifest and nothing will be allowed to interfere with them. You can therefore withstand the uncertainty, knowing that all proceeds well. There is a greater plan that will ensure that the vibrations continue to rise, and you will eventually become Galactic Beings. However such a time is well into the future, but at least you know where destiny leads you. At present chaos appears all around you with so many changes taking place, and it was to be expected as the old is falling away. Bear in mind that much karma is being cleared because of it, and in fact no longer can it be held back as previously, and must be met for immediate action.

jueves, marzo 16, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday March 16, 2017

When you hold encouragement for others, you become the bridge between seeing their wonderful potential and them discovering it for themselves. You become a facilitator of expansion with your love, support, and positive reinforcement.

Alcyon Pléyades 54: disturbios Trump, separatismo, confusión Óscar, profecía Fátima, Cascos blancos

Selacia - Preparación para el portal de energía del Equinoccio - 15 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este equinoccio es un umbral clave de energía que ofrece una puerta de entrada a un nuevo futuro con mayor equilibrio y nuevos comienzos. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias de como podemos prepararnos para obtener los mayores beneficios.

Les recuerdo que el Equinoccio ocurre cada marzo y septiembre, señalando un cambio en las estaciones y un nuevo comienzo. Es mucho más que una fecha en el calendario, especialmente ahora.

Karen Downing - A Breakthrough is Near - March 16, 2017

How do you know when you are approaching a significant breakthrough? There are 3 main signs that you can look for externally and internally. The difficult in pinpointing these signs often lies in how they are expressed: in balanced opposition.

The universe is a finely tuned balance of all things, at all times. And so, when a breakthrough is near, everything is amplified. This means that you can experience confusion along with clarity, heightened emotion along with detachment, calm along with urgency, and so forth.

Jamye Price - Listening for Love - March 16, 2017

As you evolve into a being that is consciously connected with the subtle realms, it is important to embody that within your human experience. You are working to establish a strong inner connection, your inner stillness. From that strong inner connection, you interact with the world around you in a different way—through empowered Love. 

miércoles, marzo 15, 2017

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - ¿Eres Un Mostrador Del Camino De La Semilla De ESTRELLAS? - Marzo 2017


Traducción: Mary García

Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¿Eres Un Mostrador Del Camino De La Semilla De ESTRELLAS?

Amados Maestros, es de vital importancia que comprendan que estos son tiempos sin precedentes en los que muchas dispensas especiales están en vigor. Es una gran oportunidad para ustedes, los buscadores de la Luz, para aprovechar su herencia Divina y sus dones y talentos especiales. A intervalos raros y durante el período de transición de una gran Edad a otra, la Ley Cósmica permite que los Seres del reino angelical y la jerarquía espiritual pasen a través del velo y hagan contacto con miembros selectos y despertados de la raza humana. Debes expresar tu voluntad y tu deseo de interactuar con estos Seres maravillosos y avanzados, porque no infringirán tu libre albedrío. Cuando enfocas tu atención en un maestro, un ángel o un Ser de Luz en particular, ellos son inmediatamente conscientes de ti y responderán. Cuanto más intenso, sincero y constante sea su deseo, más de su resplandor te otorgarán.

Jennifer Hoffman - Me Myself and I - Integrating 5D Acceptance into our Being - March 15, 2017

We look at ourselves very critically because we can’t get over the pain, shame, and guilt of the past to see how we can ever become the container for the joy, peace, love, and fulfillment that we long for. So we see ourselves as incomplete, un-whole and set out on endless paths of healing that try to make sense of a past we can’t resolve and create a present that we can’t envision. But if we see ourselves in our three aspects, me, myself, and I, and bring those together into congruence, we can create the life we long for and release ourselves from the healing paths that do not serve this purpose.

Selacia - Prepare for Equinox Energy Gateway - March 15, 2017

This Equinox is a key energy threshold that offers a gateway into a new future allowing for more balance and new beginnings. Here are some preparations you can put in motion now to benefit in the highest way.
Equinox, as a reminder, occurs each March and September, signaling a change in seasons and a new beginning. It's much more than a date on a calendar, especially now.
These times are unique, to be sure. The first weeks of 2017 have been filled with a parade of surprising events and an underlying sense of urgency about where our world is headed. As I wrote about in "2017 Predictions," these are unprecedented moments with a lot at stake. Each of us has a role to play in creating the world we want, and simultaneously living our best lives - guided by spirit.
With polarity and division becoming increasingly commonplace in so many countries, the need for balance is crucial. With many people feeling discouraged or simply blocked about moving forward, the energy boost of this gateway can provide significant openings. Continue reading to know how this applies to you.

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - The Dance With Darkness - March 15, 2017

Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I greet you all. I am with you as a like-minded friend, an equal; accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and to hold your hand.

It is easier for me to see life from a higher and wider perspective than is possible for you at the earthly level. It is the purpose of life on Earth that you become partially immersed in ignorance, in the heaviness of your earthly surroundings, and that you have that experience from within it. Doing that is certainly not easy, but it has its purpose.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 15, 2017

In order to move into better feeling interactions with others, we would suggest that if you are asked to do something, you take a moment to feel into that activity to see how you really feel about it, and if it is something you truly wish to do.

If it is, give your agreement, and you will enter into that activity with open-heartedness and flow. If you check in with yourself and you feel it is not something you wish to do, you can gently decline, knowing that it is far better to give a mindful no than it is to do something resentfully.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 12 de Marzo, 2017 lectores, una vez más os saludamos con amor y respeto mientras somos testigos de las luchas personales y globales. Respetamos vuestra valentía mientras seguís desplegándola en una consciencia de unidad cada vez más profunda, muy parecido a un capullo que se abre a la plenitud de la flor.

Os habéis convertido en los faros guía, despiertos y preparados para cumplir las razones que elegisteis para estar aquí en este tiempo.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - The drop from the ocean - March 15, 2017

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen 

Drip. Drip. Drip. Life. Motion. Even in the bitter cold. Water keeps flowing. No matter what. The shroud of ice covering the small stream grows thicker. Wider. Day by day. Because the water never stops. Drop by drop. Hour after hour. A trickle. But a steady one. Of life. A force of nature. Powerful enough to flow through any drought. Or cold. Because it comes all the way from Source. The one that never runs dry.

Sheldan Nidle - El Cielo nos asegura...- 14 de Marzo, 2017

3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Los acontecimientos no están avanzando tan rápidamente como estaba planeado. Os pedimos que ejerzáis la máxima paciencia para minimizar los niveles de frustración. Los enlaces de la Federación Galáctica están trabajando cada día para asegurarse de que todo se despliegue tan cerca de las fechas adecuadas como sea divinamente posible. El Cielo nos asegura que se están dando todos los pasos necesarios para llevar a cabo la RV y la República NESARA. Se nos dice constantemente que hay en marcha una compensación especial que muy pronto va a permitir el arresto y el aislamiento de los secuaces de la cábala oscura. También nos estamos acercando a un punto en el que el Cielo pueda autorizar un aterrizaje prematuro para asegurar que se lleven a cabo fielmente todos sus decretos. El grado de retraso que está sucediendo ahora en vuestro mundo de la superficie está totalmente injustificado. Toda la infraestructura necesaria para llevar a cabo una serie de decretos divinos es inusualmente compleja. Puede que necesitéis algún tipo de intervención divina para ver que se lleven realmente a cabo una serie de pronunciamientos clave. Nosotros estamos preparados para hacerlo cuando el Cielo lo decrete. Vamos a contaros la próxima semana, cuando consideremos que es realmente posible algún progreso maravilloso. Nos despedimos hasta entonces.

Canalizado por Sheldan Nidle

Website: Planetary Activation Organization
Traducción Española: PEC