domingo, octubre 16, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, October 16, 2016

If I were you I would rely on what is simple, and in that I am also referring to the situation with the funds that are in the works. It is a good idea to live your life in the moment and know as you do it affects the way that the funds system will flow. If everyone is waiting for them to be freed, they will be slowed down because the energy will be as if it was already in place. What we put our attention to is what we have with us. When we have it with us it becomes that reality and not the reality of still waiting.

There’s more! If you all do what you see as your perfect life in the moment, then it will be. If you want your life to be more than it is right now, you will have to wait until it is for it to become the perfection of what you live and create in your life. It is a matter of living the desire and knowing that the process is up to date and that it is the creation of what you know is in perfection.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - October 16-22, 2016

October 16-22, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are feeling the effects of a shift. You know within yourselves that you have been transformed. You know within yourselves that something momentous has occurred and this is a wonderful occasion to celebrate! As you integrate this shift you will experience moments of great sleepiness and we ask you to follow the dictates of your body and rest, for that is important so that you can assimilate and integrate the energy infusions that have taken place within you. If you awaken and find that your spine is tender, it means that you have received a great download of energies that are activating strands of your DNA and when this occurs, it is also another sign that it is time for you to be good to yourself, to allow rest and recuperation and assimilation.

The Living Earth:Leylines, Grids, Portals & Vortexes ! James Tyberonn

sábado, octubre 15, 2016

2016 IS STRANGE Part 26 // OCTOBER

Suzanne Lie - Arcángel Zadkiel - ¡NO ESTAMOS SOLOS! - 10-10-16



Hola queridos lectores,

Estoy siendo enfrentada con algunos cambios en mi vida que no son realmente mi elección. Imagino que muchos de ustedes están teniendo esa misma experiencias. Es el AHORA nuestro de tomar nuestra vida y enfrentarla y decir,

"Estoy listo/a para ver la VERDAD, incluso sino me gusta".

La otra noche estaba casi dormida, así como en depresión, cuando repentinamente mi querido y amado Arcángel Zadkiel me barrió con sus magníficas alas y me confortó con Amor incondicional mientras caía dormida.

He sentido su presencia desde entonces, cuando no estoy demasiado ocupada con mi drama. Esta experiencia me recordó mis raíces cuando aprendí por primera vez sobre "Los Siete Rayos" y Nuestro Poderes de Creación.

Por eso, retribuyo la información que sigue desde mi sitio y pongo esta información para recordarme ( y con esperanza a ustedes) que:

Hay una Estructura Espiritual que es una "red segura" de usar en este tiempo de gran cambio.

Christine Meleriessee - Decree ~ Learning to Persevere As My Inner Truth is Revealed to Me – Golden Etheric City of Valankanah

Walking Terra Christa is now working through the Law of Polarity. Our first visit to the Golden Etheric Cities was within Valankanah which resides over Central Alaska.

It represents the Fifth Ray of the Science of God within the Flame of Green/Gold/White. Master Hilarion with the Elohim Cyclopea & Virginia and the Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary led us through a magnificent meadow, then a forest, that took us to the Temple Within the Emerald Forest that represents the energies of this ray.

Each of the Beings shared their essence to help each individual to acknowledge the truth that needs to be revealed to them by calling upon the sub-laws of Honesty and Faith to acknowledge Courage Within.

Mike Quinsey - de mi Ser Superior - 14-10-2016


La Elección Presidencial es el principal punto de enfoque de millones de americanos, pero hay una gran posibilidad de que no puedan seguir adelante después de todo.

La razón puede ser porque uno de los candidatos parece que pueda retirarse.
Podría ser el suceso de más ayuda con vistas al principio inminente de la revalorización global de moneda, que se puede enfocar en ella sin distracciones.
Puede que de hecho ya haya comenzado y ciertamente esté muy cerca de ocupar su lugar en la primera oportunidad que haya para hacerlo.
Se rumorea que ya ha comenzado y es cierto que se espera un lento comienzo debido al tamaño de la empresa.
Ya existe, naturalmente, cierto grado de urgencia para poner en marcha todo el plan, que le encantará a tanta gente que lo ha estado esperando con ansiedad.

Judith Kusel - The New Frontiers opening up - October 15, 2016

We are stepping through the portal of the 3D and 4D denseness now into that of the 5th and 7th dimensions, as new frontiers are opening up for humanity. These are new frontiers in energy science, technology, and with it then the ability to work with much higher frequencies and vibrational matter or forms.

When one moves from one octave of dimension into the next, one has to break through the barriers which exists between the different dimensional states. Thus the type of matter of forms which held form in the lower dimensions, cannot hold form in the higher dimensions. The forms might still exist in the higher states, but in the totally different frequency band, and therefore embodiment.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Messages - October 15, 2016

Asking the universe for a sign is a wonderful practice that can be very supportive to you moving forward. Working with spirit in such a way perpetuates surrender, flow, and acceptance. It keeps you in the present moment as you look for the signs and synchronicities, and also supports the practice of gratitude. And it helps you to fortify your trust by seeing how the universe is always responding to you, and lovingly guiding the way. You are never bothering us by asking for a sign. In fact, we love when you do, for it is through the asking that you find answers, and keep yourself in beautiful supported forward movement. It is great fun for us to leave surprises for you and to see you experience the magic of your co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

viernes, octubre 14, 2016

John Smallman - Jesus - All your fears and anxieties are baseless - October 14, 2016

The Oneness that is All that exists is surfacing into the daily consciousness of millions of humans as the awakening process intensifies and accelerates. For many it is both uplifting and unsettling, because it is a totally new and unexpected experience and they have no conceptual context into which it fits. And of course, many have no one with whom they can discuss it. At least they think that they have no one with whom they can discuss it. But, because in fact it is happening to so many now, if they chose to talk about it they would find many others also wishing to find someone with whom they could address these new experiences.

Choose to talk about this with strangers, you will be pleasantly surprised at the encouraging responses that you receive.

Jenny Schiltz - Creating the New Earth - Lady Nada - October 14, 2016

Greetings, I am honored to be able to reach so many in this way. We come with the message that you are in a very important time. It is a time that will require much focus and dedication on your part. You are in the time of creation. You are in fact creating the new earth in every moment, in every thought, with every action. It is with this knowledge that we ask you – What are you creating?

The new earth is here now, it is completely accessible to all who choose to maintain a higher vibratory frequency. There are many who believe that in one singular moment you will find yourself transported to a new location, one without negativity and darkness. Is this possible? Absolutely, but you see the new earth is being created by you. So again we ask: What are you creating?


Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom brings forth an explanation of what the current Moon cycle represents within Aires and Libra.
~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

On October 16th, 2016 at 04:23 GMT, 9:23 PM Pacific, and 12:3 AM Eastern (Oct 17th) we will be experiencing the next full moon cycle. It is considered a Super Moon as it is closest to the Earth’s atmosphere and brings with it quite a powerful new surge of energy through Aires as it aligns with the Sun of Libra.

Aires represents a fire sign that ignites our emotions from a new and different perspective. It will be a time where things will start to come to a culmination that can herald a new beginning. The important element of this moon is not to get caught up in the drama of the energies as it can bring up many thought forms to become manifest through its present energies. It allows our free will to be one that we are ready to acknowledge; it is time for great change.

Libra brings to us the balancing act which will bring forth the stabilization that each of us needs at this time. As the Masculine energies of Aires comes into more focus, it will help to create the change that we have been desiring to become manifest within our world. At the same time, the Feminine energies of Libra will help to create the adjustment needed by continuing the process through the Higher Mind and not the Physical Self.

Kryon "Healing the Akashic Wound"

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - You Have the Right to Know Who You Are 13 - October 13, 2016

Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace

Our voice speaks in the power of Love of the Creator’s Heart and through all life for the Sacred Divine Feminine Light to be re-established within the Divine DNA Blueprint of Humanity.
Our expressions of form have been established on Gaia as the manifestation of the Goddess that is the Holy Mother, the Divine Principle of One. We are a frequency in unison of light moving through life in the Creator’s field out to the Universes and planes of existence.
Our presence here is to help you remember this part and place of Creation within yourself and the Earth plane. We have different orientations, perspectives and ways that we have traveled in and out of time and the Universe of expression and we have a common Light of the Creator’s Heart of presence.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Despertar Cuántico - OCTUBRE 2016

El Despertar Cuántico

*** EL PRÓXIMO MES 11:11


Cuando uno se sienta y reflexiona sobre el Universo en las primeras horas del amanecer de un nuevo día, uno se adentra en sí mismo para mirar el lugar que contiene el Cofre de la Esperanza de cada ser humano. Un lugar pleno de sueños que no se cumplirán en esta vida debido a una circunstancia o al Karma de otro.

Cuando uno se halla en este lugar con sus remordimientos, sus defectos, sus fracasos, ellos llegan a un punto álgido, un precipicio, un Punto Cósmico Universal de conocimiento en la parte inferior de un signo de exclamación terrenal. La mayoría de los seres humanos se esfuerzan, son sinceros y de buen corazón, se desvían de su camino para hacer el bien. Así que ¿por qué no reciben una lluvia de bendiciones como una tormenta de nieve antártica? ¿A dónde va todo ese bien (y mal)?

Si las existencias multidimensionales, los mundos paralelos y otros seres a través del tiempo, existen simultáneamente, sin fin, ¿qué papel juega nuestra propia Tierra? Es en este lugar dimensional que debemos depender de nuestras corazonadas y confiar en nuestros instintos. Uno no tiene remordimientos por el Multiverso. Cada pulgada, cada pensamiento, cada necesidad o deseo se hace realidad en Otro Lugar, otra frecuencia del yo ultra-dimensional. El yo que no terminó la universidad, el yo que no se casó, el yo que tenía 12 hijos y enviudó. Todo lo que alguna vez pensaron largo y tendido adquirió vida en otros ámbitos dimensionales. Porque ese es el objetivo del entramado del Multiverso, queridos.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Alcanzando la Maestría de la Fusión: la disolución de la identidad - 7 de Octubre 2016

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Es oficial. Septiembre del 2016 fue el mes más largo en la historia desde siempre.

En cierto modo, fue también el más insoportable, y, sin embargo, porque hemos pasado tantos años preparándose para la última (y repetitiva) muerte por la que todos tendríamos que transitar durante el último mes, también había una sensación creciente de habilidad ... tal vez incluso de maestría ... a medida que perseveramos a través de algunos de los más antiguos demonios de nuestra existencia una última vez.

Para aquellos de ustedes que hicieron un inventario final de sus heridas más antiguas y se han dado cuenta plenamente de su completud ... es decir, que el viaje de la desfragmentación (es decir: la auto-sanación) ha terminado oficialmente ... la puerta a su nueva realidad se está abriendo ahora. Este mes empezamos a construir nuestro camino hacia el siguiente ciclo de 9 años de nuestra maestría divina-humana, una que ya no requiere del sufrimiento para evolucionar / expandir / experimentar la vida en la tierra.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - THE GRACE OF ENDLESS WAITING TIME - 14 Oct 2016

Video (recommended)

Dearest Friends!

Merely waiting for a major collective change and transition is wasted energy and time of hope with blinders on our eyes.

If we look back at the hundreds of thousands of years of our vast history, or even longer, we realize that none of the presumed enlightened cultures persisted. None! Not even Lemuria and not Atlantis. Why? Because they existed in a reality that only changes. And so we do.

Now we could stop, to change our disposition and ask for the teaching! We could now just step back to look at the big picture, the whole scenario, and not merely at this moment of a few hundred years, or just the last 20 years, to truly understand our present situation.

Celia Fenn - Portales de Apertura al Nuevo Comienzo : 10 Octubre y 11 de Noviembre - 9 de Octubre 2016

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Traducción: Mary García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Bailando con la Estrella Diamantina de Fuego

Amados, vivimos tiempos intensos y poderosos. En este momento, la Luz Diamantina y los códigos Diamantinos están activando su Tierra de forma vehemente en Fuego de Luz Diamantina, a la cual llamamos Estrella de Fuego Diamantina.

Qué es la Estrella de Fuego Diamantina?

Es la esencia de su Ser Cósmico, de su Alma, y la Energía de la Creatividad. También se le llama "Fuego del Alma", ya que es una poderosa energía de fuego eléctrico que activa el deseo cósmico de bailar a la luz del proceso Creativo. Es lo que podríamos llamar "Ángel de Fuego", y es donde el Alma reconoce su Esencia Divina y acepta la Estrella Angelical de Fuego en su cuerpo físico.

Es una luz y fuego que arden en el Corazón Cósmico con una luz blanca pura. Y también es la luz y el fuego que arde en sus corazones y en sus almas al entrar en la Nueva Realidad.

Amados, muchos de ustedes están sintiendo la Estrella Diamantina de Fuego que ya está bailando a lo largo de sus meridianos en su Cuerpo de Luz, a través de su cuerpo físico, de su Sistema Nervioso y más profundamente en su matriz o núcleo celular. Es aquí donde baila con el ADN, activando nuevas formas y nuevos patrones.

Jamye Price - Weekly LightBlast; The Power To Change - October 13, 2016

Blessed Being, perhaps you are feeling the amplification of spin as the spiral tightens, speeds, and slows prior to a change in direction. What would a change in direction mean for you? A better life? More ease? More creativity? A pole shift? Do not fear, powerful one, for we speak of your internal experience, not a cataclysmic Earth experience. You chose years ago to move into Ascension as a species, and now you are at an exciting culmination.
We want to speak to you of the metaphorical shift of polarity, for its process is intensified now and you are in the midst of great change. We have said for many months now that you would begin to see more polarization within your world. More extremes. It likely has felt this way for quite awhile for you, but for those that are less sensitive to the higher frequencies, their ears are now ringing with fear. You have been “hearing” the changes long before the evidence was presenting so boldly on the world stage.

Alcyon Pléyades 8 (Republicado): La Energía Tesla y la Desactivación de los Aliens Dominadores