domingo, julio 31, 2016

2016 IS STRANGE Part 23 // JULY

Sheldan Nidle - Este es también un periodo lleno de los preliminares finales a nuestros tan esperados aterrizajes en masa - 26-07-2016


13 Caban, 0 Pop, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Venimos a hablar de los cambios que se están preparando para este hermoso orbe verde y azul.
Durante muchos años, los últimos remanentes importantes de la cábala oscura han trabajado para retrasar o evitar lo inevitable.
Ahora, los que están oficialmente al cargo se han unido finalmente a nosotros para establecer un calendario de la distribución inicial de los fondos de prosperidad y su gran corolario, la RV (Revalorización).
Esas distribuciones globales van a ser las campanadas de muerte para el régimen americano de facto y su compadre, la Unión Europea.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Seeking to Creating: new expressions of Self - July 31, 2016

Seeking to Creating: new expressions of Self

First and foremost…BREATHE. Tho ultimately all for LOVE, the fact is that we’ve all been thru some super charged, highly discordant and seriously disharmonious nnergies this month, and whether you are “in the world, or of it”, it still smarts in parts.

Tragedies, calamities, natural disasters, social & political insanity, financial instability, etc….these all kick up (reflect) intense collective root fears that every part of the human family is in some way responsible for. But because we know that these energies can only be alchemized from within, our job thru moments of upheaval is exactly what we’ve practiced in the safety of our cocoons for several years prior…to anchor within, examine our own reactions/responses to the energies, transmute/transcend any personal dissension, and then return to the bigger picture perspective ASAP. Rinse, repeat.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a Preparado Para Ti - En Portand, Oregón, 23 de julio 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Aquí en este salón hay muchos que nunca experimentaron una canalización en vivo anteriormente. Diré algo y luego lo explicaré. Alma antigua, ¡bienvenida a la nueva Tierra! Todo empieza a cambiar; cosas que puedes ver e informar, y mucho de lo que puedes sentir, pero no probar.

Muchos han preguntado por qué no existe preparación para canalizar; ustedes me han oído decir esto antes: ¡sí que la hay! Pero no como en la vieja energía. Mi socio se sienta en la silla y la pequeña pausa que oyen y sienten y observan es para que él puede hacerse a un lado; no tiene nada que ver con prepararse para canalizar. Canalizar significa una entrega completa y total; no una dominación; una entrega de la consciencia. Y mi socio se convierte en alguien que interpreta entonces el otro lado del velo, ha tenido 26 años de práctica de este flujo constante de consciencia a través de su pineal y su Yo Superior, donde entro yo. Es la obra de su vida.

Selacia - Navigate August Opportunities -Stepping Into a New Crossroads- July 31, 2016

by Selacia

As the energies in August heat up and intensify, it will be more important than ever to find your center and apply intuitively guided reason. You cannot afford to take things at face value or make quick judgments without researching all the facts. The world is not as it appears and things are changing at lightning speed.

In fact, with so much happening all at once, if you are not present you could miss opportunities and make decisions that you will regret later. Continue reading to learn more about what we face and how you can not only find your calm zone but thrive during this important phase of awakening happening across the world.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation - July 31, 2016

Dear One,

Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.

A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the "ground." For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits. It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through. If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.

John Smallman - Jesus - Total self-honesty is an essential aspect of the awakening process - July 31, 2016

Humanity’s return to full consciousness, its awakening from the illusion, is proceeding apace. A massive awareness is growing that life on Earth followed by death are not your final destiny, that in fact what you are experiencing on Earth is but a passing moment in which you are learning the lesson that Love is All That Exists, and that your physical forms are are purely temporary vehicles or residences that you occupy while you do this. They are ideal for this purpose, but when you all “graduate,” as you all will, you will no longer have need of them because your natural state is infinitely limitless and filled with potentiality beyond your wildest dreams. The joy you will experience in Reality, at Home in the Presence of God, is WAY beyond your ability as humans to even conceive of, and it is to that that you will awaken. On Earth, as humans, your task is simply to release anything to which you are clinging that is not in alignment with Love. When you do that, even for a moment, you will feel an enormous shift in your energy, a lightening of the burdens that you seem to be carrying. Most of you have at some time been forgiven for something you did or said that was intended to hurt another, and which you later regretted. And when you received that forgiveness it felt as though an enormous weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Likewise, when you let go of any resentment, bitterness, anger, and hatred that you have been “nursing,” you will feel lighter and joy will flow in to replace those unloving aspects that you have released.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - July 31-August 6th, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The energies continue to amplify in their intensity. Many of you are taking time out to enjoy the wonders of the natural world and this connection enables the experience of oneness with all that surrounds you. You know that there is a reason and purpose for your presence in this world as you continue to bridge two converging realities. It is the gift you bring to your world. You have the strength within you to walk in a peaceful, aware, and conscious manner knowing that all that happens in your world is in the flow of the Divine purpose moving through you. You feel the excitement of creative potential and possibility as you enter a new phase in life and old energies are cleared and lifted from you. The former perceptions and choices you have made now bring you greater growth, awareness and expansion.

Benjamín Fulford - NOTICIAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA (30-7-16).


31 Jul

(Cartel de la traductora: el escudo rojo fue sacudido, los Rothschild caerán)

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

El primer ministro malasio Najib Razak procesado en el escándalo de la malversación de miles de millones de dólares, busca la inmunidad a cambio del testimonio contra los Rothschilds.

Fuentes de la CIA en el Este de Asia nos alertaron sobre el hecho de que el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos ha acusado al primer ministro de Malasia, Najib Razak, por malversación de más de mil millones de dólares de un fondo destinado a ser utilizado para el desarrollo económico de Malasia.

sábado, julio 30, 2016





Beloved Ones: As you learn to tap into the cosmic records in the higher realms, you are beginning to broaden your awareness of your cosmic lineage. The process of reunification is well under way, and therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many facets of their Divinity. A part of our mission is to help you remember your Divine heritage, and to also help you understand the unprecedented process humanity is in the midst of at this time.

Many of you, the StarSeed and Wayshowers, came into this lifetime with the vibrational frequencies of the Rays (within your Diamond Core God Cell) more active than those still functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional realms. Therefore, you have experienced more “bursts of God-conscious awareness” over the recent past years. If you will compare notes about your earlier experiences with others on the Path, you will find that you have had many similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are now aware that many of the miracles, inspired thoughts and benefic coincidences are not common for the average person who still exists and functions within the distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure.