viernes, enero 08, 2016

Selacia - Prepárense para la Luna Nueva del 9 de Enero - 7 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Razones para tener esperanzas en el 2016

Hay razones para tener esperanzas al saltar al 2016. Este es un nuevo año y ustedes quieren tener visiones totalmente nuevas de sí mismos y de su mundo. Sí, las energías actuales incluyendo el Retrógrado de Mercurio están enlenteciendo las cosas un poco – al menos la percepción de cuán rápidamente avanzan las cosas.

Dicho esto, hay muchas dinámicas de apoyo en acción a lo largo del planeta ahora – cambios catalizados en parte por ese muy largo ciclo Urano/Plutón del cual hablé la pasada semana.

Ejemplo: la humanidad puede parecer más dividida que nunca y las soluciones para las crisis muy reales del planeta más lejos de alcanzar que en cualquier otro momento de la historia. Los conflictos entre facciones, entre ideologías, y entre países continúan muy elevados.

jueves, enero 07, 2016

Mary Rodwell : How do we recognize “The bringers of light?” -

By Higher Journeys

Guest Blogger Mary Rodwell

How do we recognize “The bringers of light?”

There are new generations of children incarnating on our planet who are very different to previous generations. They have been given many names such as Indigos, Crystal Children, Children of Light or Star Children. The children are far more multi-dimensionally aware than what is presently considered to be the ‘norm.’ Many have a deep understanding of their multidimensional reality and speak about helping humanity awaken to a higher state of consciousness. They may also be aware of contact with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences.

There is a race of beings upon the planet, increasing in number, although visually and physically indistinguishable to most humans. They are “the bringers of light” and are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial consciousness. The New Children are born without programs and will bring about a Global Awakening.
– Tracey Taylor artist /experiencer

Diane Canfield - HOW TO AWAKEN TO YOUR 5TH DIMENSIONAL SOUL - January 7, 2016

In the awakening process there are many steps to be taken to reach the higher levels of awareness and enlightenment. Each step has to be taken to release all illusions, programs and energy thrown to us that we accepted that was not ours. Healing from our past will be the first aspect we take on. What level we currently exist at is in direct relation to how much time and energy has been devoted to releasing old programs from the matrix conditioning in order to heal and see CLEARLY while moving up in the ascension upgrades that are ongoing and continuing through 2016.

One of the traps of the conditioning matrix is to keep everyone distracted by ‘so called fights’ and chaos between people, even reaching as widespread as political candidates. To be aware and awake is to understand the agenda of the lower energies that have always sought to use power and control on Humankind.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - January 7, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as immortality. Most people in today’s world are aware and believe that one’s soul is immortal and eternal. In these current times there is a growing earnest desire amongst humanity to live a longer, healthier and more prosperous life in a unity of spirit and matter. Many people are now creating a new wave of consciousness that sees greater possibilities for a longer and more perfect physical life. There is a growing conviction that a physical body can be retained as long as one’s divine essence desires its use. They are becoming aware that they can change their experience of life and the extension of it by creating the changes within themselves. They know that they have the power to create whatever they desire. They know that it all depends on their personal choices, their present level of consciousness and the actions that they take. As they become aware of and are opening to this exciting possibility, their physical body begins to reflect this desired outcome by gradually evolving itself through a series of ongoing physical transformations. These transformations further refine the body so that it can readily embrace its more sentient spiritual essence. One’s aim is to reconstruct the physical body first by cleansing it of old toxins and elements in order to be able to successfully receive new and more refined elements of a higher nature.

Jahn J Kassl - THE TURN, ASANA MAHATARI - January 7, 2016

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones, 
Inside are the treasures of life and it is time 
to spread out these treasures in the outer world. 
The shakedown of human society and of the Mother planet of mankind continues. New earths develop, new worlds are created and the creations are truly awe-inspiring.
Energy creates new Conditions
At this point in time the energy begins to turn and this fact creates a new reality. The effects of this process begin to show on earth, which so far has been flooded with the Light from the Central Sun. 
Meaning, that now the light-filled intentions of individual human Beings as well as the human collective increasingly prevail. Light-filled as well as loving aspects can no longer be disempowered or wiped off the table due to dark infringements or intentions. Light warriors have been empowered by Heaven and due to this fact the energy on earth changes.

Suzanne Lie - What Exactly is Unconditional Love? (Part 1)--The Arcturians 1-7-16


Part ONE

The Arcturians

Unconditional Love is an inter-dimensional energy field, which serves as a key to open your heart to heal the wounds of many lives of myriad “broken hearts.” How does Unconditional Love heal your myriad incarnation of broken hearts?

This is where the inter-dimensional part comes in. Unconditional love is an inter-dimensional energy field that can capture a low frequency energy pattern and transmute it into a higher frequency of experience. This transmutational energy field is much like the Violet Fire, but not exactly the same.

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Jupiter Retro in Virgo - Jan 7, 2016

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Well we’re in a Mercury retrograde, interesting way to start a New Year and then we have Jupiter going retrograde. Because it’s going retrograde in Virgo, and a few other reasons, I see that as the planet of expansion, fortune and several other things. But really what it’s saying is that if you apply those energies with intent, kind of a Virgo organized method, you can actually maximize quite a bit…

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 1-9-16 - Jan 7, 2016

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Saturday, January 9 at 6:30PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

An excellent time to focus on RESET. If you have not already done so, this is also a good time to focus on your intentions for the year or revisit the ones you anchored over the New Year for refinements and changes. You may be surprised at how quickly some of them may manifest if you are really clear about what you want and it comes from essence and your heart.

Due to the influences right at this time, you may feel some energy around intention at a standstill. It is simply at a still point gathering power from love, beauty, essence connection, community, prayer, joy, gratitude and awe. You can always help it along by feeding it this positive fuel.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn, Jan 07, 2016

I am here now to let you know that this that you are being offered to read is but the first in a series of eye-openers for the people of earth. There is more to come in detail that has been brought to the front in this report. It will be a gradual process of evidence that will show the people that there is much that has been kept undercover for so long. The details will be brought to the front in a way that cannot be denied. There will be many pieces of information and physical representations of what will be shown to be the history of the planet. It will be the coming together of enough evidence that the people will begin to see and feel the truth in it. They will even begin to remember some of their experiences in a way that will be a gradual opening to their inner truth.

It is important that this all come to the surface in a way that will not override the peoples’ ability to withstand the information that will turn their lives around. It will be a process that will benefit them and assist them to the interaction of the truth and the way to live what will be coming to their lives.

We do not wish to overwhelm anyone. That is why this is already in progress in a way that will be progressive, and not the kind of experience that will completely close the people down. They will be given the truth in various ways in the time in which they will be able to not only accept, but know that what is in front of them now is what they have been preparing for over a number of years, and even lifetimes.

I leave you now with the introduction to the information that is here for you to digest, and interpret in the way that is most beneficial as being seen that it is the truth that is going to set the whole of humanity and life on earth and beyond free to explore what can be beyond this experience in a way that will represent the Love of The Creator, which is within each and every One of us.

I am Hatonn, and I am with you for always.

Thank you so much dear Hatonn,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de Luna Nueva – 9/1/2016 - 7 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La Luna Nueva es el sábado, 9 de enero a las 6:30 PM Horario Estándar de las Montañas (HEM)

Es un momento excelente para enfocarse en el REINICIO. Si no lo han hecho, este es un buen momento para enfocarse en sus intenciones para el año o para revisitar las que hubiesen anclado durante Año Nuevo para cambios y refinamientos. Pueden sorprenderse ante cuán rápidamente algunas puedan manifestarse si están realmente claros de lo que quieren y ello viene de la esencia y de su corazón.

Debido a las influencias correctas en este momento, pueden sentir que algunas de las energías respecto a la intención están quietas. Es simplemente un punto de quietud que gana impulso desde el amor, la belleza, la conexión con la esencia, la oración, la alegría, la gratitud y el asombro. Siempre pueden ayudar alimentándolos con energía positiva.

¡Estamos en el Año del Sacerdote y del Sabio con el Mono como uno de nuestros aliados! Utilícenlos bien comenzando con esta Luna Nueva!



miércoles, enero 06, 2016


por los Arcturianos 

Al inicio, su viaje a través de la cuarta dimensión es lento, pero se acelera al entrar en los sub-planos superiores del mundo astral tetradimensional. Luego al acercarse cada vez más al umbral entre la cuarta y la quinta dimensión, el tiempo - en realidad el concepto del tiempo - comienza a ondear dentro y fuera de su conciencia.

Es en este cruce de rutas donde su cuerpo físico comienza a cambiar en formas extrañas y poco familiares. Lo que una vez pareció sólido comienza a oscilar adentro y afuera. En realidad, ustedes están oscilando dentro y fuera de su conciencia pentadimensional.

Por lo tanto, sus percepciones se abren y cierran a la realidad del AHORA que está en el AQUI del UNO. "Esto es tan desconocido", comentan ustedes con una pizca de miedo. No obstante, solo una pizca de miedo es suficiente para enviarlos de vuelta a la familiaridad de su mundo tridimensional.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Los Guardianes: Primer Comentario en el 2016 - 1° de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

P: Guardianes, ¿cuál es la mejor forma de enfrentar las energías del 2016?

Respuesta: Vemos que las energías de este año tienen una cualidad que es tanto hacia lo interno (Vibración de Año Universal “9”) aunque dinámica (Cuadraturas T y Mono de Fuego Rojo en la astrología china). Recomendamos que intercambien el temor y la preocupación no solamente con la fe, sino que se aventuren directamente hacia la certeza. Continuarán los cambios y las transformaciones en la arena global a medida que se despliegan los karmas. Como siempre, es vital mantenerse libre de juicios y desesperación y mantenerse positivos y/o compasivamente desapegados de los dramas del mundo tanto como sean capaces.

Los que han sido marginados y rechazados por la sociedad continúan encontrando y expresando su voz. Esto es vital para el equilibrio. Alentamos el cambio y la restauración del equilibrio a través del positivismo; no obstante, por medios no violentos.

Kara Schallock - El Nuevo Ahora - 4 de Enero 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Aunque muchos celebran el ‘nuevo año’ denominado 2016, veo que la separación en años es un reflejo de la separación entre nosotros y la Fuente. Elijo no jugar en este juego de ilusión y en su lugar verlo como un continuo. No hay separación entre el año pasado y este año. Continuamos evolucionando y liberando al igual que lo hicimos el ‘año pasado’. Así que en lugar de asociarnos a la visión del ‘Nuevo Año’ lo veo todo como el Nuevo Ahora. Hay más percepción y más verdades y mentiras que ahora se revelan, sean internas, en las familias, en la sociedad o globalmente. Como con todo lo demás, ustedes son la Autoridad final, así que en lugar de aceptar todo lo que escuchan y leen, verifiquen la Verdad interior. También entiendan que todos estamos en fases diferentes de la Ascensión, así que hablo de nuestro potencial. Honren donde están ahora y entonces den un paso adelante.

Selacia - Prepare for January 9 New Moon - Reasons to be Hopeful in 2016 - Jan 6, 2016

There are reasons to be hopeful as we jump into 2016. This is a new year and you want to have brand-new visions for yourself and your world. Yes, current energies including the Mercury Retrograde are slowing things a bit - at least the perception of how quickly things are moving ahead.

That said, there are plenty of helpful dynamics already in motion across the planet - changes catalyzed in part by that very long Uranus-Pluto cycle I spoke about last week.

Jennifer Hoffman - Predicciones para el 2016 - 1° de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada año desde el 2005 he escrito predicciones anuales y cada año digo lo mismo “escribe las predicciones aunque no me gusta hacerlo”. Vacilo en hacer predicciones, especialmente respecto a eventos mundiales, porque no quiero influir en el pensamiento de nadie o desviar la energía en una dirección en particular.

Ahora más que nunca, hay un enorme poder en la percepción colectiva compartida porque la familia colectiva de la humanidad está mucho más consciente de sí misma, de su poder, y de su lugar en el Universo que nunca antes. Esto nos hace más poderosos y fuertes como manifestadores. Si los pensamientos eran poderosos antes, son exponencialmente mayores ahora. Como mis predicciones las leen millones de personas de cientos de países, que pueden traducir e interpretar lo que leen en muchas formas diferentes, compartir estas predicciones es una misión que tomo muy seriamente y las escribo con gran cuidado. Y he visto que ellas son acertadas cuando las reviso durante el año, lo que recomiendo que ustedes hagan también.

Nancy Tate - The True Power - Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - 01, 06, 2016


I come today to share with you something of importance that will be a life changing event if you choose to understand the principles and apply them to your lives.

For the past many years, many of us have been doing all that we know to manifest in our lives what we desire to have. We have been doing all that we can to change our lives to match that which is in our hearts. However, we have experienced hits and misses. There is a certain state of being that is necessary in order to send out our desires and have them to return to us as intended or even better then we intended. We could have 100% hits and zero misses. The problem when we have those misses is that we were not in attunement with the divine matrix. We were not using our creatorship abilities as we should have been simply because we didn’t realize how we were sabotaging ourselves. Of course we don’t do this purposely or consciously. I mean, who in their right state of mind would purposefully sabotage their own greatness.

Anunnaki, Star Nations and the History of Humanity - James Gilliland 2016

Lee Harris - January 2016 Energy Forecast: Be Bold

Commit to Self-Honesty, Simplicity & Presence
Hello everyone and welcome to the Energy Forecast for January 2016. We made it to 2016, and we got through 2015. So please join me in taking a breath to just be present...
And now a breath to take in and release 2015.
And now a breath to invite 2016 in.
One of the big themes for 2016 will be boldness. This was something that kept coming to me over and over again as I was tuning in on a message for you today. The theme of boldness will show up a great deal in 2016, so this will mean you personally will have both the capacity and the growth lessons to help you become more bold in your life -- more bold in your way of living and your way of being present as a conscious, fully functioning being.

Dr. Lessin interview

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 06/01/16

Aisha North series 43 - 2

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 7/2/15 Planet X, DNA Activation and More

martes, enero 05, 2016

Sheldan Nidle's Update~1-5-16~times of delay are over

6 Oc, 3 Chen, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Let us begin with a Happy New Gregorian Year to all! The massive operations that are giving you your various blessings were stalled slightly by the holiday season. This planned delay is now over. Deliveries are expected to begin during the coming week. This delay was felt appropriate by both the various royal families and by a number of the ancient families as well. A series of last minute security checks have been completed and a new delivery schedule approved by all parties. As noted in our last message, the kinks in this system have been worked out. Those dark minions, which forged the final series of delays have either been arrested or removed from their positions of authority. Thus, these funds, as well as a change in governance are all on track to manifest before you. Our liaisons were able to shorten these dates and enable you to watch history in the making at a much earlier date. We are currently watching this complex process and seeing if these movements go forth as planned. In any case, the end for the dark cabal is finally here at last.

Benjamín Fulford - 05-01-16. Se está concretando un esfuerzo concertado para poner fin al dominio de la mafia jázara este año

05 Jan

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

La situación geopolítica actual, especialmente en Oriente Medio, Europa y los Estados Unidos, es tal, que sería más que posible un cambio de régimen. El mayor evento de 2016 bien podría ser la caída del gobierno de la mafia jázara en los Estados Unidos. Con esta fuente primaria del mal y de la guerra destituída del poder, la Paz mundial también debería ser posible en 2016. Sin embargo, esto no se puede hacer observando pasivamente los acontecimientos del mundo; todo el mundo debe hacer todo lo posible para asegurar la liberación planetaria este año.

El régimen de Washington DC que usa a Obama como su títere y portavoz está profundamente dividido. Muchos apoyan el régimen de Obama. Sin embargo, el hecho es que el régimen de Obama presidió la masacre en masa de inocentes en Japón el 11 de marzo 2011

Jennifer Hoffman - January 2016 Energy Report

I am really glad that 2015 is over. In many ways it was a very hard year even though I didn’t have many of the health and other challenges that I have had in previous years. But what I think made 2015 so hard was the waiting, the false starts, the belief that ‘this’ was going to be it, and then it wasn’t. It was like having false labor and going to the hospital, only to go home because it wasn’t time yet. Now it’s time and before we go off into a tailspin of pent up energy Mercury is retrograde this month, and so is Jupiter, so we can take some action but it may be more internal than external. And that’s OK because it’s easier to take action with the right preparation in place than to try to take action when you aren’t ready for it.

Join me at the High Vibes Activation and Energy Congruece Retreat January 16, 2016 in Covington, Louisiana, click here for more details, there will be teaching, coaching, readings, and fun stuff while we activate our highest vibrations and get congruent for 2016.

lunes, enero 04, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Galactic Clearings and Restoration: Energetically Intense is an Understatement: Focus, Pull Away, Anchor, Honor - 1/4/2016

I have pulled way back during this time to do intense Galactic Work for us all. Once we moved into the Galactic Core, the depths of where we go now is beyond profound and very deep to clear the debris of lower vibrational everything there. The energies there are beyond intense and quite overwhelming to take myself into to do these transmutations and restorations. They take my entire physical structure, for through our Crystalline Gridwork we have the capability to go through the light into anywhere we desire (or are taken) and the ability to clear wherever we go. There is deep trauma there, much sadness, pain, anger and heavy discord. While I can consciously maintain my space here, the strength of those energies when I take my consciousness there to work to clear these pockets, railways and spaces are beyond intense. I've repeatedly gone through the "I'm done" and "I don't want to be a Wayshower or do this anymore" and just want to go have fun like others, but that is not what I signed up for/agreed to as a Galactic Soul here. These "abilities" to do this for all of us are a huge gift. Here we do not waste anything. We understand the importance of all. To work in these other dimensions/realities intentionally benefits us all here. It removes/clears/transforms all that affects every dimension/timeline. It's just one part of my/our contribution to humanity, amongst everything else we do that others don't see. The ability to work intentionally in every dimension in the waking one (sleep too) and still produce work is a balancing act for sure!

Brenda Hoffman ~ New Frequencies are Waiting - Jan 4, 2016

Dear Ones,

We wish to address the anguish of those who have not yet created their earth dream. You will – not only because you wish to, but because it is time to move beyond the earth in your skills and interests.

So it is that you will create your dream in the near future. This prophecy indicated creation of your earth dream by or near the end of 2015. And so it is and so you will.

You have known that you are not alone for we, of other frequencies, are fully able to tune into your frequency whenever we wish. We have done so for eons.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - El Clima Cósmico – Resumen del 2015 y Pronóstico para el 2016 - 30 de Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Recapitulación del 2015

Hice un chiste hace pocas semanas en mi página de Facebook sugiriendo que en respuesta al 2015 comenzáramos el 2016 con una ‘caja de chocolates, unas cuantas lágrimas y unas vacaciones’. Pensé que iba a ser algo simpático pero sucedió que muchas personas comparten mi sentimiento. Parece que mucha de la magia y la esperanza que teníamos con respecto al 2015 no se acercó siquiera a lo que imaginábamos. En mi propia vida tuve que enfrentar desafíos a los que llamé ‘Entrenamiento en Habilidades del Jedi’ (n.t. personaje principal de la serie de filmes La Guerras de las Galaxias) y no está lejos de la verdad. Se me mostró a mayor profundidad la naturaleza de la energía – tanto la positiva como la negativa. Sin embargo inspiró un nuevo libro ‘El Acuariano Empático Parte 2’. Así que fue el oro proveniente de esa sombra en particular, que también fue un tema recurrente en el colectivo. Uno de mis amigos sabios predijo que a pesar de lo difíciles que puedan ser los contornos de este año inusual y enigmático que termina, lo terminaríamos al alza. Yo concuerdo. ¿Por qué? Este año nos ha mostrado muchas cosas: fundamentalmente cuán fuertes podemos ser especialmente cuando nos unimos como una familia de amor. Hacen falta tormentas mayores para derribarnos por estos días. No ha sido fácil incrementar en fortaleza y en una mayor percepción, pero la recompensa es grande y continuará dándonos dividendos en el futuro.

Selacia - Be Your Best Self in 2016 - January 4, 2016

Perhaps more than any other year to date, in 2016 you have an opportunity to be your best self. In this article, I will explain what this means and provide a snapshot of the year's energies and trends. Mentioning these is not random, but a purposeful exercise in helping you connect the dots of your personal life journey impacted by outside forces.
Right about now you are probably very ready for something new and to have a cosmic push that takes you beyond last year's challenges and into a more joyful experience. To be sure, 2015 was not an easy time. Uncertainty and complexity tended to surround goals and projects - even simple things in your everyday living may have been affected.

Suzanne Lie - Unconditionally Loving your Self--Chakra One - 1-4-16

FREE Meditation DownloadFirst Chakra

Listen to your 7-minute meditation

To download your 7-minute meditation,
please click


Unconditional Love Chakra - 1

I Love myself unconditionally. I Love myself unconditionally. I unconditionally love myself. I begin this process of unconditionally loving myself with my first chakra and I focus my energy field at the base of my spine.

I feel the Kundalini applauding. It is so happy to know that I am ready to begin my transmutation into my true Light Body Self. I also hear my inner child and all the experiences that I had.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 3 al 10 de enero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu

Nota de la escriba: Las siguientes palabras de Hilarión llegaron a través de una lectura canalizada en trance cuando empleé a Edwin Courtenay para que me hiciera una lectura personal ... Hilarión me ha pedido que comparta estas palabras con el mundo. Esta es la parte 1 y la parte 2 será entregada la próxima semana. Yo pondré estas palabras como un prefacio del libro La Conexión Hilarión ©, Segundo Libro, pero sentí que son importantes para que lleguen al mayor número posible de personas a principios de este año, a los que tienen ojos para ver y oídos para escuchar la importancia de este mensaje. Este es uno que estoy escuchando a través de otros canales también - por lo tanto escuchemos, reflexionemos y actuemos sobre esta preocupación que nos están presentando desde los reinos superiores de la Luz.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn January 04, 2016

Good morning! I am Hatonn, and I am here this day to tell you of a rapid change that is about to unfold. Yes, there is an ongoing motion that is bringing in what is needed for the joyful exuberance of the times of pleasure and the waywardness of that which is in abundance in more ways than you have imagined.

I tell you this because there are many reports out there in the lines of communication that say the opposite. They are bringing forth that which they determine to be the opposite of what they see in the foreground. They do not want the people to be ready for what is coming, and so they seek to overcome that which, in many instances, is already in place for the freedom of this land to be shown in so many ways.

Kara Schallock - The New Now - 04-Jan-2016

While most celebrate the “new year” labeled 2016, I see that separating years is a reflection of the separation in us and Source. I choose not to play in this game of illusion and rather view it all as a continuum. There is no separation between last year and this year. We continue to evolve and release just as we did “last year.” So rather than buying into the hype of “the New Year,” I view all as the New Now. There is more Awareness and more truths and lies revealed now, be they within, in families, in society or globally. With everything, you are the ultimate Authority, so that rather than accepting all you hear and read, check within for Truth. Also realize that we all are in different phases of Ascension, so I speak of our potential. Do honor where you are and then take a step forward.

Benjamin Fulford: A concerted push is under way to end Khazarian mafia rule this year - Jan 4, 2015

By Benjamin Fulford

The current geopolitical situation, especially in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, is one that is ripe for regime change. The biggest event of 2016 may well be the fall of the Khazarian mafia government in the United States. With this primary source of evil and warfare removed from power, world peace should also be possible in 2016. However, this cannot be done by passively observing world events; everybody must do what they can to ensure planetary liberation this year.

The Washington DC regime that uses Obama as its puppet and spokesperson is deeply divided. Many support the Obama regime. However, the fact is the Obama regime presided over the mass slaughter of innocents in Japan on March 11, 2011

Cómo la Iglesia Católica Reclamó la Propiedad de Todo el Mundo


14 Diciembre 2015
del Sitio Web TabuBlog
traducción de Adela Kaufmann

Esta es una excelente extracto de uno de los principales historiadores del imperio católico, Avro Manhattan en su libro, "Los Billones del Vaticano - The Vatican Billions".

En él, narra cómo la Iglesia Católica Romana ha reclamado derechos sobre todos los reinos y todas las tierras desde los días de la "Donación de Constantino".

Al igual que muchos documentos del Vaticano, completamente formados de la nada por un Papa u otro. Esta es la historia no contada de que toda la necesidad de difundir y transmitir en cuanto a los verdaderos dueños y gobernantes de su imperio mundial.

Avro Manhattan era la principal autoridad del mundo en el catolicismo romano en la política.

Un residente de Londres, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que operaba una estación de radio llamada radiodifusión "Radio Libertad" para la Europa ocupada.

domingo, enero 03, 2016

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Enero 2016


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El tema principal para enero es REINICIO

Hemos atravesado un tiempo de transición, cambio, caos, dispersión y retos inesperados así como oportunidades poderosas para la creatividad, la mejora y el crecimiento personal. Las influencias generales de este año continuarán apoyando nuestra evolución permitiéndonos cambiar nuestra experiencia de vida hacia una plataforma energética diferente, una de una vibración y expresión de la esencia superiores.

Jahn J Kassl - 2016: NATURE OF REVELATIONS, GOD - January 3, 2016

After I had published my paper 2016: Year of Revelations on 1/1/2016, on the following afternoon I received the following message from GOD

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

The year of revelations has begun and many human
Beings enter the next higher level on the path into
the Light and to perfection. One journey ends,
a new one begins.

I am GOD

Of what nature will the revelations be in this year?
To individual human Beings his way, his assignments and his
place in this world will be unveiled to him. Revelations are ahead,
which occur in silence and which by itself bring fundamental
knowledge to every matured human Being. Now the time has
come when everything is revealed to human Beings on the

Truly, whoever is ready for it, will receive, whoever
suffered from hunger for realization, will be satisfied,
and whoever thirsted for truth will receive it.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - January 3, 2016


Note from the Scribe: The following words from Hilarion came through a trance channelled reading done for me personally when I employed Edwin Courtenay to do one for me…Hilarion has asked me to share these words with the world. This is part 1 and part 2 will be next week. I will be putting these words as a preface in The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two but felt they are important to get out to as many people as possible at the beginning of this year, to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the import of this message. It is one I am hearing through other channels also -- so let us listen and ponder and act on this concern that is being brought forward from the higher realms of Light.

January 3, 2016

viernes, enero 01, 2016

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - The Keepers: First Commentary on 2016 - 1 January, 2016

Q: Keepers, what is the best way to approach the energies of 2016?

Answer: We see that the energies of the year have a quality that is both inward (“9” Universal Year vibration) yet dynamic (T-Squares and Red Fire Monkey in Chinese Astrology.) We recommend that you exchange worry and fear not only with faith, but venture straight through to certainty. There will continue to be shifts and changes on the global stage as karmas and energies unfold. As always, it is vital to stay out of judgment and despair and remain positive and/or compassionately detached from the dramas of the world as you are able.


Dentro de este AHORA, la Luz multidimensional está viajando desde la quinta dimensión buscando compartirse con toda la vida. Así, cada ser- planetario, galácticos, universal - y sí, incluso humano - está experimentando consciente o inconscientemente esta Luz.

Antes, sólo experimentábamos las fragmentaciones de la luz tri y tetradimensional, pero ahora la Luz está llegando hacia nosotros sin esta fragmentación en las siete octavas diferentes. Un coro de Amor incondicional y fuego violeta acompaña la Luz multidimensional.

Los Seres de Gaia, significando no sólo los humanos, sino también los cetáceos y los miembros de los reinos animal y vegetal, están creando consistentemente túneles de Luz. Estos túneles de Luz son también túneles de esperanza y Amor incondicional.

Jahn J Kassl - 2016: YEAR OF REVELATIONS, JJK - January 1, 2016

Written by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Everything alludes to the fact that the earth and human 
society will remain subjected to the centrifugal forces 
of transformation also in the year 2016. 
The cosmic influx of spiritual Light from the CENTRAL SUN 
will also continue to increase and will reach new heights.
Thereby our bodies become increasingly lighter and our perception 
becomes more and more refined. I am convinced that at the 
end of the year 2016, as we still make efforts, nothing will remain
of the “old human Being”, which we were over thousand of years 
and in many incarnations. And nothing much will also remain of 
Mother Earth at the end of 2016, the way we knew her so far. 
For me the year of revelations has begun. It is a year when 
not only the truth will appear on all levels; instead it is the
year when the divine will obviously begin to be revealed. 


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we are issuing and requesting a call to Love.

You and your planet are continuing to receive many waves of powerful energy. The results of the impact of this energy will be reflected in the way in which you conduct your thoughts and actions. Therefore, we are requesting a call to Love.

JAMES GILLILAND – ECETI, 2016, New Years Letter – 1-1-16

ECETI New Years Letter

James Gilliland

I am presently in Australia so I already experienced New Years Eve by the time you read this letter. Its funny I can procrastinate and still be on time, which is pretty much my nature. Time never really worked for me, I like the Aussie expression when they ask what time is it they say summer. Over here it is summer, 105 degrees while back at home in Washington State the doors are covered with snow with lots of digging. The herd of Yaks are loving it. While contemplating what I want to do the next year I think it is best to contemplate the previous year and how we can do things better. Forgive the past, ourselves, others, gain the wisdom from the experiences and start creating a better tomorrow. Do a ceremony around releasing people, places and events. Be grateful for the things that serve you and release the things that don’t. It is time to be brutally honest with our selves and others. We don’t have the luxury of suppressing our true feelings or denial.

Alex Collier. Private webinar 18th dec. 2015.

Mike Quinsey. - 1st. January 2016

Greetings to you all as you welcome in the New Year, it promises to be most active as the old struggles to cope with the new energies that are quickly being established. The result is that much confusion exists particularly amongst those who see only the outer happenings. Yet much of it is often out your sight, and is slowly bringing the New Age into manifestation that is now entering its fourth year. The necessary changes cannot be delayed for long, and are becoming more powerful as each day passes. The dark Ones are still trying to ignore the obvious signs that tell them their time is almost finished. Their ability to dictate what happens to the Human Race is no longer within their power that is now being diminished very quickly.

RONNA * ESCRIBA SAGRADO - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “¿Qué Es El Espíritu?” - Diciembre 29, 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

“¿Qué Es El Espíritu?”

Amados maestros, ustedes son una Faceta de la Esencia del Espíritu del Creador: un Átomo Simiente Individualizado. Es su conciencia YO SOY con un deseo innato de expresar y crear. La palabra Espiritual no se refiere a religión o dogma religioso. Es un enfoque sobre el avance desde un estado presente de Ser: físico, emocional, mental, intuitivo y social. Implica un refinamiento de la naturaleza instintiva humana hacia un Ser Espiritual/Humano listo para avanzar hacia el entorno rarificado de la Quinta Dimensión. El despliegue dentro de la conciencia superior resulta en un nuevo estado de percepción, que lleva a nuevas experiencias, mayores habilidades y talentos adicionales. La auto realización es el objetivo de las Almas avanzadas de hoy.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 01/01/16


Planetary Update - January 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The review of 2015 and ignition of 2016 - Jan 1, 2016

Credit: artist unknow

Precious hearts and Love Tribe,

It has been a powerful year of change, transformation and release. The month of December alone implied the most intense and profound process of release so far, especially on the emotional level.
I, personally, have seen many things erupting from my subconscious levels to present themselves onto my current reality. And they have been powerful and clear to say the least! Things I thought that I had released and healed a long time ago came up again which made me think that this is a repetitive cycle. The first reaction initially was to push these away and say: “no, not again! This has been done ages ago.” But as persisting as these emotions were, it became clear to me very quickly that I had to take a closer look and embrace them to be able and release some more.

As this has been going on for over 3 weeks now and is still going on at present I have quickly understood that these were parts and bits coming from the subconscious mind that I was not aware of they were still lingering there at all. And furthermore, they needed to be reviewed, embraced and released for good. This is what this emotional shift was all about in the month of December: to release deeper embedded layers of the old you. As a matter of fact I personally felt this to be a final cleansing of ALL old parts of SELF. I instinctively knew and felt, right from the start, that I will not be the same person anymore than I was before. I mean, this goes so deep that nothing of the old will remain present. It feels to me like a resurrection into a whole other level of being and frequency while burning all bridges behind me. There is no way of going back and continue holding certain views and parts of the Self.

Lena Stevens - January 2016 Monthly Forecast - Jan 1, 2016

The main theme for January is RESET.

We have been through a time of transition, change, scatter, chaos, and unexpected challenges as well as powerful opportunities for creativity, improvement and personal growth. The general influences of this year will continue to support our evolution enabling us to shift our experience of life to a different energetic platform, one of a higher vibration and expression of essence.

The TRANSITION of December has already put choices, decisions and changes into motion. Now comes the RESET. In order for us to have the right setup for this to occur, we must allow a RESET on all levels. This month is a balanced combination of going within to sort what’s true for you and to reset your relationship with how you manifest that truth, and activating a plan of action that pushes you to step up to a higher level of functioning based on that truth. The days of being unconscious with your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are over. It is time to focus on eliminating destructive patterns that will stand in the way of your spiritual evolution and to allow what is down the road to unfold in your life without needing to control or second-guess every step.

Así recibió el mundo el 2016 (RESUMEN)