miércoles, noviembre 25, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - HUman Star Gates, Field Spins, Expanding into Other Dimensions, Working With The Hologram from Within 11/25/2015

Every Moon Phase is awesome, amazing and brings forth much power, deep inner reflection and shaking up the external reality so that all can see what needs to be seen. We've entered the energies of "clean up your own yard"... We can't move into the next phase of awesomeness, of more expansion, until we've done so. Every one of us have to do this and yes, it's a continual thing. There's always something within us that has to be seen. Always something in our physical reality that has to be aligned, tweaked, adjusted, tuned to a higher vibration....

Blossom Goodchild - Nov 25th, 2015.

Hello again! I am keen to get back chatting with you after an unexpected fortnight away looking after my grandson! How are you?

Of course, we can be nothing other than supremely well and more than elated to be of service to those who choose to take heed of that which we find necessary to relate, in these very exciting times.

How lovely! I am very keen on talking more about ‘The Illusion’ … something I am trying to grasp more of, as I FEEL it is indeed THE KEY to open any door. However, I wonder if you could address a few matters for readers? Keeping in mind, I am completely unattached these days … for I FEEL the 'time frame’ issue with us has been … and always be … way up the Swanee River without said paddle! So … You have said, that before the year is out there will be massive changes that will be apparent to all and also, more and more Pillars of Light shall appear and some even presenting as rainbow coloured. The end of the year is very near and folk are questioning once again … where are these things you have spoken of?

Lee Carroll - Kryon - Going Back To Get The Future - Vancouver, Canada - 5 September, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Before we begin, we ask you again to slightly change the reality of your thinking. What is happening? Who is speaking? Where is it coming from? I ask my partner to completely step aside and to let flow tonight what should. Can you think out of the box of what you know? The most difficult thing for humanity in general is to go to a place where they've never been. Survival depends upon you going to places you know about. If you've never been some place, and you have no warnings of how it might be, you might be hesitant to go there. It just makes sense. You won't often open a door if it says unknown. You'll normally open a door that says known because you're comfortable with that. The entire reason why I bring this up is for what is coming next. I wish to enhance what you know about humanity. In order to do that, I will speak of controversial things. Those listening to this message after the fact may have a completely different perception from those in this room. But this room contains an energy that cannot be duplicated on a recording or transcription. Those of like-mind set up a confluence of consistency and belief. You might say that your belief here enhances the truth that you carry.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de Luna Llena – 25/11/2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el miércoles, 25 de noviembre a las 3:44 PM HEM, Hora Estándar de las Montañas.

Este es momento de celebración tranquila, aceptación del cambio y formulación de elecciones. Si han sido ambivalentes o se resisten a enfrentar ciertos asuntos que requieren una elección, este sería buen momento para hacer esa elección finalmente. Si han sentido temor de salirse de su contenedor limitado y sienten presión ante ello, ahora sería un buen momento para al menos hacer una elección y compromiso de llevarlo a cabo.

Esta Luna Llena viene con una energía que es inspiradora para avanzar, completando tareas y liberando viejos apegos. Incluso tomar unos minutos para limpiar un viejo armario o una gaveta, hará sentir el movimiento en sus vidas.

Maryann Rada - Never a Time for Making Believe: Theo (Lyran) of the League of Light

Selacia - 2016 Año de Verdad y Justicia - 23 Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

A la humanidad le ha tomado mucho tiempo como colectivo, comenzar a enfrentar y a debatir abiertamente los asuntos relacionados con la verdad y la justicia, cuyo acceso le había sido denegado anteriormente. Al salir cada vez más de las sombras durante el 2015, la percepción de estos temas comenzó a alcanzar una masa crítica. Sí, a lo largo de los siglos hemos tenido un número infinito de revoluciones, atrocidades y guerras enraizadas en estos temas. La diferencia en el 2016 es cuanto hemos aumentado numéricamente y un reconocimiento creciente de lo que está en juego si estos asuntos no se enfrentan.

The Pleiadians Book (The Search for Yourselves) Part 04

Wendy Kennedy - Pleiadian Update 11/15/15 World Events & Orion History

Aisha North • Water Speaks - 25/11/15


The Rainbow Scribe.com -- ST GERMAIN -- CALL TO ACTION!

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - The Full Moon November 25

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon is Wednesday, November 25 at 3:44 PM MST, Mountain Standard Time.

This is a time for quiet celebration, acceptance of change, and making choices. If you have been ambivalent or in resistance around certain issues that require a choice, this would be a good time to finally make that choice. If you have been afraid to step out of your limited container, and you feel the pressure to do so, now would be a good time to at least make a choice and commitment to doing so.

This Full Moon comes with an energy that is inspirational for moving ahead, completing tasks and releasing old attachments. Even if you just take a few minutes and clean out a cabinet or drawer, it will make you feel like there is movement in your life.

Multiple UFOs sightings in the solar space - November 24, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - today - LIGHT READING, MOTHER MARY - 25. November 2015

"Live" Message from MOTHER MARY

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Translated by Franz

The time of great miracles is a time of you becoming
aware. The more you are conscious of your own Light,
the easier you will rise above this time and the events
will not reach you.

God walks on earth and the Mother of all Life has straightened

up human Beings, so that the seemingly unchanging may
change now.

I am amongst you


Light Reading Live-Stream at 6pm
Invitation to the Light Reading

The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
by language barriers and therfore every human Being, no
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.

martes, noviembre 24, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Finding the Flow & The Illusion of Hard Work ~ The Arcturians & Sue Lie 11-24-15

Finding the FLOW
The Arcturians

Dear Ones,

We are aware that so much of your third dimensional lives appear to be lost in working hard. The term “hard” represents the resistance of third dimensional labor and the word “work” represents the efforts of ones energy over time.

Both of these terms are bound by third/fourth dimensional constructs. Hence, they do NOT apply to the multidimensional energy fields that are now flowing through your reality. If you wish to flow into one of these energy fields, you will need to release your third dimensional thinking.

Jennifer Hoffman - How To Use Fear to Be Happy - 24 November, 2015

Have you ever wanted to do something but were paralyzed by your fears? Have you ever been angry with yourself for missing an opportunity, not taking action, and ignoring your dreams, once again? Do you wish you could get rid of your fear so you could be happy? There is a way to do this and it doesn’t require you to take big leaps of faith, pretend you’re brave (when you are not), take up skydiving or camping, or do anything that takes you way out of your comfort zone. It is three steps that start with fear because fear is the foundation for creating happiness.

Here are the three steps and you’ll see how they fit together:

Step 1. Admit that you’re afraid and know what you’re really afraid of. It doesn’t do any good to pretend you’re not afraid, that just creates more confusion. Even if you have a lot of fears, they have a common connection that could be a fear of criticism, judgment, loneliness, betrayal, persecution, ridicule, failure, or too much success. Know the fear and then you set the foundation for Step 2.

Step 2. Determine your ‘happiness reward’, so there is value in being happy, and it is greater than the value of your fear. The fear that paralyzes you serves a purpose, it protects you from doing what you’re really afraid of. You won’t take action when you’re afraid, so the value of being happy must include a meaningful, valuable reward. When you can see being happy as a reward and an alternative to being afraid, you’re ready for Step 3.

Step 3. Recognize your resistance and align it with your outcomes. We use phrases like “I could do this but then this other thing would happen, so I won’t go there.” These are but/so statements and they are very powerful because they show us where we resist. If we follow them with an action statement we acknowledge the fear and resistance, and our willingness to take action anyway. It sounds like this:  “I could start dating but then I might meet someone like my ex so I will stay home and watch movies by myself. Since I do want a relationship, I will take my chances and start meeting new people.”

Ignoring our fears serves no purpose, but staying in them doesn’t help us either, that just perpetuates the paralysis and drives us deeper into despair, inaction, confusion. It’s OK to be afraid, everyone is afraid of something, it isn’t useful to use our fears to avoid joy, happiness, and taking action. What is your reward for allowing happiness into your life? Make it big and appealing, important, and meaningful and use your fears as a stepping stone to understanding the core thing you’re afraid of and you won’t have to be afraid any more. Then you can start letting some joy in your life, feel better about yourself, create a happiness reward that is meaningful and fulfilling, and add happiness to your life intentions.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - November 24, 2015

from Planetary Activation Organization
Realize deep in your heart that new ways are starting to revise ancient scenarios and reset how this realm is to operate.
Technologies that can alter local and global travel are just the start of a new reality for humanity.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik

Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done under the highest security. In the past, the main worry was the great masses of sympathetic minions to the dark's delay retribution. These worries are no longer the prime motive for this massive security. The new wrinkle has been the general faux pas created by sudden glitches in the overall telecommunication process. Most of these things have been corrected. Nevertheless, a large degree of money wires, critical web sites and movement of key preliminary documents was disrupted. A lesser degree of this problem still exists. However, this difficulty is no longer the primary concern that it once was. To counter this, a number of key arrests were carried out. This operation is still ongoing. Our services were largely employed to gather intelligence on what other desperate moves were next for these dark oligarchs. This combined operation has prevented any large-scale terrorism from hijacking the distribution procedure.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 24, 2015

I am here this day to let you in on a new development in the abundance circle. There are many new volunteers who are taking the steps to be informed enough to know what to do and how to do it with the funds that are, as I speak, being distributed. I am St. Germain, and I am in the company now of one of the individuals who is taking the time to make sure that what is being done in his circle is absolutely in the best of mannerisms. That is the ideal situation for this all to come forth in, for in the ideology of truth and Love there is a tremendous power for the allowance of freedom to involve everyone in a flowing of the funds for all of the humanitarian purposes that are coming to the front.

Benjamín Fulford - 24-11-15. El derribo de la mafia jázara se está acelerando, haciendo que estén peligrosamente desesperados

23 Nov

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/11/24/khazarian-mafia-takedown-is-accelerating-making-them-dangerously-desperate/

Ya no es lo suficientemente bueno escribir el blog pasivamente acerca de la camarilla fascista asesina en masa que tomó el poder en Occidente, es el momento de hacer acciones directas. Este escritor va a poner su vida donde está su palabra yendo al mediodía, hora estándar de Japón el 24 de noviembre 2015 * para hacer frente a los mayores asesinos de masas cabalista jázaros: Richard Armitage, Michael Green y Kurt Campbell. Estos asesinos van a compadecer en la Sala Nikkei en el centro de Tokio, donde estarán dando órdenes a los políticos esclavos japoneses y fomentando la guerra. Estaremos en directo mediante streaming por Internet, mientras tratamos forzar que estos criminales tesis respondan por sus crímenes ante la opinión pública mundial. Es hora de hacer imposible que los miembros de la mafia jázara aparezcan en público sin ser confrontados por sus crímenes y mentiras.

Rev. Terri Newlon - "2016 ~ 1st Quarter Forecast by DK" - Nov. 24, 2015

Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, also known as The Tibetan is well-known to many devoted World Servers. His teachings are practical, compassionate and progressive.

Rev. Terri Newlon has channeled ‘DK’ since 1980.

Channeled description from Djwhal Khul:

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek! (Tibetan greeting)

I give each year a theme based on the probabilities for Humanity and especially so for Light Workers. 2016 is the ‘Year of Constraints and Restrictions’. This can be a positive focus if one is prepared and willing to navigate personal and worldly changes.

Jim Self - Questions for Jim - Aspect of Freedom - Transition