viernes, noviembre 20, 2015

Aisha North - 20/11/15

Aisha North series 78 - 4

Mike Quinsey.- 20th. November 2015

Events on Earth continue to create challenges to those of the Light who are helping to ease the situation in whatever way that they can. There seems to be no relief from the ever continuing problems created by those who lack the Light to understand the true nature of what is taking place. The dark Ones continue with their plan to create a World Government in which they would have the major power and control. However, their power is diminishing and they will never be allowed the degree of control they seek. In fact, they are laying themselves open to scrutiny that will reveal their true agenda. So although they still have sufficient power to make a last try to achieve their aims, they cannot succeed and in the end will have no option but to surrender. You can therefore keep focussed on your tasks, knowing that every effort you put in will be worthwhile and eventually reap rewards.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - SANANDA CODE - November 2015

The Sananda Code asks access to an ancient time when the soul was pure and its intent was pristine. The Sananda Code is about melting the frozen genetic code and unlocking a vault of knowledge. DNA separation has begun bringing a long forgotten soul oath to the surface. The Sananda Code is a triggering of a promise to live the light forgetting about time and space and earthly interruption. It is a remembrance that the human DNA and genome structure does not house a death hormone. The very fact that there is not a death hormone says more than one can image. You were born to be immortal.

The Sananda code is the light matrix that enters via the solar wormholes created every 8 minutes as emanations coming forth from deep space, onto earth via the suns contract with our evolution and our symbiotic relationship with this solar light. The photonic energy enters the cell membrane and It introduces a new instruction that holds a section of recovery tools to assist a planet in expulsion of dead-end codes .

Marlene Swetlishoff - St. Germain - November 20-December 11, 2015

WE NOW DRAW OUR LINE IN THE                                          SAND


Beloved People of the World,
There are many changes that are in the works at this time. Although it may seem as though the world is on the brink of being overtaken by chaos and its forces, know that things are not as they seem, for there is a new dawn on the horizon. We ask that you do not falter in the upholding of your own Light and the invocation of the Light for the world you live upon and all of her inhabitants. As you know, we work with you in energetic ways and so, together, we now take a stand and draw our line in the sand.

jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Thirty Veils Of Illusion - INTRO AND ILLUSION #1 - 11-19-15


Suzanne Lie

This book should really be entitled, “My Thirty Veils of Illusion,” as I’m sure that each person who journeys inside himself or herself would find their own thirty illusions, or more. Being a basically idealistic person, I found that I built most of my illusions around grand ideals. This manuscript did not begin as a book but as a meditation. At that time, I was a member of a group based in New York, who channeled information from the Ascended Masters who dwell in the higher planes of reality.

Méline Portia Lafont - AA Gabriel - Divine unity and intent - 19/11/2015

Source picture

AA Gabriel channeled through Méline Portia Lafont 19/11/2015

My beautiful hearts,

There is a higher frequency merging going on through you all to facilitate the merging of the new earth templates within your frequencies of Earth. What has to come about are fantastic calibrations of the new earth template with the ancient templates of New Lemuria. What is being formed is an organization of Light with Source activation frequencies that move beyond your control. These Source activations are frequencies of light which implement your human consciousness with the Divine Source of All That Is on a most highest and refined energy level ever seen and experienced by human hearts.

Maryann Rada - Giving Your Past a Look and Saying Goodbye: Rachelle

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos sentamos por un momento. Vamos a hablar de unas pocas cosas. Mi socio me ha traído aquí antes, he hecho revelaciones y lo haré otra vez, porque todos saben que aquí hay misterio.

Pero antes de hacerlo, les digo a quienes están aquí y a quienes escuchan que este es el segundo mensaje de la gira. Para quienes están aquí sentados es el primero. El primero de la gira fue en La Paz, para un grupo de bolivianos, y podría haber sido confuso para los que escuchaban y no eran de Bolivia. Este tal vez confunda a quienes nunca estuvieron en Tiahuanaco. En verdad nada es accidental; todo aquello en lo que te involucras tiene energía. Cuando tus padres te dieron el nombre que llevas, hubo una energía implicada en esa elección, en lo que podría significar en el futuro. Lo llevas contigo toda tu vida. Tan profundo es esto, que algunos de hecho cambian su nombre para cambiar la energía.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - Lago Titicaca, Bolivia, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos en un lugar mágico, y no es la primera vez que mi socio me trae aquí; lo describo para el que escucha: estamos mirando algo magnífico. Piensen en todos los ojos humanos que no percibirán lo que ustedes están viendo. No hay nada como ver a Gaia. Uno de los lagos más sagrados de la Tierra; cumple una profecía grandiosa; el Lago Titicaca en Bolivia. Estamos aproximadamente a 4.000 metros (N.T: de altura.) Y es sagrado, de modo que deseo hablar de energía. Deseo revelar algunas cosas, que son lineales porque han sucedido en una línea, una siguiendo a la otra.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - November 19, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as mastery. When an individual chooses to identify with the peace that is found within them through prayer and meditation, they connect with the deepest levels of their soul, their divine essence. They come to know self and can tap into their highest potential, the part of them that has great wisdom and creativity.

This opens them to the experience of greater levels of joy, peace and love. It gives them a greater feeling of freedom as they go about their daily activities from this state of harmonious well-being. They become a living example of a quiet and balanced mind that manifests a relaxed body, optimum health, and a happy life. Mastery requires self determination and strength of character. It requires the mastering of one’s personality, personal beliefs and their response to the world around them. One stops wasting their precious life energy worrying about the future and reliving the past. They achieve a state of freedom where their individual ego is integrated with their true self, their spiritual self. They experience a state of calm awareness and compassion for self and others.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 9/12/15 Barbara Marciniak Workshop

Maryann Rada - Never a Time for Making Believe - November 19, 2015

Lyran channeling

Be free in the way you hold your thoughts about the world and the way it will become what it is to be. The processes that are underway are being monitored by interstellar beings whose soul purpose is to facilitate the self-sustaining transformation of worlds. The planet you inhabit is undergoing changes to the inner framework of sentient reflexive understanding of itself as a planetary being. What this means is that planets are self-aware to varying degrees, as are humans, and Earth is coming into an enhanced level of understanding of itself. This requires review of experience and dispensing with extraneous data. What is left after clearing planetary memory forms the basis from which the new understanding of itself can build anew.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica de la Luz y la Jerarquía Espiritual - Noviembre 17, 2015

9 Imix, 14 Xul, 12 Manik

¡Selamat Balik! ¡El mensaje sigue siendo positivo! Vuestra nueva realidad se está manifestando lentamente. Los que gobiernan a los oscuros de este globo están en un auténtico estado de extrema preocupación, porque las cosas que ellos han ayudado a crear se están disolviendo en los cubos de basura de la historia. Aunque esos moradores del reino oscuro ven poco a poco que su tiempo ha llegado, sin embargo siguen desafiantes. Por todo este globo, están ocurriendo actos de silenciosa desesperación. Los así llamados ataques terroristas y los bloqueos en las telecomunicaciones son solo parte del grado de desesperación que actualmente está permeando en los oligarcas oscuros. Como muchas otras operaciones, ésta también va a fracasar. La Luz, en sus numerosas partes, lleva la delantera y esos valientes están teniendo éxito en preparar los medios para difundir la prosperidad, revelar un nuevo sistema financiero y monetario, como también para crear un nuevo gobierno para todos. Nosotros también estamos preparando los pasos necesarios para traer la revelación a décadas de viejo encubrimiento oficial. Ese proceso va a traeros todo un conjunto de tecnologías actualmente bien escondidas. ¡La Humanidad ha tenido el privilegio de que hombres como Tesla alentasen el comienzo de esta nueva Era!

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - A WORD FROM YOUR HOSTESS OF LIGHT - November 2015

The 1111 energies issued a time out, not for good behavior but for observation of the patterns of light. Like a spider’s web, within the new patterns of light are hidden messages, geometries and codes. What is still held sacred seeks an outlet a place of safety. As we move past the previous markers of limitations, we begin to dimensionally float like an island in a gale force wind. We are all a little nauseous like jet lag, moving ever so slightly with the changing dimensional tides.

Jahn J Kassl - FLOWER OF LOVE, ARCHANGEL METATRON - November 18, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Cast out the lower nature and arise to the level of a fully
conscious divinity – which you represent on all levels of
All-That-Is and which you also are on earth! 


Open your hearts for God’s Love. Come to the source so that
you may partake of the abundance and Grace, which springs
forth from this source.

Being in the middle of life means to act out of your divine
reality, and standing in the middle of life means to fulfill
one’s inside with life so that it may radiate into the world.

Phil Lightbody - SaLuSa - November 19, 2015

We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and first contact. By working together we can bring forward the necessary changes so the New-Age can proceed with all haste. This can all be arranged however you are called to focus on positive outcome only, else risk unwittingly adding energy to that which is not desired. By pre-imagining and focusing on your chosen outcome you are committing to that future path.

Karen Downing - Unity Transcends All Destruction - Nov 19, 2015

In the world today, it can be easy to look at the forces of destruction, anger and hatred, however in every single moment you have a choice as to the energy you feed. Are you going to feed unity, cooperation and harmony, or are you going to feed the other forces mentioned above? This choice comes up every time there is a news story about humans taking the lives of other humans. This unfortunately is not new news. This is currently a part of the human experience, at least until humanity is able to transcend it. And, yes it can be transcended, not by the few, but by the many.

Transcending destruction happens both individually and collectively; it is accomplished by making the choice to feed the forces of unity, love, forgiveness and compassion. Are you going to continue to give into the energy of destruction by adding your two cents to the judgment or hatred or fear that the media continues to stir up? Or, are you going to find a way to discover a peace within yourself, to see beyond labels to move into a space where you can connect with the humanness of each and every fellow person on the planet?

Benjamin Fulford - November 16, 2015: Paris psy-ops is part of ongoing moves towards world government

The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.

To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.

First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.

Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.

Rananda Kumara - “ THE LORDS OF LIGHT” - October 30, 2015

Lady Pallas Athena
One who descends from 6D to work in the 5D ships of the GFL (Galactic Federation Of Light) as a personal counselor to the crew members, is accorded the honorary title;- “Lord” or “Lady”.
A “Lord” in the Higher Realm is one who is an honored and greatly respected teacher. In the ships they are regarded as honored guests. They are not part of the ship’s crew, and don’t have to wear the silvery jump suits that are ship’s uniform. They are allowed to wear their own robes, with insignia or embroidery denoting their lineage. They are allocated a spacious “compartment” (apartment) close to the Command Post, where they and their Mate, if they have one, have a private garden, private bathing facilities, and an integral food preparation area. The higher one’s status, the closer one’s compartment is to the Command Post. (We would call it “The Bridge”) It is in this area of the ship that the Top Commander and Sub-Commanders also have their compartments.

Magenta Pixie - Events of Fear and Tragedy (The Disclosure Timeline)