lunes, noviembre 16, 2015

Selacia's article: Processing Shock - Tips for Responding to Events like Paris Attacks - Nov 16, 2015

Processing Shock

- Tips for Responding to Events like the Paris Attacks -
by Selacia
How do you process the plethora of violent events like happened last week in Paris and elsewhere? How do you put perspective on such horrific things that seem to be endless across the planet - at the same time you have your own personal series of crises to move through? In this article I address some spiritually grounded remedies for coping with our ongoing avalanche of crisis.

Suzanne Lie - Looking Back Into Your Future--Arcturians and Galactic Family 11-16-15

Looking Back Into Your Future
Arcturians and Galactic Family

We are here now, within your Portal of Light that is within YOU. We, your higher dimensional expressions of SELF have come into your awareness, into your consciousness and into your daily life.

Therefore, we—the members of your Multidimensional SELF—see what you see, hear what you hear, touch what you touch and smell what you smell. We think what you think, feel what you feel and know what you know.

We, the members of your Multidimensional SELF, have made this decision to join you in this manner so that we can personally escort you into the higher frequency of your consciousness, your perceptions, across the “threshold of illusion” and into your fifth dimensional SELF.

Your fifth dimensional self resonates to a Lightbody, so you cannot wear that form while grounded in the physical world. However, you can feel that body of light stirring within the Kundalini force that is awakening and beginning its journey up your spinal column.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Arcángel Gabriel - Noviembre 12, 2015

Tengamos una charla sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como lo ilimitado. El amor divino es el amor sin límites, es un amor que no conoce límites. En el núcleo de cada individuo hay una chispa de divinidad que es su verdadera esencia. A través de esta chispa divina, cada individuo está conectado con todo en el universo.
Ellos, como un alma, son una expresión de lo divino sin límites y sin fin. Cuando una persona escucha la voz apacible y delicada que lo guía desde su interior, la inspira a imaginar una versión ampliada de la vida que en realidad, espera vivir. Están conectados a través de su propia chispa de divinidad a la naturaleza de lo divino y de sus recursos sin límites y sin límites del amor, de sabiduría, de fuerza, de paz, de alegría y de compasión. Es un contacto directo y personal que está siempre disponible cuando lo necesitan.
El sentido de inmensidad de lo divino es un sentimiento de amor incondicional y protección que alberga cada individuo. Es sentir algo más allá de los sentidos normales de uno cuando experimentan las maravillas de la naturaleza y su inmensidad. Es un regalo reconocible y apreciado de la gracia que les viene en momentos especiales de una sincronicidad inesperada. Es sentir una sensación de alegría, asombro y admiración, gratitud y humildad que viene en un momento profundo y fugaz. Cuando reconocen la presencia y el amor de lo divino dentro de ellos, su vida y su mundo adquieren una luminosidad y claridad espiritual que ilumina su vida y las vidas de quienes les rodean con significado y propósito adicional.

Anna Merkaba - The Cosmic update – Current State of Consciousness on GAIA. Pegasus. - November 16, 2015


Through the infiltration of light forces upon the planetary system of GAIA and her satellite planets within the Milky Way galaxy, the energetic upliftment within the structural components of your understanding of time and space have succinctly added a new paradoxal amplification of cognitive collective objectives.

A new reality transfiguration of the outdated patterns of thinking and outdated patterns of benevolent co-creation with the divine intentions, has been reestablished and a new link to the divinity of the self, built upon the myriad magnetic strips of land which are in concurrent position with the transfiguration of the outdated models of BEing.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

What must happen so that Mother Earth heals and the 
hearts of human Beings are restored to health? 

The Revolution of Peace. 


Beloved Ones, Children of the One God, you, 
who give this world a new countenance.
Why does a large part of this mankind head toward 
a great conflict, toward a great war, toward great 
unrest and upheavals?

Fran Zepeda - Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now - Nov 16, 2015

Pallas Athena (Received November 15, 2015):

Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Acknowledge it now, beloveds.

Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, coming to you in Pure Source Consciousness.

I speak from your core, beloveds. The core that is you. Speak from your core now. Live from your core now. Be your true core now…your Pure Love Consciousness, your Pure Christ Consciousness, your Pure Love Essence. Your Compassionate Presence. Knowing All and Being All. You are One with All.

Marilyn Rafaelle - MENSAJE DEL GRUPO ARCTURIANO - El “futuro” está aquí - Nov 15, 2015


Queridos Amigos, observamos ahora a muchos llenos de Luz y esperanza a pesar de las apariencias externas.
El “futuro” está aquí y todo está procediendo de acuerdo al plano.
Permitan el proceso, lo cual significa un dejar ir de la resistencia remanente y de los conceptos con respecto a lo que “debería” estar pasando o cuando o cómo “necesitan” suceder. Continúen simplemente manteniendo la Luz queridos, porque están creando un mundo nuevo.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Redoing Your Fears With New Outcomes - Nov 16, 2015

Dear Ones,

Even though you have internalized joy and moved beyond 3D, you continue to foster fears of yesterday, to hold on to a seemingly never-ending panic of what will probably happen given your earth history.
Your 3D fears have increased 3D lifetime after 3D lifetime. Providing you with a safety net of sorts – “If this happens, surely this will follow.” A safety-net of fear. To waylay fears of the unknown, you created a framework of fear.

Christine Day - Message From the Pleiadians November 2015 - Monday, November 16, 2015

Beloved ones we greet you,

The winds of change continue to flow onto your earth plane. We call each one of you forward at this time to move with this flow of your destiny energy. Allow this sacred flow to take you, to move you where you need to be in order to meet your destiny path. For that is your ‘next step’ forward. It is your time to let go and allow yourself to be placed in the correct position for you to receive what is rightful yours.

Dolores Cannon: Conversations with Nostradamus Part 1


Alien Anomalies (UFO) on NASA satellite images LASCO C2 - November 15, 2015

domingo, noviembre 15, 2015

Dana Mrkich - A Day To Get Up - 15 November, 2015

Days like these show us some things very clearly.
We can see that most people respond with deep empathy and strong emotion when hearing about tragic events. This is the beauty of our humanity. We feel sadness at the thought of what others have gone through. We feel fear at the thought of it happening to us or our loved ones. We feel angry that someone, anyone, thinks it is okay to take someone else's life. We feel a connection with those we don't know. We feel our humanity more sharply on these days than on other, more ordinary days.

Sandra Walter ~ Vivid Awareness: Ease and Grace - Nov 15, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The experience of the merge sequences in this New Light intensify, especially during Gateway passages. November 16-18 and 23-28 are our Gatekeeper focus; join us with an open heart and clear intentions for more light, love and peace.

The Higher realms noted something unique would occur on the 13th. As with all of these dates and influxes, I remain humbled by what unfolds when higher vibrational light comes in. I feel the Light Tribe response to the latest global violence indicates a Shift in the higher vibrational collective consciousness. Negative programs have lost their influence on the High-Vibe Tribe, and the larger collective is reflecting this. Divine neutrality is about neutralizing the effect of the illusion on our consciousness, both personally and globally. With that skill in heart, the outer expression of love intensifies, becomes the new norm. Love is stepping up, in spite of lesser agendas. Photonic light and the Shift ensure we get whatever is needed to collectively move us into our hearts, to empower ourselves and the collective. Some flail like cornered wildcats, pressed to the limit by the impending light which promises their extinction. Some call forth the new paradigm in their actions, words, heart and energy fields. It tests the faith and patience of many a Master to know, observe, wayshow and participate in the acceleration simultaneously.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ Nov 15, 2015

Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The "future" is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what "should" be happening or when and how it "needs" to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light dear ones, for you are creating a new world.

All who are ready, are beginning to have higher dimensional insights and experiences. Obsolete concepts and beliefs carried through lifetimes are undergoing radical evaluation by many and are being recognized as representing outgrown states of consciousness. Some things will be permanently eliminated, while others will simply begin to manifest in higher forms.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 15 al 22 de noviembre, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Este es un tiempo de oración sin cesar (NT: La canalizadora conecta aquí a un enlace a su página Web donde publica un Decreto a la Llama Violeta por el Maestro Hilarión​, tomado de una pagina externa​. La traducción de este Decreto se incluye al final de este mensaje). Cada persona en la Tierra necesita alinearse a la Fuente y saber quién es - un niño de la Divinidad. Tienen que asumir una posición en sus mentes y corazones sobre lo que es bueno y correcto, seguir la regla de oro. Cada vez que aquellos que no siguen estos preceptos básicos de la ley universal crean estragos y caos por sí mismo, es responsabilidad de cada individuo mostrar las más altas cualidades que son capaces de defender. Cada uno de ustedes que tiene el corazón lleno de amor hace más para sostener y mantener el equilibrio en este planeta más allá de lo que nunca puedan conocer. No se desanimen, porque ustedes tienen la fuerza en su interior para ser tan fuerte como los tiempos en que se encuentran y es importante que ejerciten este atributo para mantener su equilibrio.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - La Paz, Bolivia, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para aquellos que solamente están escuchando, estoy en Bolivia; la ciudad es La Paz. Hoy hablo para quienes están aquí presentes. Quienes están escuchando puede que no comprendan algunas de las cosas que se presentan. Dicho esto, hagamos un momento de pausa. Queridos, quiero que sientan en este salón la energía de lo que está sucediendo. Escuchen: es la primera vez que puedo hablarles personalmente. Yo sé quién está aquí. Dejemos en claro ya mismo algunas cosas. No es accidental que estén en este salón, que oigan este mensaje, que sientan esta energía de amor para ustedes. ¿Alguna vez estuvieron solos, miraron las estrellas y preguntaron: Dios realmente me conoce?



Mis leales Ascendentes,

Yo Soy su Madre Tierra. Los miembros de mi Reino Elemental son Seres de energía poderosa quienes constantemente me asisten para crear y mantener mi forma física. Las expresiones de frecuencia superior del Reino Elemental, que ustedes conocen como Tierra, Aire, Fuego y Agua, son los Elohim, quienes son los creadores y los soportes de mi forma tridimensional.

Los Elohim residen en las dimensiones octavas hasta la duodécima guiando sus asistentes en el Reino Dévico que resuena desde la quinta a la octava dimensión. Los Devas reciben el "Ideal Divino" de los Elohim y transfieren estas Cualidades Divinas al Reino Elemental.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - November 15-22, 2015

Beloved Ones,
This is a time of prayer without ceasing. Each person on Earth needs to align to Source and know who they are – a child of the Divine. They need to take a stand in their minds and hearts for that which is good and right, to follow the golden rule. Each time those who do not follow these basic precepts of universal law create havoc and mayhem for its own sake, it is incumbent upon each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of upholding. Each of you whose hearts are filled with love do more to sustain and maintain the balance on this planet than you can ever know. Do not become discouraged, for you have the strength within you to be as strong as the times you are in call for and it is important that you exercise this attribute by maintaining your equilibrium.

Lee Harris - Deja que el amor te reordene: Actualizando tu vida de adentro hacia fuera - 1 de Noviembre 2015

Pronóstico de Energías para Noviembre del 2015
por Lee Harris

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

(Transcrito y editado a partir del mensaje de video hablado de Lee)

Hola a todos y bienvenidos al Pronóstico de Energías para noviembre del 2015

Estamos aquí hoy en el Arbolario en el Parque Golden Gate en San Francisco, en el jardín japonés. Si están en el área de San Francisco o vienen de visita, vengan aquí y vean este lugar. Es extraordinario y hay tantos espacios de naturaleza pacíficos e increíbles – pensé que sería el lugar perfecto para filmar el pronóstico de este mes.

Como siempre comenzaremos respirando un momento. Así que tomemos una respiración y liberemos…y tomemos otra y liberemos eso.