martes, septiembre 22, 2015

Blue Ray Empath New Earth Body Template Unity Grid Activation Transmission wlmp

Sheldan Nidle Update - September 22, 2015

5 Chicchan, 18 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Over the past few months, this world progressed from being one in which the dark cabal was still in charge to one where these scurrilous crooks are on the ropes. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally realizing how this world’s scenario needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity require a reveal. We have asked that this set of precise procedures be done at a much quicker level. This advice, as said previously, was largely ignored. The time is now ripe for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The coming prosperity is simply an instrument by which you can achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into one that is peaceful and harmonious. Be aware of what you are doing. Let it all flow and use your synchronistic powers to alter things gracefully and divinely. This world needs to change and to alter how it perceives itself. The old violent ways require an ending. The diversity of culture requires an honoring. You need to reside in a wondrous land with technology to end poverty and hunger. The world needs to see itself as a big and glorious family!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Galactic Light Being Embodiment: Entering the Purity Era as Love - 9/22/2015

The speed of Light is instant and it spans all dimensions at one time. Delays do not exist. All occurs simultaneously in all spaces, for all spaces are one.

Embodiment of Light as a Light BEing allows you to span all dimensions at one time as well. The physical body vessel that used to hold density and distortions has gone through a purification process of where these lower frequencies were held inside. These cosmic light frequencies activate the higher light frequencies inside of you, and as they do, the old frequencies begin to transmit any thoughts that operated at those frequencies to start to play, as well as the outside holographic illusion play (physical reality).

lunes, septiembre 21, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Saliendo de Su Prisión - 14 de Agosto 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Muchos de ustedes creen que los otros son los líderes y ustedes los seguidores. Eso se pone de manifiesto en la arena política, en su empleo y en su vida cotidiana. Nadie es líder de ustedes. Aunque ustedes puedan elegir obtener o valorar la experiencia de otro, este es solamente una fuente de información – no su líder.

Ese pensamiento deja a muchos perplejos. ¿Si no tienen líderes y ustedes se sienten como lo hacían en 3D, quiénes son entonces sus progenitores terrenales? ¿Tienen la suficiente fortaleza o sabiduría para salir adelante por sí mismos?

Jahn J Kassl - WHAT IS YOUR KINGDOM? SANANDA - September 21, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

„Be like a King, who makes laws, 
yet who is above the law!“ 


What does this allegory stand for?
Uplift yourself above your lower nature, uplift yourself 
above all ego attachments, because only on account 
of it are laws necessary on earth like this one.

Be like a King, who stands above the laws and yet 
applies them to all those, who act out of lower motives, 
who live in ego consciousness or who follow their lower 
instincts without obeying their divine reality.

Fran Zepeda - ‘Grace Under Pressure’ ~ by Fran Zepeda ~ September 21, 2015


As we harness these increasingly intense energies present in this Equinox/Eclipse/Blood Moon Gateway, further anchor the Light and move further in our ascension,  and as we go through this alternating clearing and upliftment process that we are all going through,  we are learning how to be ‘Grace Under Pressure’, loving ourselves, loving others, in spite of the pressures we feel, the obstacles/challenges that we  experience, and the changes that we are challenged to flow through with ease.

Christine Meleriessee - Top 10 Ascension Symptom Remedies - Sep 21, 2015

There are so many that have questions on what they are feeling.
+Physical Anomalies/Sensations in specific areas +Feeling Dizzy/Spacey/Unsteady +Diet Strangeness/Foods that worked before don’t all of a sudden +Over Fatigued/Over Energized +Mental Lapse of Recall/ Deja vu flashes

All of these are totally unexplained as to the root cause by medical professionals if you go see them (yes it is always advised to check in with them first so the establishment does not feel left out…we do not offer any medical advice ever so you must see them to get that.)
Why this is happening is because the human body is taking in more light frequencies. Think of it as growing pains when you were young. Everything has to shift and make room. Often this means that what is there must go. Here are the top 10 things we advise:
1. If you are not already doing so, remove artificial and chemical food/drink. Your body can no longer handle them like it did. Simpler and purer does better now.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (8) - Regina (Canadá), 24 de mayo de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Yo sé dónde estoy, y sé quién está aquí. Es importante repasar, solo ligeramente, para quienes no han oído estas cosas antes. En este salón hay enorme amor y benevolencia. Lo repito: oyen una voz de varón: es de mi socio. El Espíritu, la Fuente Creadora, no tiene género. Hablamos ahora de la sabiduría femenina que es un colectivo en Lemuria.

Lemuria era muy diferente; anoche les dijimos que fue la plataforma de lanzamiento del akash. Esto significa que, a medida que las almas pasaban por sus vientres y ustedes daban a luz, ustedes tenían conciencia como mujeres que estaban dando a luz almas que no regresarían a Lemuria, que ustedes estaban ayudando a darles la impronta misma, lo que ellos recordarían primero cuando reencarnaran otra vez en otros lugares del planeta.

Brenda Hoffman - One Step at a Time - September 21, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,

Even though the energies now striking earth are of the creation variety, those energies are not as you anticipate for you are acknowledging all that is new with 3D vision. Your words, your images are not yet accurate for you cannot describe something until it becomes your reality.

A blind person in your 3D world cannot understand or visualize the color red. So it is for you now. You cannot understand how you and your world are changing until you are part of that change.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2015 - Children of the Anunnaki

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 20 al 27 de septiembre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Hay augurios por todas partes que le informan a la gente del mundo que un gran cambio está produciéndose en su planeta y que es hora de que despierten al conocimiento de que todos están conectados entre sí. Los que han tratado de separar a la humanidad entre sí y de su conexión con lo divino están siendo enfrentados con la realidad de sus decisiones y elecciones. Cada vez es más difícil ocultar el número creciente de los pueblos del mundo que buscan una existencia pacífica. Hasta que no se atienda la causa raíz, esto sólo continuará. Los que buscan la dominación a través de actos de guerra seguirán siendo expuestos a los efectos de la misma y tendrán que lidiar con los problemas que han creado para que estén a satisfacción de la población mundial. Cuanto más pronto se dan cuenta de que todo el mundo en la Tierra se merece una vida de convivencia pacífica, más pronto habrá paz en la Tierra. Todos sus esfuerzos hasta la fecha les reflejan directamente los problemas que han creado a través de sus decisiones y acciones. Deben asumir la responsabilidad y ser considerados responsables por ellos.

domingo, septiembre 20, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - New Dimensions of Love - September 20, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.
There seems to be so much more fear in the energy fields surrounding us now. Because the frequencies of higher dimensions respond differently and feel unusual, many people are reacting in fear to the unknown.
As we become more sensitive to energy in these times of great change, we can be affected by what is in the quantum field. It becomes our divine duty to do what we can to change our consciousness so that we are not at the affect of the world around us. This will not only change our experience, but will also bring more Love into hearts of others.

Christine Meleriessee - Transcending into Light ~ The New Earth Frequency Update for September - Sep 20, 2015


The New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message from the 144th dimension of Light representing the Creative Source of Oneness.  The Unified Whole Command represents a triple flame consciousness of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.  They are the overseeing the energies of Oneness as all souls, Light Beings, of all dimensions step into the Oneness that we all reside within.

Blessings to each of you on this fine moment of our creation together. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.
The creative process that is occurring presently is to allow the increased elements that have been lost through the eons of time within this planet to be fully accepted by all of humanity.
What happens through this process is that there is great change to be felt, experienced, and seen through the eyes of the many. As each individual self makes up the whole essence of human consciousness, each of those souls has a major part in the transitions within the Earth. It is important that everyone has a purpose and a reason of why they react as they do, what they do with those reactions, and how it is interpreted within their human and spiritual consciousness.

Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Speaks About Her Elemental Kingdom - 9-20-15

Join us in our Free Webinar 
Celebrate the Equinox ~ Opening Portals of Transmutation 
Wednesday, September 23, 2015, at 1:00 PM PDT
Register NOW!



By Gaia and the Gnomes

My loyal Ascending Ones,

I am your Mother Earth. The members of my Elemental Kingdom are powerful energy beings who constantly assist me to create and maintain my physical form. The highest frequency expressions of the Elemental Kingdom, who you know as Earth, Air, Fire and Water, is the Elohim, who are the creators and holders of my third dimensional form.

The Elohim reside in the eighth through twelfth dimensions to guide their assistants in the Devic Kingdom that resonates to the fifth through eighth dimensions. The Devas receive the “Devine Ideal” of the Elohim and transfer these Divine Qualities to the Elemental Kingdom.

The Elementals reside in the higher fourth through fifth dimensions to create form for visiting life-streams who wear forms in the third and fourth dimensions of Gaia’s multidimensional reality. The Elementals assist in creating form for fourth dimensional life-streams, and then assist these life-streams to expand their form into the third dimension.

I wish to focus now on my dear Elementals who have been working very diligently to assist my myriad life forms to transmute their chosen forms into the fifth dimension. The Elementals are busily assisting my human, animal and plant beings to raise their resonance from the third/fourth dimensional frequencies into the fourth/fifth dimensional frequencies.

Eventually, humanity will also transmute into their fifth dimensional expressions. The transition from the third dimensional expression into the fourth dimensional expression is not too difficult as it merely involves the expansion of third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimensional aura.

Let me remind you that I, Gaia, see all my life forms as equal expressions of my embodiment. Therefore, my plants, animals, and humans (higher animals) are ALL equal in my heart. I know that my humans have been lost in the illusion that their expression is superior to the expressions of the plants and animals.

This misconception has allowed the lost ones to cause great destruction to my plant and animal children, as well as my land, water, weather and atmosphere. Fortunately, my ascending humans are gradually remembering that ALL life is ONE.

It is this memory that is allowing my ascending humans, to assist me with my planetary process of ascension. Unfortunately, many of my human ones are still asleep and are continuing to damage my other expressions of form. My Elementals have been healing the damage done to the myriad areas of my planetary body, but they cannot keep up with the human’s destructive way.

My Elementals are now also assisting my ascending humans in hopes that these enlightened humans can heal the destructive humans. I will now allow my Elementals to speak for themselves. Like many of my life forms, my Elementals live within Unity Consciousness. In fact, the only life forms that experience individual consciousness are my humans.

This individual consciousness has been both a blessing and a curse to humanity and to me. Speaking for all the members of my planet, I say, “Thank you dear humans for your escalating return to Unity Consciousness. I, your Mother, am very proud that you still contain your “spark of individuality” while you are remembering to also embrace your expanding Unity Consciousness.”

Individuality for my humans has been a consequence of my intense polarity. Fortunately, because I am returning to my fifth dimensional expression of Unity Consciousness, I will no longer be burdened by the challenge of the intense separation of the lower frequencies of reality.

However, it is difficult for my Devic Kingdom to hold their forms steady while so many negative thoughts, emotions and concepts of domination fill my planetary aura. Fortunately, my ascending humans are remembering the creative power of their thoughts and emotions. They are also learning to balance their divine attributes of wisdom, power and love.

Therefore, before my Elementals come forth to communicate with you, I would like to thank my dear ascending humans for remembering the stewardship that they have vowed to hold over my body. My Elementals, who are diligently working to return my form to my fifth dimensional expression, are very pleased to have the cooperation of the ascending humans.

One final comment to my ascending humans, please remember that you, too, have elementals within your body that are assisting you with your process of ascension. As you remember to cooperate with your own inner Elementals, you will find that your transmutation of form will progress in an increasingly smooth and loving manner.

My first Elementals to communicate with you are my Earth Elementals, the Gnomes:

THE GNOMES, Earth Elementals, SPEAK:

Good Nowness Dear Humans,

We say “Nowness” for we experience only NOW, such as all Elementals do. It is only through the perception of our humans that we experience time. We say “our humans” because we live in complete unity with the human bodies through which we flow.

We, the Earth Elementals are often known to humanity as Gnomes. We have been engaged in healing the immense damage that humans have done to the body of Gaia, as well as to their own. Not only have the humans taken many toxic substances into their bodies, they have also put many substances into the body of Gaia.

These toxins damage all life on Gaia’s sacred body. We will not go into the many ways in which humans have poisoned the land and disrupted the balance of nature because we are here now to thank you.

Dear awakened and ascending humans, we wish to thank you for clearing many of the personal and planetary wounds that have resulted from humanity’s long journey through the dark nights of forgetfulness. We can instantly perceive the humans who are in the process of healing their personal bodies, as well as the body of Gaia’s body, because they are accepting more light into their form.

They are taking in this light, which pushes their uncomfortable darkness to the surface to be healed, because they are ready to clear themselves to better assist with the planetary shift. We Gnomes can more readily transmute the third/fourth dimensional frequencies of humanity with the conscious assistance from the ascending humans.

It also greatly assists us when humanity remembers to send their unconditional love to our landed, mountains, caves and underground communities. When we Gnomes are empowered by humanity’s unconditional love, we can more completely work with the humans to clear the waste material of their third and lower fourth dimensional negativity.

Our process of clearing humans is similar to trimming the dead flowers from a plant. Our beloved plants love every component of themselves and spread their life force evenly throughout their being. When humans clip off the dead flowers, the energy that once went towards healing can go towards new growth.

In the same manner, when we assist humans to take in more light, we can also remind them that this light will reveal any inner darkness, which is usually some version of fear. It is VERY helpful to us when humans transmute their negative thoughts, emotions and actions so that they no longer create astral wounds on Gaia’s physical body. Once these wounds are created we, the Elementals, must focus on healing them.

On the other hand, we wish to give thanks to the humans who are now assisting us by transmuting the damage that was created by humanity’s forgetfulness and need to dominate. The reason why humanity was so destructive was because they had forgotten their own power.

Many humans forgot that they have the power to create, or harm, with “just” their thoughts and emotions. It is this forgotten power that we, the Elementals, wish to address. If you want to remain on Gaia as she transmutes into her fifth dimensional expression, you must remember that your EVERY thought and EVERY emotion will become manifest.

Fortunately, there is a threshold reality of New Earth that will still have a bit of delay between thoughts, emotions and manifestations. However, even in that reality you will NOT be able to adhere your attention and perception to ANY fifth dimensional matrix if you fall into fear. When you fall into fear, your resonance drops back to the lower fourth and third dimension.

We Gnomes work a great deal with the Matrix of Gaia, which is much like the bones of your human body. The Matrix creates and supports the forms and illusions of Earth’s inhabitable 3D Zone in the same way in which your bones support your earth vessel.

If the support system of any life-form is not strong, then the entire life-form will be weakened. It is wonderful, and so deeply appreciated, that many humans are performing healing ceremonies for their Mother Earth.

Because of your willingness to assist us, we ask that you assist us in healing Gaia’s Matrix so that She can transmute her Matrix into its higher frequency format. We are also aware of the deliberate destruction that the dark humans have created on Gaia’s body and of the damage created by the greed for more, more and bigger, bigger, and bigger.

However, that is an issue for you humans to work out amongst yourselves. We know that the masses are awakening from their long sleep of indoctrination and domination. Every day, more humans are even standing up for their right to have a happy life and taking back their power.

Within the long dark night of the last 12,000 years, many humans have suffered greatly. Happily, you are awakening enough that we can lovingly remind you to be responsible for your own thoughts and emotions. Please remember that your every thought becomes manifest, and your every emotion gives that manifestation life.

If you could see the many fear-filled thought-forms that we must “clip from the body of Gaia,” you would all be very embarrassed. You are aware that you leave physical litter on the ground, in the water, in the sky.

As your perceptions expand into the higher frequencies, you will become increasingly aware of the fourth dimensional litter that humanity leaves in the aura of their body, their home, their workplace and every place in which they lose mastery of their consciousness and fall into fear?

If you call us, we will assist you to remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. We ask you now, what thoughts have you had today? What emotions have you experienced? If you don’t know how to answer our question, than just look at how your day went.

You created that day. If you want a better day, then BE the master of your own energy. Be conscious that we of the Elemental Kingdom are bound to create that which you think and feel. Remember to acknowledge and feel the power of your wisdom and the wisdom of your love.

We are joyous to see that some of you are beginning to transmute your carbon-based vessel into a crystalline based Light-body. Please remember that each human is ONE with Gaia. Therefore, as each ONE of you transmute your own physical form, your fifth dimensional elementals will leave your body via your every exhale to be inhaled by another human, animal, plant or thought form.

Yes, plants and thought-forms do inhale. How else could they receive light? Of course their inhale is different than yours. But, we must remind you to become accustomed to life wearing forms that are very different from your human form. Also, as your exhale travels through your environment and into the inhale of other transmuting humans, those other humans connect with your essence.

Then, one day the circle will complete, and you will feel that “essence of yourself” within a person you have never met. It is in this manner of sharing your breath that your carbon-based world will transmute into a crystalline-based world.

Remember that we, humans and elementals, are a team that can work as ONE to ascend our planet. Begin by feeling our elemental energy in your body. See us in your body, on your land, in your gardens and under your trees.

We are extremely grateful for those of you who create healing ceremonies and stand up for the rights of Gaia. However, we ask for a bit more. We ask that you remember that YOU create your reality with your thoughts and emotions.

If your consciousness becomes dark and fearful, you give us a lot of extra work to do. On the other hand, when your consciousness is filled with light and unconditional love, you assist us more than you can ever imagine.

We, the Earth Elementals of Gaia, thank you in advance for what we KNOW you will do!

Patricia Cota-Robles - WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE EQUINOX, ECLIPSE AND WAVE X - September 20, 2015

This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message 9/20/15

SEPTEMBER 20, 2015

Dear ones, you are beginning to see many changes in your world. Try not to hold concepts regarding what those changes must look like in order to be valid, but instead learn to be silent observers of everything around you. Observe peoples' reactions and listen to what they are saying. Note the increasing furor of politicians scrambling to keep you where they want you, in fear and old energy. Notice how advertising seems to have become ever increasingly loud and annoying.

John Smallman - Jesus - Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL! - September 20, 2015

Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Sunday September 20th 2015. Today he is again talking about the inevitability of humanity’s awakening into Reality. And, as with my last Saul message, I am posting my complete communication with Jesus so that you can see where I’m coming from with my doubts, and my intention to release them, as the moment for our awakening approaches. Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me this evening? Today I have been tired, mostly at peace, content, but uninspired. It feels as though I received my last message from Saul a long time ago, and yet it was only last Thursday afternoon, 2 brief days ago! Time is surely quite unreal. It appears that we addressed issues that many are concerned with, judging by the many comments I have received. So that was very good.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - September 20-27, 2015

Beloved Ones,
There are portents everywhere that are informing the people of the world that a great change is taking place upon their planet and that it is time for them to awaken to the knowledge that all are connected to each other. Those who have tried to separate humanity from each other and from their connection to the divine are now being faced with the realities of their decisions and choices. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide the growing numbers of the world’s peoples who are seeking a peaceful existence. Until the root cause of this is addressed, it will only continue. Those who seek domination through acts of war will continue to be exposed to the effects of it and will have to deal with the problems they have created so that it is to the satisfaction of the world’s population. The sooner they realize that everyone on Earth deserves a life of peaceful co-existence, the sooner peace on Earth will come to pass. All their efforts to date are reflecting directly back to them the problems they have created through their decisions and actions. They must take responsibility and be held accountable for them.
All human interactions must begin to take place in honesty, sincerity and transparency, for the old ways of intrigue and backroom agreements are over. Those who continue in the old ways are being brought to the light of truth and will be held accountable. This fact of the workings of the new energies is being brought to the awareness in every nation in the world. It behooves the leaders of each nation to extend true compassion and kindness to those who are making clear to them that humanity will no longer tolerate any form of deceit, dishonesty and disrespect. The world has truly become a melting pot where each race is represented in each nation and the concept of ‘the other’ will no longer apply. For it is becoming increasingly clear that within each human heart beats the love and wisdom of the Creator of All That Is, that each individual throughout the world is aligned in oneness with every other individual. All seek to express this truth in their everyday lives.
The Great Awakening of the Earth’s people has begun in earnest and every event that occurs will reflect this fact. There will continue to be many challenges to experience, as it is the challenges and obstacles that arise that facilitate the awakenings in each human heart. At some point, the realization will come that humanity is participating in this cosmic evolution together and from that point forward, an acceleration of awakening consciousness will sweep the world. You who read or listen to this message are those who are in the forefront, you have passed all the tests that were given and you are now being further fortified in your role as Light Bearers. You are entering into a new phase of movement and activity. Connect within your heart daily and have faith that what is required of you shall be revealed to you.
You will have to continue to accept and assimilate the increased energetic influxes and this will facilitate remembrance of your part in the workings of the divine plan as it plays out. You are the love brigade, the wielders of the highest alchemy of the greatest force in the entire universe. Hold steady and let go of any energies or situations that are in opposition to this understanding. Your mind is the builder and you are building a majestic new world for all souls to enjoy. The denser energies have no part in your everyday existence and any remaining vestiges of these are quickly dissipating from your consciousness and your auric energy field. Allow your divine essence to speak through voice and words, allow your divine essence to radiate its goodness out into the world around you. Staying small and invisible will no longer be possible for the Light Bearers, adjust to this knowledge and be assured that you walk in safety and protection at all times.
Your guides and angelic teams are being upgraded in order that your role be optimized and empowered to greater effect. This does not mean that you become someone different; it means that now you are operating at the level of the higher aspects of self, your true and authentic divine self. You will be guided to make the choices that will lead you to the manifestation of your highest dreams and your perfect purpose here on Earth. You will be guided and inspired to move forward to the next right step. You will be inspired with ideas that bring you success in all of your highest aspirations in your role as a way shower.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Watch video version here:
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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Jonette Crowley - MARK - Retornando al ‘Bienestar Sin Causa Específica’ desde el Agobio - 15 Septiembre 2015

Quiero hablar un poco sobre mi percepción de lo que está sucediendo a medida que nos expandimos hacia nuestra naturaleza multidimensional.


Muchos sienten un tipo diferente de agobio. Una persona dijo que era como si todos los ómnibus llegaran y salieran a la vez, ¿así que, cómo elijen ustedes? Por supuesto que MARK respondería ¡que ustedes se suban y se bajen de todos ellos al mismo tiempo!

Hace pocos días estaba en ese lugar donde uno se siente desorientado y ansioso. Entendí la importancia de mi pensamiento y también estar consciente de ese ‘pequeño hueco de conejo’ al que voy donde me enfoco cada vez más – sobre lo que no está funcionando. Me pedí a mí misma elevarme a mi habitación en el templo o en ese lugar superior de Luz donde había flujo. Me había sentido toda amarrada y constipada.

Encontrando el Flujo

Entonces lo que vi justo encima era un reino de flujo, así que subí una pequeña escalera y me colgué del flujo. Al cambiar mi enfoque me elevé. Esto sanó totalmente mi ansiedad y mi preocupación. En un minuto probablemente estaba en un espacio diferente. Entonces ese espacio se abrió y sentí que yo tenía mucha capacidad. Podía abarcar tanto.

Esta mañana me quedé en la cama un poco más y encontré este reino de flujo. Había mucho acceso a la Luz allí. Todos esos ómnibus yendo y viniendo estaban en un plano superior de Luz. Hice una simple pregunta ¿Qué puedo hacer? Se me llevó de nuevo a los ‘Señores Oscuros’ – los controladores oscuros del mundo que yo había estado chequeando….viendo justo cómo ellos están recuperando sus almas y siendo más felices – ¡y están más felices! (Vean mi blog de octubre de 2014 – “Halloween y los Espíritus: lo Bueno, lo Malo y lo Feo”. Escribiré más adelante en este mes sobre Enfrentar el Mal, un Viaje Interno al Templo Negro)

¿Quién Sabe Adonde?

Sólo veo unos pocos pero pienso que es justo una metáfora de lo que está sucediendo. Entonces por alguna razón, que todavía sostiene mucha Luz – contemplé toda la riqueza de la información antigua que puede haber estado secretamente escondida. Así que decidí ‘enviarme’ a mí misma a la Biblioteca del Vaticano. No que no pueda leer todos esos textos, no que quisiera conocer lo que hay allí, sino que mi yo etérico me pidió de ser de alguna forma un punto de acceso para que toda la información pudiera pasar a través mío y saliera adonde necesitara ir – a los teólogos y a los científicos y a los canalizadores. ¿Quién sabe adonde? De nuevo, quién sabe si yo hice algo? Fue un pensamiento pasajero así que quedé colgando allí y lo hice.

Pensamientos Pasajeros

Por favor recuerden que cuando tienen estos pensamientos pasajeros, síganlos. ¡¡SÍGANLOS!! Nadie les va a dar permiso. Nadie dirá, “Oh, sí, tú sabes cómo hacer esto”. Me recuerdo cuando hago estas cosas locas que la Fusión Alma Cuerpo vino como un pensamiento pasajero. Yo no buscaba una técnica de sanación o algo nuevo que enseñar. Ni sentía siquiera que nada ocurría cuando me hice una Fusión por primera vez. Pero al continuarla – y dar vida a la Fusión Alma Cuerpo, ha ayudado a miles de personas en todo el mundo, quizás decenas de miles. Así que ustedes no saben con lo que ayudan y lo que abren. Recuerden, nada de este pensamiento “¿Quién soy yo para hacer esto?”.

Si algo les viene a la mente y están en un estado vibratorio bajo, entonces probablemente viene desde el temor, pero si se han elevado a un estado superior y viene un pensamiento pasajero, síganlo como una señal divina, un impulso divino para que nos expandamos a nosotros mismos y al mundo. Sé que ustedes saben lo que estoy diciendo. Realmente todos avanzamos más allá de “¿Quién soy yo para hacer esto?” porque eso no nos sirve para nada.

Bienestar Sin Causa Específica

MARK siempre habla respecto al ‘bienestar sin causa específica’. Quizás ese es el espacio al que voy para desatascarme. Porque cuando estoy atascada, no veo la causa del bienestar en ese momento. Pero cuando voy a ese flujo superior ese es el lugar del bienestar sin causa específica. Algo increíble sucede – el espacio de ‘bienestar sin causa específica’ ¡genera la causa del bienestar! Las cosas que nos traen bienestar comienzan a manifestarse porque primero fuimos a ese espacio sin causa, sin una razón, y entonces atraemos las razones.


Esto está extractado de la clase canalizada de MARK: La 9na Dimensión – Parte III El Nuevo Mundo, Clase 8 – de Mártires a Santos & el Plasma Dorado.

‘MARK’es un ser cósmico canalizado por Jonette desde 1989. Su objetivo es elevar a la humanidad sobre las estructuras de nuestra conciencia 3D. “Su realidad es un reflejo de su nivel de conciencia”. El guía cursos grabados semanalmente introduciéndonos experimentalmente a las dimensiones superiores del despertar. Esta es la exploración en los mismos límites de la percepción espiritual humana. No hay nada como estos cursos continuos para la expansión y la transformación. Para tomarle el pulso a ‘MARK’ de manera gratuita, vayan a nuestra ‘Aula de Escucha y Proyección’ pinchen aquí Click here para solicitar los cursos actuales o pasados de MARK como links de audio, CDs o simplemente obtener las transcripciones.

sábado, septiembre 19, 2015

Maryann Rada - Anica of the League of Light - The Time of Your Great New Beginning Is Now - Sep19, 2015


To say that you are without help in this time of change is to deny the truth of our existence. We of the lighted realms of life have far more to do in your world than to sit at the sideline and cheer you on as you work your way through the progressive levels of awakening yet before you. You who have been doing the hard work and those who have found their way along the energetic lines the pathmakers have cleared will hear some new information very soon about the help poised to present itself. Be aware of the movements toward clarity and follow the way well-lit that leads to the heart’s knowing. It is there that our voices arise with your own. It is there where you will recognize yourself and it is from there that you will take your new form as people of light. When you emerge from your planetary heart center, which is within every being of Earth, you will be as if transformed.