martes, febrero 24, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Change is Coming, Are you Ready for it? - Feb 23, 2015

I have to share a secret with you, I don’t really like change. In fact, I am very much a creature of habit. I love order and routine, so when I have to make changes, I generally take my time and then make them when I don’t have any other options. This means that change happens rather abruptly and sometimes in ways I can’t manage, meaning I can’t delay it any longer. Our need for change arises when we have ‘run out of energy road’ in our current reality and if we’re going to move in any direction, we’re going to have to allow change to happen. We can’t be open to transformation (which means to ‘change form’)  if we aren’t willing to change anything in our life, especially when moving forward or fulfilling an intention requires some kind of change, or for something in our life to be different.
Change means altering our lives, creating a new routine, and doing things differently. We always have to learn something new when things change, and that can be one reason we delay the change for so long. In fact, we’ll delay it until no other option is available and then we have to scramble to change something. But even though we’re content with the way things are, we are not necessarily happy or satisfied or fulfilled. We learn to adjust to and cope with things that don’t work and tell ourselves that they’re OK, until we can’t cope any longer.

Kara Schallock - Being Authentically You - February 24, 2015

While it may seem as though nothing is occurring, so much really is! We are integrating a lot and more and more folks are awakening and wondering, “What is going on? Everything is falling apart!” Well yes, everything must fall apart in order to build anew. We can’t just build a new structure on top of a garbage heap. We must let go of the garbage and begin to build who we are becoming. Here is an exercise for you, if you choose to take the time to do it:

Write a story of who you were; then write a story of who you are; and finally, write a story of who you intend to be (what kind of life you intend; who you are as a person, etc.) burn the first story and as you read the second story, notice how different you are from the first story. And then see how the third story is so much like who you are already.

Shanta Gabriel - a message from Archangel Gabriel - Your Mission Now - Activate the Powerful Pillar of Golden Light - February 23, 2015

Activate the Pillar of Golden Light
You are being gifted waves of Divine Illumination within Golden Light. Your job is to direct these frequencies and empower your life in its flow!
Dear Ones,

The Archangels are here to initiate the power of awakening energy upon the Earth as the Golden Light flows throughout the world now. This Light of pure divinity contains all the elements of consciousness that are so desired by those living on the Earth such as Peace, Love, Joy, Creativity, Freedom and Abundance.

In harmony with the Solar Ray of Gold, there is a presence you can invoke as the illumination of celestial forces integrating with human. It is a beautiful Pillar of Golden Light carrying the Christed presence so you can fill your inner being with the golden essence of Divine Love.

UFO Crash Filmed in Manitoba CANADA by Witness!


The Deluge of Thoth and the Pyramid Recovery Vaults [FULL VIDEO]

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 434 – February 24, 2015

By now, so much will have been irrevocably changed within you all, and as usual, the outside phenomena accompanying this internal turnaround may be hard to perceive. But again, what you see through those apertures in your head you call eyes accounts for only a small percentage of what is actually there to be perceived, so once again we will remind you that what you see is not all that you get. For there is a way to see beyond this small superficial presentation of “reality”, and that is by way of your heart to use a phrasing you are more than familiar with by now. But as you already know, we are not referring to that actual organ, those cells whose main function is to literally run this show that is your physical vehicle. No, what we refer to, are all those parts of you that do not actually belong inside said physical vehicle, but who have chosen to begin to interact with it in such a way, you too will begin to see beyond the physical limits.

Steve Rother - Lead with the Heart A Special Message from the group.

Judith Dagley – Light BE-Ing – 24 February 2015

judithGreetings Beloved, from our light being collectives to your own!
We hope our greeting got your attention, for You are a light being, indeed. As we have previously pointed out, it is not only from OUR dimensions that your light is perceived. Your own scientists have seen the biophotons that beam through your eyes and radiate from your physical body with their own light being eyes. With their newly refined instruments, they have ALSO seen that You are not only a light being, but the center of an entire collective. The biophotons that radiate from every cell of your physical body makes the light WITHIN You even more concentrated.
You see, Beloved, your body is literally an entire universe, and it is your own consciousness that brought it into BE-ing. Your consciousness is also the central sun that continues to spark it into BE-ing, over and over, many times per one of your seconds. (Your quantum physicists can verify THAT as well!)

lunes, febrero 23, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain

by benjamin, February 24, 2015

The lunar year of the sheep went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.

The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.

Benjamín Fulford - 24-02-15. El Pentágono puso a la CIA bajo el bloqueo para detener el terrorismo nuclear, pero todavía quedan bolsas de resistencia del cabal. - Feb 23, 2015


El año lunar del caballo salió con un golpetazo la semana pasada, con el movimiento sin precedentes del Pentágono de poner la sede de la CIA en Langley, Virginia, bajo bloqueo. El ataque sobre la CIA estaba “entre otras cosas” dirigido a la localización de las tres bombas nucleares ilegales que los zionazis han amenazado con hacer explotar en Ucrania, según fuentes del Pentágono. Además, el arma nuclear dirigida a Stanlingrado (hoy Volgogrado) ha sido requisada por los rusos, dicen las fuentes.
También hubo una explosión cerca de un aeropuerto cercano a la sede de la CIA en Virginia Occidental la semana pasada.  Las agencias de noticias corporativas de EEUU describen la explosión como resultado del “descarrilamiento de un tren”, pero los residentes locales dijeron que se parecía a una explosión nuclear. El video se puede ver aquí:
Sólo podemos especular que alguien, tratando de huir de la redada en la CIA, se se encontró con una muerte ardiente.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re Prepping For The Role Of A Lifetime – 23 February 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel as if your nerves are on top of your skin, that you are re-addressing issues you thought you addressed long ago or you are angry for seemingly little or no reason. Know that you are undergoing a major transition at this time.
All of earth are now under the influence of the energies building within your environment.
Those of you who climbed your mountain are definitely angry. Where is the fun? Where is the joy?
Ah. You do not yet understand that you selected a specific role to play in this ‘now’ and you are diligently preparing for that role.
Perhaps an analogy might help you better understand. Let’s pretend you were selected for a stage role in 3D you coveted for years (completed your climb up the mountain). Now you must learn your lines and prepare for the actual role – and so you are. Meaning you are letting go of any pieces that might hinder you – a new type of cleansing if you will.

Celia Fenn - The Sirius Transmission and the Multi-Dimensional Light Body Upgrade - February 23, 2015

Star Seed Transmissions 2015
February has been a most intense month in terms of Energy shifts and transformations.  This seems to be a new pattern, as February 2014 was also intense and powerful. This year the energy has intensified through this month, culminating on the 22nd of February 2015. This has not been a Solar phenomenon alone, although the Sun has been in the process of activating a new Light Body structure as well, but the primary source of these transmissions is the Star system of Sirius.
Sirius has been a part of the creation and evolution of Earth for many star cycles. There is a "partnership" between the Sirian Council of Light and The Earth Councils that has been renewed to allow the Sirian Masters and Teachers to continue to provide their expertise and guidance on matters of Light Body evolution and design. The Sirian Master Teachers, acting through the Atlantean and Egyptian Sacred Schools, imparted to Earth an understanding of the nature of the creation techniques used by the Elohim and and the Archangels, as well as the design and function of the Human Angelic Light Body and its relationship to Time and Space within different Dimensional Frameworks.
In this most recent partnership, the Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond Light Body. This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light. Intense waves of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.

Blossom Goodchild – 23 February 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello my friends. Well, this week has been a bit of a blue one for me, for one reason or another. Yet, today I feel ‘bright’ enough to channel and happy to do so.
With warmest of greetings … we welcome you and all who are drawn to our words. There are times for Each One when the spirit is low … yet, as you are aware … when the spirit bounces back … as it almost certainly will … there is a freshness in the steps … which One would not encounter, should they not have experienced the lesser energetic times.
Yes. I am aware of that … and always happy to be FEELING more in alignment with myself, that’s for sure. So, today’s topic will be?
Anything you would like it to be … within reason.
And that reason being?
The fact that there are certain topics that we do not care to discuss. For we FEEL it our desire to only uplift …
Rather than confuse …
We are indeed in sync with one another.
Ok … seeing as you offered … I have been thinking a lot lately about our Planet … about other Planets … in fact, about ‘The Whole Thing’. You say, that we were created as an experiment … who actually ‘devised’ us? How did it come about that these bodies of ours work as they do … and … how does the soul then enter into these bodies? Go for gold.

domingo, febrero 22, 2015

Lord Sananda Kumara - "INCREMENTAL ASCENSION" - Feb 22, 5015

On the 22nd of December 2012 there was great disappointment amongst many when they did not awaken to the new Ascended Earth and Humankind, that had been predicted in The Mayan Calendar, and by many other sources;- but the predicted date was not the date when ascension would happen overnight;- it was the start date for ascension;- the date of the first increment of incoming energies from the Galactic Core that would impact the Earth and initiate ascension for those that had chosen, consciously or unconsciously to ascend.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 22 de febrero al 1° de Marzo, 2015
Traducción: Esther Abreu


Cuando se sientan en el cruce de caminos preguntándose qué vía seguirá la humanidad, sepan que no son unos desvalidos – tienen la capacidad para hacer cambios en los campos morfo-genéticos (campos que influyen en el patrón o forma de las cosas) que rodean a todas las situaciones. Estos son los campos de patrones recurrentes que enlazan a todas las personas, campos que influyen y son influidos por las costumbres de todos los seres, ya sean de conocimiento, percepción o comportamiento. Es un campo que existe y en donde cada individuo hereda una memoria colectiva de los miembros anteriores de la especie, y que también contribuye a la memoria colectiva que afectará a otros miembros de la especie en el futuro (ver enlaces al final del mensaje sobre este tema*). Por eso les decimos que son más poderosos de lo que creen, y la razón por la que la atención plena, en sus pensamientos, palabras y obras, es tan importante. Es a través de su intención enfocada, su amor, su claridad intuitiva y su luz que se producen cambios en los patrones actuales en estos campos. ¡Ustedes son los que los afectan!

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Kuthumi – Stepping Into Your New Roles Being The Creator Of YOUR World – 22 February 2015

MélineConveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings Master Beings of Light, my fellow travelers and riders of the waves of infinity. I come to you with peace and with guidance to what comes and what IS. I call you all forth to participate in this world and this shift of the ages with perseverance and with effort, for what your plane is about to see is a mirage of changes, events and opportunities to shift the Human consciousness into Light consciousness.

And so you represent, each and everyone of you, this force of God’s Will being the executers of the Divine blueprint that has been seeded upon this Earth. You shall keep in mind that all of you, who are to see the light in another and in the Self, are keepers of the New Earth and are the seeds of this new foundation. So let this be clear that all of you carry the responsibility to hold that light and this vibration within you at all times. I speak of the sophisticated Light frequency and knowledge that is one with the Christed Light.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 22 February 2015

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones – you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in the future. (See links below.) This is why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!

sábado, febrero 21, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Estamos Todos Creciendo Juntos - 17 de Febrero 2015

17 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La semana pasada presente la publicación de un invitado en mi blog, lo cual creó una tormenta de opiniones diferentes. Esto es lo que se con seguridad: no podemos forzar a nadie a cambiar o a crecer, ni deberíamos. Tampoco nadie puede forzarnos a cambiar ni a crecer!