domingo, diciembre 21, 2014

The Best UFO Sightings Of 2014 (Part 2)

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 21 December 2014

marilynraffaeleDECEMBER 21,2014
Dear ones, Happy winter solstice. The energy of this particular solstice is bringing with it change and an energy that is being powerfully experienced by many as a deeper sensitivity to all things around them.
Our Christmas offering is a message of Peace and Joy, which we lovingly flow to you and which you then can flow as your gift to others. The words peace and joy, are seen everywhere at Christmas time and yet few take them seriously, instead seeing them as nice words on a Christmas card. Make true Peace your gift to the world every day of the year.

Eliza: A Turning Point . December 21, 2014

Tatoosh Ridge by Andrei Pernutter
Eliza:  A Turning Point
Winter Solstice has arrived in some parts of the world already, even as I begin to write this piece. It is the shortest day of the year in the northern latitudes and the longest in the south. The solstice marks one of the four corners or sections of the year’s passage, and this one is nearly done.
The Solstice also marks the end of a passage for myself, being some two months post my ascension ceremony, or that of my Higher Self, Lady Tazjima. During the ceremony, she was initiated into the Seventh Dimension, becoming a Lady of Light, an honorary title meaning “beloved teacher”.
These past two months have marked a period of intense and at times painful transformation and transmutation for me. I will not prevaricate… I have been under tremendous strain at times and extremely peaceful in other rare moments.

Natalie Glasson – The Golden Presence of Perfection by Archangel Amethyst – 21 December 2014

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Archangel Amethyst, the feminine twin flame aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. I am the Archangel of deep cleansing and purification on all levels. I can access the planetary levels and into the physical levels as well as the cosmic levels of the Creator, creating purification within each level as well as drawing cleansing rays from each sacred level and aspect of the Creator. I am also an Archangel of deep soothing and peaceful energies, bringing sacred comfort to any process of ascension you may be moving  through. Due to the presence of these qualities within my being I am adeeply nurturing aspect of the New Age, also known as the Era of Love and the phases of Ascension. Please Dear Ones do call upon my energies to assist and support you, with grace and love I will encircle you weaving into your energies, understanding all aspects of your being and bringing forth alignment and balance on new levels. My presence is with you eternally, you can imagine me akin to an Amethyst crystal, my light is clear and pure, shiny and shimmering. The violet ray of light with its qualities of magic and transformation move through my heart and core energies, inspiring my purpose and service to all.

Eliza: On the Solstice Ceremony - December 21, 2014

Eliza: The Solstice Ceremony
The ceremony began at 9:00 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time. That translates to 1 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, in which I currently reside. I was quite aware of both the presence of my family and the participation of my Higher Self, Lady Tazjima, in these festivities.  My transcription is just a portion of what occurred, from the perspective of my Higher Self and that of my own earth-bound consciousness, what I was able to perceive and experience through this process of acting as a scribe for the participants so that some might have a small remembrance of this magnificent occasion and momentous event in the development of their Souls.  I encourage others who had glimpses, visions, dreams or conscious awareness of the celebration to share their impressions, and by so doing, expand the appreciation for their own abilities and expansion of consciousness that we are now most blessedly experiencing on the earth plane as the planet and we, ourselves, move up in frequency.
Thus is one of the effects of becoming aware of one’s multidimensionality. It is much like being aware that you are dreaming. You can be three places at once, looking on, participating in and being aware of your physical body at some level. To be comfortable with this expansion of awareness takes some practice, but for some it feels quite natural for it is their natural state of beingness when not incarnated within a physical body upon this Earth plane.

Mis deseos para TODOS NOSOTROS - My wishes for All of US

Karen Dover - Conclusion of the “Separation of Worlds” in TRUTH - December 21, 2014

As the energies now begin to find their balance, many of us in our human form are now beginning to process that which we have walked. Huge energetic shifts will now see vast changes to our outer waking reality. No longer bound by the lower dimensional frequencies of the old 3D earth created construct manifestation of the higher frequencies into an altered outer reality will rapidly unfold.
It is not that the old 3D earth created construct will just vanish overnight, it will no longer trigger and therefore place a pause or hold on expansive movement. At a human conscious waking mind level this sees the “struggle” effectively dissolved for no triggering means that the walk upon planet earth comes with ease and grace and no longer worry about whether you will be accepted or not.

UFO News: Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed Over The Eiffle Tower. (3 Camera Angles)

sábado, diciembre 20, 2014

Méline Lafont - Solstice transmission ~ freedom and heart expansion Dec 20, 2014

Anrita Melchizedek - The 33 Stargate Portals of Light ~ December 2014

By Anrita Melchizedek,

Activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light and Actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light
Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you at this time of the December Solstice, as you come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, as you activate the New Earth templates through the Crystalline Cities of Light and in particular, experience the actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. Sweet ones, you have been embraced within the Diamond Flame of Purity and Melchizedek Consciousness since May 2014, when this beautiful Diamond Ray spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father entered into the Sedona vortex and the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. You, sweet ones, formed part of a beautiful planetary activity of Light that created a vortex of Divine Love linking into the Sedona vortex of Light and from here into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light as this graceful dance further created a harmonic rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes. Additionally, the twelve Crystalline Cities of Light associated with the primary chakras of Mother Earth anchored more deeply into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. The Crystalline Cities of Light embody the energy of pure, Divine Love, peace and purity, and act as a dimensional gateway for many of the Beings of Light from On High to connect with the awakened Souls on this Earth plane. In Golden Ages of Light, many initiates of Light would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs, into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light. Greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings they would experience various Healing Chambers of Light, celestial musical transmissions, interdimensional creations of geometry and art, and a deepening of their connection to all Life in Love.

Massive UFO Sightings Over Popocatepetl Volcano Mexico, Dec 20, 2014

Hace dos mil años un gran maestro de la humanidad apareció en el mundo. Fue un filósofo, un líder social, un maestro de moral, un reformador religioso y un sanador. Desde un extremo del imperio romano a la otra, donde quiera que iba, honores divinos fueron otorgados en él - por todos, de esclavo a emperador. Era, sin duda, el hombre más grande de su época; y su fecha de nacimiento (4 A.C.) y el período de actividad coincidió exactamente con los del mesías cristiano, salvo que la vida de Apolonio de incesante labor en favor de la humanidad se extendió durante más de un siglo, tiempo durante el cual conserva su salud del cuerpo y brillo de la mente irreprochable por el paso del tiempo. Él era un ejemplo, supremo de la perfección humana - física, mental y espiritualmente.Se llamaba Apolonio de Tiana.

Lena Stevens - Solstice & New Moon Update 12-21-14 - Solsticio de Invierno el Domingo, 21 de Diciembre

Dear Friends,

Winter Solstice is Sunday, December 21 at 4:03 PM MST (Mountain Standard Time) followed by the New Moon at 6:35 PM MST.

This is a uniquely powerful time and because the solstice and the New Moon fall on the same day, it is truly a time to say goodbye to the old and to anchor something new. We are feeling some new influences sliding in, the most prominent being a focus on wanting to be more creative in life and in everything we do. So in your work with RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY, be open to infusing it with creativity and the inspiration that creativity brings. Spend some time imagining outside the box and allowing new ideas and expansive intentions to guide you in writing some new intentions and goals for yourself.

viernes, diciembre 19, 2014

Aisha North - Welcome to the Solstice Gathering around the Pond, Sunday December 21
Dear family of light! We are approaching a pivotal point of the year, and the CCs have asked us to have a special Solstice Gathering around the Pond this Sunday at 21:00 Oslo time. Here is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“And so it is that we ask you once again to come together to pool your resources the way that only you can do, and this time it is indeed for a very special occasion. For this time, we ask you all to come together to mark the turning point that is approaching, and no, we are not simply referring to the one that concerns your planet’s movement around the Sun, we are also referring to something far, far vaster than this. For this time, you will all get the chance to be a part of something that is not simply another twice yearly astronomical occurrence, for this time, it is all about adding your weight – or light – to this already tipping scale, in a way that will ensure another quickening of the process.

7 Signs you are entering the 5th Dimension -The Movie

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Solstice And Uranus Direct” – 19 December 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. A very potent time here. Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, everything sort of coming up, but more notably that Winter Solstice happening when Uranus is going direct.
It has been retrograde for about five months so going direct in a fiery sign of Aries on the Solstice, 12-21, plus then we have a few other energies occurring that day that I think are going to produce interesting effects.

SaLuSa 19 December 2014

We come to you for the last time this year, one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever. Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time, are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here. Naturally the end times are chaotic as the changes take place, but it is no easy task to bring them in when so much negativity is being cleared. However, the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes, and already they are being felt. As we have often advised you, the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them although we will be restricted in what we do, until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress. Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones, who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man.

Sandra Walter – Briliant Multidimensional Intensity – 19 December 2014

Sandra Walter Ascension GuideBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I continue to be amazed by what is happening right now to our consciousness. Personally, it has been absolutely fascinating to experience the multidimensional merge so strongly. My days are a balance of delving into these experiences, along with a great amount of technical and creative work. I AM sure many Wayshowers are performing the balancing act, and getting accustomed to the New Light flow.
As the intensity of our experiences, both physical and non-physical, compliments the approaching wave of New Light, we pull back and gain perspective on how this is occurring. First, a brief summary of the sequence of major events which unfolded in 2014. After, a look at the DNA drop, a message from the Divine Team, and sharing of some interesting personal experiences.
The Brilliance of 2014
We had many interesting events unfold in 2014, which support this Now moment and the possibilities therein.



Georgi Stankov
Since the opening of the heart chakra and thcente re of truth (5th chakra) of all second wave ascension candidates (old and very ripe souls), we are on a steeascensip on spiral that includes in the first place the elimination of aldal rk, low vibrating patterns that have allowed to conceal the truth in the current 3D matrix.

jueves, diciembre 18, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - December 18, 2014

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as nurturing. Nurturing is one of the feminine qualities and embodies the power of love which moves an individual forward and opens their heart. The unconditional love within feminine energy has a powerful magnetic quality and is comprised of understanding, compassion, nurturing, and helpfulness. It is a passive but extremely powerful energy, for as an individual follows the ways of the heart, everyone around them feels it. One experiences themselves as strong, wise, loving, creative and gentle. They nurture themselves and are compassionate to themselves and others, knowing that they are valuable, lovable and respectable. They humbly hold themselves in the highest regard and self-respect, as a vessel for their divine essence. This self awareness allows them to treat others with the same reverence and respect when they relate with each other. They nurture their body-mind when it is tired or overwhelmed by slowing down, resting and engaging in activities that relax and re-energize them. Nurturing leads to caring about others and seeking balance and peace within their family, home and community rather than thinking only about self and one’s own personal gains.