lunes, julio 21, 2014

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - New Pleiadian StarGate DNA/Light Language Starbeing Activation/Template Sedona AZ

 Please turn up volume as this was unexpected video that I grab the camera to capture the powerful portal and gift from the Pleidians, and felt this transmission needed to be shared, thank you!

This an actual Pleadian Stargate Light Portal from Sedona AZ, Vortex through the Crystalline Sun that emits Light Pulse Codes of cellular awakening, DNA Activation with the Rose Ray of Creation.

This is a gift from the Solar Ray Deity and the Pleadians of our Brotherhood of light StarSeed Alliance Contact with your Star Family

Karen Dover - Movement into SOUL frequency realities - July 21, 2014

The New Earth frequency realities are realities that are created by your SOUL in the dreamtime platform as you exit the old 3D Earth frequencies.  As many of you are now experiencing these are now fully accessible at a human conscious waking mind level. As you now release fully the frequencies of the old 3D earth created construct you allow the FLOW of the LOVE that IS naturally. This flow seeks balance at all moments of all moments and this is what plays out a human conscious waking mind level in the shifts and movement in your outer waking reality.

Judith Kusel - Activation of Keys and Codes Within - July 21, 2014

In its purest form your soul is pure energy and it consists of 12 flames of energy.  One part of this energy is forever attached to the Divine Source, while one part stays attached to your planet of origin with a galaxy or star system.  Thus, when you incarnate onto a planet like earth, only one or at most three flames will incarnate into a physical form.  All the other parts of you are thus fully functional on different levels. 
All these parts together, as one single flame, form you Higher Soul Self.
Your Higher Soul Self again forms part of a soul group.  A soul group consists of 144 other flames and the soul group, forms part of much greater group of soul groups which forms a soul cluster of 144 000 souls (groups).

HILARION'S CALL TO ACTION - Marlene Swetlishoff - Llamada A La Accion – Hilarion – Julio 2014

Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!


Beloved Ones,

It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before. You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times. Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and send light to assist all the people who live there.

Conversations with St. Germain via Goldenlight 7-21-14 ~ BRICS-led coalition of world leaders raising their consciousness to focus on planetary harmony, peace, and well-being

tibetanmandalaArya Tara
The Mandala of Arya Tara Blessed by His Holiness The Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama blesses the Sand Mandala at MIT
copyright © Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.
Hello dear St Germain was just reading about Bretton Woods when I heard you start talking…
Yes I was beginning to say that the world is shifting away gradually but steadily from the US Dollar which is quickly losing its status as the world’s reserve currency. The world is changing and world leaders are waking up and shifting away from reliance on the US dollar or anything US-related for that matter. The world is tired of the US-led wars, bullying and aggressive dominance and the leaders of the world are all seeking alternative solutions to US dominance, aggression and power.
They are beginning to see that a large percentage of wars are being created covertly by the US and that no one wins in war, there are only losers. Nations are devastated, people are devastated and the earth is devastated. World leaders are beginning to raise their consciousness now, just as populations are, and wanting to create solutions that benefit all instead of harming all beings and financially benefiting the elite.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Self-Destruction of the Dark Ones 
Dream: An “Asian Prince” rants and rages in a small village 
in Austria, whereby he exercises the absolute and malicious
control over the inhabitants of the village! All inhabitants only 
wait until the Prince dies. Somehow this is to be expected, 
even though he is still very young – and what human Beings 
expect does happen – the Prince dies and I see his already 
decomposed body on his throne. 

domingo, julio 20, 2014

Georgi Stankov - The Splitting of the New Galaxy Has Begun - Jahn J Kassl - July 20, 2014

The 6D Space Fleet of Light
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 19, 2014
first published on July 20, 2014 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Georgi Stankov
The good news first: The interdimensional splitting of the new Galaxy and Gaia as its crystallisation point has commenced and we, the few light warriors of the first and the last hours – the new Guardians of this Galaxy – are in the eye of the storm. We are the main protagonists of the ascension process and are at the same time fully detached from this dense reality in a process of rapid dissolution, as Jahn has experienced it during the reception of this message (read below). The reason for this detachment is that we all now dwell in the 6D and are here only as avatars to guide and observe this unique cosmic event of incredible proportions.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – You Belong To All Worlds – 20 July 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA You are a multi-dimensional universe within your cell structure, your biology, as well as your emotional and mental being.  This year has escorted you into doorways of thoughts beyond your earthly perception of time, space, light and sound. This year shows you the worlds within worlds in which you reside simultaneously.  For your true spirit is not limited and linear, your soul belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all particles of light.  You are not just a universe – you are a multi-verse. 
The light is your brethren and the asteroids your distant cousins.  Everything in your existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot.  You came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial lineage.  Every Being that exists between time, within time, around time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe and the Multi- Verse.

Isabel Henn - My Journal July 20, 2014

I feel better today. I am releasing.
Yesterday I was a bit down, my twin told me it would come partly from all the happenings in the last weeks and the other part from the passing of Bobby and that I should allow me the time to mourn.
Well, I was asked to explain a bit more about my relationship with Bobby and the new puppy and how animals may be spirit guides too. I will love to do this.
With Bobby, you can read about him when you follow the link:
Bobby is my beloved son, my firstborn with beloved SaLuSa on Sirius and in this an old soul. Originally he is no dog there but an Elf, who only incarnated as a dog to protect, assist and help me and my children. He joined my family nearly one year after I seperated from my former husband and lived nearly 13,5 years as one of my four-legged children with us. He was a wonderful companion for my sons and also for me, he was always my ‘mommy child’. I had an old cat the time he came to us, also a child of me from Sirius who protected me very well against my husband, she was my guardian angel cat until she passed in 2005. Some months before, two cats, brother and sister, joined us to be my guardian cats when Minka would pass and I have to say they did a wonderful job. Especially Jerry the girl warned me in 2012 more than once when negative energies disturbed me or tried to do this, Bobby and her brother Tom did that also.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
The “light of truth” precedes the love, 
before it may become an all-encompassing 
reality for a human Being, and has truth been 
satisfied, has truth been accepted and recognized, 
then the soil has been prepared for love and the “light 
of love” shines unrestrictedly from a Being.
Logos und Life on all levels,
I am the Love, the Way and the Truth – on all levels.
To become light, to be light and to live the light-filled 
reality that you are; what does that mean and how 
can it be attained?

Natalie Glasson – Create Peace In The World With One Action By Archangel Metatron – 20 July 2014

natalie glassonIt is often said to create peace in the world you simply need to love yourself unconditionally in a humble and grateful way and love everyone else in an open compassionate way. While mastering the act of sharing the natural love existing within your being is important there is one habit and energy needing to be dissolved before love can truly reign, be empowered and experienced in your reality. Without true realisation of this habit love cannot completely be recognised for its healing and uplifting power. When many people meditate and achieve spiritual practices seeking the experience of enlightenment they actually end up experiencing the power of the essence of love within their being as when fully embraced your love is transformational, fuels wellbeing and health, acceptance and manifestation of abundance, the experience of freedom through bliss and a heightened awareness of life through divine wisdom. Love is a major force that is needed to be expressed by all beings upon the Earth but it is the presence of judgment which requires focus in order to fuel and give space from the growth of love.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Time Passages – 20 July 2014

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
What was once sought, is now freed into expression of purpose.  Truths that were once hidden unwrap themselves in the schematics of the new time dialogue.  Energies that went un-harnessed now entrain themselves.  Duality of purpose seeks a partner as Earth dances around with her upcoming choices.  We are at a Point of No Return as one that passes through the pastures of life seeking safe haven from a world of turmoil.  We all sit at a place of less resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude of placement.  Thy will be done, seems to be the title of upcoming events, personal and planetary. As we sit looking out our window of time, with our microscopic view at maximum clarity, we begin to truly understand, that it is not fate versus free will, it is fate and free will.

Conspiracy Of Silence

Marlene Swetlishoff ~HILARION ~ July 20-27, 2014

July 20-27, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The people of the world are uniting in greater and greater numbers to stand in the streets to let the leaders of the world know that they are no longer willing to be silent witnesses as they watch senseless destruction of the world’s people and their homelands be destroyed. As the powers that be lash out to create fear in the people in order to keep them under control, awakened humanity across the planet are rising up in swelling numbers to create change across the planet. The mainstream news continues to suppress the reporting of the momentous movement of people’s protests in major cities of the world and this has become glaringly clear to the majority of the world’s population. The lies, deceptions and cover ups from those in power are becoming more obvious in every moment.

Sandra Walter – The Divine Recalibrations – 20 July 2014

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
You may have noticed some significant changes occurring during the last few Gateways in your personal journey. Everything is so very different from our old experience, and I hope the last few articles assisted with understanding the linear aspect of these unfoldments. While it is designed to reveal deeply personal aspects of your expression here, there have been some similarities which provide the old comfort of Yes, me too during this phase of our process.
Some of you may have experienced physical recalibrations this during these revelation Gates, which will continue for a few months. These are opportunities to willingly, consciously perceive what is your personal expression’s true path, true purpose, and in many cases your true mulitdimensional Self.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 20 July 2014

marilynraffaeleToday we speak to you of ascension. You are beginning now to see the results of higher dimensional energies pouring into world consciousness causing the dissolution of many old paradigms and bringing in a receptivity to truth and there is much yet to come. Up till now, ascension has been the distant goal of hundreds of individual lifetimes of experience and learning finally to be understood only after death with the help of one’s Guides. However at this time–NOW, planetary energy is shifting and raising in frequency through the presence of so many enlightened beings on earth at this time. There are many from other planets here in human body simply to add their light to this process. The higher dimensional Light of so many enlightened ones is serving to dissolve the false and bring about the personal ascension of many while still in physical body. Those of you reading and resonating with the Arcturian messages can rest assured that you chose to be here at this powerful time to be a part of this.

Suzanne Lie – Fourth Message From Antares – Sunrise On Antares – 20 July 2014

Dear Commander Malteese
I heard your call and wish to communicate with you. Are you here to speak to me?
Indeed I am here to speak to you about a very powerful event. As you were aware in your meditation, you were invited onto our ship. (I was not aware of that visit then or now. It is interesting to look back into the past to see how much it is like the present. I guess that would be leaving time??)
We normally vibrate in the sixth and seventh dimensions, but we are able to take on a form in the fourth dimension to assist Earth. However, the 4D ethers are very polluted with the thoughts, feelings, and chemicals of many eons of third dimensional living. It is our service to assist in the purification of this dimension around your planet.

Denise Le Fay - Experiencing any Mid-July Time Distortions? - July 20, 2014

First I need to apologize for the problems with a link in the July 17th article Mid-July Changes  to The 12 Labors of Humanity within the NEW. After three days of messing with it I think I’ve finally solved the problem and that link is now working. My apologies everyone, it’s been “glitchy” everywhere again lately.

sábado, julio 19, 2014

62. 3 UFO. Orbs over Windsor Detroit. July 19 14.


Discovery Work in God’s Grace

To bid farewell from the world of darkness and enter 
into the world of Light.
To bid farewell from every manifestation in this world, 
because you will never again experience it from the 
viewpoint of a human Being.
To bid farewell from happiness and suffering, 
which this level of experience let you partake, 
because happiness as well as suffering remain guests, 
either welcome or unwelcome, as the conscious turning 
away from it has been omitted.