Ascension is the reason so many struggle with difficult
experiences. In order to shift into higher dimensional energy, there
must first be a clearing of the lower resonating energies still held in
cellular memory–these energies cannot be carried with you into the
higher. These energies usually remain dormant as long as an individual
is comfortable and all seems to be going well–thus some powerful “wake
up call” may be needed to jolt him out of complacency. “Negative”
experiences are not signs of failure for a spiritual student, but
instead are indications of a spiritual readiness to move deeper. However
not all energies needing to be released are negative, sometimes it is
an intense connection to someone that has become so interdependent over
time as to hold the student back. Because this is such an important time
on earth, most of you chose birth families that would serve to activate
deeply buried issues, bringing them to a conscious level where they
could be finally resolved and released.
Through an honest examination of all experiences, the
good as well as the bad, you will come to understand that much of what
you have accepted as the way things “must be done, must appear, must
work” in order for them to be correct, are instead simply concepts, many
of which were accepted in other lifetimes and carried into this one.
Everyone has had different lifetime experiences and so everyone’s
clearing experiences will be different.
Impersonal universal human consciousness contains all
third dimensional thoughts and beliefs. The beliefs and ideas of this
impersonal human consciousness are never yours until you personally
accept them as true, at which time they become your state of
consciousness and can begin to manifest outwardly. You may say; “But I
don’t believe this” or “I am spiritually aware, so how did this thing
manifest in my life?” This is because energies of duality and separation
are still resonating in cellular memory and any general acceptance of
the third dimensional belief system will appear outwardly. There is no
un-manifest consciousness. Many of you may re-experience these
impersonal energies as they clear, especially those from the emotional
body, just don’t pull them back in, once again personalizing them.
If it seems to you as if you are going no where
spiritually, know that this suggestion arises from human concepts of how
spiritual experiences must look. Films, books, and even some spiritual
teachers present pictures and ideas of ascension and spiritual evolution
according to their personal experiences and state of consciousness.
Every individual is different and there is no one experience for all–to
believe you must have a particular experience is human.
Some are attracted to the teachings of the East because
they learned and lived these teachings in other lifetimes and resonate
with them. Others may find themselves drawn to teachings from the nature
path…those of Native Americans and other aboriginal groups. Many are
finding themselves drawn to convents and monasteries for no apparent
reason. This is because you have lived these experiences in other
lifetimes and everything you resonate with either positively or
negatively is now coming to your awareness.
Always remember that at a certain point, you no longer
need the modalities–paths, rituals, and teachings. Tools can guide and
assist in the earlier phases of awakening but are no longer necessary
after realizing that you already are that which you seek and that your
oneness with Source constitutes your oneness with all that Source is.
The tools can help open an individual to deeper awareness but there
comes a time at which any dependence upon them must cease in order that
teaching come from within. Holding tightly to some path, tradition, or
teaching after it has been outgrown only serves to keep one in old and
finished energy. This does not mean you cannot occasionally work with an
evolved reader or teacher, or schedule an energy session, or take some
class you may be guided to take. It means you no longer believe you NEED
these things.
It is important that you not judge yourselves for any
human beliefs or thoughts that may flow to you even if you temporarily
accept them. Impersonal ideas are often inadvertently accepted because
you still resonate with their energy. For example if a person has had
many previous lifetimes of disease, he will be more susceptible to the
concepts of health and disease floating about in universal
Resist any temptation to guilt, regret, or self loathing
for thoughts or actions you may embrace, instead use these realizations
as reminders to go deeper. If you realize that you have ignorantly
accepted some belief or another that you now recognize as false, know
that the sky is not going to fall down nor will you be “smote from
above” as punishment. These experiences are simply opportunities for
growth, and investing them with a power they do not have is duality and
separation. Always remember that nothing, no word, thought, experience,
or appearance can ever separate you from who and what you really are.
Learning becomes more gentle with time because the need to learn through
struggle and pain is finished. Most of you are at that point now.
Trust your intuitive sense about things. If some thing
in your life (food, books, entertainment, world view etc.) is no longer
resonating with you, know that you have shifted beyond the energy of it
and try not to revive it as it was in the past no matter how pleasant or
perfect it may of been at that time. Try very hard not to add energy to
negative outer appearances, but instead reinterpret them. For example,
you may become aware of some humanly negative or violent activity, but
the spiritual reality is that all activity between living things is the
activity of interconnectedness (Love– many within the One). In this case
that spiritual interconnectedness is being reflected through the third
dimensional consciousness of separation–it is still the interaction
within the One, but colored by false belief.
Trust that once you choose to evolve, you are indeed
evolving regardless of any outer appearances. It is not necessary to
jump up and down, light a candle, chant certain chants, go to church
every week, or stand facing a certain direction saying certain words to
get the process moving. You have all evolved beyond these beginner
activities or you wouldn’t be reading these messages. Nothing is needed
but the intention to evolve. It does not mean you cannot visit a church
and enjoy the beauty of a service nor does it mean you cannot sign a
petition or speak your truth. It means you no longer give these things a
power they don’t have, but instead, rest in the realization that there
is only one power and that power is within.
There are those who believe they have already know all
the answers and so there is nothing more for them to learn or
understand. Sadly, this ego stance serves to act as a box enclosing them
with their own creations and preventing any real spiritual growth until
such time as they are ready to open themselves to more.
Evolution is a gradual journey into higher dimensional
energy. Ascension is the achievement of that state of consciousness that
will allow you to shift into the higher frequencies. The higher and
faster the frequencies, the nearer to pure Light they become. The third
dimensional world is unable to see these higher frequencies with human
eyes and so denies them, but this is changing as more and more come into
alignment with them. As beings of light, you allowed your energy to
slow and become dense in order to experience the third dimension for the
purpose of remembering truth while seemingly separated from it. At this
time most of you are ready for completion and are on earth to once and
for all clear any remaining energies from these life times.
Trust that you are well on your way regardless of the
lack of so called spiritual experiences. Open your hearts to the truth
behind what you may behold in the outer knowing that all, even the
seemingly un-awakened are releasing old energy. There are some not yet
ready for ascension, honor them and concern yourselves with your own
inner work. It is not wisdom to try and convert another not yet ready
for your level of awareness. Keep truth silent and secret in your heart
and those ready for what you have will find you for energy seeks its own
Relax, rest, and take time often to go within, even if
you have to get up in the middle of the night to find quiet. Stay
present in each moment no matter how mundane or frightening–this is the
spiritual journey which rarely comes as the blast of heavenly light
depicted in movies except to those who have already attained their
personal ascension in a previous lifetime.
Trust, trust, trust that which is within. It is time to claim your own Divine Power.
We are the Arcturian Group July 20, 2014