– Through Me to YOU, July Energy Tele-Gathering, 7.20.2014
That is the theme of 2014, our Year of Integration. This integration process is increasing in intensity and so power, and will continue to through the rest of the year, at least. Already, it has become a veritable vortex, spinning so fast that nothing is either “here or there, past or present” anymore. All of everywhere is spinning into NOW.
Which is, of course, so that we can integrate ourselves whole and get on with it. Which, nonetheless, is also making our heads spin and knocking our socks off (mine included, please note). So, it is no surprise that it quickly unfolded as the theme of our July Energy Tele-Gathering– the recording of which is NOW available!
And, it is unedited, as well! Meaning, none of the energies that came through in the tele-gathering were left out or adulterated in any way… say, to turn it into a more “attractive product. ” Ha, that sort of “marketing perspective” is one I have never been able to make sense of, anyway– either fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your current perspective. From my own, I’ll just say that I feel very fortunate to know the difference between giving/receiving and selling a product, and leave it at that. For NOW.
That said, I am happy to say that it turned out to be a very “attractive production” of confluence, guidance, and energetic support, all on its human/celestial co-created own! Since it is unedited, you will receive all 1 hour, 56 minutes and 21 seconds of it through the listening, very close to the extent of actually BEING there. You will even be there for the entering and joining of the participants, before I ever open my mouth– and so will enter and join along with them.
And that said, I’m happy to also say that the recording came through clear as a bell and energetically intact– and please also understand that what you will hear/receive will be energetically, personally, for you alone. I send every recording out individually, one at a time, so that each is uniquely aligned with the energy patterns that are carried through the “energy exchange” of the receiver. Oh, sure, this takes quite a lot of personal dedication, energy, and “time” on my part, of course… and through the old paradigm, survival-oriented lens would seem quite “impractical.” But that is not my lens. I am thrilled as I send off each and every one of them.
NOW, onto the recording!
For those who were NOT present in the July Energy Tele-Gathering—
Go to http://www.thecelestialteam.com
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange of $8.00 by pressing the “donate tab.”
Note it as July Recording.
It will be sent to you within 48 hours.
For those who DID participate in the July Energy Tele-Gathering–
Go to http://www.thecelestialteam.com
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange of $3.00 by pressing the “donate tab.”
Note it as July Recording.
It will be sent to you within 48 hours.
And last but far from least– hats off to those of you who have already registered you energy into the August Energy Tele-Gathering on 8/17. . . way to GO!
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