miércoles, febrero 19, 2014

Demystifying The New Age – Part 1 – from Kryon through Lee Carroll - February 18, 2014 - La Desmitificación De La Nueva Era Parte 1 Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll Tucson, Arizona – 18 de enero de 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Yet again, my partner steps aside and the purity of the message is enhanced. I say this, for even he is experiencing differences in the spiritual energy of what he has done for 23 years. The very process of channelling is also shifting.
If, indeed, channelling is an open message coming from the portal of the pineal and if, indeed, the energy of the planet is starting to support this, it means that the portal of communication is going to become larger. More is being transmitted in the third language than ever before, even to the listener after the fact [recordings] and even to the reader on the page. There is an energy that is multidimensional, which carries messages far beyond that which is verbal or written, and they ride along with this specific message as you hear it right now in this room. There is so much more at hand as we open this and begin to speak.

EirePort: - Static energetics find illumination and resuscitation via collective upshifting of base dynamic - Feb 19, 2014

19 Feb eireport_logo_thumb_1Static energetics find illumination and resuscitation via collective upshifting of base dynamic.
Clearance sales initiated by Light Intenders removing unwanted anharmonics are proceeding and will finish in short order.
Fragility of old paradigm systems makes itself known to many, even the not fully conscious.
“New Gaia” preludes begin in earnest, as Cities of Light unveil.

Jahn J Kassl - ARISE YOU GODS, SANAT KUMARA - Februar 19, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

God’s Blessings for Mankind, God’s Omnipresence is 
proverbially expressed, because truly: The Creator is one with 
His creations in time and space und beyond that. Do not be afraid!
Now everything appears that has been invisibly embedded 
between the brickwork.

martes, febrero 18, 2014

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 18 February 2014

9 Kan, 7 Zac, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We return! A number of events are secretly happening. The cabal’s intent is to ignore us and force some kind of retribution. This led to such an action a few days ago. These devious scalawags absolutely refuse to alter the structure of corruption and immorality. It is a policy that reflects how governments work and how those in control get richer and richer. As to the masses, a general contempt can be observed. The habits and beliefs of the cabal are ingrained in them by the time they assume any important position in this hierarchy of power. There is now a counter-action that is literally squeezing them and forcing a much different result. The full extent of their corruption and arrogance cannot be fully explained, and they will be hoisted on their petards. A process will be set in motion to make it possible for a great prosperity to be redistributed to you. Our liaisons are working diligently to explore a most needed set of protocols that will swiftly lead to a global currency reset.

Be at peace – Message from my Higher Self and SaLuSa – Multidimensional Ocean 18 Feb. 2014

1932355_10152014947259023_26823166_nDear ones, we encourage you once again to go within and take stock of your inner state. This is a rather difficult thing to do, as one must face the energies within, as well as the tension built up within. This often translates as muscular tension, mental unrest, emotional rollercoaster and a general sense of fatigue.
We encourage you to do things slower than you usually would, to sleep longer, and to eat healthy, natural foods in order to replenish your body with the energy that it needs. The additional and longer cold in the northern hemisphere is adding on stress and muscular tension in your lives. Make sure not to neglect your body, to give it plenty of exercise and plenty of gentle loving care.
Do not be afraid of probing your own inner tensions, manifesting through your body as muscular tension and sore points in your body. The first step in liberating yourself from this toll is noticing these energies and releasing these negative spots by just acknowledging them. No need to “do” anything, just probing them is enough to send a nervous signal to your brain to let go.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Tierra Santa, El Mar Muerto y el Arca de la Alianza

Saludos Maestros. Yo Soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz y les saludo en este momento en un vector de amor incondicional

Las imágenes y el pensamiento de la ‘Tierra Santa’ evocan una visión espiritual, si no mágica, para muchos en la tierra, especialmente los contemporáneos de los tres sistemas monoteístas que se desarrollaron allí. Aún quienes no se consideran a sí mismos como seguidores de alguna de las tres corrientes religiosas de Abraham, reconocen a la ‘Tierra Santa’ cómo un repositorio ecléctico de mitos cosmológicos reverenciados y eventos históricos perdurables que han marcado innegablemente la providencia y el destino discutible de evolución de la humanidad. Es de hecho un lugar especial en la tierra y siempre se ha reconocido como tal en eras tan lejanas como los primeros tiempos de la Atlántida.

Geoffrey Hoppe - ¡Oh, Esos Sueños! - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra, Febrero 2014.- Feb 17, 2014

Traducción: Hector Santos Ramallo

Nuestros sueños nocturnos son una de las cosas menos comprendidas de todas las actividades humanas. La persona promedio está más de 200.000 horas (equivalentes a 8.333 días, o 22,8 años) en estado de sueño durante su vida. Sin embargo, pocas personas recuerdan sus sueños y casi todo el mundo los desatiende, porque los sueños no parecen tener ningún sentido.

Suzanne Lie – Merging – Part 3 – Calibrating To Our Multidimensional Minds – 18 February 2014

Within the orb of light that was created by the joint consciousness of the Arcturian, Mytrian, Mytre, Mytria, Jason and myself, the feeling of unconditional love and abundant joy was almost too much to bear. How could it be that Jason and I had become so accustomed to the fear, hustle, work, challenge and stress of our physical lives that unconditional love and joy was “too much?”
Fortunately, the love and joy within our orb quickly erased that message from my mind. It was then that I heard someone talking to us. Again, I knew what Jason was thinking, just as I was sure that he knew what I was thinking. In fact, within our orb we simultaneously heard everyone’s thoughts, even the Arcturians. Strangely enough, we could still understand all of them.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 398 - Feb 18, 2014

By now, many of you will have felt the tugging from these energies, and we can sense a heightened sense of frustration in all those still insisting on hanging on. You see, this is not an easy task, for even if you think yourself already well above and beyond the struggle of release, this is in many ways not the case. Not to dampen your spirits, but we would like to delve a little bit further into this enigma of resistance, for that is what so many of you are experiencing at the moment.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

No matter what shows up, no matter what you
have to deal with, no matter how great the resistances 
build up – always remain centered, always remain anchored 
in the center of your Soul and answer every imposition with Love. 

Karen Bishop - ~ ESPERANDO EN EL VACÍO ~ Ene 9, 2014

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Karen Bishop - ~ SUMERGIÉNDONOS PROFUNDO ~ Ene 5, 2014

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Story Of Rainbow Crow – 18 February 2014

Rainbow Crow Illustrations by Autumn-Sunrise
It was so cold. Snow fell constantly, and ice formed over all the waters. The animals had never seen snow before. At first, it was a novelty, something to play in. But the cold increased tenfold, and they began to worry. The little animals were being buried in the snow drifts and the larger animals could hardly walk because the snow was so deep. Soon, all would perish if something were not done.
“We must send a messenger to Kijiamuh Ka’ong, the Creator Who Creates By Thinking What Will Be,” said Wise Owl. “We must ask him to think the world warm again so that Spirit Snow will leave us in peace.”

Karen Bishop - ~ DECEPCIÓN, MAGIA Y ALINEACIÓN ~ Ene 18, 2014

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Mother Mary : Resuming Your Own Divinity - February 18, 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Please stay with me while I share my heart with you!
It is of great urgency that we unite in the power of the Heart, that we together join in the Source that is the Foundation of our Being and Existence.
The Heart is unfathomable and I desire to tell you that THE HEART is far greater than people have described my heart.

lunes, febrero 17, 2014

Human Origins from Sumerians, Annunaki, and Nibiru Full Documentary)

Selacia – Your Past Lives And Relationships In 2014 – Importance Of Past Life Seeds – 17 February 2014

SelaciaBy Selacia
Within you from past lives are the seeds of your current and future relationships. If this sounds like a stretch of the imagination, consider the following.
From the time you were in your mother’s womb, you were being conditioned by the world – learning how to relate to your circumstances, to other people, and even to yourself. Woven between much of this conditioning were seeds from your ancient past.
These seeds, holding potentials of what you could and would become, came with you. They were part of a package of energy encoded in your very DNA. Some are quite beneficial, such as those helping you to be patient with others. Some seeds can hold you back – like those causing you to distrust others without justification.

Wes Annac – You’re A Strong Spiritual Being – 17 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The common human carries far more power than they realize or give themselves credit for.
Vibrant spiritual energy pours out of us in every moment, but despite its power, we still don’t know it’s there. We remain unaware of the incredible power we hold within because we’re under the influence of lower-dimensional blinders, but it’s with us nonetheless.
Now that we’re waking up, we can consciously attempt to feel the purity and vibrancy of the energy flowing through us, and visualization helps us perceive this energy in a greater way. If you can envision it flowing through your physical and etheric bodies and out of your many chakras, you might get a good glimpse of what it “looks” like.

Meredith Murphy – Mini-Energy Update: Being Conditioned To Fluidity – 17 February 2014

MeredithMurphyby Meredith Murphy
There has been a lot of flux and flow, and continuously increasing intensity to the incoming energies this year.
Realize this: you are being conditioned to fluidity.
You are being supported by these incoming particles of light, to identify with an eternal sense of YOU, instead of the local experiences of each moment.
You’re being impulsed to live beyond prior ideas, paradigms, patterns, beliefs, and the energy is helping us rise up in frequency and perspective.
The target is orienting at a level of perpetualness. To open up and center from the fullness we are, so we can relate to the moment as an experience of expanding awareness and as a reflection of the energy we are. This can empower us with insight, so we might cultivate and refine our energy field and thus what arises as our experience, as we feel inspired.
We’re on a road to living as an empowered, confident, CREATOR. A true expression of who we each are — divine and unlimited.
It helps me to remember this when I feel tired or challenged. I encourage you too, to choose an inspired, uplifting perspective about your experience. It makes all the difference in how I feel, and it creates what happens next!
www.expectwonderful.typepad.com / link to original article

Karen Doonan - The GIFT from the male - February 17, 2014

There is much distortion within the old 3d earth created reality that seeks to dis-empower both the male and the female, much of this is presented in lovely “wrapping paper”,  the distinction between human males and human females continually triggered and this is of course deliberate. For within the human male and within MALE ENERGY in TRUTH  is a gift that is hidden in plain view.  So distorted are the teachings of the old 3d earth created reality in relation to FEMALE energy that many will not be able to see the GIFT, in fact many do not even realise there is a gift.  On planet earth you are TAUGHT that the female holds the power and that somehow the world will be “saved” by this female power.  I stand firmly in my LIGHT of TRUTH and state this is a huge distortion.