jueves, agosto 22, 2013

Channeled Pleiadian Interview: Breaking Stereotype and Reaching Everyone August 22, 2013 - Wes Annac

Wes Annac: With apologies to the readers, I’d like to make a potentially long note to the Pleiadians before we commence the interview.
Lately, dear Pleiadians, I’ve been surfacing a state of unrest with the role I’m playing in humanity’s ascension. Of course, you know all about it, but I’m mentioning and discussing it for the benefit of the readers.
I’ve found a self-instated barrier of sorts thrown up around myself when it comes to channeling you at times, and I recognize now that this is because I feel myself ready to reach the world in much more direct ways than I and we have up to this point.

Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: Ascension Update: The Separation of the Worlds 8-22-13

Mandala Magic by Karen Scott, www.mandalamagic.com.au
“Blue Lotus”, Mandala Magic by Karen Scott

Channeled by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

Greetings We are the Council of Angels and Archangel Michael and we wish to give you today a most pertinent message or update on your ascension processes for each of you are going through this internal ascension process in a bit of a different way, so that your experiences will be somewhat different amongst you. Many of you will end up eventually in the same place which is a higher dimensional realm of the new earth bathed in 5th dimensional frequencies, while some will remain by choice in the newly created higher 4th dimensional world, to assist others on their higher vibrational path. There is occurring at this time now the splitting apart of “worlds” or vibrational frequencies – the old 3rd dimensional world is nearly dismantled and dematerialized; a dead, unenergized holographic world that is ceasing to exist as we speak. Those in the 4th dimensional world which all of living humanity has entered into are also in a process of “splitting apart” energetically, so to speak, so that some will remain with the higher dimensional world of the 4th dimension – we say “higher dimensional” as it is an upgrade from the old 3rd dimensional paradigm which no longer exists or contains any living human beings –  and another group of souls will move toward, or split off, into the 5th dimensional world. It is an energetic migration, or higher dimensional “crossroads” of sorts that is occurring quite rapidly now, relatively speaking, as we are in the final process of resonance into energetic pathways. This is not a one time occurrence but a process that is continuously shifting and changing and based on a person’s individual soul path or journey combined with their level of conscious awareness, intention, and vibrational frequency.

Sirian Archangel Hermes – 8/21/13

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as my channel has received this transmission and is ready to transmit it to all those who shall read or hear these words.
I wish to speak firstly of the trinity. The trinity which has given all of you that which you now possess. This trinity is known by many names and forms, I wish to be clear so I shall explain in the most simple of terms. The trinity is the spirit, the soul, and the body, the Father, the son, and the holy ghost. These can be classified into many singular terms for each, the spirit could also be known as the consciousness of the divine, your inner ethical and moral consciousness, the Father. The soul could also be known as the consciousness of man, of inner desires, ego, and emotion, the Son. The body could also be known as the consciousness of the vessel, of physical energy and sensory consciousness, that where the spirit and soul have taken root, the Holy Ghost. Think of this trinity as the left hand of god, the right hand of god, and the mind of god.

The Warnings Decoded from the Summer 2013 Crop Circles**

Andy Bojarski - 45 Questions and Answers on Energy and Healing - August 22, 2013

questions_answers_8Hi everyone, I wanted to try something different.  Below are 45 questions and answers to help you understand healing and energy a little better.
Rather than just writing this out in paragraph form, I though this would be easier to digest in a question and answer format.
Let me know if you like this format and I will continue it.  Also, I will be holding healing classes where I will be teaching energy healings for those that are interested.  I will have a new post about this shortly.  We need healers at these times and this is a wonderful way to be of service.
The classes will be very detailed and hands on where I will go over everything in great detail with respect to what I do when I perform energy healings.  I think you will all love the classes as you become wonderful energy healers.


Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 1 part 3 about Ascension; what is it and what to expect during it (august 1, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont

Beautifully said Saint Germain, thank you! I think this will help so many people.  Thank you again.  I do would like to ask a question.  A lot of people would like to know about the process of ascension.  I think they understand what it is but how exactly does one ascend and how will we know when we ascend?
What will we feel, what will we see in our conscious state?  So many different channelings talk about this but maybe they don’t address the actual process of you know, are we going to be lifted, are we just all of a sudden just
going to disappear.  If you could just talk about how are we going to know in the conscious state what will be seeing and feeling during our individual ascension as we move up.
Saint Germain
Ascension is a large concept.  It could not be put into words in that way to be fully grasped by humanity, how ascension really is.  But let me try to explain it in the best way possible.  Ascension is an ongoing process.  It is not a process that you do only once and you are there. No. 
All the ones who have reached a higher level of consciousness even though they feel they are ascended and they have all the knowledge they desire and required to ascend, even then, you keep on evolving infinitely.  There is no stop.  There is no higher level to achieve.  It is a continuous process.  A never ending story.  

Thought Patterns ~ Karen Doonan


It may seem logical to assume that thought patterns are a result of the lower dimensional frequencies and that in order to dissolve the frequencies you need to change your thought patterns. Many of you may have ended up tying yourself in knots trying to do this. As all is a reflection of what is going on inside of you the old earth has hidden much in plain view. Working with mirrors shows you that reflections in a mirror are BACK TO FRONT. Therefore it is not the thought patterns that you need to dissolve, it is the FREQUENCIES that created the thought patterns. Without the frequencies then the thoughts cannot manifest as they are the product of said frequency.

SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council: Continual Revolutions of Peace and Love - Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The minds and hearts of the awakening public are expanding as rapidly as your progression into the realms of full consciousness. If we could only detail our amazement as we watch you continue to traverse a path that tests your faith and resolve enormously, than we’d be able to properly express our appreciation for the efforts of you dear souls on the ground.
We note the progress being made along your paths, and we note that the collective energies are rising in every moment in favor of a full entrance into and understanding of the Light on the part of your collective.

Kryon: Los Nodos y Zonas Nulas de la Tierra - Moscú, Rusia – Mayo 26, 2013.- Lee Carroll


5 de Julio de 2013 a la(s) 15:59
por Lee Carroll

¿Qué son los nodos y zonas nulas? ¿Por qué nos importa? ¿Qué es todo esto?
 Esta página es la explicación, y da la información recientemente canalizada de Kryon:

El Tour Kundalini 2012 fue una de las excursiones de Kryon más espectaculares que haya hecho. Si quieren verlo por sí mismos, echen un vistazo a este video de nueve minutos: AQUÍ

Empezamos en octubre del 2012 y creamos una increíble aventura que duró más de 30 días. Íbamos en coches, autobuses, barcos y aviones (y algunos vehículos que no reconocíamos). Cruzamos los Andes y visitamos cuatro países, viajando a los lugares espirituales más increíbles de la Tierra. Sentimos profundamente la nueva energía. Nos encontramos con los guardianes de los cañones y las montañas, quienes hablaron con nosotros a través de Kryon. Nos dimos cuenta de que la conexiónpleyadiana estaba viva, y “escuchamos” por medio de una multitud de canalizaciones de Kryon, acerca de los tipos de energías que los Pleyadianos habían grabado y creado en el planeta Tierra. Esto incluyó la cuidadosa colocación de cápsulas de tiempo que liberarían energía e información, si el planeta alguna vez llegaba a una cierta vibración. ¡Ahora estamos en esa vibración!

Kryon channel in Moscow, Russia – May 26, 2013 - "THE MISSING PIECE"


From the Kryon channel in Moscow, Russia – May 26, 2013
Following Dr Todd Ovokaitys' toning workshop:


Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much to discuss and so much to try to explain. Each time we sit in front of those who would come to a meeting like this, we're openly able to release a small portion of the bigger picture. But let us today speak of the whole picture a little differently.

There is something that has just happened in the evolution of the tones. We're starting to discuss what they are really for. The first set was revealed and also performed at the place formerly called Lemuria. The reason it was done there is actually a bit disguised and now has been revealed. So stay with me, for my partner [Lee] is going to try to explain some things that are very complex.

miércoles, agosto 21, 2013

Wes Annac - Astral Travels: Learning About Nova Earth - Aug 21, 2013 Wes Annac

The following was channeled for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, rather than perform an exercise I thought it appropriate to learn a little bit about our fifth-dimensional Earth and the work that was done to get our world from where it is now to where it will be.
I decided to connect with the fifth-dimensional aspect of my higher self (or “future self) who, speaking for the collective, has given us some insight into our new Earth. It’s hoped that the resulting discussion is helpful, and is a sufficient replacement for an exercise this week.

Brenda Hoffman – Strut Your Stuff – 21 August 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s August 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The manifestations or miracles – big and small – many of you have experienced recently are pieces that held parts of your being in 3D. These pieces you wanted or want to manifest limit your exploration of other dimensions. Allow yourself to manifest those pieces when it’s right for you.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Is That All There Is?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Maybe you have or have not noted a difference in your daily life. Just know that what you call miracles – big and small – are happening at an extremely rapid rate. Perhaps you think a new cooking timer would be fun – or a car – or home. Yes, all of the items listed are things. It is so for a reason.
Most humans now on earth are intrigued with new earth thoughts and philosophies. Even though their interest is tweaked, they are not yet ready to let go of their current 3D comfort zone – no matter how uncomfortable. Many feel as if they are barely hanging on to a slim tree branch as they view the deep precipice beneath them.

Judy Satori - New Beginnings ~ with love from Ontara, New Zealand - August 21, 2013

WakingTimes – Paul Lenda – Evolving Planetary Consciousness To Escape Self-Destruction – 21 August 2013

waking_times_logo_6-5-12_1Right now at this very moment it can appear that humans are going down a path which is leading to a self-destructive end if a radical shift in living on this planet isn’t made. Where will this all lead if the trend continues down such a path? It is not difficult to provide an answer to such a question, and upon coming to the inevitably depressing conclusion, one can see that this all needs to change– and fast, or else we will be the reason for our own demise.
The evolution of the collective consciousness of humanity is the first and foremost requirement for a world in which there is abundance, peace, and liberty. When we look around and become aware of the current level of planetary consciousness (with its still high-level of fear has to be transcended), we realize that diplomatic negotiations, legal and administrative measures, and armed military/police actions show little success and they often produce more problems than they actually solve.

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 346 August 21, 2013


As you have all been made aware of by now, much is going on behind the scenes that few of you have any detailed knowledge of. We know that this is enough to set many’s teeth on edge, but let us just say that all is in good hands, and the reason for this imposed silence as it were is simply this: you will not be exposed to anything that might be detrimental to you in any way, and that does include some of the information that is currently flashing by you at warp speed.

This will sound ominous, but this is in fact merely a precaution on our side. You see, you are still under the deep influence of your human side, and as such, much of what is actually going on now might be hard to perceive, much less in a positive way, by you all.

Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada: Be Prepared for More Miracles and Inspiration as you Relinquish the Reins to your Higher Selves and Divine Nature - August 21, 2013

http://s3.e-monsite.com/2011/02/27/01/resize_550_550//lady-nada.jpgLady Nada:
Hello, sweet ones. Your mundane world is becoming no more, of what it has been. You are “reaching for the stars” and it shows. It shows in everything you are and do and for that we are most grateful. You are picking up the pieces from a world of absolutes and divisions and black and white, and transforming it into a beautiful one of bright colors and unknowns, but all with a plethora of possibilities.
You take in stride your creation of a world of such love and magic. Your doubts are waning and it is as it should be. For you are stepping up into a reality that only deals with Love and circumstances designed for the good of all – of seeing things from a perspective of abundance versus lack, of seeing things from a perspective of plenty for all, of love for all, of forgiveness for all, including yourself. And for that you are responsible. You are at the helm and creating as we speak.

Méline Lafont – Series Of Live Channeling Saint Germain – Serie 1 Part 2 About Money, Funds And How To Work With Incoming Energies (august 1, 2013) – 21 August 2013

People are losing their jobs, they are losing their houses, they so not know where to turn to and that turns to worry and it lowers their energy vibration and it kind of puts them in a position where they’re stuck.  So I guess my questions is how do you use these existing Merkabah energies that we just received and all of the available energies that are here now for us to manifest and create abundance consciousness to help eliminate this worry about money so the vibrations can be raised so people can move up in consciousness.
What message can you give them to help them break out of that cycle or that double edge sward, if you will with respect to money and where they are in their lives?

Archangel Raphael – “Rest” – August 14, 2013 (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar - August 21, 2013


Dear Children, good night!
It is an important moment in which you have passed. You are tired of the walking, yes, I know, you wish and need rest.
You, still tired, keep wanting to get something out of you, it’s an impulse generated by the mind and you keep looking for something to fill the empty that only love can fill. Why don’t you sit down and rest? Why don’t you wait a bit, to receive the gift that God is giving you? You left to look for, got tired and even briefly, even tired, go searching to fill your interior.

ALCYON PLEIADES 13 - Plans for Human Sterilisation and Restrictions of Freedom..