jueves, agosto 24, 2017

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 25 August 2017

Mike Quinsey
The most important events that are waiting to go ahead are dependent on the first move to introduce a re-valuation of the currencies. It is the key to many important changes that have been prepared in advance, that will see elections quickly arranged to enable a new Republic to be established and a new President installed. Meantime Paul Ryan who has already been sworn in will be the President Elect until new elections are held to find a new Leader. The ultimate aim is to ensure prosperity for everyone. It will take time but delays will be kept to a minimum because all of the groundwork has already been carried out. NESARA and GESARA are most important parts of the changes that will totally alter the future so that a Golden Age can commence. Once the present chaos and troubles are overcome the changes will all come into being much quicker than you can imagine. The preparations have long been ready, and those appointed to take charge are well aware of the tasks that lay ahead.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - The Generosity of You, Being You - August 24, 2017

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It's good to be with you. It is good to have these sweet moments of connection, of acknowledgement, in which you open up to who you truly are and collaborate with us. Moments in which you are considering, and shifting, and adjusting, and becoming attuned to points of view and thought-forms that open up even further your divine flow.

Expanding upon your capacity to be yourself fully and freely is a very generous way of being. We want to talk today about the gifts of that generosity so that you really understand how beneficial it is for All-That-Is, that you be you.

Blossom Goodchild - August 24, 2017

Welcome, once again, my friends. Someone inquired as to why you hadn’t mentioned the solar eclipse? I wondered if it was me, as I really hadn’t given any attention to it at all. Yet, surely you don’t need me to be into something, in order to bring it up?  What would you say about it? For I have since looked into it a little and the internet is a buzz with it.

Firstly, welcome to you, also. That which has taken place is what you would term ‘phenomenal’ and yet … it would seem that much has been ‘added’ by many, in regards to events and occurrences, that we would suggest is merely propaganda, fear mongering and absolute nonsense!

Sandra Walter - Trinity Stargate Convergence - Aug 24, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This is a brief update since the August Gateway passage is not yet complete. It has been a busy phase for us, and the Solar eclipse was a very unique shift in consciousness – on both Global and Galactic scales.

A more complete update will be posted next week. Kindwhile, here are some observations on this transdimensional event:

Lisa Transcendence Brown - ZERO POINT RANGE: Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers Continue Deep Anchoring & Integration of New Soul-Star Codes activated with the Eclipse - 8/24/2017

This Eclipse was a huge activation in so many ways. With it, so very much...

I've yet to share, as we continue the immense integration phase of anchoring these mega-high-light encodements into our physical forms and the Crystalline Grids of our Earth Gaia for more NEW Earth REALities by way of experiencing Heaven on Earth more here. It's been profound, prolific, powerful and a very sacred, beautiful and magical experience that continues as we HOLD these new encoded geometrics here.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday August 24, 2017

Dear Ones, we wish for you to know that these energies are taking you somewhere. There is purpose and movement that you are all willingly participating in by being in the body at this time. Your job is to move with the energies - to ride the wave, if you will, until you arrive in your new vistas.

How you ride that wave is up to you. Some people are expert swimmers and love to slice through the water with nothing more than their skill to keep them afloat. Others might prefer to use a prop such as a surf board. And still others might need several floatation devices before they feel safe enough to surrender to that movement.

miércoles, agosto 23, 2017

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica de la Luz y la Jerarquía Espiritual - 22 de Agosto, 2017

2 Muluc, 7 Uo, 1 Ik Dratzo!

El movimiento inicial necesario de financiación se está produciendo en su debido tiempo. Este proceso se inició hace casi cinco años y requiere que los Ancianos dejen ir y confíen en lo que ahora se llama el movimiento primario. Es este movimiento el que libera a todos los involucrados de esta tarea y los entrega alegremente al Cielo. Aquí hay un propósito divino. Hace mucho tiempo, grandes sumas incontables fueron reservadas para comenzar esta acción final, y el proceso finalmente ha sido formalmente instituido. Ahora, todo lo que queda es un acto sagrado que el Cielo ha anhelado. ¡Esto significa que la entrega y distribución final de los fondos están a la mano!

Blossom Goodchild - Federación Galáctica de la Luz - 18 de agosto de 2017

Blossom: ¡Bienvenido una vez más a mi mente, mis amigos!
Federación de la Luz: Y nosotros también le damos la bienvenida en nuestros pensamientos. Juntos, esto permite que tengamos una conversación lo que es más buscado por muchos.
Blossom: Sí. Eso siempre me asombra que tantos estén interesados en una conversación que tengo en mi mente... (Eso es lo que se siente) sin ninguna prueba en absoluto con quien estoy hablando. Sin embargo, tengo que aceptar que es con seres muy elevados ... de lugares muy elevados. Eso es lo que me sorprende.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (41) - Fuiste Lemuriana - Stamford, Connecticut, el 12 de agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (41)
en Stamford, Connecticut, el 12 de agosto de 2017

Fuiste Lemuriana

Saludos, queridas hermanas de las estrellas. Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta. Habrán notado que el grupo crece y al correr de los meses y del tiempo, hay más de ustedes que empiezan a entender y reconocer que este grupo al que asistían o sobre el que oían hablar es real.

No es un grupo en que hayan decidido participar, diosas, debido a su género o tal vez por tener algo en común, sino que hay más.

James McConnell - Ashtar & One Who Serves ~ We Are Willing and Ready Now to Bring This All to Conclusion ~ August 23, 2017

Commander Ashtar and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


I AM Ashtar. I did not announce myself to James but here I Am.

And I Am here to continue this process, to continue to let you know that all is in motion. All is in preparation. We are all prepared, we of the Ashtar Command and all of the other various commands within the Galactic Confederation and the Galactic Confederation of planets, we are all here ready, willing, and able to assist in any way that is needed as these times continue on.

Selacia - Your Gift to the World -Post Eclipse Energy Update- Aug 23, 2017

With the solar eclipse energies still rippling in our consciousness and indeed impacting the world in a profound way, it's time to reassess where we stand and what's ahead.

Most likely, you have noticed subtle or even major openings during this rare eclipse cycle. Some of you may simply feel more energy flowing, or a renewed enthusiasm for moving into new territories. For some, the eclipse impact is more of a knowing that life just got an upgrade of some kind. Another possibility is that you feel a new level of intensity and perhaps a distortion of time. Continue reading to better understand what these things mean and how you can fully utilize the blessings of this eclipse doorway of opportunity.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Programación del tiempo - Stamford, Connecticut, 13 de Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Stamford, Connecticut, 13 de Agosto de 2017

Programación del Tiempo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Al llegar al final de un día de trabajo en un taller, es diferente de otras veces porque han llegado a conocerse unos a otros, han discutido tal vez algunas de las cuestiones que tienen; hay más coherencia. Esa mera palabra significa conexión, y ya sea una conexión entre las partes de su cuerpo o una conexión entre individuos, pueden sentirla. Es más fácil si la sienten que si intentan encontrarla. Coherencia es cuando empiezan a entender que hay una energía en el salón, y esa energía ama a cada uno de ustedes. La conexión se completa cuando empiezan a visualizar las hebras de plata de amor y compasión de la creación que pasan entre ustedes, y completan el rompecabezas.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Crowning Victory: seat of the divine throne - Aug 23, 2017

We just witnessed the second eclipse of the season, the total solar eclipse which was being touted “the great American eclipse” due to the fact that it’s over-lighting essence was the most powerfully felt (geographically) over the United States for the first time in nearly 100 years.

The effects of this event will be felt everywhere for a while to come, but for those awake and in tune with the greater Plan those effects are being felt largely inside as a major inner-light encoding. To experience an eclipse internally is to be aware of the activations and DNA upgrades taking place and the effects those changes have on our every level of our being.

Southend Crop Circle 17.8.2017 4k30p

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 23, 2017

Dear Ones, you have all changed markedly as you continue to shift with the energies. So much so, we recommend taking the time to get to know yourselves again.

What do we mean by this? You have released so much - so many wounds, limiting belief systems, fears, and blockages - it is important to stop and ask yourselves what you really choose and prefer and what you are willing to do differently now to ensure that you aren't carrying forward old conditioned responses simply out of habit.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Avenda - August 23, 2017

Wake up Call: Avenda, August 23, 2017

There is a time coming when there will be no desire to give of yourself in a way that is downgrading, and useless to see the advantage. It is a time for all of you to feel the Love that is the ultimate blessing that is in our lives and our beingness. We are the ones who agreed to come into this world and to fulfill that which we have known is the betterment of the planet, even though in many cases we have seen that it doesn’t seem that way.

martes, agosto 22, 2017

James Gilliland - As You Wish Talk Radio 8 19 2017

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - La Co-creación en el Eclipse Lemuriano de 2017

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, y en esta sesión se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los saludamos en un vector de amor incondicional.

El eclipse total que ocurrirá el 21 de Agosto es una oportunidad para los humanos iluminados de influir para mejor sobre el planeta.

No se equivoquen; este eclipse es extraordinario y las energías y frecuencias que caerán en cascada sobre el planeta y sobre la humanidad influirán sobre el planeta entero. Puede originarse nueva vida, nuevos comienzos, porque el Universo se da cuenta de lo que está ocurriendo y, si se aproximan a él con elevada intención, pueden implantar los códigos del amor incondicional, sembrando la Edad Dorada venidera.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Inspired Action Begins with Spirit - 08/22/2017

What becomes your inspiration? What moves you to take action, to focus your energy towards a specific intention? What encourages you to forget your doubts and fears and move forward with clarity of thought and purpose? Do you act only when you feel you must or are forced to and simply react to situations you feel you cannot control? Or do you take fear-based action in order to avoid difficult people or situations? Inspired action begins with spirit, by creating the connection to your divine source so you use divine timing, access your intuitive guidance, activate your co-creative partnership with the Universe, and empower your intention to move with divine congruence into the flow of energy that draws your desired reality effortlessly closer to you.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 22, 2017

Dear Ones, in times of intensity it can be difficult to see beyond where you are. That is just fine! You don't have to make any decisions beyond what you would like in each Now moment. In fact, that is one of the gifts of intensity - getting your full attention in the Now which is really your power base for creation.