viernes, junio 21, 2024

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - A Path to All of Your Spiritual Gifts - Jun 21, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We see you as you truly are, and that is our greatest gift to you. The greatest gift you could give to someone else is to simply know them as they truly are, because if you do, you are more likely to send them love, hold space for them and interact with them with the level of respect that you would give to an ascended master were one to materialize in front of you. When you think about your gifts, you often think in terms of your abilities to channel, to offer psychic insights, or to heal. You think about reading people’s akashic records and being able to tell them very specific things about their past lives.

jueves, junio 20, 2024

Earth-Directed Solar Flares Remain Likely Through 20-23 June

Celia Fenn - June 20th : Solstice - Jun 20, 2024

June 20th : Solstice

Have a beautiful Solstice day!

I woke to a beautiful Golden Morning celebrating the Golden Solar radiance and the incoming Christ Consciousness Codes of Light.

Everything was shimmering and pure and I could feel the energy of the Pure Heart of the Divine Feminine Christ/Mary Magdalene Sophia of the Golden Rose.

Judith Kusel - We are being prepared at the deepest and highest soul levels - Jun 20, 2024

We are being prepared at the deepest and highest soul levels for what is now to come, and what we are expanding into.

We are transcending the old patterns we ever created and lived and therefore, in the here and now, are stepping into the Universal consciousness of all embracing love, unity and Oneness.

Natalia Alba - It is a time of profound self-illumination and reconnection - Jun 20, 2024

Beloved Ones,

It is a time of profound self-illumination and reconnection. A passage marked by the Solstice, together with the Sun moving in Cancer, and a Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn that will opposite Venus and Mercury, both as well Cancer. Cancer represents our female essence, while Capricorn our masculine one. Both signs work in perfect unison to assist us in healing at a soul, emotional, and physical level. This is a powerful time for us to embody the Solstice transmissions to work on our mother-father aspects, healing past trauma and moving into a new future timeline.

The Arcturian Enigma: A Deep Dive into Their Advanced Consciousness Technology

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Connect with Your Nonphysical Self & Go Home - Jun 20, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We acknowledge the wisdom that you have through experience there on Earth, and we understand that what you are experiencing is quite different from what we are experiencing. Therefore, we know we have a lot to learn from you through your experiences. We also know that you could not exist there in the physical without the help of the nonphysical, and so you benefit from our perspective. We may not be experiencing what you are experiencing in your physical struggles, but it is precisely because we are not mired in the issues and problems of your day that we are able to offer a higher perspective.

miércoles, junio 19, 2024

Jamye Price - Anchoring Divine Power - Jun 19, 2024

Blessed Being, these powerful times are what you have prepared for. And yet the work is the same, your inner alignment creates a new outer alignment.

Saving the world is not on your shoulders. You merely continue to align your earthly self into the divinity you always are.
Becoming Powerful

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center! - Jun 19, 2024

Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center!

Earth and humanity are at a pivotal moment of evolution and ascension!

Powerful surges of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding the Earth, catalyzing our evolution!

These influxes of light are flushing densities out of the quantum field around us and stimulating positive change on all levels.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Capricornio Junio 2024

La Luna Llena de Capricornio llega el 21 de junio, poco después del Solsticio, amplificando su poder y magnetismo.

Las Lunas Llenas sacan y expulsan energía fuera de nosotros, lo que las convierte en poderosos portales para soltar, completar y desenterrar nueva información. Y, a medida que la rejilla energética del planeta avanza hacia una mayor armonía bajo el Solsticio, la Luna Llena de Capricornio nos permite experimentar una sanación más profunda y un cambio más profundo hacia la alineación.