domingo, abril 23, 2023

💜💜💜 Queridos lectores y visitantes



  Queridos lectores y visitantes:

Como parte del Servicio Planetario de los Trabajadores de la Luz iniciamos Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command hace más de 11 años, labor que hemos realizado ininterrumpidamente con inmenso amor y dedicación a compartir las buenas nuevas de la Nueva Tierra.

Solicito su apoyo de forma temporal con la cantidad que gusten si estuviera en su capacidad en lo que encuentro otra manera de subsistir para poder continuar trayéndoles aquellos artículos y vídeos que sean de su interés para continuar este viaje a nuestra Ascensión.

Un abrazo de luz para todos ustedes.

Para aquellos que tengan cuenta en PayPal:

Mi más profundo agradecimiento

Gracias, Gracias, Gracias

sábado, abril 22, 2023


La historia del Titanic y su tragedia nos muestran hasta qué punto vivimos sumergidos en un fabuloso engaño mundial que abarca todo lo que nos rodea: historia, ciencia, medicina... Casi todo depositado en nuestro pensamiento a través de la TV y los medios de comunicación.

Cada vez más van saliendo a la luz todo tipo de informaciones, es por eso que actualizamos y ampliamos nuestro anterior documental Extra 18 que cuestionan la tesis oficial del hundimiento del Titanic y apuntan hacia un atentado diseñado, entre otros, por el banquero JP Morgan, los Rockefeller, los Rothschild todo con el objetivo de crear la Reserva Federal de EE.UU, y para ello tenían que eliminar las personas más influyentes y ricas del momento que se oponían a esa idea. Pero para ello no les importó asesinar a 1514 víctimas inocentes que habían embarcado en “el barco de los sueños” rumbo a América.

Comprender los intereses de la banca detrás del hundimiento, nos permite entender en la actualidad los hilos que manejan el mundo, los planes que tienen en contra de la humanidad también en la actualidad, que beneficia solo a los más ricos.

Gracias a toda nuevas información que salen a la luz, hoy podemos observar la tragedia del Titanic desde otros puntos de vista: las causas, el incendio en las calderas, el impacto de un torpedo, uso de remaches baratos, el fraude del seguro... los testimonios de los supervivientes y otros sucesos inexplicables que se dieron en esos momentos.

Todo esto nos permite cuestionar no solamente lo que nos dicen que sucedió en ese momento, sino todo lo que estamos viviendo actualmente.


Aurora Ray - Extraterrestrial Starseeds Among Us - Apr 22, 2023

Extraterrestrial Starseeds Among Us

A benevolent extraterrestrial civilization is essentially peaceful and whose intentions for communicating with us are positive.

We live in exciting times, where it seems that we are on the cusp of contact with benevolent beings from other worlds. There is more disclosure happening every day, and many credible people are coming forward with what they know.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Apr 22, 2023


 Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Beloved One, within you resides God's consciousness of unconditional Love.

It is clothed by a physical body and often times, your Ego Mind is in charge of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

LAS PARABOLAS DE KRYON – Serie 4 – Parábola 3 – Aaron y el Globo de Esencia


Serie 4 – Parábola 3 – Aaron y el Globo de Esencia

Esta es una breve historia dada por Kryon ante una audiencia en Sedona, Arizona, sobre un hombre que buscaba juventud, sanación y sabiduría. El dinero no era su objeto, mientras viajaba por el mundo en búsqueda de su sueño esquivo.

Queridos, Kryon les da estas parábolas e historias a propósito, porque son metafóricas y usualmente no suelen representar una persona real en la Tierra. Estas parábolas e historias se les dan a ustedes en amor, oh, muy gran amor. Porque tienen que ver con la autoconciencia humana, y con la sanación, y con potenciales de larga vida.

⭐️ SACRED SERENITY┋852Hz + 40Hz + 3.5Hz┋Awakening Intuition + Deep Relaxation

John Smallman - Jesus - Acknowledge and honor these feelings of joy arising within you - Apr 22, 2023

Humanity is moving forward beautifully and very rapidly towards the collective awakening and, as I have told you many times, this transcendent occurrence is divinely assured, and consequently the progress that you have made is utterly irreversible. There are just ‘a few loose ends’ to tie up, and then you will awaken, and your joy will be boundless.

Reaching for the 5D New Earth: A Journey of Hope and Healing!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Mother Earth Affects You All…Every Day - Apr 22, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much love for humanity, and so much love for your planet, and we know that at times you also have love for Mother Earth. We know that you often celebrate your human mothers on a very specific day there, and that you show appreciation and give special attention to your mothers on Mothers Day. And on what you call Earth Day you give special attention and appreciation to your Mother Earth, and that is lovely. We know how easy it is to get caught up in what’s going on inside your heads and on your computer screens, and certainly inside your homes, your businesses, your offices, but when you do want to acknowledge Mother Earth as the beautiful, life-giving entity that she is, all you need to do is go outside and connect with some aspect of her.



The history of the Titanic and its tragedy show us how deeply we are immersed in a deceptive global hoax that influences everything around us, from the fields of history and science to medicine. Within this context, the vast majority of the ideas we harbour, are television-induced or instilled in us through the media. 

An ever-increasing amount of information is coming to light about the sinking of the Titanic, which is why we are updating and expanding our previous documentary, Video Special 18, calling mainstream theories on this topic into question. Information surfacing suggests a staged attack, orchestrated by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, among others, with the aim of creating the U.S. Federal Reserve. In order to achieve their objective, they had to eliminate the wealthiest and most influential people of the day, who stood in opposition to this idea. To reach their goal, they had no qualms about murdering 1,514 innocent victims who had boarded the ‘ship of dreams’ headed for America. 

Understanding the banking interests behind the shipwreck enables us to comprehend the strings being pulled today, in the quest to manipulate our own world. It also provides insight into the plans being hatched at present, to the detriment of humanity, as they solely benefit the wealthiest of individuals. 

Thanks to the plethora of new information that is being disclosed, we can now observe the Titanic tragedy from alternative viewpoints: its causes, its boiler room fire, the impact of a torpedo, the use of cheap rivets and insurance fraud. Survivors’ accounts and other inexplicable events occurring at that time are also worthy of note. Indeed, each of these elements enables us to question, not only what we have been told about this past incident, but to begin asking questions about the circumstances we face today.