domingo, enero 01, 2023

Celia Fenn - Así que este es el último día del año lineal 2022 y mañana será 1/1 el 1er día del año 2023 - Dic 31, 2022


Así que este es el último día del año lineal 2022 y mañana será 1/1 el 1er día del año 2023.

¿Qué podemos esperar de 2023?

¡Será el año de la Maestría, la Magia y la Sencilla Alegría!

Continuaremos montando las espirales de Creación y Manifestación hacia la Nueva Tierra y comenzaremos el surgimiento del Aqua Heart y una relación más profunda con el elemento agua.

Ronna Vezane - Archangel Michael - THE MANY FACETS OF ASCENSION - JANUARY 2023




Beloved masters, we will endeavor to give you more information regarding the Ascension process. It is important for you to understand that your physical vessel was encoded for the return into the higher vibrational, more rarified realms of Light from the inception of your earthly embodiment experiences. Also, as humanity evolves, growing in wisdom and becoming more aware of the science and the intricacies of Ascension, there have been many adjustments to the process over the past several hundred years. Some initial Ascension procedures have been discarded and other, more advanced requirements, have been added.

Emmanuel Dagher - The Year We Set Ourselves Free - Jan 1, 2023

Happy New Year, my Friend!

2023 will offer us the opportunity to set ourselves free from the misaligned reality that is not in harmony with who we are fully becoming.

This is the year we remember that we do not need to be freed, saved, or fixed by anyone or anything.

This is the year we remember that we are actually the freer and liberator, and that the only thing we are here to free and liberate is our mind, from the illusion that it needs to believe every thought it has about itself and the world.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.- January 1, 2023

Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light. 

When you pray to remove all obstacles, you are expressing your desire for full communion with God. You are asking for all that is in the way of your connection with the Divine Presence to be removed, so that you can consciously feel your alignment with love.

God is your partner in life. Prayer is the key to remind you of this partnership. Prayer is a deep and powerful action bringing you into the right frame of mind so your life will work for you in happier ways. Prayer is a tool for opening your heart. It brings love into every situation. Love is the greatest healing energy that exists in the world, so it serves you well to bring love into your life in a conscious way through prayer.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Jan 1, 2023

JANUARY 1, 2023
Happy New Year dear readers. Welcome to a year in which you will witness increasingly more change, awakenings, exposure, and new beginnings.
New beginnings because the world's collective consciousness which is the sum of all previous and present states of consciousness on earth is changing. It is becoming Lighter and more evolved due to presence of so many spiritually advanced souls now on earth with more continuing to come. Much that has long constituted the universal collective consciousness is dissolving or has already dissolved through the presence of so many spiritually evolved individuals on earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Faster & Faster Manifestation by the Newly Awakened - Jan 1, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are electrified with enthusiasm about where you are headed as a collective there on Earth. We have noticed how many individuals there on Earth have awakened recently, and we have felt their enthusiasm, their excitement, their eagerness to explore who they really are and what they can create. The newly awakened actually have an advantage in the creation department, an advantage that those of you who have been awake for a while didn’t have. They are coming to this realization at a time when there are faster moving energies upon all of you.

sábado, diciembre 31, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 6 - Crucero en el Ocaso - 6 de noviembre de 2022 


Retiro Lemuriano - 6 - Crucero en el Ocaso

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


NaPail, Crucero en el Ocaso – 6 de noviembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Este breve mensaje particular es para quienes están en estos dos barcos. Cualquiera podrá escucharlo y lo hará, pero es mayormente para ustedes queridos, ustedes saben quiénes son.

¿Cuántos de ustedes tienen una buena imaginación, o simulan? Algunos dicen que es difícil visualizar cosas, pero no necesitan visualizar nada hoy porque va a estar justo frente a ustedes. Lo que está delante de ustedes es algo que algunos van a recordar, recordarlo vívidamente. Es difícil borrar algo como esto de un akash que está lleno ya de esto, y es por eso que algunos vinieron. ¿Cuál es su imaginación? A medida que estas naves van hacia esa bella costa, como ninguna otra en esta isla, incluso cuando esta isla era un mini continente, esta clase de montañas eran picos y trozos llenos de verdor y estaban allí. Quiero que por un momento imaginen que están solos, tal vez con una o dos personas en una canoa, quizás con una vela, mirando a la misma costa que van a ver hoy.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Press a Button & Teleport to Your Home Star System? - Dec 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are loving the process of witnessing your evolution of consciousness, because we are doing it with you. We are on a journey together, and you are making the most progress of any beings of any dimension in this galaxy. That is because you have moved so far from the truth of who you really are, and the journey back to that knowing is such a giant leap from where you once were. It’s the movement forward that it’s really all about. You get to feel as though you are becoming your higher selves for the very first time, even though you have all been fifth dimensional already.

Judith Kusel - 2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age - Dec 31, 2022

2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.

Today the 31 December 2022, marks the end of an Epoch, the end of the Old Earth, the old you.

As I was resting and often between worlds in the last few days, being prepared for an intense recalibration on all levels, what came up most, was the total letting go of the past: All which has ever been before. All past lives, all existences, all unforgiveness in any form or way, old baggage. Whatever.

Celia Fenn - So this is the last day of the linear year 2022 and tomorrow will be 1/1 the 1st day of year 2023 - Dec 31, 2022

No photo description available.

So this is the last day of the linear year 2022 and tomorrow will be 1/1 the 1st day of year 2023.

What can we expect from 2023?

It will be the year of Mastery, Magic and Simple Joy!

We will continue to ride the spirals of Creation and Manifestation into the New Earth and we will begin the emergence of the Aqua Heart and a deeper relationship with the element of water.