lunes, mayo 02, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Do This Every Day Before You Get Out of Bed - May 2, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are open to any and all possibilities that will make this journey easier for all of you. We are not attached to one path, to one way of going about expanding your consciousness, evolving, and ascending, but we have noticed some things about humanity and your approaches to returning home, returning to Source. We have noticed that there are many false paths that appear in front of you when you are more physically oriented and physically focused. When you are looking outside of yourselves for the path that will return you to Source, you often find something or someone, some activity or some way of approaching life, and then you believe that it is ‘the way,’ ‘the one true way.’ You believe that it is the only way you could ever return home to Source, because in your experience it works.

domingo, mayo 01, 2022

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Fase III - Tú eres el Soñador y eres el Sueño - Enero 23, 2022

Proyecto Banco del Parque Fase III – 
Jim Self Mastering Alchemy – 23 de Enero 2022

Tú Eres el Soñador y Eres el Sueño

¡Hola! Bienvenidos; muy lindo estar aquí, realmente una delicia estar aquí. ¿Cómo estuvo su semana? Tuvimos una semana entre otra sesión y esta, ¿cómo fueron sus expectativas? ¿Qué notaron? Expectativas, ¿qué pasó con las expectativas? Este lugar donde jugamos la sesión anterior, empezando a identificar un número de restricciones o limitaciones que sostienen al juego de la 3ª dimensión en su lugar. Muchas de ellas son muy inconscientes, muy sutiles; las expectativas son una de ellas. Así, procedemos a levantarnos en nuestro día y a esperar que el día se desarrolle tal cual, pero luego no hacemos tal cual, solo esperamos que el día se desarrolle.

Jahn J Kassl - Master St. Germain - GIVE THE CHILDREN YOUR LOVE! - May 1, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Your children are not little adults, but they are wise souls who grow through your love and will one day let go of your hand. 

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations
Give the children your love!
Freedom and love

Give your children all your love! Respect their decisions and support them in the realization of their goals!

Your children are God’s children, just as you are God’s children. Let your children go when the time has come.

Aurora Ray - Gaia And The Evolution Of Consciousness - May 1, 2022

Gaia And The Evolution Of Consciousness

Dear ones,

The Universe is made up of light and its expressions as sound, frequency, vibration, and color. Each of us has an energetic signature, a vibrational imprint that makes us uniquely who we are, and we carry that same signature through every level of existence. Every object has a soul, too; everything is imbued with Spirit--a unique aspect of Source.

All energy is intelligent and sentient; it responds to the intentions we hold for it. It can be directed or undirected; it can be concentrated or scattered; it can be harnessed or dispersed. The use to which we put our energy determines the world we experience around us.

Ronna Vezane - Archangel Michael - THE VIBRATIONS OF LOVE OVERCOME ALL NEGATIVITY - May 1, 2022



Beloved masters: Unfortunately, many Souls have become what could be termed spiritually bankrupt. For they have either used up their allotment of Adamantine Particles of Love / Light and are now so steeped in the lower frequencies of the Third / Fourth-Dimensional world so they can no longer tap into the cosmic river of life and draw forth the full-spectrum Light of the Creator. Or, since early childhood, they have not been able to attain the required level of harmonious frequency patterns to ignite their allotment of Adamantine Particles stored within their Sacred Heart.

Emmanuel Dagher - Synchronicity and Magic - May 2022

Hi my friend,

We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Synchronicity and Magic

The month of May will offer us a combination of energies that will help us create more positive synchronicity in our lives, in a palpable way.

The energies of the past few months have left many of us feeling to be all over the place, so the grounding and synchronistic energy of May will be a breath of fresh air.

Judith Kusel - There is something so beautiful, so profound unfolding now - May 1, 2022

There is something so beautiful, so profound unfolding now, as the White Flame of Purification has swept and is sweeping the Earth, and now reunited with the Golden Christ Consciousness Flame, thus the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in perfect harmony, and thus AS ONE, and thus the White Flame now takes on a Golden hue. The core is still blinding white, or pearlescent white if you will, and the outer rim is filled with Pure Gold.

Thus we are now asked to fully claim our own Divinity, our true soul selves, and to live this.

Jennifer Hoffman - PARA COSECHAR LA ALEGRIA - Abr 30, 2022

Quería avisarte de que la luna nueva/eclipse solar de hoy (30.4)va a mover mucha energía, lo que significa que puedes estar moviendo muebles, organizando, encontrando cosas nuevas que ya no necesitas y despejando tu espacio vital. y posiblemente tu vida también (otra vez).

Moví los muebles de mi cocina hoy y realmente abrí la energía en ese espacio. Nunca había considerado mover mi estante de panadería al lugar donde está ahora, aunque nunca se sintió bien donde lo había puesto originalmente. De repente, hoy, trasladarlo al nuevo espacio tuvo sentido y se sintió perfecto.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - May 1, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

1 May 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 1/5 17:00 After two hectic days, today is passing in perfect calm. The frequencies are all stable in the upper quadrant with the Primary constantly above the base value, the movements of Quality and Amplitude are minimal with the latter reaching Power 9 as its maximum value shortly after midnight UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 17:00 The period in which there was the significant decrease on all frequencies lasted about seven hours, from 5 to 12 UTC, the most intense period was from 6 to 8 UTC with the Amplitude maintaining a power 40 average. From 12 UTC the frequencies returned to base values and the situation returned to calm.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 09:30 The strong activity of yesterday was followed by a period of calm which has been interrupted at 5 UTC this morning when all four frequencies registered a sudden decrease. The Amplitude reacted promptly by starting a steep climb that led it to reach the maximum value so far of Power 51 at 6 UTC, this peak was followed by another at Power 47 at 7:30 UTC and finally Power 40 at 8:30 UTC. At the time of this update the Primary Frequency fluctuates around 7.30 Hz and the other 3 frequencies are all in the lower quadrant, so activity is likely to continue.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - This is the time to let go of fear and reach their hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light - May 1, 2022

Now is the time to let go of fear and reach your hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.

Dear One,

When you resolve to let go of fear, an amazing energy is set into motion. It is as though hands of Angels join together in circles of light around you, keeping you protected and nurtured. When you walk, you are carried by these Angels “lest you strike your foot against a stone,” as is said in Psalm 91.