jueves, septiembre 29, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 26-09-16. Importantes luchas de poder mundial y cambios que van a ocurrir en octubre

29 Sep

Fuentes y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/09/26/major-world-power-struggles-and-changes-due-in-october/

Fuentes múltiples y confiables dentro de las agencias de inteligencia del mundo y de las sociedades secretas predicen cambios importantes en la estructura de poder del mundo en octubre. Las fuentes están de acuerdo en que la lucha se está centrando en quién controlará los Estados Unidos y su complejo industrial militar.

Tanto fuentes de la CIA como del Pentágono están diciendo ahora los dos diciendo que ni Hillary Clinton ni Donald Trump se convertirán en el próximo presidente de los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, no están de acuerdo en quien será presidente, lo que demuestra que la cuestión todavía está en el aire.

Fuentes de la CIA con sede en EE.UU. todavía insisten en que el vicepresidente Joe Biden se convertirá en el presidente, sólo para ser rápidamente sustituido por el candidato a vicepresidente Tim Kaine. Estas fuentes también dicen que hay una facción que presiona para que Michelle Obama se convierta en presidente de facto, prolongando de este modo la presidencia de Obama.

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2016

Planet Alert October 2016

Buckle up your seat belts as we move through this turbulent month of October. The sun is in Libra right now and that is a cardinal sign. The cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are fast-acting and say “let’s get things done now”. October will be a month of surprising and unexpected events. The planet Uranus will be dominant this month and it is conjunct Eris, the planet of chaos. Uranus rules storms, wind, light, lightning, electricity, computers, all high tech equipment, Asteroids, and great awakenings.
The massive waves of Ascension started on September 12, 2016 when they hit Earth’s magnetic field and the Earth ‘Rang like a Bell’. These waves will continue during October. There will probably be lots of storms this month that will contain wind, lightning, or maybe even beams of light in the heavens. Some of these waves of light will be caused by Uranus, the planet of light. Uranus is in the sign of Aries which rules the head, brain, and the eyes. Some people may have challenges with their eyes, head, or brain this month.
Uranus and Neptune will be in opposition by declination all month. Uranus is male and Neptune is female. The battle between male (positive electrical) and female (negative magnetic) will continue to play out all month. We can watch this on the world scene by the debates between Trump and Hillary. What an interesting show. What have you learned by watching these candidates? Do you like the way they treat each other? Do you think either of them would make a good president? What will the outcome be, or could some surprising event happen that changes everything? Only time will tell.
There will be lots of surprises in October because that is what Uranus rules. You never know what to expect with that planet. That planet tends to take away things that you no longer need and when that is over it brings back something that you do need, which could be something wonderful. Today (September 27) I heard that an Asteroid hit in the ocean off Australia.  Asteroids are also ruled by both Uranus and Neptune. This Asteroid came down in the Pisces area of my world map, and there was a 5.7 quake in Japan, north of Australia but still in the Pisces area. Neptune rules Pisces.
Many people say that when Nemesis, our companion sun who some call Nibiru, came in with  its solar system intact, brought a lot of space junk along with it. One of them was a large Asteroid. I heard that the three rockets we sent up to the Asteroid in the past few months had nuclear warheads on them and they broke this large Asteroid into several pieces. I had also heard that an Asteroid would fall to Earth and this would happen between September 23 and 26. Well, look what just happened-one fell in the ocean off Australia. There will be more to come. No fear-you will be protected if this does happen.
In Revelation, Chapter 18 verse 21 it says “Then a mighty angel took up a stone from heaven, like a great millstone and threw it into the sea saying, so shall Babylon, the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more”. Babylon is symbolic of our corrupt ruling elite who are in the fast lane of destruction. We are in that time period right now with the remnant of that large Asteroid in our heavens. Check out this video: Alert Alert Alert more asteroid will follow.
The new moon chart for September 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM PDT has a very powerful T cross in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn.  The sun, moon, Jupiter, and Mercury will be in Libra, Pluto and Mars will be in Capricorn, and Uranus will be in Aries. That is a very powerful planetary aspect. Mars is just at the beginning of Capricorn so it will stay in that sign all month. Saturn and Neptune are still in a square aspect to each other and this will probably cause more confusion, a spaced out feeling, or inter-dimensional events. Neptune has a reputation for confusing things.
The new moon chart has a very interesting aspect in it and that is about the Dark Moon Lilith being on 18 degrees Leo, which is the degree of Christ Consciousness. Does this mean that the Dark Moon will now be bringing in light? The meaning of the degree of this new moon is “The need to return to source during a confused search for a new value in a chaotic society?”
Mars has now moved into Capricorn and will dance all month with Pluto. Of course we all know that Mars can be a little violent at times, and Pluto is the transformer. Capricorn rules governments, corporations, leaders, organizations, houses and buildings and all structures. Look for lots of changes in all those structures.
The full moon chart on October 15, 2016 at 9:23 PM PDT shows another Cardinal T Cross. The energy will start building up to this full moon several days before it happens, and will continue for several more days. The sun will be opposing Uranus, which is still conjunct Eris, and this will probably activate chaos. This will be an extremely powerful full moon. Libra rules relationships so there will probably be challenges in that area. Some relationships will break up and new ones will appear. Jupiter is also in Libra and will be there for one year. Libra also rules lawyers, clothes, pretty things, the liver and balance. It’s now time to find the balance within us so we can manifest Unity Consciousness.
Mars will be affecting Washington, D. C. at the time of the full moon on October 15/16 when the sun will be opposing the Uranus/Eris conjunction. A few days later Mars will be affecting New York and the financial center there, along with the United Nations. What will this bring? Mars and Pluto will also be affecting the whole East Coast area so there could possibly be a large natural disaster in that area such as another storm, or maybe one of those space pieces will fall into the ocean off the East Coast.
There have been many storms and lots of flooding along the East and SE Coast of the United States because Pluto has been stationary over that area for a long time. Now Pluto will also have the energy of Mars along with it. The opposite side of the world is China and they have had massive flooding from the many storms that have come into their country. They will also have more storms, and there will be more storms and floods all over the world, possibly caused by hurricanes or cyclones.
We do live in interesting times. Find peace within and stay in your center as we go through this turbulent time. Find the joy in life and be grateful for everything you have.  It’s time to live on the New Earth in Unity consciousness with everyone helping each other. Love conquers all. No fear. See you on 5D  Earth. So Be It!
I would like to thank everyone for my Birthday greetings. I really had a nice birthday. It is also nice to receive donations of money; it makes my life so much easier.  There is a donation button on the front page of my blog. May you sparkle like a beautiful star in the heavens so people can see your light. It only takes one little candle to light a dark room. I send you my love and blessings.                  Mahala Gayle

Shekina Rose - Blue Rays in Hiding Time to be Revealed: Calling All Rays to Unite - Sept 28, 2016

Sacred Divine Feminine Healing

You my dear beloved are from the rays of the spectrum of Light, you are the portal from which Creation comes forth and makes God alive! Born on Earth, you came though a specific ray of creation that would best suit your purpose, soul and planetary evolution.

It is time for the dispensation of the Blue Ray Light of Creation that carries the Sacred Divine Feminine of balance and healing for the planet. The violet fire has released limitations and paves the way for the blue ray, as they work very closely together. The violet fire will continue to transform lower vibrations. Many Blue Rays have violet in their fields as part of their sacred mission and purpose of transformation through grace.

Vera Ingeborg - the Andromedans – New Earth is Freedom - September 28, 2016

Our dear brothers and sisters on planet earth. We are communicating with you today to share some more details with you on what you will be experiencing on planet earth soon as you move higher in your energetic frequency and as you are getting in alignment with the heightened frequencies on the planet. Many of you are ready now to hear this message. Many of you are experiencing the first big shifts in reality now after the deep cleansing in September. This will still be ongoing until everyone who has decided to ascend while being in a human body has been mentally, emotionally and physically completely cleansed and healed, and the body has been upgraded to a crystalline, less dense and more flexible, lighter structure.

Ailia Mira - Council of Radiant Light - New Realities Open: Passion Returns - Sept 28, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,

It is time for you to remember fully who you are. You can do this if you let yourselves. Simply trust your knowing and open up your senses with boldness and freedom. Honor and treasure yourself and live with that awareness - of the sacredness of YOU.

You have this mastery within you, you remember this, then choose it, dare to use it. We are, in our own way, happy for you and excited to see what you do with your mastery.

The time is here for you to remember who you are so that you can be you - so you can celebrate and express your beauty. You have within you frequencies that can gift each and every other human being with expanded wholeness. How do you do this? By expressing yourself without hesitation, by following your spirit which will guide you in each moment, and through your attention to your sensations and feeling you can tune yourself. Moment to moment you can tune yourself to the higher consciousness within you and to the higher potentials in each moment. Then you can seamlessly, live what you feel and know. You can do this without concern or fear, without the illusionary ideas that anything is not divine. You can cut yourself free from the illusion of perfection and the illusion of dark and light and step into truth. Truth as inner knowing. Truth as alignment. Truth as divine fulfillment and wholeness. Truth as love made manifest through divine will and trust in you.

Crop Circles 2016 - Prudentópolis, Paraná, Brazil - 27th September 2016 - UFO 2016

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - ...consciencia de unidad con la Fuente - 25-09-2016

La mente aparece como materia. Los “poderes” del mundo no pueden tocarte cuando has obtenido una consciencia de unidad con la Fuente, porque ya no estás alineado con su energía.
Os hablamos con gozo de los muchos cambios que están llegando a vuestro mundo.
Pronto van a ocurrir nuevos acontecimientos, pero procurad no anticiparlos con un pensamiento y con soluciones tridimensionales.
A veces el cambio se despliega de formas muy sutiles que hacen parecer que nada está ocurriendo.
La mayoría de las fuentes de noticias de este momento están presentando solo conceptos tridimensionales de “noticias”, casi siempre negativas y alineadas con la vieja energía.
Porque la mayor parte de las fuentes de noticias aún no conocen o no tienen interés en formas superiores de ver y conocer.
El cambio es inevitable porque la consciencia del mundo está cambiando.
Os daréis cuenta de esto cuando observéis que de aquí en adelante muchos de los conceptos y creencias aceptados dentro de los campos de la política, la religión, la medicina, la ciencia, la educación, etc, comienzan a disolverse, abriéndose a nuevos y superiores niveles de pensamiento.
Vuestro trabajo como almas despiertas es la de ser observadores, teniendo la certeza de la verdad a pesar de lo que se presente mientras hacéis vuestra vida diaria.

John Smallman - Jesus - Truly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well - September 28, 2016

Chaos and confusion appear to be increasing across the planet, but in fact what is happening is just the rising to the surface of humanity’s consciousness many long held beliefs and judgments which are being acted out; it’s just part of humanity’s awakening process. All the negative and judgmental ideas and concepts to which humanity has been clinging for eons have to be released in order for you to awaken, and in some cases, as you can see, they are being engaged with and acted out, often very violently.

Many of you Light holders have become aware of this and are working steadfastly to let go of all your own unloving thoughts and beliefs that you have discovered buried or denied deep within yourselves, which are now arising into your awareness and, in many cases, shocking you. All humans have buried and denied unloving thoughts and desires, they are all aspects of the illusion, of the state of separation from Source that you chose to experience.

martes, septiembre 27, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Preparing 4 First Contact--Sharman, Your Nightly Visits - 9-26-16

By Sharman the Pleiadian—Through Sue Lie

Chapter 25
We Welcome Your Nightly Visits

I, Sharman, wish to remind you that if you awaken feeling tired or feeling as if there is something that you can’t quite remember, please consider the possibility that you were busy on the Ship the night before.

You will usually forget those experiences, except when you “document them,” because the knowledge of being in a reality which is completely safe and totally loving makes it very difficult to return to a reality that often appears to be on the verge of the latest disaster.

Fortunately, many, but not all, of these “disasters” are yet another brainwashing technique that is sent out via low frequency/fear-based energy patterns. There are actually vans that drive through neighborhoods looking for those who are resonating to the fifth dimension.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, September 27, 2016

I am here today to let you in on a little secret. There are no secrets at all. All is in the mind of the beholder and therefore all are able to access what is the truth and see what it means to them and how to live with it in a way that is basic and loving to all of life. Do you see what I am saying? There is a way in which we are all one, and in that way we all have access to what each other is thinking, feeling and doing. What keeps them from tuning in is that there is no hesitation except for the inner desire to be private and allow others to. It is one of the ‘straw cottage’ agreements that began when life on this planet went beyond what it had been before this planet came into being for this purpose of closing in and allowing each other the privacy that was desired for the purpose of being here.

I am Ohmnipure, and I come through this one today for the reason that she asked on a soul level to help her to realize why she is feeling that there is nothing to do in her life that makes her feel one with others. She is now beginning to see why she has gone through these past days in a way that brings her to wonder why she is still here, doing the ‘nothing that comes to mind’. She feels that she is not alone in this energy of nothing to do, for she is tuning in to so many of you who are wondering why, what is the reason for being in this backlog of energy in which they wonder what to do in the next moment that means anything.