domingo, noviembre 23, 2014

Eliza: On Cycles - Nov 23, 2014

Eliza: On Cycles
This past month, I’ve been nibbling my way through a book during my short lunchtime at work. The book’s author is Walter Cruttenden, and title, “Lost Star of Myth and Time”. Since I have very repetitive tasks at work, it is refreshing to sit with something that stretches the mind a bit. You may say that I’m getting down to some of my roots by reading this book, which was recommended by Santos Bonacci during one of his early lectures on Astro-theology. Light subjects, eh?
Light subjects, indeed… as these writings and works reflect the leading edge of scientific and cultural awareness. Mr. Cruttenden and Senor Bonacci, as well as other brave souls, have stepped beyond the box that still defines conventional “science” and accepted theories.

Geoffrey Hoppe - Divagando - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Noviembre 2014 - Nov 23, 2014

Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Hay tantas cosas que pasan en estos días eso es que es difícil escribir un artículo acerca de un solo tema, así que voy a divagar. Como dice Adamus, todo es en capas y multi-dimensionales. Ya no vivimos en una realidad lineal singular. ¡Hay que acostumbrarse a eso!

sábado, noviembre 22, 2014

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon Report for 11/22/14 - El Clima Cósmico – Informe de Luna Nueva para 22/11/14

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Hello friends. Welcome to the Sun and New Moon in Sagittarius, along with the 11:22 Stargate. I am writing this the day before and I’m feeling the jubilant nature of the energies already. Whew. What a ride through “Scorpio Season” it was this year, the likes of which I’ve never seen in terms of stress, confusion and general bleakness; but I can also say the same about the growth that came from it. No wonder we feel like celebrating and I suggest we do. It’s highly possible that you aren’t exactly the same person you were just last month, especially if you are a person committed to personal growth and conscious awareness that so many of my readers are. I can speak for the Universe here for a moment and thank you for that. It really is making a difference for the all.

viernes, noviembre 21, 2014

Ancient On Mars: Carved Humanoid Face Or Alien Living ? Photographed by NASA

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: What If There Were No One Else but You - Nov 20, 2014
Angelic Guides: What If There Were No One Else but You, channeled by Taryn Crimi, November 20, 2014. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Today we have been asked to further elaborate upon the often talked about phrase, ‘All are one.’
Certainly this is something that those of you drawn to this message have heard, but we would like to share with you our perspective in hopes of helping you to truly understand the magnitude of this statement.
There are many of you who will find this message to be ‘mind-blowing’, or even impossible; and of course there are still others who are already on some level aware of what we are about to share. So with that, allow us to begin sharing our perspective.

Jennifer Hoffman - Next Time I’ll Pack Less Baggage - November 21, 2014

One of the articles I wrote in a newsletter several years ago was titled ‘Acting Your Age’ and it describes the somewhat unusual situation many of us now into our 40s and 50s find ourselves in. We’re nothing like our parents were at this age, we are healthier, look younger, feel better and in many cases, are not winding down a career we’ve had since we became adults. Rather, we’re either looking for work, starting a business, or trying to figure out what we’re going to do with ‘the rest of our life’, which could be a substantial number of years.
I don’t know about you but I’m planning to live well into my 90s, so rather than look at retiring, I’m considering how I’m going to stay busy for the next 40 or so years.
And I hope that I look and feel great while that is happening because I’m ready to start living, to be happy and to have some fun, since the last 40 years have definitely not been very much fun, at least not those that I remember.

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn - The Magic Rises and the Butterfly Emerges Opening the Portals of the 6th Dimension to Earth Reality November/December 2014 - Nov 21, 2014 - Surge La Magia y Emerge La Mariposa ABRIENDO LOS PORTALES DE LA 6TA DIMENSIÓN A LA REALIDAD DE LA TIERRA - Noviembre/Diciembre 2014

image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at
This year of 2014 has been a powerful year of change, and yet more change, and at the same time it has seemed as though the choas intensifies daily. But, Beloved Ones, while you may see this intense chaos, you will also need to look deeper and see the Divine Pattern that is emerging through this tumult of creative energy. You will need to look further and deeper and see how the Magic is Rising all around you, and how the Butterfly that is the emerging New Human is beginning to unfurl its wings.
In February of this year, on the 2nd of February, which was a 2 : 2 portal, we alerted you to the fact that the Earth was about to undergo a major shift and transition. At that time, you shifted timelines, and there was a temporary drop into lower vibrations, and you acclimated to the new timeline and began to lift the energies. This was the plan, that by dropping a little and then raising frequency you would be able to gather such momentum that you would burst open the portals of the 6th Dimension and make this part of the Earth Reality once again. This process was achieved, and on the 11: 11, the 11th of November, the portals were opened and the 6th Dimensional energies of Magic began to be anchored on the Earth. This process continues at full power until the 12 : 12 on the 12th of December, and will be fully activated by the Solstice on the 21st of December, when the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center and energizes the Earth's 6th Dimensional plane with the Light Codes for the New Reality.

Lauren C. Gorgo - God-Sovereign SELF: our cosmic homecoming - Nov 21, 2014

Dear November,
What the !@#% ???
I know I am not alone when I say that I have been to hell and back since the last reportbut since the full moon especially, the emotional and physical purification process has been off. the. charts.
For me personally, the recent eclipse cycle has NOTHING on November yet it’s clear that much of the compression/upheaval/trans-mutation we are feeling this month is because of eclipse-triggered events.  The shift into heavy-duty-work-mode could felt as soon as the numerology shifted out of October’s resonancewhich likely means we will not feel complete relief from this cycle until November is over. :(
In all fairness, I was told by my team before the month began that it would be a powerfully challenging month but to the extent to which we have had to face, feel & release some of our deepest, most concealed wounds, I was mostly unprepared.  In retrospect, that’s probably a good thing.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Strength Invocation” – 21 November 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Alright. Well, we’re sort of in a very interesting time period with Chiron getting ready to go direct; the Sun and the New Moon will both be in fiery Sagittarius at the same time over the weekend.
So this weekend coming up is a potent one and then beyond that I’m going to say what I see is a speeding up or acceleration where more stamina is required and the ability to be more efficient, be more productive, have your energy hold up well.

SaLuSa 21 November 2014

Time marches on and you are now able to adapt to the faster pace it is running at, and still carry out the tasks that you have set yourselves. In the future you will find that it runs even faster and that you will go along with the changes. All that is happening is a part of the process that is going to propel you into the New Age. However, your re-action is often one of confusion as so much is happening at any one time. Providing you keep focussed on what you know to be the purpose of them, you will see within a pattern that will slowly emerge. It will indicate the direction in which you are going and take you along the pathway to the New Age. Nothing can now stop the progress that is being made, and it will bring success in lifting you up out of the lower vibrations.