image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at
This year of 2014 has been a powerful year of change, and yet more
change, and at the same time it has seemed as though the
intensifies daily. But, Beloved Ones, while you may see this intense
chaos, you will also need to look deeper and see the Divine Pattern that
is emerging through this tumult of creative energy. You will need to
look further and deeper and see how the Magic is Rising all around you,
and how the Butterfly that is the emerging New Human is beginning to
unfurl its wings.
In February of this year, on the 2nd of February, which was a 2 : 2
portal, we alerted you to the fact that the Earth was about to undergo a
major shift and transition. At that time, you shifted timelines, and
there was a temporary drop into lower vibrations, and you acclimated to
the new timeline and began to lift the energies. This was the plan,
that by dropping a little and then raising frequency you would be able
to gather such momentum that you would burst open the portals of the 6th
Dimension and make this part of the Earth Reality once again. This
process was achieved, and on the 11: 11, the 11th of November, the
portals were opened and the 6th Dimensional energies of Magic began to
be anchored on the Earth. This process continues at full power until
the 12 : 12 on the 12th of December, and will be fully activated by the
Solstice on the 21st of December, when the Earth aligns with the
Galactic Center and energizes the Earth's 6th Dimensional plane with the
Light Codes for the New Reality.