miércoles, noviembre 13, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Cosmic Doors for us to step into a new harmonic dimension are opening - Nov 13, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The Cosmic Doors for us to step into a new harmonic dimension are opening. In our journey to become sovereign beings, many energies, and Forces assist us in becoming freer and wiser, retrieving our power, and moving into a more illumined state of being. Marking the end and the beginning of an Era, on November 19th, Pluto will finally move back to Aquarius.

This new passage is reinforced by the Taurean full moon at 24 degrees on November 15th, which will signify a profound release for many, experiencing a spiritual catharsis like never before.

We are in the process of merging our solar female and masculine template, a process my Guides name solarization, an inner work we have been working with for a while, and the SolAR (Sol and Auroras) transmissions have been supported. Now Venusians and Taurean ones too come to support the final leap into our new destination, for everything, including all the planets this year, is shifting in a new direction. 

The process of solar masculine and female embodiment is required for many of you to step into density emancipation or expand into it, preparing your bodies for the big quantum leap that we are about to take physically when the moment comes.

During this year many of you have been reconnecting to your soul, monad, clearing inherited patterns, and working on DNA healing and reconnection. This process is precisely the one activating density emancipation, as the more we release, at a physical and non-physical level, the more we will be entering into this ascensional phase.
Supporting this big shift is the Taurus moon, as it will help us trigger the alchemical healing process in our bodies to move into the next phase of density emancipation.

Taurus is associated with our second female chakra, and it also impacts our first one. During this passage helps us to transform our 2nd-dimensional emotional body, bringing it back into divine balance, continuing the work of polarity integration.

This is a time to work as well with Venusian transmissions, clearing false ones created through inorganic manipulation, and embodying the loving Venusian channellings that we receive from this benevolent Source to help us correct our female essence, and expand our mission as harmonic channels.

Venusian and Taurean transmissions are also helping activate dragon ley lines on the planet, clearing all the ancestral baggage that we still carry. Sexual programs and beliefs that diminish the female and that distort the masculine may emerge at this time. If you are consciously doing this work of polarity integration this is a sign of what you need to release and your body is informing you through the emergence of these old patterns.

At a planetary level, many of you are already working with these transmissions to help transfigure the 2nd chakra of the earth as well as all the lunar imprints and female manipulations that continue to create distortion on our planet. 

The 1st and 2nd chakras of the earth are not just the physical locations, but the waters, soil mountains, land, rocks, and elementals.
Restoring the female template is an arduous planetary work many of you already know, for you were born with the Venusians and other similar imprints to help in this task.

This is why it is so important to work on heart-brain balance as Guides shared recently, to be able to discern what is authentic from what is not and remain as far as possible from all the inorganic transmissions that are now being directed to enslave our consciousness and sacred life force.

All of you in your unique way are creating a benevolent impact in everyone you touch, on the planet, and in the future earth's timelines, for all acts reverberate through time and space.

Therefore beloveds, continue remaining in your loving and compassionate hearts and divine power, for you and All as One.
Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba