lunes, enero 06, 2014

Wes Annac – Musings On A Greater Personal Transformation – Part 1/3 – 6 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The past couple of days, I’ve had trouble sitting down to write. The flow of ideas and concepts that’s usually so strong seems to have weakened for the moment, and I think it has to do with a potent phase of my (and our) inner transformation.
There’s so much I could communicate right now, but I can’t find the words to say it. I’m starting to feel a deeper, more powerful spiritual connection, and my one desire is to be able to really convey it to all of you.

Matthew Ward -6 January 2014

mattlast1_r1_c1Matthew Ward – January 5, 2014
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With the December solstice came another powerful influx of light, as if to salute the year nearing its end and greet the new with a rousing cheer. And, if indeed a salute, how well deserved it is! Every time you acted upon a soul-level inspiration—something you considered only a nice gesture or “the right thing to do”—you added light to your world.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) and Radiofrequency (RF): What are the Health Impacts?
by Alex Quinn

Particularly now that wireless communications are so closely integrated into our daily lives, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us.

Our cities, especially the larger ones, are perpetually shrouded in an invisible electrosmog, a ‘sea’ of EMFs through which we swim every day.

But does this momentous development in civilisation come with health effects – and if so, can we do anything to reduce them?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFS) are all around us, and come in two forms: ELF-RMFS and RF-EMFS
ELF-EMFS are produced by power lines and many domestic appliances, while RF-EMFS are produced by mobile phones and other communication devices
Both pose their own set of health problems
We provide some ideas of how to reduce your EMF exposure

UFO Report Strange Objects across ValPescara skies

Moving Spirit Orbs Filmed on Video

Pamela Kribbe channels Earth - Trust the Earth - Dec 2013

Dear friends,
I am the voice of the Earth. Feel my presence here within you and beneath your feet. I am present in your body; I flow through all your cells. And it is through your body that you are connected with nature, with everything around you that grows, lives, and breathes. Become aware of the living presence of nature around you here at this moment. Feel the trees around this building, the land on which this building sets. Feel the plants, the birds, and the trees. If you observe closely, you can sense how your presence affects those living beings, as well. Not only do you sense them, they also sense you. Even this building is alive because everything from which it was originally made contains the energies of the Earth. There is consciousness in everything around you. Matter is animated consciousness. Feel the energy, the consciousness, in this building, the history that it has and what you bring to it. You often underestimate the effect that you have just by being somewhere.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Björn Kurt
O Lord, make me an instrument of my
divine mission, so that I may fulfill what I came for. 

O Lord, let me see what IS so I may recognize
the light within me and also the darkness. 

O Lord, mold me so I may become a brave and
intrepid light warrior bringing the light to all people
and never receding from the dark. 

O Lord, let me share in your divine grace which
enables All and therefore everything becomes possible. 

O Lord, please stand by me,

domingo, enero 05, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Inner Body Vibrations, Ear Ringing & Head Pains - January 5, 2014

Like it or not the Forerunners of the Forerunners are still having Ascension symptoms in 2014. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. I’m not going to waste time or energy complaining about any of them at this point… I mean, what’s the point right? … just list some of the current ones I’m experiencing that are highly amplified. As usual your mileage will vary because we’re all unique aspects of Source/God/Divinity and therefore will each experience these Light Energies — solar, photonic, galactic center etc. — and the changes they automatically create in us, our bodies and consciousness in our individual ways and times.

Kelly La Sha and Perry Mills - Our Road to Sovereignty - January 4, 2014

In order for humanity to truly claim its sovereignty from the suppressive patriarchal matrix, we must first understand the tiers of freedom that have been taken from us. Then we must examine the disease in our cultures that causes us to behave in ways that perpetuate our own suffering. Our movement of awakening requires us to start within and take responsibility for the ways we unconsciously give away our freedom and power to the machine of the dark matrix.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus And Hatonn – 5 January 2014

NancyTateNancy: On our way back home from Bisbee today Bob and I saw over the Huachuca Mtns a huge, long cloud that was relatively narrow compared to the length. It stretched the whole length of the mountain range. There were also smaller cloudships in the sky over the whole area, for as far as we could see. After we were home for more than an hour they were still there, and more had come. We felt that this was not just a short occasion and so Bob took pictures and I tuned in again. I got enough info to tell me that a message was in order. You can see the pictures Here.