viernes, mayo 31, 2013

The Greatest Habits of Your Heart - a message from Caroline Myss Friday, 31 May, 2013
Theological discussions often take shape around exploring the difference between an ordinary understanding of a single word and imagining how that same word would be interpreted by the soul. For example, the word, habitus, is Latin for habits of behavior and routines. All individuals have a host of certain habits that bring order to their physical life. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and watch the news, for example. And then I check my email. There was a time when I just had coffee and watched the news - that was pre-email. Email is the new addition to my decades old routine. Then I hit the shower and then the office. And so the day goes.

jueves, mayo 30, 2013

Limitation or Liberation ~ Which Do You Choose? ~ Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.

Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.

The manuscript of survival – part 317 - Aisha North - May 30, 2013

The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.
Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment

It Carried Me Into Paradise


AngelicView: Thanks to Daniel, for sharing his story. Translated to English from Spanish. Daniel had Spinal Meningitis, but the doctors didn’t know it. He was in a hospital in Peru, and dying. He had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed. He described himself an invalid. Then the NDE, which I will post below. After he decided he wanted to come back to Earth, his body healed. Not only that, but he had abilities of a prophet (although he doesn’t tell us what he sees) and his grades improve greatly at University. Especially in Math, he says – and I have found that is quite common in NDE’s – that suddenly they just seem to understand Math better.
Another interesting point about this story is that he sees his Angel as one with butterfly wings. This is similar to Dr. Eben Alexander’s experience and also the story of The Butterfly People of Joplin Missouri. I love it when I find similarities in NDE’s.

From Mike Quinsey ~ ADAMA ~ by Nancy Tate -May 29, 2013

Hi Friends,
Nancy and Bob have been my close friends for quite a number of years, and I am sure you will find their experience very interesting.

In Love and Light Mike Quinsey.

Bob Tells of Our Meeting Adama in Weed, California, Near Mt Shasta in the Winter of 2012.
The four of us involved in this event have all reviewed this write up of what we saw and agree that this write up is what we saw took place.

New Earth Revolution ~ Cosmic Weather Report #5 ~ via SanLeoSol

Dear Loved Ones this is Ashtar speaking in the name of the Galactic Federation. I am assisting my beloved friend Master Juliano in his weekly message because we’re heading to an important moment in human evolution. We’re standing on the threshold of a global shift in consciousness. At this particular moment lots of people already feel the energy that’s moving them into the New Time: a time of abundance and endless possibilities. These people feel that within now and very soon there will be a BIG SHIFT. From our perspective, that’s in the NOW.What’s important my Beloved Lightworkers that you start to feel that it’s happening at this particular moment. Feel it in every cell of your body. Feel it in your heart space and start to share your feeling with others. You don’t have to shout it. Just radiate your energy and BE the portal for the people you are connected with. Yes my Beloved Ones. The times ahead are more beautiful than you can imagine. On the other hand there is still work to do on earth: the dark forces will resist till the very end. Most important: KNOW that your power is unlimited and expect the unexpected. You’re the LIGHT.
In the Love and Light of Mother Gaia. Adonai.
Lord Ashtar & Galactic Federation
Channeling by SanLeoSol

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Permitan que el entendimiento de Todo, del Uno, entre en sus corazones - 23-05-13

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Permitan que el entendimiento de Todo, del Uno, entre en sus corazones…Cambien su perspectiva si se sienten desalentados y elévense lo suficiente para ver las ondas….

Miguel: Hablaremos hoy del continuo éxito de los trabajadores de la luz abriendo el entendimiento y la consciencia en su mundo.

Nos maravillamos con la habilidad de muchos de evitar ver lo que para nosotros es tan obvio.

Cada día se vuelve más difícil interpretar eventos y reportes de eventos en otra cosa que no sea con una luz positiva y esperanzadora.

Sheldan Nidle - Estamos al borde de la gran intervención decretada por el Cielo - 21-05-2013

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Estamos al borde de la gran intervención decretada por el Cielo. Eso abrirá la puerta para el primer contacto y para una nueva relación entre vosotros y Agartha.

9 Batz, 19 Moan, 9 Eb

¡Dratzo! Venimos de nuevo con más cosas que contaros. Vuestro mundo sigue fluctuando entre los intentos de Occidente de desencadenar un conflicto capaz de frenar los cambios globales que amenazan al poder de la cábala oscura, y el intento de Rusia de forzar una nueva realidad a Occidente.

Esta dinámica ha fluctuado durante toda la última década. E incluso cuando este extraño juego de poder se aproxima al punto de reminiscencia del comienzo de la I Guerra Mundial, luego después retrocede de esa situación.


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Todos caminan entre flores, sin embargo, unos escogen enfocar sus pasos en el pinchazo de las espinas y otros escogen enfocar sus pasos en la belleza de los pétalos.

Asciendan vuestro amor a los cielos y amen sin límites. Pues la vibración del Amor es la mejor y más poderosa que pueden cultivar en ustedes.

Ha sido un año de grandes cambios para todos y sabemos que muchos sienten eso de forma bastante contundente.

De hecho, está habiendo una gran alteración de energía, o mejor, del patrón de energía de la Tierra y aquellos que son sensibles, leen mejor esos cambios.

Secreto de los Reptilianos El Pacto Reptiliano - MAESTROVIEJO - Mayo 25, 2013

El Secreto de los Reptilianos

El Pacto Reptiliano

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Una ilusión que será tan grande, tan inmensa, que escapará a la percepción. Aquéllos que la vean serán acusados de dementes.
Crearemos frentes separados para impedirles ver la conexión entre nosotros. Nos comportaremos como no conectados, para guardar viva la ilusión.
Nuestro objetivo se logrará gota a gota, de tal manera que jamás seremos objeto de sospechas. Esto también les impedirá ver los cambios cuando ellos ocurran.
Siempre estaremos arriba de su relativo campo de experiencia, porque nosotros conocemos los Secretos del Absoluto.