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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portales Estelares. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, noviembre 04, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - November 11:11 2023


From your Hostess of Light with Love♥

11:11 is a Master Number, a Soul Activation sequence

♥See with The Eyes of Love♥

Becoming a Constant Channel instead of just a Conscious Channel

From your Hostess of Light with Love♥

As we move our attentions and Energies out of October and into November we find ourselves stopping at the lunar blood moon eclipse almost parallel with the Halloween vibration. This time pf year is truly of place of tricks and sometimes treats as the veils and doorways open to show their petty-coats at this junction of time. This time of year is like the dance of the seven veils as many vibrational laced doorways are finally seen in the light of a new day.

sábado, octubre 28, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today, with the coming of the lunar eclipse - Oct 28, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today, with the coming of the lunar eclipse, the last one in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis, we have left behind a cycle and started a new one, introduced by Scorpion energies who will lead us into the next year's gateway. A portal with unity codes for us to continue with our process of DNA synthesis and polarity integration.

jueves, octubre 26, 2023

Natalia Alba - As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage - Oct 26, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage, in which many of us are immersed in a mission of restoration and gridwork, as the eclipses are activating many planetary spaces where we can start anchoring the sixth and seventh crystalline energies received, during this time.

We have been, especially during the Solar Eclipse, clearing past timeliness, on both a personal and a planetary level, and it is now the time for us to anchor more love, restoration, and clearing in the areas where our planet is experiencing separation, which is what we see from the outside, as what is truly taking place is the rehabilitation of certain planetary gates and the many intents for it not to happen.

jueves, octubre 12, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 162: Stellar portals-stargates, cosmonauts, cases of time travellers-parallel worlds

With this newly released video documentary, we are launching a new series on the intriguing topic ‘Stargates and Time Travellers’, featuring a variety of different episodes, in which we strive to explore and explain elements associated with inter-dimensional portals, space-time gaps and parallel universes. In a way that is entertaining as well as scientific and objective, we look at real cases that have been documented over time and focus on myriad incidents, many of which continue to be unexplained to this very day.
In this first episode, we explore a number of mysterious cases, like the teleportation of a soldier from the Philippines who appeared in Mexico, and the time-portal incident of Versailles, near Paris. We discuss the mysteries surrounding these and other incidents, which have yet to be resolved, including the mysterious disappearance of Jarrold L. and Carrie Potter, or the story of Owen Parfitt. On a related note, this video spotlights events occurring beyond the confines of time, including visions of the future, as seen through a gap in space-time on a train in Florida, or in the case of Yussupov’s train – a real incident that took place in the Silver Forest.
Additionally, this episode explores other cases that have been recorded in literature worldwide, through the ages. By going beyond the laws of time and space – which form part of the multiverse in which we find ourselves – we shall reach beyond the material realm, to where quantum physics opens up enormous possibilities for us, so that we can understand the world that surrounds us, from both a ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ perspective.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades


Con este nuevo video documental, iniciamos una nueva serie sobre el intrigante tema de los Portales Estelares y Viajeros en el Tiempo, con diversos y variados episodios donde trataremos de profundizar y explicar de forma amena pero científica y objetiva sobre todo lo relacionado con Portales interdimensionales, Agujeros espacio-tiempo, Universos Paralelos, acompañado con casos reales que han sido documentados a lo largo del tiempo, sucesos que hasta la fecha muchos no tienen explicación.

En este primer episodio veremos casos misteriosos como la teletransportación de un soldado que estaba en Filipinas y apareció en México, o el caso del portal del tiempo en Versalles, Paris, lo mismo otros sucesos como la misteriosa desaparición de Jarrold L. y Carrie Potter, o la de Owen Parfitt, y otras muchas que nunca se pudieron resolver.

Lo mismo sobre sucesos que ocurren fuera del tiempo, visiones el futuro, en una fisura del espacio-tiempo, como es el caso del tren de Yussupov, caso real ocurrido en el bosque de plata, o el avión de Florida, y muchos otros casos que han quedado reflejados en la literatura mundial de diferentes épocas.

Ir más allá de las leyes del tiempo y del espacio, del multiverso donde nos desenvolvemos, más allá de la materia, donde la física cuántica nos abre unas posibilidades enormes para llegar a comprender el mundo que nos envuelve, tanto visible como invisible.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

martes, octubre 10, 2023


Natalia Alba - Today, we reach the peak of this year of wisdom integration - Oct 10, 2023

Beloved Ones,

Today, we reach the peak of this year of wisdom integration. We are concluding a cycle on both a personal and a planetary level, that is represented today by two important events, Pluto moving direct again, for those who resonate with slow-motion phases, which is reflecting the profound rebirth and transformation that is happening, at this time.

sábado, octubre 07, 2023

Aurora Ray - Enter the Fifth Dimension: Earth's Shining Age of Music and Celebration! - Oct 7, 2023


Enter the Fifth Dimension: Earth's Shining Age of Music and Celebration!


Geometry and math, along with knowledge about planets and stars, play a big role in creating dimensional doorways.

Some famous places, like Knossos in Crete, the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Acropolis, Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, Delphi, and more, serve as these doorways to other dimensions. These structures use sacred geometry, which really baffles today's science.

sábado, septiembre 16, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 161: Photonic bubble, Planetary brightness, Solar stargate Huge ships, 12-strand DNA

In this third and final video documentary forming part of our trilogy on the Sun and its effects on Earth, we analyse phenomena that are taking place in our heliosphere and in planets belonging to the Solar System. These cosmic events include climate change in all of the Solar System’s planets, as a consequence of the interstellar energy cloud that we have been travelling through for the past several years.
The consequence of this reality and the fact that we are currently experiencing Solar Cycle 25 – which is reaching the peak of its activity – is that we are seeing an upsurge in powerful solar storms, which could cause the end of our civilisation, as was the case in Atlantis, Lemuria and Hyperborea.

Recent studies demonstrate that there are links between the Earth and the Sun, via ‘stargates’ that activate and deactivate in cycles. Furthermore, we will discuss biophotons and the influence of the Sun, including how it affects life on our planet, our DNA, and spirituality. Therein lies the globalist elite’s interest in eliminating the so-called ‘God gene’ from inside human beings. These issues also explain the prophecies made by Greek-Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus about the era we are currently experiencing. They are exciting topics awaiting discovery via this important documentary that concludes the trilogy on our nearest star, giver of life.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 161: Burbuja Fotónica, Brillo Planetas, Sol Stargate, Naves Gigantes, ADN 12 hélices 


En este tercer y último video-documental de nuestra trilogía sobre el Sol y sus efectos sobre la Tierra, analizamos fenómenos que se están dando en nuestra heliósfera y en los planetas del Sistema Solar. Entre estos eventos cósmicos está la modificación del clima en todos los planetas del Sistema Solar, como consecuencia de la nube de energía interestelar que estamos atravesando desde hace unos años.

Esto, unido al actual ciclo número 25 del Sol, que está llegando a su punto máximo de actividad, está teniendo como consecuencia fuertes tormentas solares que están en aumento y que pueden provocar el fin de la civilización, al igual que sucedió en la Atlántida, en la Lemuria, e Hiperbórea.

Las últimas investigaciones nos muestran que existen conexiones entre la Tierra y el Sol a través de “stargates” que se activan y desactivan cíclicamente. Por otra parte, los biofotones y la influencia del Sol, y su efecto sobre la vida en el planeta, sobre el ADN y la espiritualidad, de ahí el interés de la élite globalista por eliminar del ser humano el llamado “Gen de Dios”, o las profecías realizadas por el sabio greco-egipcio Hermes Trismegisto sobre la época actual que vivimos, son temas apasionantes que podremos descubrir en este importante documental que concluye esta trilogía sobre nuestra estrella dadora de vida.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - September 2023


From Your Hostess of Light

You are literally running from the inside out

Vortex of timelessness

‘Open the gate’ to everything that you are destined to be, minus all the earth drama!

From Your Hostess of Light

First off folks, the lesson of this autumn is to remember you cannot fix anybody unless they want to be (or not to be) fixed! The definition of ‘crazy’ is doing the same thing over and over again with the same results. How many times have you given your ‘all’ to another just to watch them repeat the same destructive habit over and over again? When another wants to be truly fixed of what ails them, they will make it so. Once a mind is made up it always completes its actions. For every cell of your body believes what you say and think. The silent witness within knows all sees all, you cannot ‘bull sh-t’ yourself.

sábado, septiembre 09, 2023

Celia Fenn - 9/9 Portal : 9th September 2023



9/9 Portal : 9th September 2023

Today is a strong energy day, the 9/9 portal which opens passages towards the Fall/Spring Equinox.

Today also there was a powerful and destructive earthquake in Morocco, with many people killed and left homeless. Many of us are also feeling tired after a long Summer/Winter with many challenges.

martes, agosto 08, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - 2023 Lions Gate: The Galactic “Deep” Human - Aug 8, 2023

Beloveds, so you stand once again at the Lions Gate Portal, ready to begin another cycle of evolution and creation on Earth. In the last cycle you made enormous shifts of consciousness in your journey towards activating what we call the Galactic “Deep” Human Template. You have activated your Light Body and your 13 Chakra system, and also the Aqua and Emerald aspects of your being.  Now, at the Lions Gate, you connect with the Diamond Starfire, a deep Galactic energy of the Elohim Angelic Family.

miércoles, agosto 02, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - August 2023


August 2023


▲From Your Hostess of Light

▲MERCURY RETROGRADE August 23 to September 14, 2023

▲Worm Holes of thought



From Your Hostess of Light As I prepare for the 35th 8:8 Lionsgate workshop the universe pushes and pulls at my brain trying to stretch me into new insights like salt water taffy on a hot summer’s day. Like a flashing billboard the words ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ float to the surface. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes itself to be true due to the behavior of the believer. Self-fulling means “brought about as a result of being foretold or talked about to the point of manifestation,” prophecy refers to the actual prediction. Another definition of self-fulfilling prophecy is someone “predicting” or expecting something, and this “prediction” or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it. In this virtual world we all live in, self-fulling prophecies are just a tweet away.

domingo, julio 23, 2023

Aurora Ray - The New Earth's Gateway Is Open - July 23, 2023

The New Earth's Gateway Is Open

People on Earth may question what their life on Earth is all for from time to time. Not everyone can understand what living in a New Heaven on Earth might be like. They may find talk of LOVE and LIGHT repulsive. To them, the Earth evokes feelings of rage, sorrow, greed, sickness, and poverty.

For millennia of their existence on Earth, these ideas and feelings have been ingrained in them. Souls come and leave, suffering a great deal of hate from other souls throughout their stay on the Earth. It's sometimes ingrained in their very essence, as it were. This manner of existence was spawned by the darkness that arose on Earth as a result of souls who ate these evil emotions.

viernes, julio 07, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - 7 7 7 Portal/Portal 777 - July 7, 2023

Hello everyone and I hope you are making the best use of this 7 7 7 energy today. July 7 2014 would the previous one and 2005 before that. In this very significant century and at this very significant time we are experiencing monumental ascension progress and it's nice to have milestones like this to help us assess our progress and plan for our next steps.

7 cycles are important - they refer to our stages of growth in which we learn, integrate, and embody energy.

jueves, julio 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the peak of the solar energies - July 6, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the peak of the solar energies received a month ago. In two days, we will be immersed in the 777 portal, which is the bridge to the ultimate one on August 8/8, one of the most important portals of all the months, although every day, is unique and holds a unique essence that we can integrate and co-create with.

A portal that represents the quantum leap that our planet is finally taking, in consciousness, and that helps us descend more wisdom, from new dimensions, from different timeliness - especially sixth and seventh-dimensional ones - and other galactic sources that we may not be fully aware of yet, but that is helping us see higher truths required for our personal and planetary evolution.

Celia Fenn· - 7th July 2023. 7/7/7 Portal/7 de julio de 2023. Portal 7/7/7 - July 6, 2023

7th July 2023. 7/7/7 Portal

The 7/7/7 Portal is a powerful passage of consciousness that is allowing us to align with our higher self and spirit as we prepare for the massive shifts that are still to come.

7 is the code of the Spiritual Warrior who moves forward fearlessly, and this is what is asked of us now. Release fear and focus on Love and the passage into Higher Consciousness and the New Earth.

miércoles, julio 05, 2023

Ailia Mira - Message from ARCHANGEL MICHAEL & THE COUNCIL OF RADIANT LIGHT - The 7-7-7 Stargate, Your Evolution - July 4, 2023

Divine Ones,

The great evolution of consciousness in your species, in your world, continues and there is so much wonderful progress to report.

There are expanded higher dimensional frequencies now active within you — emanating from your planetary field. These frequencies are attuning you to higher levels within your wholeness, as you allow this resonance. Vibrations never before experienced by you in this domain of expression are available now, and with your growing ability to translate these energies, glimpses of New Earth living are coming in.

Sandra Walter - Semana de Maestría y Presencia 777 - Julio 4, 2023


Bendiciones Amados ~

Todos los años, durante la primera semana de julio, los Reinos Superiores de los Maestros, las Familias Estelares y la Trinidad Cósmica aportan un torrente de apoyo y revelación.

La Semana de Maestría, del sábado 1 al viernes 7 de julio, proporciona una oportunidad para comprensiones, activaciones y fortalecimiento de nuestra trayectoria de Ascensión.