Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elohim. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elohim. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, agosto 31, 2024

Natalia Alba - Our Guardians the White Elohim - Aug 31, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Guardians the White Elohim are supporting the biological shift that is taking place in our DNA and that the earth's elementals are too undergoing, for we are All shifting and evolving as species. We have been constantly receiving Solar plasmatic and Aurora transmissions together with the Emerald ones that have triggered the planetary change that many of us are now witnessing, behind the physical scenes.

jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - As our planet continues its transition into a new harmonic timeline - Aug 15, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues its transition into a new harmonic timeline, bifurcating from the old 3D Earth, many of you will feel the call by the White Elohim and your personal God Source to sustain the new Earth's illumined essence by acting as frequency holders and stabilizers. We are now entering into a phase of profound stabilization and amplification of the new Heart transmissions received. Through your essence, all of you participate in this expansion by holding unconditional love and peace for All.

miércoles, agosto 14, 2024

Natalia Alba - Our Aurora family is again very present at this time of our ascension journey - Aug 14, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Aurora family is again very present at this time of our ascension journey. A time of planetary clearing, retrieval, unification, and above all transfiguration, a process that will last for many years and that is linked to the same one many of us are experiencing.

As we continue transcending our lower chakra membranes and embodying our illumine chakra system, we will connect more with the Auroras, for many of you have a mission of planetary restoration with them as well.

domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Celia Fenn - 4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888 - Aug 4, 2024

4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888

Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.

I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.

viernes, julio 26, 2024

Natalia Alba - The White Elohim, Guardians of our Universe await those ready to step into a new timeline - Jul 26, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The White Elohim, Guardians of our Universe await those ready to step into a new timeline. The moment has come for those of you who are ready to leave it all behind and move into a new timeline. 

A moment we have been creating, and supporting since the beginning of 2012. The White Elohim and the Auroras have finally recoded many inorganic earth's structures, as there is still a lot of work to do. A message I received last night at 4:44 am.

domingo, septiembre 12, 2021

Celia Fenn - The Royal Lions and the Teaching of the Sacred/Lion Heart - September 12, 2021

image by Lindka Cierach

The Royal Lions are Angelic Beings of the Family of the Elohim. The Elohim Family Angels are the Creators of Form, according to Divine Plan, in our Galaxy.

The Elohim,and the Royal Lion Elohim, came to our Galaxy after completing their work in the Andromeda Galaxy, our neighbouring Galaxy. They entered via the Lyran Inter-Galactic Star Gate, in order to begin their work of forming and shaping the Galaxy and creating worlds of Life Forms according to the Divine Plan.

jueves, junio 03, 2021

Celia Fenn - Nature, Magic and Abundance : The Way of the New Earth - June 2, 2021

The Natural Magic of Nature and the Artificial Grid of Economics : Freedom versus Slavery

Humanity and the Planet were designed by Prime Creator and the Elohim Angels to function within the Flow of Nature and natural “magic” and abundance. The Prime Life Force is designed to respond to consciousness and to create whatever is desired and needed.

This Life Force energy ensures that all on the Planet will Thrive and not just survive.

martes, marzo 09, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation - March 9, 2021

Dear and most Precious Souls

We are in a phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.

Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold. I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.

sábado, febrero 27, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation - Feb 27, 2021

The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation

We are in phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.

Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold.

I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.

sábado, junio 27, 2020

Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - Dreams and Messages From the Arcturians and Elohim - June 27, 2020

The Arcturians brought images to me this morning (June 26th) as I was awakening in bed and in that theta-wave state. I was aware the visions were directed by them as this is how they connect with me, through the visual fields. My “lucid dream” held impressions about two important issues that I feel must be brought forward.

martes, diciembre 24, 2019

Amora - The Violet Flame of Transformation – Science and Alchemy - December 24, 2019

Science: A Message from The Elohim

“From the Realms of Light, the Source of the First Cause of Creation, we reveal the Violet Flame which holds infinite power of Transformation. It is Eternal, all-encompassing and it has arrived in its full power to flood all beings of Light and Life during this auspicious time of light expansion, the Great Solstice Portal, and beyond.

viernes, julio 20, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Timeline Shifts ~ Entering A Parallel World - July 20, 2018

Your Reality ~ Your consciousness ~ Your Light.

Entering now an awareness that allows all to shift, in ways beyond your imagination. Receive this activation now.

The Pleiadian are present. The Elohim are present. The Divine Council of Overseers are present. It is all united, in this the sacred plan of Divinity. All Now.

domingo, mayo 06, 2018

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Demarcation Line of Ascension Is Here and Now to Cross Over. How Will You Decide? - May 6, 2018

Carla Thompson, May 6, 2018

How My Dream Led to the Elohim Message

Georgi Stankov

On the day when Carla received this powerful message I woke up with a remarkable dream. I was hiking with Carla in the mountains where there were many other groups of hikers. We walked through forests and openings with meadows and our trail wound around the crest of the mountain hills. At one point I reached a broad demarcation line about ten meters wide with many deep trails as if done by a huge caterpillar. I stopped in

front of it and asked the group of hikers ahead of me who were about to cross this demarcation line: “What is this line about here high in these remote mountains?” They laughed and said: ” This is the demarcation line between the current 3D reality and the 5th dimension. When you cross it you will know.”

lunes, abril 30, 2018

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, April 30 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, April 30 2018

We are asking you to remember your future NOW.

That is right,
you heard us correctly.

Remember your future.

You are already there.

sábado, abril 29, 2017

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: A New Matrix! - April 29, 2017

The Elohim Message

“Greetings Beloveds! We are the Elohim!

Great and beautiful success comes to the home of humanity where the call for help has now been heard, and answered: A New Matrix is in place that supports the crystalline grid which you have all been working to build over the ages with dedicated lightwork founded in purity of heart.

This new matrix with you now waits patiently for the moment when the old matrix will finally lose all its power and connection to the service-to-self constructs.

You have demanded purification! You have demanded fairness! And you have then commanded the Light from the depths of your hearts and souls to clear your reality of the old ways embedded within your reality!

The new matrix fuels life with love and truth. The old matrix has fallen from greed, corruption, control over others and self-centredness.

The new matrix based on principles of unity – open sharing and equality – replaces service-to-self as the underlying contextual energy.

The new matrix has been birthed and begins to radiate the crystalline blue light upon which truth, sincerity and loving kindness is built.

A new world is born!”

domingo, enero 08, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Archangels, Elohim and Ascended Masters - The Vision Seekers - 1-8-17

The Vision Seekers

By the Archangels, the Elohim and the Ascended Masters
Beloved Ones,
We come to you within the NOW to remind you that Gaia is ALIVE. Furthermore, we ask that, you, the awakened humans, pass on that information in any way that you can. 2017 is the year in which humans will remember that they are NOT just their earth bodies. In 2017, humans will begin to remember that Gaia is Living Being!

As humanity, “grows up” and releases their old self-absorbed nature, they will KNOW that Gaia is ALIVE. Then, will they change their behavior? Many, if not most, humans think that they are “just” visitors to Earth because they do not realize that humanity and Earth are ONE.

domingo, octubre 09, 2016

Carla Thompson - The Elohim - The Perfect Storm - October 9, 2016

Carla Thompson, October 9, 2016

Hello everyone!

After all these weeks of superwaves (since early September at least) coming in to the planet and leaving many reeling from the onslaught of the energies, I connected with the Elohim to find out more about this very unusual energetic landscape.

The PATsters are consistently reporting such extreme cleansing and this really triggers my sense of compassion for each and every one of them as I myself have also been challenged while adjusting to these waves. I know there are many lightworkers worldwide who are also feeling the intensity of these waves, even if they just recently opened up to the frequencies as second wavers. As the Elohim confirm, no one is immune to the effects of these current waves whether they feel them or not.

Ailia Mira - Arcángel Miguel, el Consejo de la Luz Radiante y los Elohim de la Gracia - Nuevos Espectros De Su Totalidad - 05-09-2016


Queridos Amigos:Profundo dentro de ustedes ¡ahí van de nuevo!, a dar nacimiento.
Se están abriendo nuevas formas y ustedes están simplemente entrando a ellas en su conciencia con una habilidad consumada.
Hay más claridad y una mayor habilidad para recibir ahora.
Hay más comodidad viendo la visión de su vida de maneras que les dan gozo y se sienten bien, sin traer a ellas la voz crítica negativa o el temor.
A medida que se elevan a un nuevo sentido del yo, ustedes crean la conciencia de su identidad de una manera que les permita que llegue más a ustedes.
Van a descubrir esto en su estado físico, en sus respuestas emocionales, y sobre todo, en las ideas que les llegan.
El mundo se está abriendo para ustedes, los que están creyendo en sus sueños, los que están abrazando su saber interno y están dispuestos a vivirlo.