Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal del León. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal del León. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, agosto 07, 2024

Natalia Alba - Our Heart Flame is being activated - Aug 7, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Heart Flame is being activated after months of soul and monadic reconnection. We are now reaching the peak of what we have been receiving and working with, during this eight universal year. The energies from the triple 888 portal, guarded by the White Elohim, are now anchored on our earth plane, expanding into all the locations where this integration can take place, and expanding into all who have chosen to hold and surrender to this Illumined Frequency.

domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Celia Fenn - 4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888 - Aug 4, 2024

4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888

Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.

I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2024 Energy Report

July is over and we’re in a new month. The year seems to be going by quickly but that’s a product of the energy movements, solar flares, and probably our ongoing lack of sleep. I have been telling you for months that this period would be very volatile and eventful and we are not through it yet, it probably doesn’t end until some time in September.

jueves, agosto 01, 2024

Patricia Cota -Robles - THE TRIPLE-INFINITY OF THE 888 LION’S GATE August 8, 2024 = 888 - Aug 1, 2024


August 8, 2024 = 888

Patricia Cota -Robles

August 1, 2024

“With every balanced Holy Breath I take, I AM empowering God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Immaculate Concept of the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Love, Oneness and Peace with the Divine Intent of attaining our highest level of Excellence. And so it is.”

jueves, julio 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue crossing the threshold into a more illumined cycle - Jul 25, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

As we continue crossing the threshold into a more illumined cycle, the retrieval of the emerald and aquamarine crystals in our planet continues, activating many Earth's portals at this time of profound transformation. At an individual level.

Our DNA continues as well realigning to the many timelines that are being rehabilitated, and we are also linking from within by restoring our DNA time codes, for all activations come from the inner work we are ready and willing to do.

miércoles, julio 24, 2024

Celia Fenn - 24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns - Jul 24, 2024

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24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns

We are in a very powerful time, in which the Earth is being affected by both the Sun and the Blue Star Sirius in the lead up to the Lions Gate on 8th August.

At this time in the northern lands, Sirius rises with Sun on the Eastern horizon, blending its brilliant blue white light with the golden and white light of our Sun. The ancient Egyptians recognised this powerful moment as it coincided with the annual rising of the Nile and the outpouring of blessings on the land. It also led into the annual Lions Gate portal under the sign of Leo in which the Earth entered a new cycle or Time Spiral under the guardianship of the Royal Star Lions, the architects of Galactic Time.

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we approach the triple 888 passage - Jul 11, 2024


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

Celia Fenn - The Grace of the Lions: 2024 Lions Gate 888 - Jul 11, 2024

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.

martes, junio 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Triple 8888 passage - Emerald Retrieval & Timelines Reconnection - Jun 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are concluding a phase of soul and monadic reconnection that started at the beginning of this eighth universal year. The silence and harmony that reigned in these two months is vital to help us stabilize all the wisdom and healing transmissions descended in our human being.

miércoles, junio 19, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are already immersed in the Solstice passage - Jun 19, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are already immersed in the Solstice passage. This year the Solstice will support us to continue creating more balance in polarities, especially in healing the masculine wound that we all, as a collective, have imprinted within our masculine template. We have been disconnected from the Truth that the masculine principle in our bodies holds the female, and vice versa, as both are never separated from each other.

martes, agosto 08, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - 2023 Lions Gate: The Galactic “Deep” Human - Aug 8, 2023

Beloveds, so you stand once again at the Lions Gate Portal, ready to begin another cycle of evolution and creation on Earth. In the last cycle you made enormous shifts of consciousness in your journey towards activating what we call the Galactic “Deep” Human Template. You have activated your Light Body and your 13 Chakra system, and also the Aqua and Emerald aspects of your being.  Now, at the Lions Gate, you connect with the Diamond Starfire, a deep Galactic energy of the Elohim Angelic Family.

domingo, agosto 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal - Aug 6, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal. As many of you are already feeling, this is a time for profound healing, stabilization, and light body activation, a message that is confirmed by the Sol/plasma emanations that we have been constantly receiving, and that yesterday increased with more X Solar Flares. Guides remark on the importance to focus on creating more balance, at all levels, for this is how we allow the process of conscious integration to occur, gradually, gracefully, and peacefully.

sábado, agosto 05, 2023

Tanaaz - Portal de la Puerta del León 88


¿Qué es la Puerta del León 88?

El Portal de la Puerta del León 88 es la apertura de una puerta galáctica que transmite energía de alta frecuencia a nuestro ser, permitiéndonos hacer renacer nuestra energía espiritual y la energía espiritual de la Madre Tierra. Esta energía de alta frecuencia puede utilizarse para abrir nuestros centros energéticos, inspirar nuevas ideas, elevar nuestra conciencia y realzar nuestra capacidad para recibir descargas psíquicas.

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2023 Energy Report - Aug 5, 2023

August comes in with a huge burst of energy and it leaves that way too since August 1 and August 31 are both full moon dates and these full moons come with very powerful aspects. So we have that to look forward to, we have the 8-8 Lion’s Gate, and in spite of multiple retrogrades, including personal planets venus and Mercury, it’s an action packed month (again). It’s a month for setting things right and being open to new pathways because they may just happen in spite of your best efforts to stop, delay, or prevent them.

martes, agosto 01, 2023

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE MIRACULOUS VICTORY OF THE LION’S GATE - August 1, 2023



Patricia Cota-Robles

August 1, 2023

On July 22nd, we entered the Sun Cycle of Leo. This is the day celebrated by millions of people around the World as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. Mary Magdalene is one of the exponents of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. On July 22nd every year she floods the Earth through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness with our Mother God’s wondrous Love. This enhances every particle and wave of Life on Earth and prepares Humanity for July 26th which is known through all time and space continuums as the Galactic New Year. Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins.

miércoles, julio 26, 2023

Natalia Alba - The Lions Gate - chakra transmogrofy & Diamond Heart Activation - July 26, 2023

The Lions Gate - chakra transmogrofy & Diamond Heart Activation

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the 8/8 portal, many of us are beginning to feel the exhaustion from this new passage, as well as from the many other portals we had since March. We are co-creating with all the previous energies that we have been consciously embodying, and that now collide within ourselves. Treating our bodies with utmost respect is pivotal to helping them regenerate, and stabilize, so they can continue with the ascension process.

sábado, julio 15, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - 2023 Lions Gate: The Galactic “Deep” Human - July 15, 2023

Beloveds, so you stand once again at the Lions Gate Portal, ready to begin another cycle of evolution and creation on Earth. In the last cycle you made enormous shifts of consciousness in your journey towards activating what we call the Galactic “Deep” Human Template. You have activated your Light Body and your 13 Chakra system, and also the Aqua and Emerald aspects of your being. Now, at the Lions Gate, you connect with the Diamond Starfire, a deep Galactic energy of the Elohim Angelic Family.

viernes, julio 14, 2023

Natalia Alba - Lyran Planetary Grid/Netwprk Restoration - July 14, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the cusp of all the previous months' energies. A new passage whose main Lyran and Sirian frequencies are key to continue restoring the many damaged Earth structures. This Year the 8/8 Lions Portal is like nothing we have previously experienced, especially in planetary gridwork. From an individual perspective to a planetary one, everything is being transformed, and this year the focus is mainly on bringing restoration to the damaged planetary grid's structures that were massively distorted to keep us uncommunicated from other dimensions, between many other non-benevolent purposes, and that are now finally being rehabilitated.

martes, julio 04, 2023

Celia Fenn - 3 de julio: Luna Llena y Superluna en Capricornio - Julio 3, 2023


3 de julio: Luna Llena y Superluna en Capricornio

Así que esta Luna es un poco atontada hasta ahora. SuperLuna significa que es cada vez más grande de lo habitual porque está cerca de la Tierra, por lo que se puede sentir con más intensidad. en Acuario.