Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Celia Fenn. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Celia Fenn. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, septiembre 16, 2024

Celia Fenn - Monday 16 September : The Power Week - Sep 16, 2024

Monday 16 September : The Power Week

And so it begins, the power week of September that includes the Full Moon and Eclipse on Wednesday and the Equinox!

It began on Saturday with a real Whoosh of power with the X.4 Class Solar Flare. Wow, was that ever a BIG one and it has raised the Solar frequencies at the same time as the Lunar frequencies are rising in preparation for the Full Moon/Eclipse and then the Equinox.

lunes, septiembre 09, 2024

Celia Fenn - 9/9 Portal: Human Angel and Human Master Sep 9, 2024

As we transit the 9/9 Portal we are being asked to step powerfully into our Mastery.

At the moment the energy is very difficult.

People are exhausted and are facing a “crunch” with money and relationship issues.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2024

Celia Fenn - 1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse - Sep 1, 2024

1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse 

At last the change of seasons is here. Where I live we welcomed sunshine and warmer weather after two months of non stop rain and cold. In the north the heat of summer will be tempered by cooler weather.

viernes, agosto 23, 2024

Celia Fenn - 23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season - Aug 23, 2024

23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season

Today the Sun moved into Virgo. And not a moment too soon!
It has been such an intense time with the Lions Gate and then the Full Moon.

It just seemed as though everything was happening at once and everything needed to happen at once!

domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Celia Fenn - 4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888 - Aug 4, 2024

4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888

Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.

I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.

miércoles, julio 24, 2024

Celia Fenn - 24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns - Jul 24, 2024

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24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns

We are in a very powerful time, in which the Earth is being affected by both the Sun and the Blue Star Sirius in the lead up to the Lions Gate on 8th August.

At this time in the northern lands, Sirius rises with Sun on the Eastern horizon, blending its brilliant blue white light with the golden and white light of our Sun. The ancient Egyptians recognised this powerful moment as it coincided with the annual rising of the Nile and the outpouring of blessings on the land. It also led into the annual Lions Gate portal under the sign of Leo in which the Earth entered a new cycle or Time Spiral under the guardianship of the Royal Star Lions, the architects of Galactic Time.

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Celia Fenn - The Grace of the Lions: 2024 Lions Gate 888 - Jul 11, 2024

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.

viernes, junio 21, 2024

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - El Caldero de la Creación: Color, Luz y Revitalización - Jun 12, 2024

Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Los colores brillantes de las Auroras que se vieron a nivel mundial en mayo de 2024 fueron una manifestación de grandes cambios en la Tierra y en la Galaxia. La plantilla del Nuevo Árbol de la Vida se activó a través del Árbol de Gracia. La batalla entre el Bien y el Mal que fue el sello distintivo de la Dualidad dio paso al Flujo de Gracia y Amor que se expresa en la Tierra como Amor Divino y Apoyo de los Niveles Superiores de Luz.

jueves, junio 20, 2024

Celia Fenn - June 20th : Solstice - Jun 20, 2024

June 20th : Solstice

Have a beautiful Solstice day!

I woke to a beautiful Golden Morning celebrating the Golden Solar radiance and the incoming Christ Consciousness Codes of Light.

Everything was shimmering and pure and I could feel the energy of the Pure Heart of the Divine Feminine Christ/Mary Magdalene Sophia of the Golden Rose.

domingo, junio 16, 2024

Celia Fenn - June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn - Jun 16, 2024

Puede ser artePuede ser una imagen de texto

June 16th : June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn

We are coming up to another vortex of energies this week.

The most powerful is the Solstice portal on the 20th June. This is the summer solstice in the North and the Winter Solstice in the South. 

miércoles, junio 12, 2024

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Cauldron of Creation: Color, Light and Revitalization - Jun 11, 2024

The Brilliant colors of the Auroras that were seen worldwide in May of 2024 were a manifestation of great changes on the Earth and in the Galaxy. The New Tree of Life template was activated via the Tree of Grace. The battle between Good and Evil that was the hallmark of Duality gave way to the Flow of Grace and Love that is expressed on Earth as Divine Love and Support from the Higher Levels of Light.

domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Celia Fenn - 19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra - May 19, 2024


19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra

La tormenta solar ha disminuido, por ahora, estoy tomando conciencia de los nuevos colores brillantes de la Nueva Tierra.

El ojo de mi artista está percibiendo que los nuevos códigos del árbol de la vida son brillantes y pulsantes con vida y color.

Celia Fenn - May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth - May 19, 2024


May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth

The Solar storm has subsided, for now, I am becoming aware of the new brilliant colors of the New Earth.

My artist's eye is perceiving that the New Tree of Life Codes are brilliant and pulsating with life and color.

martes, marzo 19, 2024

Celia Fenn - 20th March : Equinox and Sun into Aries - Mar 19, 2024

20th March : Equinox and Sun into Aries

And so we move into the Equinox Gateway as the Sun moves into Aries.

What a powerful time!

The Equinox marks the change of the seasons, where the day and the night are of equal length before the days begin to grow longer as Spring arrives in the North, or shorter as Autumn arrives in the South.

sábado, febrero 10, 2024

Celia Fenn - 10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare - Fed 10, 2024

10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare

The Sun is really active at the moment. I am sure you have felt it.
Firstly we have an enormous sunspot called AR3576 which is earth facing and considered to be the likely source of the big flare. This is the same sunspot that was photographed from Mars. It is huge (see photo from

jueves, enero 11, 2024

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - ROSAS Y DRAGONES: CABALGANDO POR LAS ESPIRALES DE ENERGÍA EN 2024 - Ene 10, 2024

Queridos, 2024 promete ser otro año de poderosas ondas de energía que ingresarán a la Tierra desde Fuentes Solares y Galácticas. Estarás aprendiendo a “montar” mejor estas olas. Por eso hemos llamado al 2024 el Año de la Rosa, porque la Rosa es un símbolo de las energías en espiral de la Galaxia. Esas poderosas y creativas energías del Fuego y del Agua son la base de la creación, y también son los seres que se conocen como Dragones. Cuando te conectas con tus energías internas de Dragón, te conviertes en un Jinete de Dragón y puedes fluir con las energías como un Maestro Jinete de Dragón.

lunes, enero 08, 2024

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - Roses and Dragons: Riding the Energy Spirals in 2024 - Jan 8, 2024

 May be an image of snake

Dearest ones, 2024 promises to be another year of powerful waves of energy that will enter the Earth from Solar and Galactic Sources. You will be learning to better “ride” these waves. That is why we have called 2024 the Year of the Rose, for the Rose is a symbol of the spiralling energies of the Galaxy. Those powerful and creative energies of Fire and Water are the basis of creation, and they are also the beings that are known as Dragons. When you connect with your inner Dragon energies you become a Dragon Rider and you are able to flow with the energies as a Master Dragon Rider.

sábado, noviembre 11, 2023

Celia Fenn - 11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans - Nov 11, 2023


11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans

Today is the power portal of the 11/11 and Scorpio Gate.

Powerful Energies of Light and Water Codes pouring in.

It feels so delicious to me : so gentle and yet so powerful.

I am conscious of many many Angels from Archangel Michael and the Elohim celebrating the unfolding of a new phase of Evolution and Transformation on the Earth.

jueves, octubre 19, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Cosmic Dancer and the Frequencies of the New Earth: Finding Peace and Joy in Life - Oct 19, 2023


The Cosmic Dancer and the Frequencies of the New Earth: Finding Peace and Joy in Life

Beloveds, as you move through the Eclipse season and onwards through the 11/11 Portal, you are facing many challenges both energetic and physical. It is a time when everything that is not in balance is being shown up for what it is, both in your personal lives and on a planetary scale. But it is also a time of celebration for you as light workers, as the first and second waves of Ascension are now completing their journey and are ready to be the “Light to the World”, and to be those who hold Peace and Love in their hearts despite the low frequencies of violence and hate that may seem to be prevalent.

If you are reading these words, Beloveds, then you are probably among those who are able to access New Earth frequency and hold this for others, whether in groups or as individuals. For you, the symbol of the Cosmic Dancer encourages you to engage in the Dance of Life with Poise and Grace. Do not allow yourself to be dragged down into despair, but dance with and into the ascending spiral of Hope and Love.

When a skilled dancer moves with the flow of music, they create patterns that express their souls and their story. The dance of life is no different, as you move to Celestial Music and Tones and Codes along the Sacred Geometric pathways that create and manifest Reality.

As you know, those who dance with grace ands skill must first learn their steps, and often it takes many years to achieve a level of skill. So too, Beloveds, you have spent many years aligning with these New Earth frequencies and learning the steps in your personal journey of Ascension. Now is the time to simply express who you are as you flow with the Dance of Life.

You are ready to hold these frequencies of The New Earth as you move through the Sacred Pathways of the Heart that were taught by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in their work as Avatars of the Golden Christ Consciousness.

As you reach this level of skill you will be able to create a daily personal practice that will support and nurture your physical, emotional and mental well-being. You will be attracted to groups and communities, and Circles of Light that will amplify the Heart Frequencies of Love and Joy, and Gratitude.

The New Earth is Here! You are called to be Ambassadors of Peace and Love. Be the Love in every step of your daily life!

Be the Cosmic Dancer that moves with complete grace to the music of the Stars that is in your Heart and Soul.

You are embodied Light dancing on the Earth!


Copyright © 2023 Celia Fenn, All Rights Reserved.
Celia Fenn, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

sábado, septiembre 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - 16 September : A week to the Equinox Portal - Sep 16, 2023

16 September : A week to the Equinox Portal

Yes, the energy has continued to be intense and weird, and we are only one week out from the second Scared Point of Light, the Equinox Portal on 23rd September.

In our transformation process we are becoming more" liquid" and fluid and more affected by Plasma flows, especially the aquafire and water plasma flows.