martes, julio 31, 2018

Emmanuel Dagher - A Time of Awakening – August 2018 Energy Forecast - July 31, 2018

Hi my beautiful friend,

It’s such an honor to connect with you once again, and to catch up on all of the energetic changes happening now.

With the six retrogrades this summer, the two eclipses we moved through in July, the August 11 eclipse coming up, and other celestial happenings going on, you’ve probably noticed that almost everything has been looking and feeling as if it’s been turned upside down.

Jim Self - Desde los Arcángeles hasta las Personalidades Múltiples

Seminario Online de Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy


¡Hola, bienvenidos! Qué bueno estar aquí.

No he considerado desde hace tiempo todo este aspecto del tiempo moviéndose sumamente rápido. Hoy hay muchos de ustedes que no han estado antes con nosotros, de modo que bienvenidos, qué bueno tenerlos aquí, y a los que ya han estado, bienvenidos, muy bueno tenerlos aquí.

Hoy tenemos un tema que suele ser tocado pero es realmente desconocido: el tema de los seres. ¿Qué son los seres? Una de las cosas es "yo sé lo que yo sé y no sé lo que no sé", muy presente en todos nuestros espacios. En los asuntos que sabemos, presumimos muchas cosas, y de estas, a medida que vas conociendo más, que te das cuenta más, resulta que no son exactamente correctas.

Suzanne Lie - The Angels and the Arcturians - 7-31-17

In the Company of Angels

The Angels and the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear ONE, meaning any ONE within the higher realms of reality with whom I am meant to communicate, I am ready to receive your message. I don’t know why I started my communication in this manner, but it was what came into my awareness to write, which is how I receive and document all my messages.

In fact, I now hear the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and several members of the Angelic Kingdom sending their unified message within this NOW. I think they want me to tune into them this morning.

Brenda Hoffman - Decidan - 23 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Algunos se están ajustando a las nuevas energías fácilmente. Otros están atemorizados, enojados o molestos. Nos dirigimos a los que están molestos.

Recuerdan cuan difícil era para su hijo o nieto dar vueltas las primeras veces cuando lo intentaban? Y lo enojados que se ponían durante sus intentos? Así sucede ahora con ustedes

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 31, 2018

A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today.

Lauren C. Gorgo - El Portal 8:8 del León y la entrada oculta - 26 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La marea está subiendo hacia otro punto culminante a medida que avanzamos en el pasaje anual del Portal del León (26/7), seguido directamente por la luna llena (de sangre)/el eclipse lunar total en Acuario (27/7) ... y además con Mercurio volviéndose retrógrado. 😬

Mientras que el primer eclipse parcial/solar actuó como un punto de activación/gatillo para la tríada, el segundo eclipse (lunar) servirá como un punto de liberación ... liberando los estatutos kármicos según los cuales hemos vivido por múltiples encarnaciones. Este es realmente el material profundo de viejas encarnaciones que nos ha mantenido atados a la rueda de reencarnación, y ahora tenemos una oportunidad sólida para dejar descansar estas historias ilusorias. Para siempre.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 31, 2018

A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today.

We understand it can be disconcerting to be so dedicated to your own growth and evolution and have challenging situations occur. In no way does this mean your work has been ineffective! There are many reasons why this can occur.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

You are learning to trust yourself.

Your truest self.

Now this entitles you to

Appreciation for the real self
that is looking for a friend
and partner in you.

And so it is.

Jim Self - Why All This Chaos Now? Part One

Excerpt from the new book A Course in Mastering Alchemy: 

There is a change underway in humanity and the Teachers of Light and All That Is are very excited about it. The Teachers of Light have told me that many Great Beings (with and without physical bodies) are watching humanity and are surprised (and wowed) by the direction we are taking to uplift not only ourselves and our planet but all planets and all form. However, most of humanity is not aware of this change or its contribution toward it. This pathway has been given to us to clarify and establish a timeless set of tools that will fully anchor our potential and create a firm connection with All That Is in order that this evolution steps up and continues in a smooth manner.

lunes, julio 30, 2018

Ute Posegga-Rudel - ANDRAPHON: SONG OF THE PERFECT MAN - 30 Jul 2018


VIDEO (recommended)


I am Andraphon from the dimensions of infinity, home of the true human being. I am the highest potential of the planes of the ultimate spirit. I am Andraphon and I sing the song of the perfect human being. I am singing about the highest spiritual heights, inhabited by the perfect human, insofar they seek to realize their ultimate potential. I am an interdimensional being, as no dimension is infinite, characterized by the limits of a distinct frequency.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst - BEING FULLY PRESENT - August 2018 - July 30, 2018

August 2018 Message



Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss being fully present.

The incoming energy is moving rapidly to a higher frequency. It is calling you to absorb it and integrate it into your Being. It is calling you to a higher consciousness.

As this new energy enters your field, you are being given the opportunity to learn new insights for your progression. They are very subtle and require your full attention to gain the complete benefits from them.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday July 30, 2018

Your underlying fears that get triggered and bubble up are much like a toddler who is overwhelmed that suddenly acts out and tantrums. If you respond by being reactive, you know you only accelerate the energy. When any portion of you is at overwhelm it needs calm, consistent love and reassurance. It is looking for your empowered self to compassionately

Brenda Hoffman - Flitting Between Relationships - July 30, 2018

Dear Ones,

Each of you is a unique individual existing under the totality umbrella. So it is you are beginning to experience your uniqueness in ways you never before experienced while of the earth.

Many of you are lonely. Not because you are truly alone, but because you did not step outside social boundaries in your previous earthly existences. So you wait for approval that will never arrive.

Carla Thompson - The Rainbow Gateway - July 30, 2018

Carla Thompson in Meditation with Julia King, July 30, 2018


Georgi Stankov, July 30, 2018

The moon eclipse portal on July 27th, called the Rainbow Gateway by Astraea et Amora, was the biggest stargate in the ascension process only comparable in its intensity for us, the light warriors of the first and the last hour and incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia, to the stargates 11.11.11 and 12.12.12 through 21.12.12, which we, the PAT opened under great sacrifice and initiated the final most successful phase of the planetary ascension. I have been experiencing for 2 weeks in a row incessant cc-waves with excruciating headaches, stabbing pain alternately in the left and the right eye socket and this pain continues unabated even now while writing this foreword. Hence if you are also reeling from these energies you now know why. The bad news is that it will continue like that or the intensity of the incoming waves will even increase throughout the Lion’s gate until August 11th. After that anything can happen, and I strongly hope it will happen, as this life in service of humanity has become a real drudgery with no palpable reward in sight.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, July 30, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, July 30, 2018

Trust the process of the heart
and allow love to lead the way.

What if there was even more joy
along the way. Understand?

Expect it.

Patricia Cota-Robles - EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING IN DIVINE ORDER - July 30, 2018


Patricia Cota-Robles

JULY 30, 2018

Humanity is experiencing the final critical stages of preparation prior to the activation of the pre-encoded consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. This activation will take place August 11-16, 2018, as the threefold Eclipse Series we are in the midst of is brought to fruition. During this time, the monumental influx of Light from this rare Eclipse Series will be assimilated into the Core of Purity within cellular structures of every person on Earth by his or her I AM Presence. This greatly intensified Light is also accelerating the frequency of vibration within the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.

domingo, julio 29, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday July 29, 2018

When you are emotionally triggered by another the first thing to ask yourself is what fear has been activated in you. Is it true? Is it a real threat? Is it even yours? Is it pertinent to today or is it old energy? Explore the fear and the emotions that drive it.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, July 29, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Allow your new path to appear before you, which at first may seem invisible.

It is approaching and rapidly.

Do not hold back from life.

Embrace it fully.

Whatever you have been holding onto while identifying with the false self
is going to dissolve now.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light - July 29, 2018

Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an Earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 9+ New StarGate Codes Opened Up/Activated/Delivered/BEcame Available/Dialed In - This Week - 7/29/2018

We are in heightened/hyper photonic frequencies daily now, where each's own self-awareness, self-accountability and self-mastery are KEY.

Increasing photonic activity exacerbates, makes distortions more visible/louder, for each to go within to SEE and clear that programming from within.

sábado, julio 28, 2018

Chesterton Windmill CROP CIRCLE 26.7.2018 4k60p

Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians - Becoming ONE - July 28, 2018


We stand at the end to see the beginning

And dream of an Earth where ALL life is winning

No one is hungry. No one is poor.

No one is greedy, and no one wants more

We dream of an Earth where the land and the sea

Become ONE with the people, Like you and like me

Asara - Archangel Michael Update - July 28, 2018

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on your path.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, July 28, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, July 28, 2018

You are on an upswing
and performing mightily.

You are realizing that you are in charge
of final reality
in all scenarios.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Noticias Falsas - Reedición - Sacramento, California, el 25 de marzo de 2018

Canalización en vivo de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Sacramento, California, el 25 de marzo de 2018

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Sacramento, California

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El Cambio está ocurriendo en este planeta y está cambiando paradigmas que ustedes no esperarán. Todos los aspectos de su cultura se verán afectados eventualmente. Las preguntas que ustedes hacen son "¿Qué hago después? ¿Qué cosa daría más resultados?" La respuesta es lo que les hemos estado diciéndoles: Esperen cambios. Esperen el cambio benévolo y desarrollen la intuición para trabajar con él.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday July 28, 2018

What beauty and magic can you choose to see in your life today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Ronna - Archangel Michael - ENHANCING YOUR PERSONAL GOD ESSENCE - August 2018



Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence, and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that you are developing your individual SUNLIGHT, which is a reflection of your own God Essence.

The human intellectual thought process must evolve beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the Divine Blueprint for the Aquarian Age, which is now being RAY-diated from our Father/Mother God via the Twelve Galactic Rays of cosmic consciousness. It will not come from outside you. It will well up within your own Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must reach up and grasp it, for it will not come down into the effluvia of the Earth planes and seek you out.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 27 de Julio, 2018

Os preguntáis hasta cuándo tenéis que esperar para que sucedan los acontecimientos prometidos. La verdad es que a un nivel superior todo está en el “ahora” y es difícil precisar una fecha para un suceso exacto. Lo máximo que puede decirse es que ciertos sucesos están destinados a ocurrir a pesar de cualquier otra actividad, particularmente los intentos de los Oscuros de evitar que ocurran. Cuando los poderes superiores declaren que ciertos eventos tengan lugar podéis estar seguros de que lo harán. Estáis más allá de la interferencia de los Oscuros, y podéis estar seguros de que el progreso sigue un camino que conduce al éxito.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - July 28, 2018

Hello there! Straight to it today! You have spoken recently and in the past about ‘Listening to our Truth within’ when coming across information that may or may not be fake news etc. In my last newsletter I sent out a link regarding news that would/could open a large can of worms. I personally have no attachment to politics. It is like a foreign language to me and I cannot retain any information that I have tried to take in. Therefore, I was not saying I knew this particular piece to be of Truth or not. Just a possibility of ‘Maybe this is what you had been talking about’. WELL! The response I received proved without doubt, to me that A) One person’s Truth is very different from another’s. And B) In general we are certainly not ready to forgive and send Love to those we are not so happy with! So please, dear friends 'in the know' … HOW DO WE KNOW that which is Truth and that which is not?

Diane Canfield - Eclipse/Full Moon Energy Update: Emotions Run High - July 28, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

I have not been online recently but I felt I needed to give a quick energy update for all those wondering what is this energy we are now dealing with. Yes we are still in the energy of the Full Moon/ Eclipse Corridor.

The energy that has come in on the second Eclipse this month has been pretty strong compared to the light/ almost no energy of the first one. This is how it is with Energy, we never know what is coming.

viernes, julio 27, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – July 27, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

On this day of a rare Full Moon / Blood Moon / total Lunar Eclipse, we greet you and note the new beings you are becoming in the midst of these powerful and empowering energies.

We will say, that at this time you may not feel very powerful.

Old emotions, challenges, shocks, and traumas may be surfacing, from this and other lives you have lived, to be released into the ethers, as you draw from them only that which your higher self requires for your soul growth and well-being.



Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Light of July in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.
We have now arrived at the cycle of the Capricorn Moon within the Cancer Sun. This alignment occurred on Friday, July 27th at 1:21 PM Pacific, 4:21 PM Eastern and 20:21 GMT.

This full moon cycle is promising to be filled with divine blessings to assist each soul on the planet to step further into their Spiritual Self so that life can be lived through the lens of the Higher Self and not the Lower Self.

Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain - Responsibility: Your Gateway to Ascension - 27th July 2018

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Those ready can step up and embody the new wave of energy which symbolises embodying responsibility of your ascension process. For some, the thoughts of taking responsibility for their own spiritual evolution can be a daunting process that causes greater insecurity and confusion. This is due to a lack of trust in themselves and the presence of the Creator within and around them. To take responsibility, doesn’t mean that you have to guide your own spiritual pathway or achieve your ascension on your own, these understandings are born from the ego’s belief in separation with the Creator. Taking responsibility for your ascension is to open and surrender yourself to the Universe of the Creator and allowing yourself to be guided, trusting that all will be well and fulfilling. Opening yourself to the Universe of the

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday July 27, 2018

As you move forward from the doing phase of your incarnation into the being phase, you start to step away from what you feel you should do into what you feel guided to do. (Be aware of the word should, for it often involves judgment of self and dismissing your true wants and needs. It is an indicator of operating through the mind and attempting to work against the energies, while being guided is being led by the heart which is loving, connective, and works with what the energies support).

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Evolución Akáshica - Reedición - Wilmington, North Carolina, 10 de Marzo de 2018

Canalización en vivo de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Wilmington, North Carolina, 10 de Marzo de 2018

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Wilmington, N. C.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 27 July 2018

You wonder how much longer you have to wait until events start to take place as promised. The truth is that on a higher level all is in the “now” and it is difficult to pinpoint a date for an exact happening. The most that can be said is that certain ones are destined to occur regardless of any other activity, particularly attempts by the dark Ones to prevent them happening. When the higher powers declare that certain events are to take place, you may rest assured that they will. They are beyond interference from the dark Ones, and can ensure that progress follows a path that leads to success.

jueves, julio 26, 2018

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, July 26, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Christ has risen.

You have risen.

Love has risen.

Now is the time to acknowledge

that you do know. Understand?

Lauren C. Gorgo - 8:8 Lion’s Gate & the hidden doorway - Jul 25, 2018

The tide is rising to another major culmination point as we move into the annual Lion’s Gate passage (7/26), followed directly by the full (blood) moon/total lunar eclipse in Aquarius (7/27)…and with Mercury turning retrograde to boot. 😬

Where the first partial/solar eclipse acted as a somewhat aggressive activation/trigger point for the triad, the second (lunar) eclipse will serve as a release point…releasing the karmic bylaws that we have lived by for multiple incarnations. This is the really deep, lifetimes-old stuff that has kept us bound to the wheel of reincarnation and we now have a solid opportunity to lay these illusory storylines to rest. For good.


 Blood Moon Full Lunar Eclipse & Mars Proximity too

Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEing Family!

Cosmic Akash ~ Deep Inner-Matrix Constructs & Programming - Cosmic Heart StarGates BLAST OPEN

These are the harmonic and symphonic frequencies, activations and energies accelerating hugely every day.

Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies – Heart Family -Jul 26, 2018

July Review

July was an intense month. The eclipse energy stirred deep into relationship (how we relate in many different ways). Anger surfacing was a consistent theme. Even if the anger is righteous, holding onto it or allowing it to continue harming is unproductive and unhealthy. Anger is as valid as any other emotion, and can be a transformative wake-up call as you recognize that it shows a feeling of victimhood surfacing that is calling for internal shift into empowerment. Then a deeper level of connection to life is available. If someone is spewing anger, healthy boundaries are in order. Boundaries were a big issue that was up for healing in July.

There's No Stopping Gaia Now...The 5D Shift Moves Through the Gears

Jennifer Hoffman - Light Up the Dark Night of the Soul - Jul 25, 2018

The soul and ego create an agreement for each lifetime in which the soul provides the opportunities for learning and healing that the ego agrees to complete. This is the soul mission and the life purpose of each lifetime. There is no final agreement as to how this outcome will be fulfilled, for that is within the realm of the ego and free will. There is an opportunity to express the soul’s intention for the highest and best outcome but the ego must be able to release its attachment to the resistant energies that it has created and to be willing to raise its vibration for this to occur.

Truth Magnification Full Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse 27th July (Reveal, Revolution, Deluge)

Natalia Alba - At the moment we are undergoing many changes...- July 26, 2018

Beloved Ones,

As we continue to navigate through the Eclipses, and until the Lion’s Gate on August 8, the energies will continue increasing. This is a very important passage for the Earth Transmuters - group of souls whose mission is centered on the transmutation of lower energies - filtering and purifying them so they regain their natural light state, again.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday July 26, 2018


With your awareness, we suggest you pay attention to how many times you deem yourself, or others, wrong. You might be surprised to discover it is far more often than you realize. This is a good indicator of how much resistance you are still experiencing towards life.

James McConnell - Saint Germain - One Who Serves - July 22, 2018

Saint Germain

I Am St. Germain.

As always I, and we, all of us that are mentoring to you at this time, are overjoyed to be able to be with you to be able to share, to experience, to help you to grow. Just as we were helped at various times just as I was helped.

These moments that you are in now, what you have called, what many have called “the calm before the storm.” Well the calm is lifting now and the storm is approaching as has been heralded long ago that this would occur. It’s been predicted by many that you would enter this time of a calm, a peace, before the storm begins to rage. You are right now approaching that storm … or that storm is approaching you.

Gurston Ashes CROP CIRCLE 23.7.2018 4k60p

miércoles, julio 25, 2018

Suzanne Lie - THROUGH THE MATRIX--Chapter 23--Pleiadians Sending Unconditional Love - 7-25-18

Pleiadians Sending Unconditional Love
Dear Grounded Ones,
For this transmission, we Pleiadians wish to speak with you about Unconditional Love. Zara Lynn who is here with us, has asked us to speak with you. Therefore, we will begin our conversation by sending you ALL the Unconditional Love that you so rightly deserve. 
It may take a while for you to recognize the “feel” of unconditional love, as it is far too rare in your third dimensional reality. But, close your eyes, open your heart, and take a long, slow, deep, breath! Now, you are ready to better understand Unconditional Love.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cosas perturbadoras - Laguna Hills, California, 14 y 15 de julio de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Laguna Hills, California, 14 y 15 de julio de 2018

Cosas perturbadoras

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos piensan que la canalización es cosa muy rara. Les pregunto: si ustedes tuvieran la capacidad de conectar con lo que es su alma, ¿cómo sería eso? Y me dirían "Bueno, para poder hacer eso probablemente tendría que dejar de lado las tres dimensiones. Podría tener que entrar en algún estado específico para aceptar esa divinidad, y entonces mi alma podría hablar." ¡Bienvenido a la canalización! En este caso particular, mi socio no canaliza a su alma, pero en general así es como se siente. La capacidad para abrirse, hacerse a un lado, y permitir que la divinidad surja, está allí y siempre lo ha estado. Consideren el show de maestría que han aprendido de quienes caminaron antes por este planeta en su divinidad.


Selacia - Navegando Energías Volátiles - 22 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En este año hemos tenido tantos momentos de volatilidad y sorpresas aceleradas que pudiese parecer que es normal experimentar estas cosas. La gente se atonta ante la cantidad de cambio en despliegue. Para ustedes como divinos hacedores de cambios este no es tiempo de atontarse, pretender que lo que está sucediendo no tiene nada que ver con ustedes o dejar su cuerpo y escapar de la realidad. Continúen leyendo respecto a consejos que les puedes ayudar a encontrar su punto de equilibrio y progresar a pesar del caos actual.

Kara Schallock - En Medio de los Eclipses - 24 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Fara González

Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mas descargas de luz? Si! Este influjo de luz va profundamente dentro de Gaia, dentro de su corazón realmente y esto afecta a todos los que viven dentro de ella, incluyéndonos por supuesto a nosotros. Con mas luz hay mas percepción de los viejos patrones que deben eliminarse así como una versión mas elevada de quienes somos. El drama se intensifica al perder su agarre. Vean, cuando algo esta por transformarse, realmente se hace fuerte y se pone de frente. Díganle adiós y no se involucren en el drama a menos que quieran activarlo. Manténganse fuertes.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 25, 2018

Your mind navigates through control and effort. Your heart navigates through freedom and flow. Which method do you think holds the most potential, comfort, and ease for you? Is it time for you to finally let go of the old systems and habits that simply cannot get you where you wish to go? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young