Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Shanta Gabriel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Shanta Gabriel. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, septiembre 08, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing - September 8, 2024

Without patience you can never understand
the meaning of Divine Timing.

Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love - September 1, 2024


Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Dear One,

When you ask to be a receptacle for pure light, you are saying that you have space within you, and that you are willing to fill this space with love and all that which is God. You are saying that you want to be filled with Divine Light, and assist the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

domingo, agosto 25, 2024

Shanta Gabrie - Archangel Gabriel - You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you - Aug 25, 2024

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand.

You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Dear One,

When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform.

domingo, agosto 18, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you - August 18, 2014



Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.

domingo, agosto 11, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are - August 11, 2024

Be grateful for all that you have
and all that you are.

Dear One,

You have so much to be grateful for. At times it may feel as though life is hard, and yet if you can pull back from its drama, you will see how fortunate you truly are. Even the lessons you are now going through are a blessing.

domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Do not dwell in past patterns. Simply accept those choices and move ahead - August 4, 2024

Do not allow yourself to dwell in past patterns. Simply accept those choices and move ahead.

Dear One,

As you move through your life, you are given many opportunities for growth. There may have been times when you chose ways of behavior which now seem inappropriate, and may even cause you great pain when you think of them. You may also have a sense of guilt for the pain you feel you caused others. You are here at this place and time, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept the choices you made in the past and to move on with your life. You were doing the best you could at the time.

domingo, julio 28, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - July 28, 2024

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times.

You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

domingo, julio 21, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - July 21, 2014

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times.

You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

domingo, julio 14, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - There is never a time when you are not wrapped in wings of Pure Love - July 14, 2024

There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love.

Dear One,

Turn your attention to the feeling of love that is hovering around you. With a little imagination, you can even feel the presence of the angelic beings who are working closely with your earth at this time. The Angels carry a vibration very different from your normal world. It is a powerful force of love and light. Imagine being enfolded in this light, with an incredible sense of Divine Love flowing into your heart. Let this love spread throughout your entire body. As this love fills you and surrounds you, your fears begin to drop away, and beauty becomes a greater part of your life.

domingo, julio 07, 2024

Shanta Gabriel - Archangeol Gabriel - Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy that you want in your world - July 7, 2024

Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy that you want in your world.

This is one of only two Gabriel Messages that relate to other people. In essence, it is a Golden Rule teaching.

We know that it is important that we treat others as we would like to be treated. Archangel Gabriel is saying that when we do this, it sets a powerful energy field of frequencies that circulate through our lives so we also receive what we give.

domingo, junio 30, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation - June 28, 2024

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

domingo, junio 23, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations - June 23, 2024

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

domingo, junio 16, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give - June 16, 2024

Feeling free to be yourself is
the greatest gift you can give.

Dear One,

In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine.

When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live.

domingo, junio 09, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - This is the time to let go of fear and reach their hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light - June 9, 2024

Now is the time to let go of fear and reach your hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.

Dear One,

When you resolve to let go of fear, an amazing energy is set into motion. It is as though hands of Angels join together in circles of light around you, keeping you protected and nurtured. When you walk, you are carried by these Angels “lest you strike your foot against a stone,” as is said in Psalm 91.

martes, junio 04, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest - June 2, 2024

Resonate with what is true for you
and leave the rest.

Dear One,

Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth for you. You can call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.

domingo, mayo 26, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath. - May 26, 2024


 You are never far from the Light.
It is as close as your breath.

Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter - May 19, 2024

Your way to Harmony is remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Dear One,

Who you are is so much more than a physical body in a material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life.

This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world. Imagine what earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness.

domingo, mayo 12, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are always receiving Divine Love, whether you "tune in" or not - May 12, 2024

You are always receiving Divine Love whether you "tune in" or not.

Dear One,

God’s love is the energy that permeates the universe. It is the essence in which you live, move and have your being. There is no time when you are separate from Divine Love, whether or not you are aware of this fact. Divine Love is always there for you.

domingo, mayo 05, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Gently and with love, honor yourself - May 5, 2024

Gently and with love, honor yourself.

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

domingo, abril 28, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful - April 28, 2024

All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.

Dear One,

You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone.