domingo, octubre 31, 2021

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Master Kuthumi - YOU ARE NEEDED - Oct 31, 2021


photo credit: Andrea Percht

You are needed now that everything is shifting; you are indispensable now that the light reaches people through you.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


You are needed
Rising above yourself

Beloved humans,

Stay devoted to your inner guidance! Listen to the voice of your soul and follow its recommendations and decisions. Don’t get confused by the noise and lies of the outer world. Your heart knows the truth, and it knows right from wrong.

The mental and existential pressure keeps growing. This so happens so that people grow and rise above themselves. For that, everything that has been hidden so far will now be in the public spotlight.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, October 31, 2021

Your resistance tells you there is a part of you that is struggling with moving forward. It deserves your love and compassion, not your judgement or denial.

Think of a child on a slide who wants to go down it because they see other children having fun on it, but now that they are at the top it seems scary. All they need is a little bit of your encouragement to muster their courage and let go in an act of faith and trust, and because you are invested in their safety and success you are there to catch them at the bottom.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Oct 31, 2021


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OCTOBER 31, 2021

Dear readers, always know that the intention of these messages is to assist on all levels, those open to being assisted. We realize that in many ways ordinary life has become difficult because much that you have been accustomed to no longer functions as it once did. Allow the process for all is as it needs to be at this time in order for the un-awakened majority to wake up--if not fully, then at least into a new and higher sense of what life should be about.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Something Old, Something New - Oct 31, 2021

Something Old, Something New 

As the current energies that are flooding your Earth-plane continue, you may notice an uptick in your original gifts; you may even develop new ones. If you already have abilities, be prepared for them to become stronger than ever. For those not familiar with the process, it can be confusing and overwhelming so, if anyone in your circle of family/friends begins experiencing, offer reassurance and an understanding ear. Do your best to remain grounded and, if needed, teach others as well. Always remember, The Universe is with you every step of the way. ~ Creator

Gregg Braden - Nuestro Conocimiento y los Enlaces Faltantes con el Antiguo Lenguaje de la Sabiduría

(¿Cuántos se necesitan para cambiar el mundo?)

Nuestro Conocimiento y los Enlaces Faltantes con el Antiguo Lenguaje de la Sabiduría

Gregg Braden

Las tradiciones antiguas describen esto en el lenguaje de su época. No sólo dicen que estamos conectados con el mundo a nuestro alrededor, tal como la ciencia occidental está descubriendo ahora. Ellas nos invitan a dar un paso más y dicen: así es como lo aplicas en tu vida. Nos dejaron instrucciones muy, muy claras, que dicen “esta es la manera en que usas este poder, esta tecnología interior que está dentro de ti para originar cambios en tu mundo, para producir sanación en tu cuerpo, para traer paz a tu familia y tus comunidades, y colectivamente a medida que muchas personas se juntan, estos principios funcionan, así como la paz entre naciones, también.

James Gilliland - PEOPLE OF EARTH - Oct 31, 2021

From the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Galactic Councils, Ascended Masters, Angelics and Inner Earth.

The Earth is in the process of being liberated from all tyranny, draconian law is in the process of being replaced by Universal Law. We have cleaned up the vast majority of other dimensional unseen negative forces governing the Earth now it is up to the white hats and the ground crew. It is time to understand the hierarchy of tyranny that has been in control of Earth for over 400,000 years. The first colonies in your recorded history and archeology were the ancient Lyrians from Lyra. Many refer to them as the Annunaki, those who came from heaven to Earth. The Lyrians were up to 24 feet tall and they were split into various houses or ruling factions. There was the Supreme Ruler Anu and on Earth there was the house of Enki and Enlil. Enki was the Creator god, a master geneticist that loved his creations. Enlil was a defeated general who took up residence on Earth and desired an end to the experiment called Earth humanity. He found them a noisy nuisance and was always devising ways of removing them. This is the foundation of what is unfolding today. There was a lot of genetic tinkering with humans that were developing naturally. Their sons also split into different factions governing different sectors of Earth. The son who had the most negative impact on Earth was Marduk. Marduk made a pact with the Grey Alliance and Reptilians for total supremacy of the Earth and turned on his own people. This was followed by brutal wars and the enslavement of his own people. Earth has been controlled by these forces and those who seek freedom have warred against this alliance for over 400,000 years. Over time they have been known by many names, the Phoenicians, Kazarians, Cabal all stemming from the original Lyrians who fell from Universal Law. Their controlling faction in America is known as the deep state that has infiltrated all the agencies and institutions yet the same network is global. Many call themselves Sons of Marduk

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Escuchar - OCTUBRE 2021

~ Escuchar ~

Saludos queridos, yo soy el Guardián del Tiempo.

Hoy estoy aquí con ustedes, para decirles que todo lo que se avecinaba ha cambiado en su planeta. No es ningún secreto que la energía se está volviendo difícil y extender sus alas se está convirtiendo en un desafío. Incluso les cuesta encontrar la alegría que tenían hace solo unos instantes. Y, sin embargo, estos tiempos también traen cambios. Activan contratos sagrados que hicieron alrededor de la gran mesa antes de llegar. Aquí están en estos tiempos mágicos de maestría y vemos que están profundamente inmersos en todo eso. Bienvenidos, queridos, estamos felices de que lo hayan logrado.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 23 -

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

31 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 31/10 17:00 The Frequency oscillations continued and gave rise to a series of Amplitude movements. After the maximum peak reported previously anther isolated peak reached Power 18 at 10:30 UTC, this was followed by another oscillation, lasted about an hour, which reached Power 22 just before the 13 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 31/10 07:30 The primary frequency continues to sway accompanied by Frequency 2. Between 3 and 7 UTC it remained around 7.30 Hz and this led to movements of the Amplitude which initially reached Power 17 around 4 UTC and later Power 23 just before 6 UTC. The Quality also remained at significant values during the low frequency phase, oscillating around 14 from just before midnight until 6 UTC. The situation calmed down at 7 UTC when Frequency 1 started to rise towards the base value.

Natalia Alba - November gives us the opportunity to focus on the new dimensional door... - Oct 31, 2021

Beloved Ones,

November gives us the opportunity to focus on the new dimensional door that is opening for us, at this time when endings and new beginnings are intertwined. A cosmic door where being completely focused on conscious creation is vital, so we can be able to see the infinite possibilities that exist, and align with what we wish to bring into manifestation next.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth - October 31, 2021

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth. 

Dear One,

You are radiant spirit. That is your essence, your connection to the God Source. This is the Divine part of you that never dies, and lives in oneness with all that is, was and ever shall be. When you recognize the truth of your Divinity, and remember it, your daily life can take on a lighter quality. You will be able to look at each situation from a more expanded perspective.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Let Us Be Your Spirit Guides - Oct 31, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready to open up even more to humanity, and what we ask for in return is that you all open up to us. We are ready to take this partnership further, and we will do so by getting more involved. We get more involved with the human collective by acting more like your spirit guides do and less like a booming voice that is coming from the heavens. What that means is that we are interested in guiding you all personally, standing on your right or left shoulder, and whispering in your ear.

sábado, octubre 30, 2021

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Oct 30, 2021

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, what you are experiencing right now is all part of your journey to Ascended Mastery.

Every time you are experiencing something unpleasant, you have the choice to deal with it the old outdated ways.

Linda Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel - FORGIVENESS AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS - NOVEMBER 2021




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss forgiveness and higher consciousness.

Forgiveness is an important part of higher consciousness. It contributes to clearing and purifying your energy field as you move to higher dimensions.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Want Vs. Need - October 30, 2021

Want Vs. Need 

My dearest, The Universe may not tell you what you want to hear but, it will always tell you what you need to hear. Now, more than ever, with so much incoming information it is important to keep yourself in a positive mind-set. Know that even through the tough-to-handle truth, The Universe is always there, standing beside and guiding to you a better tomorrow. ~ Creator


Natalia Alba - We are in the final phase of this transformational... - Oct 30, 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are in the final phase of this transformational, and at the same time revealing, year. In this new energetic month of November, it is pivotal that we do the inner work of discernment, to be able to be completely focused on conscious creation, as it is at this time when we are immersed in a void where endings and new beginnings are intertwined, and hence where all the possibilities reside for us to align with what we wish to bring into manifestation next.

Dance -Stretch-Flow for Healing! Track A

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 27 - Oct 30, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

30 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 30/10 17:00 The oscillations of frequencies 1 and 2 continued while the others remained stable on calm values, the Amplitude was not affected by this condition, stable on minimum values, the Quality instead, as often happens in cases like this, has recorded significant movements that reached the maximum between 13 and 14 UTC at Power 17.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/10 11:30 The primary frequency started a slow and gradual ascent toward the base value from 16 UTC yesterday, during this phase there were various oscillations that did not produce significant Amplitude movements except those that occurred between 1 and 3 UTC this morning, when this oscillation occurred simultaneously on all four frequencies. The Amplitude peak reached Power 27, recorded around 1:30 UTC. After this movement the situation has normalized and all the parameters are on calm values.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, October 30, 2021


There may be times in your life where you know something is good for you but yet you experience resistance to moving in that direction. This is completely normal. It simply means there is an unhealed part of you that is needing your love and attention before it is willing to cooperate with moving in that direction.

So rather than pushing against your resistance, get curious about it. What is it that is wanting to hold you back from moving forward? Is your inner child or ego afraid it will be left behind? It is an integral part of your team and may simply need to be reassured of that fact. Do you have a fear of experiencing your next highest expression of self? Your expansion always brings more comfort and satisfaction, not less.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Progress Report & Mantras for the Best Timeline - Oct 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you, as we witness you facing the challenges that you face there on Earth, and we know that you had to have a lot of faith and a lot of respect for yourselves in order to choose to incarnate there and to have the experiences that you are having that are so challenging. We know that it all works out in the end, however, and if you could use that as a mantra, you would breathe a huge sigh of relief right now. You would also be able to relax more, enjoy the journey, and not focus so much on what needs fixing on your world, because you would have that assurance tattooed on your brain that it all works out in the end.

viernes, octubre 29, 2021

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 29, 2021

Matters have reached rock bottom on Earth, and out of the chaos shall come a new way forwards that will recognise the end of many old ways that still persist. You must move on and set up the Earth so that it can receive your help to manifest the new ways of life that will introduce many advances that have been held in check. It is because you passed the marker in 2012 that you signalled your readiness to take a great step forwards. As a result much of what you have taken for granted and has been part of your daily lives, will no longer serve you as you are now on a new path that will bring many improvements in your daily life. Indeed, changes will come very quickly and many are ready when the appropriate time arrives. After all you have been through you are due many pleasant surprises.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Pronóstico para Noviembre 2021

Noviembre trae consigo el inicio de la Temporada de Eclipses, lo que significa que es muy probable que sea un mes decisivo para muchos de nosotros.

Los eclipses representan saltos cuánticos hacia estados superiores de conciencia. Suelen traer eventos predestinados que están orientados a acelerar nuestra evolución espiritual. Son como un punto de entrada a un nuevo mundo o a un nuevo estado de ser.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, October 29, 2021

Dear Ones, you are in the process of embodiment – the incorporation of more and more of your higher self into your physical body. There is a pervasive belief that your body or your human self is somehow less than your spiritual self. But we ask you, how on earth can you possibly embrace embodiment without accepting your body?

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Flowing Soul . Oct 29, 2021

Your Flowing Soul 

Imagine yourself unfettered, untethered, untied and otherwise unbound by the restrictions of your human body. Your spirit/soul dances, swims, melds with others, separates and returns to you again. You do it every night in your dreams. It is now time to do it in your waking existence. Become FREE! ~ Creator


Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Our Sun blasted us this morning with a low level X1.0 Solar flare - Oct 29, 2021

Our Sun blasted us this morning with a low level X1.0 Solar flare. So if you are a sensitive one, I am sure you are feeling off, and you may not understand why. Solar flares are amazing, and they will aggressively point out our weak spots in our physical and emotional bodies. They can help us evolve our spiritual path beyond ancient patterns hidden in our ancestral lineages. It can point out our limiting biases, programs and belief systems. Flares show us the places that need healing in our ourselves, our relationships, our communities, our countries and our entire planet. Solar flares actually can wake us up if we pay attention and acknowledge where it affects us, and we get to work.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 20 - Oct 29, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

29 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 29/10 17:00 From 13 UTC yesterday, Frequency 1 has been hovering around 7.40 Hz and from the early hours of today its variations have become more significant, from 4 UTC this morning large fluctuations have also started for Frequency 2 too. The Amplitude is reacting to this condition with a series of moderate movements, the most significant phases were from 7 to 9 UTC, where the maximum value so far of Power 20 was reached just before 9 UTC, and from 12 to 14 UTC where the maximum value reached, shortly after 13 UTC, was Power 15.

Schumann Resonance Today 28/10 17:00 A sway in Frequency 1 between 3 and 8 UTC did not produce any significant movement, only a moderate increase in the values recorded by the Quality. From 13 UTC Frequency 1 began a rapid decrease towards 7.30 Hz while the other three frequencies remained stable on calm values, this led the Amplitude to reach Power 9 around 13:30 UTC.

Jamye Price - November Ascension Energies – Creation Pulsing - Innocence Pulses Through You - Oct 28, 2021

In the constant escalation of release and activation, the divine balance of masculine feminine comes into view. The history rises to be retold and refold into a new imagining of what can be. Let your mind wander into new territory, as what was becomes a new story.

The eleventh hour has never been easy, but it always offers a promise. Can you be stronger than imagined? Can you be clearer than you knew?

Can you be the future instead of the past again?

Service Work 1 Ascension Grid Activation

Judith Kusel - As we in the whirlpool of intense transfiguration - Oct 29, 2021


As we in the whirlpool of intense transfiguration, note that everything will be churned up which you need to release now, to let go of, and this includes all negative patterns you ever created with other souls on this planet, called Earth, The Old Earth, with other souls, with includes family of souls, the greater community of souls and indeed the greater governance in whatever form or way. All now needs to be forgiven, let go of, so that you can finally free yourself from all the fetters which bind you and others. These includes all energetic negative hooks, cords, ties, and whatever emotional and mental charges there may still be lurking there within you.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Humanity Is Making Major Progress - Oct 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the progress that we see humanity making on a daily basis. We know that you’re making progress and that you are gradually ascending, but it can be very difficult for us to convince you that you are in fact evolving and expanding, becoming more of who you really are. It can be hard for you to measure your own progress, and so, we give you these updates to tell you about what you’ve been accessing, what activations you’ve received, and what upgrades have been performed on you.

jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Gregg Braden - Antigua técnica para tomar decisiones difíciles


¡Los Chamanes la usan todo el tiempo! Gregg Braden

En 1991 los científicos hicieron un descubrimiento, un avance que realmente abrió una puerta para esta conversación. Descubrieron en todo corazón humano unas 40.000 células especializadas, configuradas de una manera que crea una red neural en el corazón. Son como células cerebrales pero no están en el cerebro, están en el corazón. Y en realidad las llaman “el pequeño cerebro en el corazón.”

Divine Neutrality: Free your Heart NOW - webinar excerpt with Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter - Divine Neutrality - Oct 28, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Gratitude to all participating in the activation of collective Divine Neutrality this month.

Below are the fourth week’s written posts. Thank you for affecting collective outcomes by doing the good inner work in this Now.
Divine Neutrality is a core tool for Divine Perfection and Ascension: the proper qualification and use of life force energy. ⁠

L’Aura Pleiadian - TRANSFORMING INTO BEING THE DIVINE BEING ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Oct 28, 2021

One can see through the past conditioning of outmoded beliefs of thought, a false world, where one believes they know its meaning. Alternatively, one may see the moment as it is free from the constructs of the mind, THROUGH THE HEART. Where one truly has been born.

If you look through the window of the past, you will be falsely guided.

As this false guidance from the lower self conditioning, is but a repetitive trap you continue to fall into.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 28, 2021


So many of you are in deep resistance to your own bodies. Dear Ones, your bodies are dedicated servants to you. They allow you the wondrous ability to feel, to experience, to love in a tangible way. They have worked tirelessly for you from the moment you have taken your first breath, to provide you the vehicle to be on the planet, learning and growing, and participating in the great shift of the ages.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Life - Oct 28, 2021



Everything you touch reverberates with you. Every situation, emotion and experience…..everything

is you and you are everything; the Great Wheel never stops. This has always been a part of The Universal Plan. ~ Creator


Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Update: X And M Class Flares Bring In Upgrades Back To Back - Oct 28, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

We have some strong X and M flares making their way to us today… These came in back to back bring intense downloads and upgrades.

 Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing…

Extreme Fatigue

Extreme Loopy Brain

Extreme Thirst

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Oct 28, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

28 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/10 17:00 A sway in Frequency 1 between 3 and 8 UTC did not produce any significant movement, only a moderate increase in the values recorded by the Quality. From 13 UTC Frequency 1 began a rapid decrease towards 7.30 Hz while the other three frequencies remained stable on calm values, this led the Amplitude to reach Power 9 around 13:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/10 17:00 The Amplitude swings that started yesterday around 15 UTC ended this morning at 10 UTC and were apparently pushed by the lows of Frequency 1 and Frequency 4. All frequencies finally found calm values from around 10 UTC and since that moment the remaining Resonance parameters have fallen to minimum values. The maximum Amplitude value achieved so far has been Power 22 at 00:30 UTC.

Celia Fenn - Still enjoying Spring where I am - Oct 28, 2021


Still enjoying Spring where I am. But the Energy has been fierce the last few days. The Sun has been releasing Solar Flares and the Schumann Resonance has been high!

I am finding, however, that I am coping well and feeling good.

I seem to have arrived at a frequency where I can maintain my physical balance and well-being despite the Sun being crazy active and all sorts of energies coming in!

Judith Kusel - We are the Lightworker pioneers - Oct 28, 2021


We are the Lightworker pioneers, the ones who indeed are now going through intense transfiguration, so that we can indeed co-create the New Golden Age.

We are laying down the foundation stones, we are indeed thus now paving the way, with the Rainbow and Sun children, to anchor all of this deeply into the New Earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The November 2021 Energies - Oct 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of selecting the precise energies to be delivered throughout the month of November there on your world by us, and by the colleagues that we have working with us. We know that you all need quite a bit of support at this time, as the energies continue to intensify and as you are continuously bombarded with energies from various parts of the galaxy. Therefore, we know that whatever energies we provide you with will be supportive. They will be grounding, stabilizing, and they will assist you in processing everything that you are releasing at this time.

miércoles, octubre 27, 2021

639Hz | SEED of LIFE | Attract Love, Abundance, Miracles

Kryon - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (100) - El Nacimiento de una Chamana - 20 de octubre de 2021

Canalización de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (100)

20 de octubre de 2021 Luna Llena de octubre: El Nacimiento de una Chamana

Saludos, queridas damas, queridas chamanas: Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente estamos dando la canalización para la Hermandad Femenina, también concientes de que esta canalización particular es vista solo por mujeres. De modo que el tema es las mujeres, pero más que eso, esta va a ser casi una llamada metafórica a la acción; en un momento verán lo que quiero decir, a medida que voy delineando la historia.

Jamye Price - Goddess Temple Healing - Oct 27, 2021

[Reminder: Masculine and Feminine energetics are not gender specific. We all hold both in equal measure as egg and sperm unite to create human form. This is not a story of men or women, but the broader history that we each resolve within because we are all both.]

The Lady Moon Returns

We are at a powerful time of shift, which is not always easy. Part of this process is balancing the masculine and feminine energetic within.

In late July, early August, I had the feeling a turning point that is building toward the end of this year. These are an energetic marker that is like a season turning, so I am not talking about a specific date that creates utopia on Earth. We are on a path of evolution.

Secret Underground War Reaches It's Final Countdown

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Contraction is always a precursor to expansion. We understand contractions can be uncomfortable but they are designed that way. Why? So you cannot possibly stay in a contracted state.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Ask Yourself - Oct 27, 2021

Ask Yourself 

As you move steadily through the new changes, you must be very aware of what your body needs. Tune in, ask yourself and your body will respond! It is the same for your emotional and mental states as well. If you slow down, take a deep breath and listen, The Universe will always help guide you in the direction that is right for you. ~ Creator

The Golden-Pink Angelic Light Transmission: Healing and Upgrading the Nervous System.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 22 - Oct 27, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

27 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/10 17:00 The Amplitude swings that started yesterday around 15 UTC ended this morning at 10 UTC and were apparently pushed by the lows of Frequency 1 and Frequency 4. All frequencies finally found calm values from around 10 UTC and since that moment the remaining Resonance parameters have fallen to minimum values. The maximum Amplitude value achieved so far has been Power 22 at 00:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/10 17:00 The calm that began yesterday around 15 UTC lasted until 14 UTC today when a quick lunge on all four frequencies set Amplitude in motion with a first peak at Power 20 at 14:30 UTC and then continued to reach a new high at Power 40 at 15:30 UTC. Just after this last peak the frequencies began a rapid rise towards calm values and the amplitude returned to minimum values.

Judith Kusel - As we transfigure - Oct 27, 2021

As we transfigure, we are stepping into the Unknown.

At this time we cannot quite see nor sense our own future selves, and that is perfect.

We need to trust that as we transform, and we indeed are unplugged from the Old 3D matrix and the Old Earth, that we are being fully supported in every single form and way.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Best Possible Ascension - Oct 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are attempting to be very succinct in what we give to all of you through this channel here. We know that we could get a lot more elaborate and verbose in the delivery of these transmissions to you, but we also know what actually serves you, and we know that getting in your head about everything that is going on only leads to more confusion, more second-guessing, and more paranoia than may already exist in your physical minds. Therefore, we invite you to the simple strategy for dealing with life there on Earth on a day-to-day basis.

martes, octubre 26, 2021

Jim Self - Conversaciones matinales: ¿Circular o Lineal?


Jim Self y Roxane Burnett – Mastering Alchemy

¿Circular o Lineal?

(en el video aparece entre los dos una mesa donde suele haber unas flores, o una taza de café, pero esta vez hay dos mazorcas de maíz)

Roxane:          Buen día

Jim:     Buen día. ¿De qué te gustaría hablar hoy?

Roxane:          Bueno, ayer observé algo. Estábamos comiendo choclos, …

Jim:     Oh, es por eso que este maíz está en la mesa, ok.

Roxane:          Sí. Y tú comías tu maíz de modo distinto de como yo lo comía. Tú lo comías alrededor, de esta manera (muestra cómo, girando el choclo) en tanto yo lo comía horizontalmente. Es decir, como que tú comías las columnas y yo comía las filas.

Suzanne Lie - This is the When of the NOW - Oct 26, 2021

This is the when of the NOW

As the When and the Now interface with each other, there is a moment in which you meet with your conscious and your unconscious self to decide exactly "who is at the helm of the ship?"

It is in that moment that you will know that there are decisions that will soon need to be decided. If you wish to work as one person in which the when and the now will connect as something is preparing to begin to understand and accept you will have one experience,

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Open Your Eyes & Your Heart - Oct 26, 2021

Open Your Eyes & Your Heart 

Dear one, while you are waiting for deep, profound moments to happen you may miss the fact that they are happening all the time. If you open your eyes, your heart and quiet yourself, you will be able to experience them as they arrive. ~ Creator

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Dear Ones, acknowledging what you do really well isn’t going to throw you into ego. Acknowledgement is not about separation or positioning yourself higher than another. It is simply taking a fair assessment of who you are and what your strengths, gifts and contributions to the planet are. If you are not willing to see yourself in that truth, how are you going to create a life that matches your hopes and dreams and purpose? Not only is it safe to finally acknowledge your truth and your unique strengths and abilities, it is absolutely necessary for you to step into your full potential in the new. What we want you to know is you can absolutely do so and still remain the humble, conscious human being you wish to be. Moving out of denial of yourself simply allows you to be even more of who you are meant to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young