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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Llamaradas Solares. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, septiembre 16, 2024

Celia Fenn - Monday 16 September : The Power Week - Sep 16, 2024

Monday 16 September : The Power Week

And so it begins, the power week of September that includes the Full Moon and Eclipse on Wednesday and the Equinox!

It began on Saturday with a real Whoosh of power with the X.4 Class Solar Flare. Wow, was that ever a BIG one and it has raised the Solar frequencies at the same time as the Lunar frequencies are rising in preparation for the Full Moon/Eclipse and then the Equinox.

jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Shift of the Ages - Aug 15, 2024

The Shift of the Ages:

I have been very much aware in the last two days, that the Shift of the Ages is busy occurring on all levels, as we have now fully shifted into the 5th Dimension, and thus this is the New Life beginning, in all its forms and expressions thereof.

viernes, julio 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Things are going to start happening now at Lightning speed - Jul 19, 2024

"Things are going to start happening now at Lightning speed, and at times it will feel as if your physical body cannot keep up with the degree of the vibrational changes streaming in. 

This is not only coming from within, but with the release of so many Sun Flares, keys and codes are being activated with souls, which contain a lot of information containing the primordial keys and codes of Creation. This is because the Sun Flare energy, plus that of Helios, the Central Suns and the Suns beyond the Suns, are now pouring in as well. 

domingo, junio 16, 2024

Celia Fenn - June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn - Jun 16, 2024

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June 16th : June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn

We are coming up to another vortex of energies this week.

The most powerful is the Solstice portal on the 20th June. This is the summer solstice in the North and the Winter Solstice in the South. 

viernes, junio 07, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - June 2024 Energy Report - Jun 6, 2024

Here we are in a new month and we start this one with the fireworks of May still reverberating throughout the cosmos. You have to admit, 24+ X-Class solar flares including 3 in the past 24 hours is something special and it is going to have some kind of effect. And it has.

As I have been saying for months, June is going to bring up a lot of changes. It’s a wild card in wild times so buckle up and keep shining.