martes, octubre 31, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal - Dwarika - Parte 2 - Nepal, octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Nepal, octubre de 2017

Dwarika - Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la última reunión en Nepal en que ustedes están todos reunidos para una canalización, porque algunos ya se van. De modo que deseamos tratar algo, y algunos van a pensar que es divertido; espero que así sea. El grupo de almas antiguas, muchos de ustedes, han estado con nosotros en este viaje asombroso casi durante 20 días.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal - Dwarika - Parte 1 - Nepal, octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Nepal, octubre de 2017

Dwarika - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos todavía en el país de Nepal, en un hermoso hotel, y el viaje está llegando a su fin. He elegido este momento para darles lo que llamarían un mensaje avanzado. No es sencillo; es difícil de entender; es más que esotérico; está más allá de eso. Muchos no entenderán, pero quiero hacer lo mejor que pueda para presentarles la razón por la que los seres humanos tienen tanta dificultad para acercarse a la paz. Una dificultad parecida a trepar una escalera desde donde están y de lo que creen que es la realidad hasta ese lugar donde están en paz consigo mismos y tienen una conexión con el Espíritu y con la unidad de la que tantos hablan.



Beloved masters, we ask you to pause for a moment and turn inward as you quickly move into your Sacred Heart Center. Take a deep breath and tap into your Sacred Mind as well. Now ponder these questions: What is it that you yearn for above all things? What is missing from your life that affects everything you think, feel and do? The answer is Sacred Love, dear hearts.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 31, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Be willing to be wrong about everything.

Be willing to be wrong.

What this does is it allows the very presence

of your Divinity

to slip in,

to glide into its natural place.

While you are attending

to the details of your life,

your daily affairs,

allow there to be an orchestration of faith

that your Real Self

has just been introduced.

Be willing to be wrong about everything.

And so it is.

Lee Carroll for Kryon - The Addictive Old Energy - 12 August, 2017 at Stamford, Connecticut

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside as always, and I now give you a message that he is not aware of. The way it works, dear ones, is that the information that is being given from the other side of the veil is information that perhaps you don't expect, and is given in ways that you might not have thought of.
Tonight is a revelation that goes further than ever into the differences between the old and the new energy. Today my partner tried to set the stage [in the seminar] so that you would understand that, before 2012, there was an energy that you no longer have. It's an energy that you are not going to revisit, and it is not coming back. It's a new kind of energy that is beginning to place itself on this planet, and it is filled with a completely new paradigm of reality.

The Hilarion Connection©Update - November 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Day ONE of 7Days with my SELF - 10-31-17


Today I choose to love myself UNCONDITIONALLY!

I am not sure what “Unconditional Love” is, 
as I am not sure how much I have received. 

However, I KNOW that energy OUT is energy BACK. 

Julie Alexander - @ In5D – I Am A Soul In A Human Space Suit – 10-31-17

by Julie Alexander, Guest writer,

I am a soul in a human space suit. We all are.

I will not die when my body is no more, my soul will continue, as will everyone else’s. We are here to experience this density, this reality; we are all on a journey an adventure.

We all have our own destinies. Some of us will wake up to reality, some of us will not.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of November 2017 ~ Ascending to New Earth - October 31, 2017

By Natalia Alba

At this final phase of our bifurcation from Old Earth, we find ourselves traversing the space between Old Earth and the New Vibrational Earth, in which, some of us, have consciously chosen to dwell. At this time, some ascending souls, already are anchored within a fifth dimensional real, while many may find themselves still navigating between the 4D portal that leads us into this New Timeline, for in truth, it is all a matter of how we choose to vibrate and radiate our essence more than a number or physical dimension.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 31, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how much more comfortable you are energetically when you are visiting a new place? That is because it naturally leads you to pay attention to your surroundings and become far more engaged in the present moment.

lunes, octubre 30, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal -Katmandú, Parte 2 - Nepal, octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Nepal, octubre de 2017

Katmandú, Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El grupo se encuentra en Nepal, en Katmandú, en un monasterio encantador, donde hay cientos de monjas. Y antes de continuar con un mensaje que aquí puede parecer raro, deseamos hacer una pausa para que cualquiera que esté escuchando honre a quienes se perdieron en el terremoto de 2015. Aquí donde estamos, la tierra se sacudió y en esta ciudad hubo grandes pérdidas, tanto en vidas como para la historia. Gran miedo. Y eso impregna de cierto modo al planeta, cosa que necesita ser purificada, y sin embargo no hay mejor modo de hacerlo que en el lugar donde sucedió. Entonces, dediquen un momento y piensen, y honren a aquellos que literalmente se perdieron cuando la tierra retumbó tanto.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal - Katmandú, Parte 1 - Nepal, 10 a 20 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Katmandú, Nepal, 10 a 20 de octubre de 2017

Katmandú, Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el primer mensaje desde Nepal; estamos al final del día, y es hora para un mensaje. Es un mensaje básico y clásico de Kryon, dado antes, de ciertas maneras, pero no exactamente como este. Habla de la unidad de todas las cosas. Es un mensaje práctico, aquí no hay acertijos, no realmente. Pero quiero hacer algo que me encanta hacer: quiero darles el panorama de quiénes son ustedes y qué ha pasado en el planeta, y la belleza y la evidencia de Dios todo a su alrededor.

Brenda Hoffman - Your Cohort is in the Wings - 30 October, 2017

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned you are not creating as you feel you should. That somehow this transition passed you by. That because you are seemingly a worker bee, you will receive no honors or rewards for all you have done and are doing.




Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss inner peace.

Your planet is experiencing many energetic changes and much turmoil. Some persons are having a hard time adapting to the new energy, and it is causing disruptions on many levels. You may have witnessed violence as well as misunderstandings. It is indeed a time for reflection.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 30, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, October 30, 2017

You are a divine being of the light.

Now there is power in that

and strength as well.

As you choose it.

In other words

the choice must be made.

You must be willing to establish 


Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 28 de octubre de 2017

Blossom: Hola mis amigos. Siempre espero con ilusión lo que tienen que decir. ¿Puedo hacer otra pregunta en nombre de muchos que han escrito, en relación con la manifestación de los deseos de uno?
Federación de la Luz: Sin duda, le invitamos a hacerlo y también podemos decir, cuánto esperamos con ansias expresar pensamientos de esta manera junto a usted.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 27 de Octubre, 2017

Los asuntos están llegando a un punto crucial en lo que se refiere a la revalorización de las monedas, y el grado de urgencia es tal que se están haciendo esfuerzos extra para avanzar. Todo parece estar ya preparado y muchos están ansiosos por poder empezar con un plan que ha requerido mucha planificación y cooperación de los países implicados. Así que hay que tener esperanzas en que la organización es tal que una vez se dé la voz de “avanzar” todo se colocará en su sitio sin dificultades indebidas. Estad seguros de que muchísima gente está involucrada en el proceso de cambio y distribución de las monedas. Hay sin embargo algún indicio de retrasos menores que pudieran durar semanas, pero el hecho sigue siendo que el “adelante” está muy cerca. Será el comienzo de tremendas actividades que escalarán a medida que cada país haga los cambios necesarios. La oposición de los Illuminati a los cambios es incapaz de evitar la declaración que dará la autoridad para proceder en los primeros países nominados.

68º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2017: Independencia Cataluña, Soros, élite, Irán, guerras EEUU, OVNI

Ron Head - The Council - Is Reality Real? - October 30, 2017

The Council – Is Reality Real?

Over and over again you say, or hear, “That is not real” or “It’s all an illusion”. And, in fact, we have stated as much ourselves many times. And this is a valid statement. But we wish to explain this a bit further today. In doing so, we will contradict ourselves, or seem to.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday October 30, 2017

Holding the space of your intention allows more details to flow toward you if you are unsure of how to proceed. It is anchoring the energy of your desired creation and allowing the universe to respond to you with more information, possibilities, and potentials you may not be aware of. It is owning your ability as an empowered co-creator, to calmly and assuredly keep your balance long enough for the magic to happen. It is demonstrating your complete faith and trust, both in yourself, and in a universe that only wishes to serve you in expanding into your next highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



A Day for ME and my SELF
Through OUR Higher SELF

Dear Higher, Multidimensional SELF,

We are beginning to remember how to hold more than one reality in our minds at a time, but often we can only do it while our 3D self is meditating or being creative. Lately, more of us have been able to move into higher frequencies by doing some form of art, music, dance, exercise and/or being creative.

domingo, octubre 29, 2017

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you - October 29, 2017

Dear One,

As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.

Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.

Laura Pleiadian - Activating Your Divine Embodiment ~ The Divine Council of Overseers - October 29, 2017

Forces of Consciousness are the vibratory states of Light Frequency that reveal themselves AS the levels of consciousness.

Experiencing Shifts in our awareness to more “consciously” EMBODY the Divine Attributes of our Divine Ascended Being ~ opens the floodgates, so to speak, to all levels of Divine Providence.

The Virtues lived at these levels of Divine Being ~ are you as your Original Light.

Lisa Renee - Personal Integrity - October 2017

October 2017
Personal Integrity

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

As the distance between the bifurcating energies is increasing, we can see that a lot of people are starting to fall through the cracks. This time is especially challenging for those who do not have a strong moral compass and core sense of self. As the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified, those who are consciously or unconsciously serving both, are beginning to fracture and lose coherence. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - India - Leh - Parte 2 - India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Leh - Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todavía estamos en esta bella área de los Himalayas, disfrutando de cada momento. El aire es claro, las montañas hermosas, y también las personas. El espíritu de unidad y compasión es lo que ellos enseñan y esto tranquiliza el alma de maneras que a veces no se puede hacer. Una cosa es enseñar esto, y otra cosa es verlo.

En este breve mensaje quiero ser profundo. Dicen que el mismo Buda declaró que la vida es realmente un sueño. Ahora bien, yo he dicho lo mismo de otras maneras, porque es verdad. Lo que eso significa es que lo que ves a tu alrededor solo existe porque tú lo creaste. Que cada uno de los seres humanos tiene potenciales, y que el sueño del que habla el Buda es una desconexión de todo lo que es real. La enseñanza es así: querido ser humano, desde el momento que llegas al planeta y entras en un cuerpo humano, todo lo demás está creado por la consciencia.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - India - Leh - Parte 1 - India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Leh - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Acabamos de pedir un momento de silencio, y es muy revelador; todo está en silencio en linealidad, pero no realmente, porque ante nosotros hay un mandala viviente, hecho con flores vivas apenas un momento atrás. Es hermoso, y llevó unos 30 minutos hacerlo con más de 20 personas, cada uno por turno con flores que juntaron en el área, y armándolo al azar, creando un patrón único, que no será creado otra vez. Cada flor fue colocada con una oración, y al finalizar había muchas oraciones. Y lo que es interesante en él es que está en círculo, y el círculo siempre ha representado la unidad de todo. Muchas oraciones señalando a la Fuente Una. Además este mandala en muchos círculos se dice que es sagrado en su creación y en su impermanencia. Eso significa que de algún modo será recogido y las flores serán distribuidas, y el patrón se destruirá. Y cualquiera sea la manera en que se distribuya, por agua, o aire, o incluso fuego, se va. Ahora bien, la enseñanza aquí es una cosa. Yo les daré otra: la historia de por qué estas cosas no debieran ser permanentes. De hecho, por qué todo en sus vidas, día a día, debiera ser no permanente. Ahora, atentos a una enseñanza lineal que no necesariamente es lo que oyen aquí.

John Smallman - Saul - The vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose - 10/29/2017

All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans. There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process. No, ALL of humanity is involved, and no one is special, because ALL are special simply because they are ALL the beloved and absolutely perfect children of God, even though their attitudes and behaviors while in human form may well seem totally at odds with Love, with Mother/Father/God.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday October 29, 2017

Do you distrust when good things happen to you? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop? Do you think if something is going too smoothly it is too good to be true? Do you not fully embrace your happiness or success because you don’t want to jinx yourself?

sábado, octubre 28, 2017

Lauren C. Gorgo - 11-11: The Gateway of the Mirror - Oct 28, 2017

11-11: The Gateway of the Mirror

After a scorching summer of transmutational fires incinerating our most ancient fears…liberating our hearts from human bondage…and a super intense entrance to autumn (in the north), we are finally beginning to find a rhythm with the sacred flow of new Life.

Jennifer Farley - Creator - If You Choose - October 28, 2017

If You Choose

You may look back on your past and see time wasted, energy expended and love cast aside by those who did not understand you. When The Universe looks back, it sees something completely different…

Lisa Transcendence Brown - We've Moved into Exponentially Increasing Photon/Bio-Photon Activity (Permanently): "NEW" Chakras INside, Diamond Laser Frequencies with Accompanying Words "The Veils are Gone - 10/28/2017

10/23/17: Charging photons and how photons behave now dictate how our realities correlate as well. This increasing photonic activity moves us all into more Quantum Existence than ever before. Photons move us all out of linear and more into "ping-pong effect" realities... where particle matter and light behave differently than old linear did. This increase in photonic activity, by way of Cosmic "Disturbance" and Cosmic Atmospheres and Cosmic/Galactic dimensions opening up as we move into these vibrational realities more will "change" our realities in ways that are even more "different" than before.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 28, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Decide all is well.

Decide it is well.

Because as you do

you will discover

that your search is over.

Jim Self - Herramientas para el Cambio - Parte 9 - Palabras

Herramientas Fundamentales
Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy

Parte 9 - Palabras

¡Hola! Bienvenidos otra vez. Qué bueno que estén aquí.

Déjenme hacerles una pregunta: si pudieran tener cualquier cosa que quisieran, si pudieran vivir su vida como quisieran, experimentarse a sí mismos como les gustara, ¿cómo sería eso? ¿Cómo se sentiría eso?

Asara - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:- Oct 28, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, you are not alone on your journey...

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday October 28, 2017

We strongly encourage you to infuse some joy into every single day of your lives. More than that, we wish for you to stop and truly allow yourself to feel the experience of joy. Let your mind to acknowledge it. Savour it. Feel your heart expand with it. Embrace it as a necessary part of you.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - October 28, 2017

Hello my friends. I always look forward to what you have to say. May I just ask another question on behalf of many that have written in, regarding manifesting one’s desires?

You are certainly most welcome to do so and may we also say, how much we look forward to expressing thoughts in this way alongside you.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - The sands of time - October 28, 2017

The sands of time

 Step by step you go

through the sands of time

across undulating dunes

of vibrant presence.

Every single particle

a microcosmos.

A fraction of the whole

created by the friction

of wave after wave of Consciousness

flowing in from the Ocean of Eternity.

Potential collapsing into reality.

The Zero Point.

Where everything becomes.

Again. And again.

Just like you.

October 28, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Crystalline Bio Shift -Oct 2017

The Crystalline Bio Shift -Oct 2017
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017

Part 2 - The Crysto Bio Shift

Now in this portion of our channel on the bio shift, portions of the information is received thru the channel James tyberonn via an aspect of his 'higher-self', Tybron of the Pleades....who manifested ,not incarnated per sei, n0r reincarnated, rather manifested for a vast phase of the Atlantean era.

I greet you! I am Tybron-Ra of the Pleades, an aspect of what may be termed the Metatronic group.

viernes, octubre 27, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - The illusion is an infinitesimal distraction from Reality - October 27, 2017

Humanity’s ongoing progress towards the collective awakening is amazing! You are all doing a most wonderful job in assisting in the divine plan, just as you promised, contracted, and intended before you incarnated. Many of you have been following very difficult and demanding paths, filled with pain, anxiety, poverty, and, of course, suffering. You volunteered from the generosity of your loving hearts so that all who choose to awaken as the divine plan comes to fruition would be ably and lovingly assisted to do so. You are all receiving enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms, but, because the density of the physical realm is so heavy, vast numbers are also reliant on the help provided by all of you, Light bearers and Light workers, to enable them to fulfill their divine destiny.

Natalie Glasson - Celestial White Beings - Celebration of Your Inner Truth - 27th October 2017

Sacred School of OmNa

Greeting magnificent beings of light, we love you deeply, we are one with you and are walking your pathway with you. We wish to celebrate your truth with you and encourage you to celebrate the sacred love, peace and light within you. Your light is so much stronger, potent and powerful than you could possibly imagine. If you only realised that you could move mountains with the power within you. If you only recognised that you can trust yourself completely and absolutely to create the reality and ascension you wish to experience now. If you were only aware of the support that surrounds you and fills your entire being daily. You too would celebrate the truth within you with great joy, excitement and bliss.

Meg Benedicte: 11:11 STARGATE ACTIVATION - Oct 27, 2017

As we approach the final days of 2017, the solar system travels the gateway to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the massive black hole of the Galactic Center, which lies at 26-27° Sagittarius. When we connect to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core it brings us closer to the emergence of our divine existence.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, October 27, 2017

 Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, October 27, 2017

What if you were enough right now?

That is what you are offering to your Self.

You are coming to a holy decision

Lisa Transcendence Brown - MAINTAINING BALANCE, FLOW, EASE AND PEACE - Oct 27, 2017



Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEings,

This is an "in this moment" experience, once that OUR VIBRATION DICTATES... trying to plan, forget it, except when doing in full alignment, which we take great care with, as trying to pack too much into a small "space of time" or trying to force anything, committing to something that you cannot guarantee (vibrationally), means unless you SEE inside of you that you are to "do" "that thing", then you might want to relax your commitments/scheduling a bit. This is something we learn to do, all along the way.... for getting in flow with vibrational realities that shift/move and are not affixed, take a bit of maneuvering until we understand how all works here.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Friday, October 27, 2017

Dear Ones, as you continue along your enlightenment journey, it is very common to find your meditations getting lighter and lighter – that is to say, your meditative state begins to become much closer to your waking state. That is part of a natural progression.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Accepting the Call to Transmute Gaia from Planetary to Galactic Culture - 10-27-17

Accepting the CALL to Transmute Gaia
From A Planetary Culture To a Galactic Culture

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

You must remember that you are NOT alone and that you have NEVER been alone. You came to this earth vessel to liberate Gaia from Her long process of living the illusion of being a third dimensional planet.

Therefore, you must liberate your selves from your personal illusion that you are just a “3D person.” Your process will begin by advancing your “concept of SELF” from a member of a “Planetary Culture” to being a member of a “Inter-dimensional Galactic culture.”

Celia Fenn - The Triple Gateway Initiation, the Time Capsule Awakening and Stepping into your New Soul Mission - 27 October 2017 Archangel Michael -

Beloved Light Family, the shifts and transformations on your Earth continue to accelerate. There is much confusion and uncertainty as the old systems begin to fail and break down and the new begins to emerge into manifestation. At this stage, the collapse of the old may seem more evident than the rise of the new, but be assured that the New Earth is gaining in power as its comes into manifestation.

Sandra Walter - What a Difference the Now Makes: Allowing Expansion - Oct 27, 2017

Oct 27, 2017 Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Unconditional Love, the autonomy of the Divine Cosmic Mother vibration, is flooding the planet. It is a function of the ultimate balancing activity of photonic light, which reorders our realities into harmony. This amplifying light shines into all particles of consciousness and presents both the collective and the individual with a choice of experience. It subtly, invisibly, turns the volume up on all thoughts, beliefs, emotions in order to transform them. Higher choices, such as embodiment and Ascension, are also amplified, which is why the process has kicked into high gear.

jueves, octubre 26, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - India - Fuerte Kangra - India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
India, 10 de octubre de 2017

Fuerte Kangra

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todavía estamos en Dharamshala. Este mensaje en particular será ligeramente diferente. No tiene tanto que ver con información como con celebración. Están en un área donde se enseña la unidad, y quiero repasarlo. Cada uno de los que escuchan mi voz está incluido; no hay exclusiones jamás. Todos los seres humanos están incluidos.

Matthew Ward - 23 de octubre de 2017

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. "¿Podrías pedirle a Matthew que nos diera un mensaje sobre cómo salir del círculo del miedo?" Primero, recomendamos que no piensen en el miedo como un círculo, que no tiene fin, o, como lo expresan otros, un ciclo, lo que implica recurrencia automática. Los cambios de energía que están sucediendo con creciente frecuencia y profundidad son para su beneficio- amados hermanos y hermanas, no renuncien a un salto en la conciencia espiritual y consciente dejando que el miedo domine sus pensamientos y sentimientos.

Jamye Price - November Ascension Energies – The Re-emergence - Oct 26, 2017

I’m shown such a beautiful Ascension energy for November. Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, is calling it The Re-emergence. It has many layers of meaning, but overall it is a unification within each individual and then bonds of Love strengthening, as well as an emerging of the Light of Love from within. The spiral imagery that they've been detailing lately in their channelings will explain this further.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Octubre 8, 2017 54OCTUBRE 8, 2017 

Está habiendo un enorme movimiento de energías en la Tierra en este tiempo, y la mayoría de ustedes está bien consciente de ello.
Sin embargo, sigue habiendo algunos, inclusive entre los serios buscadores de la verdad, quienes están permitiendo que el temor los mantenga atorados en lo que es conocido y familiar. Muchos de estos queridos seres están recibiendo ahora “llamados al despertar”, siendo forzados a pasar a través de diversas circunstancias para que abran sus ojos, reconozcan la verdad que ya saben, y empiecen a hacer elecciones que reflejen su nivel de conciencia, no el de otra persona.