Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Canalización Arcturiana. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Canalización Arcturiana. Mostrar todas las entradas
sábado, mayo 13, 2023
lunes, noviembre 05, 2018
Marilyn Raffaelle - El Grupo Arcturiano - Oct 21, 2018
Queridos Amigos:
Estamos observando que muchos de ustedes se han vuelto muy preocupados. confundidos, incluso desalentados acerca de las condiciones en el mundo de hoy, pero tengan en mente que ustedes están presenciando el declive de un sistema de creencias obsoleto, un sistema que hasta ahora ha proporcionado ricamente a quienes se benefician de las condiciones de la ira, el temor y la guerra. Eso es un temor y resistencia a cualquier cambio a las expresiones de la dualidad y la separación que los han apoyado por tan largo tiempo, y por lo tanto han redoblado sus esfuerzos para mantener el estatus
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Ángeles de Crystal
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lunes, octubre 08, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - I Am the “I AM” that I know that “I” Am! - Oct 7, 2018
I Am the “I AM” that I know that “I” Am!
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Greetings to our Grounded Ones,
We, the members of your Galactic Family wish to commend you on the great efforts that our “awakened ones” have put into the process of Planetary Ascension. This Process of Planetary Ascension calls on you, our brave volunteers who took earth vessels during this NOW, to remember and assist others to remember, that:
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miércoles, agosto 29, 2018
Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arturiano - Agosto 26, 2018
Agosto 26, 2018
Queridos, saludos con amor para todos vosotros.
Ha comenzado un nuevo tiempo, un tiempo durante el cual las altas frecuencias de energía de Luz están haciendo posible un estado superior de consciencia para todos los que son receptivos. A pesar de las apariencias, todo está procediendo de acuerdo al plan, “el tren ha salido de la estación”. Permitid el proceso, queridos, porque todo es como debería ser dado que las frecuencias de Luz fluyen por el mundo en crecientes olas intensas de consciencia superior.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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domingo, agosto 26, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Activating your Expanded Perceptions- 2 Empathy and Intuition - 8-26-18
Activating Your Expanded Perceptions
Part 2
and Intuition
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Empathy is the ability to feel another person's emotions. It is a second dimensional ability shared by "primitive," tribal societies, herd animals, and birds in a flock. An example of this is when our pet comes up and nudges us in an attempt to comfort our sadness. Other examples are a mother's understanding of what her nonverbal infant needs or a healer's deep knowing of how a patient feels.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
viernes, julio 06, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - A Dream, or Was it Real - July 6, 2018
I had a dream, and in that dream I was in a place with a stadium setting. I watched as people began to turn into monsters. Then I took a stick and touched the crown of their head as I said, “I am Love.” They then turned back to normal people. I wrote the dream down and then quickly forgot it.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
jueves, julio 05, 2018
Marilyn Raffaele - Grupo Arcturiano - Julio 1, 2018
Queridos lectores, es con una gran cantidad de amor y de respeto que de nuevo hablamos sobre las actuales y crecientes energías de Luz que están experimentando Gaia y todas las formas de vida sobre ella.
Procurad no caer en el miedo, sino entended que está sucediendo un gran cambio tanto dentro como fuera. Cada día despiertan más y más individuos y se dan cuenta de que el mundo de “Yo primero” que les era tan familiar ya no se siente correcto. Como resultado, muchos que han sido completamente tridimensionales en su pensamiento están descubriendo ahora que ya no están de acuerdo con mucho del status quo. Aunque la mayoría no son conscientes de por qué están sintiendo esos sentimientos, representan su primer paso hacia un estado superior de consciencia.
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Suzanne Lie - Los Arcturianos - VISITANTES DE LAS NAVES ESTELARES - 29/6/18
Canalizado el 29/6/18
Queridos Arcturianos,
¿Por qué usualmente tenemos pérdida de memoria con respecto a nuestras visitas a nuestras Naves Estelares y a los mundos de hogar de quinta dimensión?
Queridos Ascendientes,
La pérdida de memoria generalmente se debe a que tiene un “argumento” entre la parte de su conciencia que quiere recordar las visitas y la parte de su ser que no quiere creer que estas visitas hayan sucedido alguna vez.
Tenga en cuenta que no usamos la palabra “secuestro”, ya que NUNCA se tomaría en una nave estelar sin su permiso completo. Por otro lado, hay fuerzas oscuras que “secuestran” a los humanos bajo el disfraz de ser “alienígenas”, cuando en realidad son humanos que se hacen pasar por extraterrestres.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
domingo, julio 01, 2018
Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group . July 1, 2018
JULY 1,2018
Dear readers, it is with a great deal of love and respect that we once again speak about the present and increasing energies of Light that Gaia and all forms of life upon her are experiencing.
Try not to slip into fear, but rather understand that great change is taking place both within and without. Every day more and more individuals awaken and realize that the "Me first" world that they are so familiar with, no longer feels right. As a result, many who have been fully three dimensional in their thinking are now finding themselves to be no longer in agreement with much of the status quo. Although most are not aware of why they are having these feelings, it represents their first step toward a higher state of consciousness.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Grupo Arcturiano,
Marilyn Rafaelle
viernes, junio 29, 2018
Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Conversation PART II: From Me to We in the NOW - June 29, 2018
Darkest Night Before the Dawn
A Conversation with the Arcturians
PART II: From Me to We in the NOW
Sue/The Arcturians:
Now a lot has occurred, especially in the United States and those protected by the United States. That is because the United States was supposed to be the flashpoint of ascension.
And it’s the newest country, along with Australia. So it will be the United States for the northern hemisphere, and Australia for the southern hemisphere, and they are right next to each other. And that wave of ascension will be activated with those two continents and then move all around the planet. But it can’t occur while that matrix is still active and still attached to the planet.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Visitors to the Starships - 6-29-18
Visiters to the Starships
The Arcturians through Sue Lie
Dear Arcturians,
Why do we usually have memory loss about our visits to our Star Ships and fifth dimensional home worlds?
Dear Ascending Ones,
Memory loss is usually because you are having an “argument” between the part of your consciousness that wants to remember the visitations and the part of your self that does not want to believe that these visitations ever happened.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
miércoles, junio 27, 2018
Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Conversation: When Light Strikes the Matrix - 6-27-18
Darkest Night Before the Dawn
A Conversation with the Arcturians
PART I: When Light Strikes the Matrix
Can you say the question again so I can get back to that focus?
Oh, OK, well my first thought was that as we were trying to get the technology for this meeting going, it just fell silent for a few moments. That allowed me to have some quiet introspection. So I was aligning to my heart guidance and just calmly breathing and sitting. It felt like it was trying to make some point about the importance of what is happening now and putting things into perspective.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
viernes, junio 22, 2018
VIDEO (Recommended)
The time has now arrived where you, the starseeds and the dimensional and interdimensional travellers, who came to earth to bring the light of awakening to humanity, are becoming conscious and remember on a much more profound level than ever before, your mission and real intention, why you came to earth.
We are happy to tell you that the main patterns of manipulation by the adverse forces have been removed, enabling you to make yourself fully free from them and all bondage, misunderstandings and misinterpretations that kept you in a state of error.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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domingo, junio 17, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Fifth Dimensional Ascension Process - June 17, 2018
Fifth Dimensional Ascension Consciousness
The Arcturians
The Arcturians
I Am the “I AM” that I know that “I” Am!
The process of personal and planetary ascension is not for the “weak of heart.” The process of personal and planetary ascension is free of time and exists within the NOW! But within which NOW does this process of ascension exist?
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 17, 2018
JUNE 17,2018
Greetings once again dear ones. We are well aware of the troubling activities and chaos tempting many of you to fall into fear and doubt. Always remember that in spite of appearances, what you are witnessing is the exposure of old programming, secrets, and three dimensional creations. High resonating energies of Light are illuminating and paving the way for their removal because denser energies cannot exist in the higher more refined ones.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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sábado, junio 16, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Ascending Gaia for Gaia - June 16, 2018
Ascending Gaia for Gaia
The Arcturians through Sue Lie
Dear Ascending Ones,
We Arcturians understand the many challenges that you are bravely facing within your NOW. Therefore, we would like to remind you that you are NEVER alone. Your fifth dimensional family is always with you, whether or not you are aware of it.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
lunes, abril 30, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Nine Important Questions - April 30, 2018
Humanity is beginning to remember what they have forgotten, which is that they are not just humans. Humanity, slowly, but surely, are beginning to remember that Earth is NOT the only inhabited planet in the Galaxy, nor are humans the most evolved being in the Galaxy.
2) What does planetary ascension mean?
Nine Important Questions
The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
1) What does a “New Era of Power Within for humans mean?”
Humanity is beginning to remember what they have forgotten, which is that they are not just humans. Humanity, slowly, but surely, are beginning to remember that Earth is NOT the only inhabited planet in the Galaxy, nor are humans the most evolved being in the Galaxy.
2) What does planetary ascension mean?
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
domingo, abril 22, 2018
Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 22, 2018
APRIL 22, 2018
Dear readers, welcome to the new age--the one songs have been written about, the one that has been long predicted, and the one being created right now through your evolved states of consciousness and increasing ability to see through the chaos and troubles of a world quickly moving beyond the ignorance and un-enlightened awareness that has governed her for so long.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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viernes, abril 20, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Being Master of Your Mind & Guardian of your Heart - April 20, 2018
In other words, once your consciousness expands enough to sense the fifth dimensional energy fields, you will begin to leave the “time and space” of the third and fourth dimensions. Fortunately, the more you are the master of your mind, the more you are the guardian of your heart.
Being the Master of your Mind and the Guardian of your Heart.
The Arcturians through Sue Lie
In order to be the MASTER of your Mind
you must also be the GUARDIAN of your Heart
In other words, once your consciousness expands enough to sense the fifth dimensional energy fields, you will begin to leave the “time and space” of the third and fourth dimensions. Fortunately, the more you are the master of your mind, the more you are the guardian of your heart.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
jueves, abril 12, 2018
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Excursions into the Fifth Dimension - April 12, 2018
Preparation For Upcoming Multidimensional School
The Arcturians
through Sue Lie
transition into the fifth dimension is getting very interesting now. You may
feel that you need to “chill back” a bit, as you somehow know that what is meant
to be, is in the process of becoming.
you let go of the time-bound and external sense of control, you will find that
you can more easily allow yourself to BE within the fifth dimensional NOW. Once
within that NOW, you will be more able to experience living in the NOW.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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