miércoles, diciembre 31, 2014

Lena Stevens - January 2015 Monthly Forecast -Dec 31, 2014 Pronóstico Mensual – Enero del 2015

The theme for January is ACTIVATION.

The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row. As we move from the more organized influences of 2014 into the chaos, creativity and destruction of 2015, it will be truly useful to take charge of what is being activated in your life, especially this month. This is not the month to be passive, apathetic or be waiting for someone else to solve what is not working in your life. This is a month to be disciplined about your boundaries and to step into your own creative power of choice around what gets activated and how.
ACTIVATION: stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical; the activity of causing to have energy and be active; making active and effective.
This is the month to take all those dreams, intentions, resolutions, plans, ideas and inspirations that have been dormant or sitting on a shelf waiting for right timing or the right ingredients, and to activate them. Activation requires taking ACTION. This is not a month to sit around. It is a month that supports movement and action provided you have the right ingredients. (This months Mp3 is helpful)

UFO Spotted on BBC New Year's Eve Fireworks 2015 in London - 2015 Midnight Firework Show HD

Selacia – 2015 Predictions Update – ‘Coming in 2015′ – 31 December 2014 - Entrando al 2015

SelaciaComing in 2015
by Selacia
Relax a bit and take a deep breath as the New Year begins – a gentler and lighter energy in the air. You have witnessed and likely lived through many complex challenges in recent times. The year 2014 was not an easy one, to be sure.
As mentioned in my 2015 Predictions article published in November, much is changing in our world. The changes are nothing short of a miracle, with long-outmoded institutions coming under the magnifying glass in a very public way. This process of disclosure and unveiling, while not complete, has set in motion the momentum needed for the most radical revolutionary shift to date. By the time it’s finished, society’s key nonworking power structures and ways of being will have been scrutinized and taken out of the closet for airing.

My Outlook for the Year 2015 - Dec 31, 2014

My forecast for 2015 will be short and succinct:
This is the year when we shall transfigure, just as 2014 was the year when we officially ascended and became incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia and Guardians of the New Golden Galaxy. Period!
When shall we transfigure?
It depends on how effectively we create our reality as Logos Gods in the knowing that linear time is an illusion. Optically our transfiguration to unlimited multidimensional beings will be heralded by the final escalation of confrontation between the forces of light and darkness and its resolution through transformation at the political stage – by the collapse of this Orion world and the emergence of the New Age.
Will the resolution through confrontation include a dramatic paradigm shift in the collective mindset?
According to my view, this is inevitable for the proper unfolding of the final resolution through confrontation.

Jahn J Kassl - THE BEATITUDES, SANANDA - Dec 31, 2014

http://gardenofpraise.com/images/beati2.jpgFrom the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Blessed are they, who fully devote to God,
because they will find entrance into Heaven.

Blessed are they, who totally accept life,
because they are accepted by God;
God is Life.

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Saint Germain And Anka (Elohim) – Liquid Gold Blood And The Inner Changes – 31 December 2014

MélineHi sweet friends!!
WOW! to another amazing month and the closure of a very profound and moving year 2014. Have you been feeling the inner changes this year as if they were surreal, mind blowing but nonetheless ever so clear?! Well, too much has been happening with me that I cannot hold track with my writings, inner changes and energy work that I have been doing. I know many of you feel the same and have been through much of the same. As always: we are in this together! So I wanted to share with you a very personal message I received last year December from my Elohim Self which is called Anka. I read it again today and I realized that the message and time frame that has been given to me then, applies more to this NOW in some parts and not so much on the time when it was given to me. Another clear indication to let go of time :)

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Being Gentle In Multi-dimensional Energy” – 31 December 2014

LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss being gentle in multi-dimensional energy.
The vibration of the energy is increasing at a very rapid rate. As this occurs, the veils between the dimensions are thinning. You may feel as though you can stretch from the third dimension to the fourth, fifth, and beyond at the same time. You may feel as if you are existing in more than one dimension simultaneously. You are becoming a multi-dimensional Being where you can move between and across dimensions very easily.

Sandra Walter – Blessed Upon Our Year Of Mastery – 31 December 2014

sandra-walter-300x239Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I AM feeling deep gratitude for our connection on this remarkable journey of Ascension. The New Light intensifies, adjusts, purges and renews all at once; such is the nature of photonic Divine neutrality. We welcome in 2015 holding the intentions of grace, joy and peace for all that is.
Our first wave of acceleration – the first in a powerful series – arrives on January 4. Now is not a time to rattle on about predictions, preparations or repetitive advice.

Jennifer Hoffman - 2015 Predictions - December 31, 2014 - Predicciones para el 2015

Happy-New-Year-Its-timeEvery year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction.
Now, more than ever, there is enormous power in the shared collective awareness. Since my predictions are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, who can translate and interpret what they read in many different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. That said, at different times during the year I refer to the predictions I made (which I do not change once they are published), and I am surprised at how accurate they are.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 432 – 31 December 2014

AishaNorthLet us serve up some more information on the matter that you are all created from. For this is in every way all about matter, and about how this matter comes into being and indeed seemingly ceases to exist. For as you know already, this is in actual fact all about energy and of the transformation of such, for there is never anything that ceases to exist, it is simply transposed into another stage of being. In other words, what was once created will always BE, but it will never be the same for eternity. That goes for all of you, but it also goes for all of the stars on the firmament, and indeed, the very firmament itself. For the firmament is no such thing as “firm” or intransient, it is at all times a living organism fluctuating between the different stages of creation, going from “birth” to “death” and all of the stages in between simultaneously. And you are a part of this at all time fluctuating mass of matter, blinking in and out of “existence” – or rather – perception – on a regular basis.

Sarah Varcas - January 2015 Astro-Energy Report - Don’t React, Reflect! -

Astrology of January 2015, Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, Full Moon in Cancer, New Moon in Aquarius, the nature of the mind
Image: “Happy Thoughts” by Gary Rosenberg

Energy builds in the sign of Aquarius as January progresses, offering a much needed mental spring-clean. Simultaneously an alliance between Uranus and the South Node reminds us it is sometimes the most familiar things which need discarding, whether our de-cluttering is internal or external. It’s no good focusing only on those things which stand out like a sore thumb, that we simply never found the right place for. This month we must look around with fresh eyes at those aspects of our lives we know best – be they physical possessions, thoughts, feelings or attachments – to establish which have outlived their usefulness and are sitting there purely because we’ve gotten used to their presence and would feel uncomfortable about the space left behind were we to get rid.

martes, diciembre 30, 2014

Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – LM-01-2015 – “Your Light Cloak Of Many Colors Awaits You” – 30 December 2014

ronna1aBeloved masters, as the Age of Pisces fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings.  A new, expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as advanced cocreators of the future. As an empowered Bearer of God Light on the physical plane of existence, your new Divine Mission is to assist in the expansion of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, and activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, through a heightened intuitive awareness, you will begin to receive specific thoughts / concepts, which will be sent forth into your Sacred Mind. You will gradually gain the ability to radiate new Seed Thoughts into your personal Flower of Life/Creator Wheel, which will begin the advanced process of creating those things that you require for an abundant, joyful, refined existence. Your Light resonance will increase as it gradually flows forth in a sweeping Infinity pattern, making a greater, more beneficial impact on your environment and those around you.

Kara Schallock - Our Next New Phase - December 30, 2014 - Nuestra Próxima Nueva Fase

Be reminded, my Loves, that what I share is your potential as it exists in the higher dimensions. You are honored right where you are and everyone is right where they belong. Some are living their New Lives; others are somewhere in between the New and the old, others are just now awakening and many are still asleep, dulled by the 3D illusion of separation and strife. Some will resonate with what is shared here and others not so much. Remember, this simply is what I am guided to share.

One of the most important tools you have is that of Detachment. I know of a few people who are definitely in this stage of being. Detachment helps one let go of 3D illusions. This season, that is almost complete, is a great example of this. It is rife with separation and many fall back to sleep in order to fit in with the masses. It is the Path of the highly evolved being to stay focused on Who they are; not just in words, but in true feelings and true action. Being detached helps a being rise in vibration, consciousness and dimension. It can feel uncomfortable, because it is not the way we’ve been programmed to feel and be.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - The Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance - Dec 30, 2014

snow white lightWe are being giving a great gift this New Year’s with the infusion of the Crystalline Ray to come fully into GAIA’s core of Light on December 31st at midnight.
What does this mean?
This is the ray to use when you are going through major upheavals and conflicts.  Master Serapis Bey is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian to help all beings of this planet to feel their essence in preparation for the New Earth.  This light infraction will assist each individual to fully embrace the Harmony and Love that they desire.  2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony to send Love”.  It is ideal for each of us that this ray is now infused within the Earth.
Below is some descriptive information excerpted from our 22 Ray Challenge Program with a special decree.  Our suggestion is to read this decree aloud at the stroke of midnight to assist in grounding this wonderful Ray of Light.

Killuminati - The Movie

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings: The Paths You Embrace - Dec 30, 2014

The paths you embrace in this potent time are important, and we recommend you keep this in mind when you face temptation to go down a path you know doesn’t serve your growth or your general wellbeing.
You have the freewill to make whatever choices you feel are best at the time of making them, but with freewill comes the freedom and responsibility to experience the consequences of your actions.
You’re entering a time when taking personal responsibility for your choices and the actions that are bred from those choices is inevitable, and you can make the process much easier on yourselves now by striving to live in alignment and steering clear of destructive habits or tendencies.
We don’t want to tell you how to live your lives, and again, you can make any choices you want as long as you realize that you’re responsible for the fallout.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - We are all part of a great Living energy - Dec 30, 2014

We are all part of a great Living energy. This energy is part of a great Oneness. This Oneness is destined to bring Love and Light to all physicality.

Ummac Dan
12 Cauac, 17 Mol, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come on this date with more to discuss with you. The various coalitions created by the Light are in the process of finishing their operations to remove the dark cabal from power. These groups are slightly ahead of our jointly agreed upon schedules. We are most pleased with these results. The new Gregorian year promises much as it prepares its final countdown for manifestation before you. This year is finally to make it possible to finish off the cabal and its numerous henchmen. This coming victory is to give you the freedom and prosperity we have long promised you. This time comes with a growing set of responsibilities as well.

lunes, diciembre 29, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 29 December 2014

Blessings  of the season to all! Marlene
January 12-19, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The times that are before you are filled with energies of new beginnings and this creates a feeling of anticipation while at the same time needing to bring completion to all outstanding issues, and there is a sense of waiting in a void between two worlds. It is a strange time for those of you who have been earnestly working to align with the higher aspects of your self, for you know the work is in completion yet you find that the way forward is hazy and undefined. This is because you are creating your world as you move through each day and you are not used to consciously creating. This feeling will pass and is temporary in nature, all that is required is a willingness to be fully present in each moment and integrating this new idea of yourself. Conscious creation is the next step in your spiritual evolution and requires more attention from you.

Shanta Gabriel - AA Gabriel - Drink in the Sweetness of Divine Love - Dec 29, 2014

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages Book and The Gabriel Message Cards in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.

For this week's inspiration, the message from Archangel Gabriel is offering a new practice for 2015 so you can ask for what you need and then allow it to enter into your being.

The Gabriel Message card for this week is:

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

This is one of my favorite Gabriel Messages. It describes the beautiful experience of receiving Divine Light and allowing the power of Divine Intelligence and Love to permeate your energy system.

When we are willing to ask for the blessing of Divine Light, our hearts can become an open vessel to receive. This willingness is a huge step in our evolution, especially when life seems so difficult to understand in these fast-changing times.

When I was in a dark time a number of years ago, one of my teachers told me that confusion was a great gift because it leads to Clarity. That was difficult to hear, but when I allowed myself to just be willing to receive, it felt like doors in my mind opened to the awareness that was lurking behind the clouds of confusion.

During the Solstice this year, we asked for our receptor channels to open in new ways so we could receive our Soul's Gifts, and in this message from Archangel Gabriel we are given a practice to help us open and receive more deeply.

The next step is to give ourselves the space and time we need to allow this experience into our being. Creating Sacred Space is a brilliant activity for the New Year, as it creates a container to hold all your deepest, heart-felt intentions. I love to make new altars for special circumstances, such as my work, health or my relationships. I write my intentions down and place them under a special candle so I can review and energize the intentions every time I light it. I might also place crystals that have been embedded with the feelings I want to experience when I have fulfilled those intentions. I usually place a flower onto the altar to bring new life into being. This altar becomes a sanctuary for me when I need to remember what I truly want to experience in my life.

Even if we can only sit for five or ten minutes to breathe deeply and set our intentions for the day, we have the opportunity to receive Divine Light into every cell of our bodies. We are creating new crystalline structures within us when we do this practice. We are also receiving the Divine Intelligence and Love inherent in the Light frequencies. I imagine the area around my heart and thymus to be a beautiful holy chalice that can receive all that I need for my highest good.

Many years ago my guru, who was from India, spoke of the experience of God's Love as amrita ~ a sweetness at the back of the tongue during meditation. He said this is one way that we know we are receiving the high frequencies of Divine Love into our beings. My devotional nature especially loves this practice, for when I take the time to create a space where I can receive this gift, my heart is flooded, opened and blessed.

I love the visual practice given by Archangel Gabriel to become an empty chalice, a holy vessel open to receive a waterfall of Golden Light from the most Divine Source. In this very receptive state, we are able to welcome the power of God's Wisdom and Love into our beings, and have a very real experience that we can remember as truth for us.

Divine Presence,

I ask to be a pure and holy vessel for your Love. May I open new channels within me to receive more Wisdom, more Guidance, more Strength, more Compassion and, especially, may I receive your Love to the depths of my being.

Allow me to have a visceral experience of your Presence within me and open to the sweetness of the Love that is available for me to receive with every breath I take. I ask to live in the purest Well-Being imaginable.

I am willing to live in your Love and accept that there is never a time when I am not being held in the Wings of Pure Light. Help me to remember this truth and receive. Thank you for blessing me, inspiring me and guiding me this New Year so I may truly know that I am never alone, and that Well-Being is my only reality..

May it be so, and so it is.

Considering the normal celebrations for New Year's Eve, perhaps drinking in God's Love can be an interesting alternative...

May you be blessed in 2015 with all you need to bring forth your greatest soul's gifts and empower your life with Pure Love.

Shanta Gabriel

December, 2014


Jahn J Kassl - OF FANATICISM, ELIJA - Dec 29, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Friends, Brothers, Sisters, 
Siblings from the Light and God’s eternal Children!


Fanaticism. The widespread reality in this changing 
and transforming into the Light world. Still.

Where does the spiritual origin of this fact lie, which, 
since the beginning of mankind, brought wars, pain, 
crimes and infinite suffering to individual human Beings 
and whole populations?

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: Open Your Mind – 29 December 2014

http://esof2012exploreinnovateproject19.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/brainy-science5.jpgOpen your mind, truly, for the first time, and allow all judgment to fade as you witness the light of a brand new day entering your perception.
When you can remain open to the influence of spirit and the uncountable guides who attempt to help you through your difficult and painful experiences, you’ll connect with an infallible sense of joy, wholeness and completion.
Your willingness to enthusiastically contribute to your conscious revolution will grow as much as your greater perception, and your passion will skyrocket as you embrace the creativity that helps you raise your vibration.

Brenda Hoffman – Why Not? – 29 December 2014

Dear Ones,
Perhaps your holiday festivities created situations you did not anticipate or appreciate including fear and joy. Perhaps you felt little or nothing. It does not matter for this is the last holiday season that will address 3D issues.
You have crossed the bridge to your new land.
Some of you will continue to revisit your 3D world. Some of you may even pine for pieces of your 3D world after exiting your cocoon. Such is well and good. For indeed, you are cleansing and clearing eons of personal memories; memories of your earth ancestors and memories of fear that negated any joy you felt. Allow yourself to move at the pace correct for you – and only you.
Others of you exiting your cocoon are finding new you/new earth a playground of excitement and joy. It is those entities we address today. For you have not created new earth ‘training wheels’ as such for navigating your new experiences.

Benjamin Fulford - December 29, 2014: Cabal suffers huge defeats in 2014 so the 2015 year of the sheep can also be the year of the sheeple - 30-12-14. El cabal sufre enormes derrotas en 2014, por lo que el 2015, el año de la oveja, también puede ser el año de los borregos






The year 2014 was a nasty one for the Nazionist cabal controlled G7 nations and their shrinking coterie of slave states. Now, the Pentagon is preparing to take the restored Republic of the United States of America into the 188 nation BRICS alliance, a move that would effectively and permanently end cabal rule, according to CIA sources. If cabal rule ends, then a jubilee (a one-time write off of all debts public and private), asset redistribution and a massive push to save the planet will make 2015, the year of the sheep in the Chinese Zodiac, the year of the sheeple.

The latest offensive against cabal rule has resulted in 30 arrests of senior officials in Israel


the disqualification of Benyamin Netanyahu by his own political party


domingo, diciembre 28, 2014

Jennifer Hoffman - Bye Bye 2014, Hello New Cycle - December 28, 2014 - ¡Adiós 2014! ¡Hola, Nuevo Ciclo! - Dic 28, 2014

It’s the end of a rather difficult year and one thing I am grateful for is not having had any serious health challenges as I did in previous years. I am glad to see this year end because on many levels, it’s a breath of new energy, with certain conditions. It’s also the end of a cycle that we have been in since 2006 and we have been working very hard for the past nine years. Now we can move on to other things and start putting what we have learned into action. What does that mean for you? Whatever you want it to but first, let’s talk about those conditions.
So much of the past nine years has been spent clearing, healing, recalibrating energy, integrating downloads, working through issues, and those kinds of activities, that they have become habits. We have spent so much time healing and clearing that we have gotten stuck in healing cycles. Yes it was important and necessary work, and it was the work we came here to do, but it is winding down as we prepare for new adventures. Are we truly finished? Do we dare consider other options, only to be pulled back into another healing journey? Who is going to do the healing work if we aren’t available? After clearing lifetimes of karma and destiny, are we ready for creation and self-determination and to affirm that we have mastered this part of our journey?

Taryn Crimi - What’s to come in the year of 2015 - December 28, 2014

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2015. As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is. The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendar year of 2015.

Jahn J Kassl - GO THERE AND LOVE, MASTER KUTHUMI - Dec 28, 2014

On Account of Money

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Beloved Ones,

The end of this time means the end of this financial system. 
And until then it is necessary to have an attitude of Love also 
toward money, as well as toward all appearances in this world.

México: Extrañas figuras halladas en Texcoco despiertan curiosidad

Drone footage: UFO-style mysterious crop patterns in Texcoco, Mexico

Eliza - Lord Adrigon: On Ascension - December 28, 2014

Ash Tree Pioneer Park

Lord Adrigon: On Ascension

Channeler:  Tazjima
I AM Lord Adrigon. I greet you today from the deck of our mother ship, my personal vessel, The White Winds, which is stationed between Earth and Venus. When you look upon the Morning Star just before dawn, you will also be looking upon us.
Our Pleiadian fleet is stationed within and around your solar system until that time when your world will be set completely free from its ancient restraints, brought upon it by darkened souls from another Universe.
As part of our mission here, we train those who are starseed volunteers, who are willing to step down in their frequencies and enter the cycle of incarnation upon your world. In league with the etheric retreats that still exist with the auric field of your planet, we prepare these volunteers, guide them, mentor them, and heal them in between embodiments if need be.

UFO News: Massive UFO Exits The Sun And Leaves Huge Plasma Burst Behind.

Island of Hawaii Telescope records a cylindrical object that enters the Earth's atmosphere !

AEOLIAH: STARSEED from "The Liquid Light of Healing" Music for DNA Activation

sábado, diciembre 27, 2014

Georgi Stankov - State of the World at the End of 2014 - December 27, 2014


by Georgi Stankov, December 27, 2014
Entering the Epoch of Truth and Revelations, the old world on this uppermost mother planet emerges naked and more clear than ever before. The most evident fact nowadays is that the dark Western cabal want desperately to install the NWO, but have no means to achieve this end.
First Russia and Putin, who are fully protected by the light, that is to say, by us as the new Logos Gods (Regents) of Gaia and her multiple 4D worlds, appear to be much more resilient and defiant adversaries than the Western dark cabal have ever expected in their worst nightmare scenarios for the End Time battle. Contrary to the dumbed down people in the West, they have known for a long time what is at stake in this End Time and have been diligently preparing themselves for their Doomsday in the futile hope that they can avert it by a miracle. Miracles do happen daily, however, they no longer serve the dark cabal but only us – the light warriors of the first and the last hour –  as we are their creators now.

Sandra Walter -Preparation For The Christ/Kryst DNA Encodement Drop – Gateway December 25 / 29 – 27 December 2014

mount shasta christmas double rainbow
I AM shown a trigger point tomorrow, December 27, for this Gateway. We had a double rainbow in Mount Shasta on Christmas, which lasted for over three hours! Double Rainbows showed up all over the World on Christmas, and I always hold them as a reflection of our Divine work. This Christmas gateway is especially powerful as the Wayshowers prepare to embody purer, higher levels of the Christ/Kryst throughout 2015.
Goodness, it feels immense to me, right NOW. Every day, each moment feels like the first and the last moment of my journeys here. I AM sure some of you will resonate with that complete-transformation-Now sensation. Sensations of the-moment-of, where it used to feel like the-moment-before.

Aisha North – The manuscript Of Survival – Part 431 – 27 December 2014

AishaNorthFor now, you have already attained so much of what you came here to do, but there is still a while yet before you can see the full scope of your accomplishments. Indeed, you will all find yourself wallowing in frustration at one time or another in the time ahead, and the reason for that will be the simple fact that you all know at a higher level of your being that what you see around you in no way resembles the reality you have already stepped into energetically. In other words, what you SEE is not what you have, and as such the gap between the two is one that will be difficult to navigate for many of you in the time ahead.
For now is when the challenges arise, the ones that are born from the certitude that you already know that your mission to this planet has been a success, but as yet the fruits of your labours may seem to be invisible to you. Therefore we say to all, prepare yourself by allowing that inner core of yours to step to the forefront in any way you can, for as long as you maintain the connection between your human self and your own true self inviolate you will at all times find a way to navigate through what at times will be very choppy waters indeed. You see, the effects from your successful energetic endeavors over this last period of time will soon make its appearance known to all, but it will do so in what can only be described as some unexpected ways and at some seemingly inopportune moments. You see, this is a period of fluctuations that will bring with them what may seem on a superficial level to be upheavals in every connotation of the word, but as long as you maintain that inner connection, you will feel literally in your very bones that this is not about tearing apart, this is all about starting to settle in to some very new patterns indeed. And as such, what can be easily misconstrued as demolition for the sake of demolition itself is simply all about reaffirming what has already been set into motion.

Council of Angels via Goldenlight ~ Energetic and High Frequency Upgrades in Preparation for Ascension, a Harmonizing with the Higher Dimensional Frequencies - December 27, 2014

© The Goldenlight Channel. Message transcribed by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright notice without alteration, a link to the original message, and the full message without alteration when reposting this message. Permission not granted to use on YouTube.
Good afternoon we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Zadkiel, Michael, Chamuel, and Raphael. Dearest Michael of the Blue Ray, as you know is the beloved protector angel, wielding his shield of truth, protection and love to assist all humans in need. Our dearest Beautiful Chamuel of the Soft Pink light sends you her unconditional and unwavering love and wraps you in this blanket of unconditional love for now and all time. Dearest Raphael our healing angel of the Green Ray is with us as well, as is Archangel Zadkiel, our beloved transformation and alchemy angel also tied to the Violet Flame and the Violet Ray. We are some of the angels that comprise Goldenlight’s Council of Angels. She first became aware of us in 1993 in a meditation, and then became aware again of her ties to us when she had her Reconnection done 2 years ago in the summer of 2012. (1) During this beautiful session which reconnects you with the knowledge of your soul origins and blueprint, galactic origins and blueprint, and divine blueprint, as well as memories of your soul contracts, pre-birth contracts, life’s mission on earth, and so much more, during this session that Goldenlight had done, she “reconnected” with us in a very permanent way so that she has access to us at any time simply by first tuning into her higher self and then to all of Us.

Eliza - The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION) - December 27, 2014

Eliza: The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION)
The following description is an expanded version of the Festivities that recently took place upon The White Winds. This piece is designed to give the reader a glimpse into what takes place during a high dimensional celebration of this nature.
During a messaging session, Ladies Tazjima, Trillia and RaNia were able to plug into Now Time and re-enter the time and space of the ceremony and “see” and experience the festivities in more detail.  As I transcribed this piece, even more detail began to emerge.  If you relax and sink into a meditative space, you can pull up this kind of “memory”, too, for all time is simultaneous in the Now moment.
This grand ceremony was long planned by many as the first in a series of graduation celebrations for members of the First Wave of Starseed Volunteers who went forth to assist in the now completed Evolutionary Period which ended on 12.21.2012. For this particular ceremony, there would be slightly less than 100 graduates present, but many attendees would come from all over the Multiverse, as family, friends, mentors and guides and interested parties. This was to be the first in a series of gala celebrations, each one to be aligned with an Earth-based astrological / astronomical event of some significance, usually on the cusp from one Sign to another.

St Germain via Goldenlight: The Raising of the Frequency of Money and Consciousness As We Enter The Golden Age - December 27, 2014

Mandala - dharma_chakra_mandala_with_ashtamangala_tq29
Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, the full message unaltered, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

 Reposted 12-27-14
Hi St Germain, just checking in on the progress of the RV…just an update on where we are at in the process.
You are an important part of this transition, your messages have helped and uplifted many already and as you know this transition is about raising one’s frequency. The frequency of money is going to be raised by this RV (Revaluation of Currencies) and by this GCR (Global Currency Reset)… it will be raised to match peoples consciousness. A new paradigm around money will develop, eventually leading to a money-less society. We in the higher dimensions live without money because we are so highly aware that we are All One that we would never even consider living outside of that mindset. So we know that everything we do affects the whole and affects the good of All. Things are just of a different DENSITY in the higher dimensions… Things are more energy-based and not as dense as they are in 3D… We can pretty much manifest instantly here but we do it with the deepest intent for the highest good of All for we know that another’s well-being is our well-being, and vice versa. It takes the Golden Rule concept to a higher level, that to do anything to another is to literally do it to yourself… So we know that we affect things throughout the universe with each action we take and each thought that we have.

Lady Master Pallas Athena – Feel as if One with it All – Channeled by Fran Zepeda - December 27, 2014

pallas athenaReceived December 26, 2014

Lady Master Pallas Athena:
Hello, Dear Ones. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a wisp of Creator’s energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take.
Take a step with me now into the unknown and receive the sweet soft energy of Creator’s Infinite Love. Integrate it now into your very Being and get used to living within it as it is within you ever more securely as you integrate all your aspects into your unfathomable Beingness.
It is not for you to deny anymore. Fill yourselves with the Unconditional Love you have for yourself as a match to Creator’s Love for you. It is one and the same: The love you have for yourself and the love Creator has for you. Allow it to expand and spiral up in increasing depth and scope and swim in it as your true boundaries of your energy field become Infinite in scope.

viernes, diciembre 26, 2014

Kryon The Next Three Years [2014-11-30]

Karen Dover - Anchoring TRUTH to the CORE of the Human vehicle - December 26, 2014

As the energies now begin to dissolve the illusion that has wrapped the human race in veils the need to anchor TRUTH deep within the core of our human vehicles is NOW. This is the direct connection to SOURCE and GOD.  It is important to recognize that human language has been distorted and that the actual frequency of human language has been deliberately altered. Many utter words that have a frequency other than the word IMPLIES.  So it is with the word GOD where many trigger and instantly assume that GOD is the same frequency that is taught within the various religions that are available across the planet.  The war of words around “God” and who’s “God” is better than the others has raged for eternity and this is DELIBERATE for in the DEBATING the actual connection to and experience of, the frequency of GOD has been manipulated.

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior - December 26, 2014

Magic Staircase

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior

“The path of the spiritual warrior is not soft and sweet. It is not artificially blissful and pretend forgiving. It is not fearful of divisiveness. It is not afraid of its own shadow. It is not afraid of losing popularity when it speaks its truth. It will not beat around the bush where directness is essential. It has no regard for vested interests that cause suffering. It is benevolent and it is fiery and it is cuttingly honest in its efforts to liberate itself and humanity from the egoic ties that bind. Shunning strong opinions in the name of spirituality is anti-spiritual. Real spirituality is a quest for truth, in all its forms. Sometimes we find truth on the meditation cushion and sometimes we find it at the heart of just conflict. May all spiritual warriors rise into fullness; this planet is lost without them.” Jeff Brown
It’s the day after Christmas and while I was scrolling down my timeline on Facebook, these words of Jeff Brown caught my eye.

jueves, diciembre 25, 2014

Christmas with Jordan Maxwell - Exploring Holiday Origins - 3 Hour Special

Tiempo de Cine - Movie Time - The Interview (2014)


Poster de The Interview (Una Loca Entrevista)


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Brothers, beloved Sisters,
We are one and we serve the one 
force and power: God.
Today we have reached a new point in time.
Great healings have been fulfilled and great 
healings are coming up. The energy field of this 
ascending planet has been purified again and has 
been freed from the dark and sluggish influences 
out of the collective field. This relief of the planetary 
energy field paves the way for further steps in 

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Están Hablando Mi Idioma de Energía? - 23 de Diciembre 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Han tratado alguna vez de hablarle a alguien en un idioma que ustedes no hablan? ¿O comunicarse con alguien que no los estaba escuchando o prestándoles atención? ¿Qué sucede cuando el idioma o la atención no son el problema pero igualmente no se pueden conectar y comunicarse con alguien? Al avanzar hacia una mayor percepción de nosotros mismos como seres energéticos, nos haremos más conscientes de la energía de la gente que nos rodea, quiénes se pueden conectar fácilmente con nosotros y quiénes no. La energía es la forma en la que primero nos conectamos con alquien al principio, y todo fluye desde esa conexión cuando lo hace y no cuando no está presente.

miércoles, diciembre 24, 2014

Meredith Murphy - Limitlessness Meets the Material - December 24, 2014

Greetings beloved friends and welcome. It is time for us to invite you to turn your attention inward. We invite you to place your attention and to orient to the flow of energy entering your field. To close your eyes and place your focus in your energy field so that you can allow yourselves to perceive, notice or sense ... in whatever way arises for you, the vibration, the emanation, the flow of your being.
As you are placing your attention on this you’ll realize this is a subtle thing and that’s because higher frequency energies are more subtle. It is higher frequency energies flowing into you purely and directly. The more you turn your inner knowing and attention to perceiving and orienting to these energies the more your capacity to perceive them opens up.
With an awareness of the pure energy of you coming into your field and even if you feel that you are simply imagining this, take a deep breath and intend to open further.

Shanta Gabriel - Celebration of the 12 Holy Nights – Completion - Dec 24, 2014 |

The 11th Night – January 3

We honor Taurus, the bull horns act as spiritual receivers, grounding into Divine Speech. The Virtue to take into the New Year is Balance within the Soul, Body, and Spirit. Balancing inner life with outer work leading to forward progress. We contemplate the great love in the Cosmos, God for us, and our love and devotion to God.

Shanta Gabriel - Holy Nights Celebration – Part 3 - Dec 24, 2014

December 30 – 7th Night

On this night we honor Virgo, the protector of growth, harvest, where our spiritual nourishment is digested. Throughout these nights we are digesting the year we are completing and nourishing our way forward. The Virtue is Courtesy, Reverence, an Honoring leading to tactfulness of the heart, so that all we say is communicated with Love. We recognize and offer gratitude to the spiritual beings – The Kyriotetes, the spirits of Wisdom bringing forth Divine Order and perfection, the Matrix within all things.

Shanta Gabriel - Holy Nights Celebration – Part 2 - Dec 24, 2014

Now seven days past the Solstice, we are beginning to see the days lengthening as the sunlight grows stronger. Perhaps we are also seeing more clarity in our minds, as the opening into Divine Light continues. The process of the Twelve Nights is marking this in an amazing way as we light the different colored candles each night and the light is expanding in the candle-lit Sacred Space we have created. The Holy Nights are the window between the Solar and Lunar calendars and offer us a special window in time when the veils between the dimensions lift.
We have honored the human capacity to grow in consciousness and welcome the Divine presence into our beings. We have remembered to thank our Guardian Angels who protect us, share our lives, and intervene on our behalf for the sake of our soul. We have felt great gratitude to the expansiveness of the Archangels who are hold all the nations and communities of the world in love and wholeness, so we may truly create peace on Earth. Our perspective is being encouraged to be very universal during this expansive period of time, when windows are opening to Divine Grace and Wisdom.

Shanta Gabriel - The Celebration of the Holy Nights - Dec 24, 2014

The celebration of the Holy Nights, or the Twelve Nights of Christmas is observed in many cultures. It can be celebrated as an Inner Journey one takes to give birth to the sun within our being in order to illuminate the darkness. The Holy Nights begin in the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when the forces of Nature have withdrawn into the earth. Outwardly, there is usually snow and coldness, a stillness that is not available at other more active times of the year. This mirrors a longing for inner peace that is not easily available in a western, outwardly material culture.
Symbolically the midnight sun is the dwelling place at the heart of the Mother,
the golden sphere at the center, sometimes called Shamballah. In the mystery school traditions, the rite of initiation often entailed a meditation to bring forth this vision of the golden light at the center of the earth. It is humanity’s task to bring light to the Earth at this time. Through our loving deeds, Nature is sanctified and healed so the Earth is helped in its evolution.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – I Am Pleiadian Of Origin. I Am Feminine Of Nature – 24 December 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth.
It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.

Jahn J Kassl - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, JESUS CHRIST - Dec 24, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb 

Welcome beloved Child of God and I greet you, 
my Love is with you and all days I accompany you 
wherever you may be. Unfold your wings and experience 
your infinity, here on earth in the eternal Now-Time.

I am Jesus Christ and again I give you a new perspective 
about my life on earth so that you can liberate yourself 
from all the adopted and often inappropriate pictures 
about my life in Jerusalem.

Sarah Varcas - Show Up, Own Up and Step Up! - Dec 24, 2014 - ¡Háganse Presentes, Ocúpense y Avancen!

2015 is characterised by an energy markedly different to the ‘norm’ of the past three years. The Uranus/Pluto square which began in 2012 comes to a close in 2015, having made its presence unremittingly felt by so many of us. Lives have been turned upside down, perspectives forever shifted, circumstances reshaped beyond recognition. We have lost the things, people and places we thought we could never live without and discovered new ways of being we thought were never possible. Some people have been touched more deeply than others. Some in resoundingly positive ways. Others have faced what has looked and felt like devastation. In very basic terms Uranus is sudden, unavoidable change and Pluto is destructive and/or creative power. When these two work together shocks and surprises are guaranteed, as is rebirth from the rubble of destruction and the possibility of a new life if we rise to the challenge and steel ourselves to ride the waves and see where we finally come to rest.

martes, diciembre 23, 2014


Dear Friends:  I have been receiving so many powerful energy downloads since the 11th that I am still in non-receiving mode for Hilarion's messages ... and I am traveling to see family so I am posting a message from the beginning of this year ....Blessings  of the season to all! Marlene
December 29, 2013 - January 4, 2014
Beloved Ones,
There are many people upon the planet at this time that have been and will continue to, look deeply within themselves so that they may face every hidden aspect of their beings; to squarely and truthfully, without denial, accept and love all aspects of themselves. It is their willingness to confront that which has abided within them in order to balance, harmonize and come to resolution which now assists each person to become whole and this will facilitate a deep feeling of peace and contentment in all that they do and will bring joy and happiness in their outer lives. The adage ‘as above, so below’ will begin to be understood within their hearts, for the outer world always reflects that which lives within.