martes, enero 31, 2023

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación - 14 de diciembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación del 14 de diciembre de 2022

Miedos Programados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el mes en que hablaremos de algo muy familiar para muchos. Y especialmente de algo que está sucediendo en el planeta justo ahora, es actual. Les dijimos que este mes íbamos a hablar del miedo, tal vez de una manera diferente de la que lo hemos hecho antes. En 2021, les digo otra vez, hicimos las cuatro caras del miedo, explicándoles algunas de esas cosas que toda la humanidad tiene, en base usual. Y han tenido estas cosas de que hablamos durante eones. Pero de pronto nos encontramos con algo un poco diferente. Los miedos actuales, aquellos a los que miramos y no tienen sentido, los que se corresponden más con la cultura en que estoy, en que está mi socio. Y de eso hablamos hoy. Esto puede parecer polémico para algunos de ustedes, pero no lo es. Tiene que ver con el miedo.

James Gilliland - Navigating the Chaos - Jan 31, 2023

Navigating the Chaos

In the days to come there will be a lot of change and chaos. The new world has not yet manifested and the old world is going out, imploding on itself under the karmic weight of maleficence. All institutions out of alignment with Universal Law and those with a history of actions against humanity and the Earth are suffering the boomerang effect. Buddha said a fool and his mischief is like fresh milk. It takes time to sour but as surely as the cart carried by the horse it will catch up. Some of the mischief takes years, centuries to sour. We are entering a quickening of time and events everything is being accelerated and amplified. There is always chaos when one

Emmanuel Dagher - Shifting Tides - February 2023

 Puede ser una imagen de una o varias personas, flor y texto que dice "Happy February! May you be showered with love, prosperity and happiness this month! EMMANUELDAGHER.COM"

Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect with you in this way today. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Clear Communication

February will nudge us in the direction of creating greater clarity in the ways that we communicate with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

As an empath, you’ve probably found yourself often feeling disappointed when someone didn’t understand you the way you desired to be understood.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Dear Ones, if you find yourselves at a point in your life where you don’t know what to do next, here is a list of activities that are always supported that we highly recommend you prioritize until you find the clarity you are seeking.

Focus on your breathing.

Be fully present in the now moment.

Practic gratitude.


Connect either through meditation or prayer.

Pay attention to signs and synchronicities.

Deepen your faith and trust.

Practice acceptance.


Sandra Walter - Tristeza, Magnetismo y Energías del Portal Estelar - Ene 27, 2023

Bendiciones Amados

Esta Puerta Estelar sigue proporcionando puntos de elección revolucionarios – tanto personales como colectivos – hasta el domingo 29 de enero.

Después de este pasaje, veremos un aumento dramático en cambios narrativos, revelaciones y puntos de elección personales. Ya estamos siendo testigos de esto; estas energías de revelación de principios del 2023 están abriendo muchas mentes y corazones a nuevas perspectivas.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - January 31, 2023

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council January 31, 2023 through Valerie Donner


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with reverence and all the love in my heart. I am here to encourage you, and the Earth Council is here to inspire you. We have the best team ever comprised in any ascension process on any planet.

This is because of you, ground crew. You are the best of the best. You are doing an excellent job! Things are starting to get a little jagged and rocky. We are all working overtime to maintain balance and harmony. We recommend you do the same. Keep yourselves in balance and harmony. Restrain from getting caught up in the frenzy of the masses who do not know what is going on. They are looking for love and relief wherever they can find it. Many are opening up and having awakenings. With their discordant behavior they are sometimes awakening to new truths. They are also exhausted from what it takes to maintain life on earth and survive. Many simply want to escape.

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - January 31, 2023

Straight from the Heart

January 31, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo. I'm here to check in on you and to check in with you, for much is occurring now on the Earth. Many changes are happening in your lives. We honor you and support you with all of these changes. Right now you are encapsulated with the energies of higher consciousness. This has many people curious about why they are feeling so differently, and why things are not working the way they used to work. This is because everything is changing and higher consciousness means that you know there is something much higher and better for you, a new way of living. We uphold you and your desires for the transformation of the planet and yourselves. We surround your skies. We envelop your hearts with our love and energy, which brings all of us closer to the Creator. This closeness is what you will need in your new future. After all, ascension is about going back into the heart of the Creator. There is an orchestration of events that will bring you to your desired destination. You are in the process of co-creating the New World. You will be pleased with the results because they are magnificent. Trust this in Divine hands.”

KRYON - Using the Wind of Intuition

John Smallman - Saul - God gave you All that He has and Is at the moment of your creation - Jan 31, 2023

God’s plan for humanity’s collective awakening is unfolding PERFECTLY! It was created at the precise moment that you chose to experience separation and independence from Him, because He knew that once you experienced such a state you would immediately seek to return home to be once more and forever in His divine and infinitely loving Presence.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of February 2023 ~ Sacred Union - Jan 31, 2023

Beloved Ones,

This new energetic month of February represents the threshold that leads us into the most significant month of this year 2023, March, which is a portal to a higher consciousness, for all who are ready to jump into this new harmonic timeline. As you know the conflicts over consciousness continue, for we are after all within a dual universe, and this eternal balance between opposites shall exist.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Arcturians Are Looking for New Recruits - Jan 31, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are setting our sights on those individuals who are most open to receiving high-frequency energies. We have been placing our focus on those who have demonstrated an ability to handle large quantities of high frequency energies because we know how much of a difference one person can make. We know that you all need more humans there on Earth walking around not only sharing with other humans what they know, but also emanating that high-frequency vibration that has a ripple effect that touches everyone they come into contact with.

lunes, enero 30, 2023

Aurora Ray - How to Know If You Are a Starseed and Your Mission on Earth - Jan 30, 2023

How to Know If You Are a Starseed and Your Mission on Earth.

Humans are the result of cosmic seeding.

The word "Starseed" comes from the word "Speros," which means hope or aspiration. In some ways, it's similar to what we would call a saint or an angel in our modern times. These people are born with this higher awareness that they have a special destiny to fulfill on Earth, but they aren't necessarily aware of it yet themselves.

Starseeds are the offspring of a human and an extraterrestrial. Their body is a hybrid between human and extraterrestrial, angelic, or alien.

ALL 9 SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES | Cleanse Aura, Full Body Vibrational Energy Healing | NĀDA : DAY 30

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - BEING A CENTER OF PEACE - February 2023




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being a center of peace.

You are a beautiful Being of Light. You possess all of the attributes of Divine Light. You are loving, caring, and compassionate. You are part of All That Is. You are a shining Light wherever you are.

In these times of shifting energy, you can play a great role to help others feel at peace during this time of ascension.

Celia Fenn - The 2/2 Portal and the Aquarius Water Bearer - Jan 30, 2023

The 2/2 Portal and the Aquarius Water Bearer

Although Aquarius is an Air sign, it seems to have more to do with Water.

Cosmic Water or Water Plasma.

The traditional image for Aquarius is the "Water Bearer" who pours water from heaven onto the Earth. This imager encodes important information for the 2/2 Portal and Aquarius season in general.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, January 30, 2023

It is common for enlightening human beings to have trouble receiving. Many of you have service contracts and naturally feel much more comfortable giving than receiving. Some of you have been taught that receiving takes away from another. Some of you have been conditioned not to expect help because you have come from backgrounds where your needs were not met and that feels normal to you. Others of you may have been told that getting help comes with strings attached or will make people not want to be around you.

Judith Kusel - The End of the Old Movies and the Old Actors’ Roles - Jan 30, 2023

The End of the Old Movies and the Old Actors’ Roles:

So many Old souls are reaching the completion of their Soul Contracts and Missions, which pertained to the Old Earth and all ever created upon her and within her. Many of these are Star-seed souls, Wisdom Keepers, Teachers, Way-showers, Wanderers, who kept the Light steady with through intense periods of catastrophes, upheavals and darkness.


Brenda Hoffman - Expect the Unexpected - January 30, 2023

Dear Ones,

Today, January 27, 2023, is yet another unusual transition day. Not because you are so different but because the earth is shifting in ways you never before experienced while of the earth.

The earth is shaking off fear as if it can no longer justify the pain that has been a key earth factor for eons.

Some of you may have noted this major earth-shift with unusual sleep patterns or emotional outbursts. How or if this earth shift impacted your daily routine does not matter. You merely need to know that the earth – as is also true for you – is shedding the fear that has been the earth’s mainstay.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The February 2023 Energies - Jan 30, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to give you this transmission, which is all about the energies of your month of February there on planet Earth. You have different points of emphasis for each month and each year, for each solstice and each equinox, and all the other important dates on your calendar, because you enjoy structure and positive expectation. You need positive expectation, and you plan what these months will be about for you, and you are not alone in that planning. You are all parts of committees, councils, collectives, here in the higher realms, and you participate in those meetings while you are asleep at night and have left your bodies.

So you all have decided that the month of February is going to be about activating more light in your bodies. It is going to be about making room in your cells, in your chakras, and in your DNA for that light that transforms you, that light that then becomes your light body. And so, you have been doing a lot of clearing of late to make room for that light. The light is already coming, and it will get stronger and stronger as the month continues to unfold for all of you. That means by the end of February, you should feel like a ball of light, a sphere, an orb that can float and fly.

Now, what can you do to help facilitate this process, you might wonder? You can rest, relax, hydrate, cleanse, and take care of yourselves in all of the ways that you know how to take care of yourselves. You can also open up to the light in the same way a flower opens up to receive sunlight. You can imagine yourself opening up like a flower. You can imagine it opening at the crown of your head that allows the light to pour in. And finally, you can feel for the light. Feel for the transformation that you came to Earth and your dimension to experience. You have already allowed in so much more light than you were working with just decades ago there on Earth, and now you are ready to step it up to the next level and embody more of the light that you have access to all the time throughout this entire life experience.

Light is everywhere and it is everything, and you have the opportunity, the choice, to turn to it, to live from it, and to receive it. Only at this point in your journey, it is becoming more of an imperative. It is something you are going to do, because it is part of that plan that you have for yourselves, and there is no stopping it. But when you open up to it, and you feel for it, you get to experience it in a beautiful, loving way, and isn’t that how you want to experience everything there on planet Earth?

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

domingo, enero 29, 2023

Aurora Ray - You are the in charge of your own reality - Jan 29, 2023

You are the in charge of your own reality

Humans have been living in fear for a very long time.

Fear of death, fear of loss, fear of not being good enough, fear of being alone, and fear of trusting others.

These fears keep us from realizing our true potential as human beings. They keep us from seeing that we are not alone, that there is someone out there who knows what we are feeling and will help us when we need it most.

Entity Extraction Meditation.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Jan 29, 2023

JANUARY 29, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

During these times of confusion, violence, and chaos, never doubt that you are known, loved, and honored for choosing to assist earth in her journey to once again express the Divine perfection that is her reality.

You did not need to incarnate as many do in order to learn and grow beyond the third dimensional belief system, but you along with many others chose to incarnate in order that the presence of many evolved states of consciousness on earth would add Light to and lift earth's collective consciousness to a higher level.

John Smallman - Jesus - Beyond God there is nothing because God is the infinite ALL - Jan 29, 2023

Here in the non-physical realms we are overawed by humanity’s amazing and extremely rapid progress as you move from being deeply asleep and dreaming back into your natural, normal, and beautiful state of fully conscious awareness that you are eternally, and in every moment, One with God. You are coming to the realization that there is no place, space, or state of being, other than of Oneness with God. And to come to that realization is wondrous and amazing, because you have for so long believed that, as humans, you are each an individual, completely physically separated even from those with whom you have the most intimate of relationships possible. As humans it appears that you are born alone and that you die alone. But in truth you are never alone because separation from God is utterly and completely impossible.

All 8 ANGELIC FREQUENCIES of Love, Abundance & Miracles | NĀDA : DAY 29 | Sound Healing Journey

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way - January 29, 2023

Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way. 

Dear One,

These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Dismantling Society’s Systems of Control - Jan 29, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are familiarizing ourselves with the systems that you have there on Earth, systems that were designed to maintain order. You set up these systems at a time when there was much more chaos on your world than there is today. Today what you have is the last remnants of a more uncivilized time, a more barbaric society, and you have the same tools in place to protect yourselves from disorder, from chaos, and from barbarians. In reality, you do not need as much order and control as you have there on your world.

sábado, enero 28, 2023

Aurora Ray - A New Reality Is Near: We're Making It Together. What is your role? - Jan 28, 2023

A New Reality Is Near: We're Making It Together. What is your role?

Dear ones,

This is amazing news for all of us!

There is a shift happening now. It is a transition into the New Earth!

The Golden age of consciousness is emerging!

It is not just the individual; it is humanity that is undergoing massive change, and many have no idea what's happening. But some people, such as yourself, have a sense of something going on—a sense of positive change!

In this new world, everything will be different! Everywhere there are signs of change, transformation, and new beginnings!

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Report - Jan 28, 2023

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear One, What is keeping people tied to the third dimension vs. existing in the 5th dimension (Heaven on Earth)?

Many of you are well on their way to transforming their reality from a third dimensional experience to a 5th dimensional experience.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Enero 27, 2023

Está claro que el mundo no puede salir de sus problemas actuales sin introducir cambios importantes en su forma de funcionar, y sería inútil esperar que se pudiera volver a las viejas formas de trabajar. Muchos de los acontecimientos se producen porque está claro que hay que avanzar e introducir nuevas formas de vida mejoradas. Los defectos de las viejas formas se han hecho evidentes y piden a gritos nuevas formas que os hagan avanzar mientras os preparáis para la Nueva Era. El cambio climático o las amenazas de una guerra global no ayudan en nada. Hay mucho que hacer para que se produzcan cambios pacíficos que os lleven por un nuevo camino, uno que incorpore avances que beneficien a todos los habitantes de la Tierra y les proporcionen una mejor calidad de vida.

UNBLOCK ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Ancient Frequency Vibrations | NĀDA : DAY 28 of Sound Healing Journey

Patricia Cota-Robles - A FINAL OPPORTUNITY - Jan 28, 2023


Patricia Cota-Robles

Hi Precious Heart,

As many of you know, for years now we at Era of Peace have been working with a wonderful Alchemist who Cocreates for us, through the Divine Guidance of the Company of Heaven and the Directors of the Elements, a Sacred Elixir and an Anointing Oil that will harmonize and balance our Earthly Bodies as we move forward in the Light. Even the Beings of Light have said that these items have been a blessing in our Ascension process beyond our comprehension.

Our precious Alchemist has now completed her Earthly sojourn. She has made her Transition into the Light and is now assisting all of us with her Gifts from the Heavenly Realms.

L'Aura Pleiadian - The Divine Council of Overseers - Be The One who RISES From The Ashes - Jan 28, 2023

Be The One who RISES From The Ashes

Here we are now as everything on Earth is shifting at a higher speed and through a higher frequency. This is felt deeply by all on planet Earth. Things are being torn down, the old way no longer can be and what was the norm is rapidly changing.

What appears as an upheaval in all areas of human life on planet Earth ~ is the process of decay; the death process, before the new Being and Earth rises fully.

In your own life, notice and be aware of the death and decay process of your inner world and also any changes you have gone through in your outer world.

Are they profound? Are you prepared* for profound shifts?

Many say they do want changes, but the fact is many humans have a lot of fear to face within themselves before they are ready to let go of who they were, to then fully embrace being a new being. Yet the purpose of life is to evolve in this Earth school program. Or else you would not be here.

What is that thing you fear of the most? Spend time with it, make it your friend. Even now pause and if possible write down your worst fear.

Now, realize by holding tight to this fear and fearing its energy let us together shift it now.

Recognize the bad feeling of fear is the attachment to the belief the fear is real. Yet what is fear? Fight or flight.

Begin to accept that you are creating your reality. If this fear is predominant you are signalling this fear into the quantum field and attaching your creation to this outer world reality of yours.



To truly be transformed, we must let go of ALL fears and we must Begin wherever you are.

If this is too overwhelming and you are new to this, pick a smaller fear. Whether it is a moment or a week Earth calendar, accept and allow yourself the death and rebirth process of this fear to take place through you.

Step one ~ recognize you are creating your reality. Step two, the dominant energy your are holding onto creates the dominant theme in your life. Thirdly. recognize what you really want to create that is opposite to that fear. And lastly, accept that the fear itself was the only thing in the way.

The ashes that you rise up out of are the dissolved fears that were cleared through purification, that that are no longer attached to you.

So that you too may Rise from the Ashes as The Earth is beginning to, the old is passing away. Go with this flow, you to begin the decay of the old, into the new always NOW.

Blessing all The Divine Council of Overseers always present here ~ begin to RISE ~ and once risen fully will see and know, you truly were always that! 

In love, L'Aura Pleiadian

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Best Way to Get the Answers You Seek - Jan 28, 2023



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have a perspective that we like to share with all of you on just about everything that you are living there on planet Earth. We love to share our perspective with you because we know that it broadens your minds, and because when you encounter higher-vibrational energy, it also expands your hearts. We do not come to you to give you the one and only answers to your burning questions. We come to you to offer you an invitation to exist in higher states of consciousness. Others are offering their perspective to you, and when you encounter that perspective, you must ask yourselves whether it resonates, whether it feels right, whether it takes you into a higher state of consciousness to choose to accept their invitation.

viernes, enero 27, 2023

Aurora Ray - Open Your Heart And Expand Your Reality - Jan 27. 2023

Open Your Heart And Expand Your Reality

A lot of people are working quite hard to ascend spiritually.

However, Ascension does not actually need a lot of work. Ascension is a natural process.

Your original nature is bliss; you are already there! You have everything within you, and it's just a matter of awakening!

When I say "awakening," I don't mean anything external like meditation or going on a retreat or doing some special thing; I mean awakening inside yourself—to find out what kind of person you really are inside. And then come back and live through that love, through that kindness, that compassion, and understanding toward others.

Releasing Anxiety/Fear Meditation.

Sandra Walter - This Stargate continues to deliver realm-shifting choice points - Jan 27, 2023


Blessings Beloveds ~

This Stargate continues to deliver realm-shifting choice points – both personal and collective – through SUNday January 29.

After this passage, we will see a dramatic increase in narrative flips, revelations, and personal choice-points. We are witnessing this already; these early 2023 revelation energies are opening many minds and hearts to new perspectives.

Comets and Core Shifts

[original article link below]

Cosmic events are receiving some attention during this Stargate – and I find the mention of them in popular media to reveal some interesting timing.

Conversaciones Matinales de Jim Self y Roxanne Burnett - GENTE IRRITANTE

Conversaciones Matinales de Jim Self y Roxane Burnett – Mastering Alchemy


Roxane: ¡Buenos días!

Jim: Buenos días. Anoche tuve un sueño

Roxane: Oh, oh.

Jim: Era realmente interesante, porque yo notaba cómo la gente aceptable ya no era aceptable.

Roxane: ¿cómo la gente aceptable ya no era aceptable? No entiendo.

Jim: ¿Has notado cómo has estado en lugares en tu vida y simplemente aceptaste la circunstancia? Has aceptado a la gente en esa circunstancia. Pero a medida que empiezas a cambiar, empiezas a volverte más consciente; de pronto, lo que era aceptable, ya no es aceptable. ¿Tiene sentido? Fue una situación realmente fascinante, observar en este sueño en particular, ciclos de tiempo, avanzando, y una persona, una persona, una persona. Y cómo ellas estaban evolucionando, pero la gente a su alrededor, muchos de ellos, se iban alejando. Otra gente iba entrando, que en general así es la vida. Pero en esta experiencia particular, se trataba de este individuo cambiando significativamente su consciencia y volviéndose consciente de estar consciente. Y empezando a reconocer todas las cosas que había hecho en sus vidas, y todas las cosas que estaba haciendo en la actualidad en su vida, que eran movimiento y ruido. O simplemente no necesariamente lo que quería hacer, pero es lo que se encontraba haciendo.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – January 27, 2023

It is clear that the world cannot get out of its present troubles without making major changes to the way it operates and it would be futile to expect that you could return to the old ways of working. Many of the happenings come about because it is clear that you have to move on and introduce new improved ways of living. The flaws in the old ways have become evident and cry out for new ways that take you forwards as you prepare for the New Age. Matters are not helped by the changing climate or threats of a global war. Much has to be done to bring peaceful changes into being that will lead you onto a new path, one that will incorporate advancements that will benefit all upon earth and give them a better quality of life.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids - Jan 27, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving ourselves every possible opportunity to observe what it is that is happening there on Earth because you are in such a time of need. You need help, and we are helpers. We know that you have been making the most of a pretty bad situation there on Earth. We also know that you have summoned so much help, so much healing, so many solutions, that there is a sort of logjam of energies that have been coming your way but that not enough people are open to receive.

jueves, enero 26, 2023

Jamye Price - February Ascension Energies – Restriction - Jan 26, 2023

Blessed Beings, as you move forward within the density of Earth, you are breathing with the cycles of Time, with form and with the collective. What may seem like Restriction is an experience of movement.

Linear reflections are immersed in the cocoon of Life.

You as an individual are breathing unique information into life constantly. You are breathing the totality of your desires, wisdom and resolution into life. You are breathing the experiences, both triumph and challenge into life. 

Aurora Ray - The Mechanism of Ascension: From 3D to 5D - Jan 26, 2023

The Mechanism of Ascension: From 3D to 5D

Ascension is a natural human process.

It is a process of awakening from the collapse of the physical body (3D) to the transformation into a light body (5D).

Everything you desire is readily available; the universe provides everything you require; however, you must first free yourself of all energy bonds associated with your mind and ego.

Our consciousness shifts with each thought. A thought may occur and then be absorbed into the greater pattern of our existence. We go about our days as though life is one big, endless loop, but are we truly aware of this?

Affirmations: Raising Your Love-Bliss Resonance.

James & JoAnna McConnell - A.A. Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - You Have my Sword of Truth - Jan 22, 2023

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael, and I come at this time to bring the truth. But more importantly, to bring the truth to you, so that you can set it free, that you can set mankind free.

And you have my Sword of Truth. You have always had it within you. As I’ve said previously, you came here to this expression here on the Earth many lifetimes ago with my sword. It was gifted to you before you even incarnated here for the first time. All you likely did not know that. It has always been there. Now you can raise it up. You can raise it up and swing it around yourselves and sever any remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you to this third-dimensional expression, the third-dimensional illusion in this world. For it is just that, an illusion. And you are breaking that illusion.

As you swing the sword, know that you are breaking the illusion. You are breaking the ties. It no longer holds you, if you believe it. And whenever you find doubt within you from here on out, raise my sword and swing it around and sever whatever may be holding you to that doubt. For you are the expression of the God Source here on this planet, each and every one of you.

In fact, every single life form on this planet is the expression of the God Source within it, no exceptions. Even those of the forces of darkness which seek to hold the dark within them because they do not know the truth within them. They only know what they have been programmed to believe from countless ions ago when all of this began, where dark separated from the light. The dark is destined to be drawn back into the light, or be forever separated from that light.

More, and more, and more as with transition continues forward now, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to be those ones that came here to be the System-Busters, to be the ones that bring the Great Changeover forward. Know that you are those ones, and the many millions and millions who are also in that awakening stage, or have more fully awakened, such as you have.

Is there more awakening yet to come? Yes, certainly. Not only for those that have not yet awakened, but for those of you that are already awakened, there are much more revealings of the truth to come forward.

You are all are in that expression now of life, life fully around you. Feel life fully around you. Feel the lift. Feel nature. Feel the God Source around you and within you each and every moment that you can be conscious of it. And the more that you are conscious of it within the moment, then the next moment you will find yourself conscious of it again, and again, and again. Until finally you have moved beyond the point where you will no longer feel yourself held back down. You will know that you have come to the end of the movie, the end of the show, the end of the illusion, and the beginning of the new reality that you are all in the process of creating.

For this is your world. This is your creation. And when you are done with this creation and this being your world, you will move onto another world, and another one, and another one. For that is who you are, each and every one of you.

You are my expression here on this planet. I cannot do it. I cannot send my Sword of Truth out to those who are not ready to receive it; only you can do that.

That does not mean to share the truth to those who do not want to hear it, only when they are asking for it. Only when they appear ready for it, then share. Then spread the light. Then utilize the sword, your sword. Not simply my sword, but now your sword. Because you know now it has been yours all along.

For I did indeed gift it to you, knowing that you would come to this time now. Many thousands and thousands of years later you would come to this moment, this moment when you can draw that sword and begin to utilize it, knowing full well that it is your Sword of Truth. Swing it with consciousness. Swing it with awareness. Swing it with knowing that you hold the truth within you, and are here to share it far and wide.

I am Archangel Michael. I leave you now at this time. But know that I am always here with you to re-energize that sword if you feel it has lost some of its power. But know that it has not lost its power, because it cannot.

Peace and love be with all of you. 

ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And Shoshanna is here and back with us. Wonderful.

And we just wish to say, was that not wonderful hearing from Archangel Michael?

Perhaps for the first time that you have ever even thought that you have always had his sword within you. For yes, indeed, as he said, he did gift it to you before you came. That was a tool that was given you.

But it was necessary for you not to know it up until this moment, up until this time that you are in now as you are moving through the transition, and coming closer and closer to your ascension, to your full ascension, to The Great Changeover that is upon you now, that is preceding that Solar Flash, The Event. All of this is preceding. All of this move that is playing out.

And yes, indeed, we love that you would come to the understanding that this is the tail end of the movie! It is the ending. It is coming to a point where the villains are overtaken. They are overthrown. For Light is not only winning, it has indeed won. For there was never a question that the Light would not win out in the end.

We are ready for your questions if you have them.

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: Everybody knows that there is Mother Nature, and also this is a planet of dualities, so is there a Father Nature?

OWS: If you are speaking of in terms of here on the planet, there is always the Father/Mother. You can call it nature if you wish, but it is always the Mother/Father God, the God Source here, which both of the polarities there, both of the masculine and feminine, all is together as one.

Just as creation began when there was the unmanifest. There was the not knowing of the Self. God not knowing of itself because there was nothing to compare it to. And then He/She said, “Let there be light, let there be manifestation.” Manifestation of more than just Itself. So that Itself could begin to understand who and what It is. That is what you have all been in the process of bringing to the God Source, the Creator Source, the Prime Creator of all of the universes; not just this universe, but all of the universes. Hope this answers your question. Shoshanna, do you have something to add here?

SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We have nothing here to add.

OWS: Very good. Was this sufficient for you, Dear Thomas?

Guest: More than sufficient. Thank you.

OWS: Yes. Very good. Would there be other questions here?

Guest: Yes, I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: In the area that I’m in, Austin, Texas, I’ve made it known that I want to energetically clean this area up. I think it’s gone a little dark, well I know it’s gone dark. My question is, can I communicate with the city? Can a city be an entity, and can I communicate directly with the city? I want to build a relationship with the city.

OWS: With the city, with the town, with the village, with the country, with the ocean, with the continent—yes you can. All has consciousness. Because all is part of the God Source. All is life itself. As you speak the city, and you speak of buildings and sky scrapers, and all of this, but all of this was built by man there, which is consciousness. Consciousness being imbued within all of these buildings, and the skyscrapers, and the town parks, and all of these things. All is imbued with light, and love, and oneness from the Great Source within each and every one who brought this into being, you see? So yes, the answer is yes, certainly. Shoshanna?

Shoshanna: Oh, we can share on this. May we share, Dear Brother?

Guest: Of course you can.

Shoshanna: Dear Brother, what do you wish to say to the city?

OWS: Wonderful question. Yes.

Guest: I’d like to talk to her, and I would like to know really where her pockets of darkness are, where she needs help, where she would like me to do some work, or ongoing work within the city, which is going to be ongoing. But I think it’s better if I communicate with her directly and if she can just tell me.

Shoshanna: And then, Dear Brother, how do you wish to hear from her?

Guest: Good question. It could be conscious telepathically, like I am getting responses communicating with the entity that would represent the area, the city itself.

Shoshanna: Dear Brother, we would like to continue here for a moment. May we continue?

Guest: Absolutely.

Shoshanna: Dear Brother, it is a wonderful thing, it is a grant thing that you wish to communicate with the city, as the city does have consciousness, and does have an ability to answer you. What you must do, then, is find a way to communicate so that you can get your answers quickly.

However, we will say that the first thing that you must do with any pursuit in this area is ask permission. You must ask permission, does this city wish for your help? Does this city wish for you to engage? You must find that answer first.

We will say that the idea of communicating telepathically is the only way to communicate, as you are communicating with an energy that has no vocal cords. So in this process, you can do one of two things: you can ask permission.

If you are granted permission, then you can continue to ask what is the need of this city, what is the greater need of this city, and then you must record the answer. And to record the answers, you have one of two options: you can write them down, or you can remember them. In each instance, however, you must listen carefully, and then record the answers so that you know how to pursue this journey that you wish to grow on. Does this make sense, Dear Brother?

Guest: It does. It makes a lot of sense.

Shoshanna: Namaste.

OWS: And we wish to add here in more understanding of this, in a more concrete example for you all. When The James and The JoAnna were in the process of selling their home in their previous city of the Phoenix area, and they were wanting to move to their new area where they are now, there was a process that they were going through to sell their home. And it was taking some time to do so.

But The James one particular day realized that he needed to speak to the home, to the house that they had been in for 20 years and ask for a release from the home. No sooner did he make that request and felt the release from the house itself, the consciousness within the house itself which had been built up by the consciousness of The James and The JoAnna, and their family, and all of those that visited over time.

When the consciousness of the house gave that release, it was only approximately two weeks later when they had their first offer on the house. So know that it is indeed real what you are speaking of here.

Guest: Thank you very much. It’s very helpful.

OWS: Yes. Would there be any other questions here?

Shoshanna: We wish to add one more part of this. May we share one more part to this, Dear Brother?

Guest: Yes. Absolutely.

Shoshanna: One of the important aspects of communicating with any energy is to be grateful. To thank that energy for all that is attempted to do. So in your process of asking to communicate, give thanks, show gratefulness for this energy of this city has a big job and is trying to do it, you see. So please express your gratefulness. Namaste.

Guest: Thank you very much.

OWS: Very good. Are there any further questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: I wasn’t sure, because it’s a dream, but it seems pertinent because of all this talk of the new medicines and healing modalities coming up. It was just a quick dream, because I have been having an issue which you wouldn’t necessarily go to a doctor for, but it’s obviously affecting me physically and mentally. And I have been asking for assistance, and I asked again. Then I had this dream that I was at a counter, it was like a pharmacist, although I was thinking of him as a doctor. The very kind gentleman gave me some pills, he volunteered these, he gave me some pills, no cost or whatever, when I told him the issue or showed him. I felt immediate relief, and I was so pleased that I got some assistance. But my question is, because we are moving into the time with more advanced modalities, why such an old school solution to my issue?

OWS: You have a saying that you have had for a very long time: “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” So in your present transition, what you have available is what you have available to you. So utilize that process. But do so in knowing that the particular allopathic medicine as it is now is normally not too much of an assistance for you.

For it is consciousness that is what brings the healing: consciousness. And vibration. So know that. As whatever you go in to, whatever you pursue as to a relief from whatever the ailment or the problem is here, know that it is consciousness and vibration that bring the healing to you. Just as within the Med-Beds, as you know them, or the Crystalline Healing Chambers, all of this, is consciousness and vibration. Okay? Shoshanna, maybe you have comment more specific here?

Shoshanna: This is more complex. It is simply that it is complex, we will say. So we would like to share our perspective with you, Dear Sister. May we share?

Guest: Yes, please.

Shoshanna: Dear Sister, the dream that you had of this kind gentleman that offered you a solution became an easy pill to swallow. And the pill itself represents the intention of the individual to heal you. And we will tell you that the kindly gentleman that offered you a pill that would heal you is you. Your dream is parts of you. You are offering yourself a solution. You are saying to yourself in the dream that the intention that I give this medicine, no matter if it is a pill, a potion, a liquid, an energy, a vibration, a laser light, it does not matter. What matter is the manner in which it is given. And in your dream you created the individual that would have the answer for you, and that would gently and lovingly offer it to you in a kind way. That is the most important.

And what you must notice here is that all healing, all of it, is healing of the self. The self offers the healing. It is just the outward appearance that others are offering it that has been part of the illusion here.

We say that was a good dream. It is not about the pill is an old technology, it is about the intention and love in which it was given to you. Namaste.

Guest: Thank you.

OWS: Wonderful. Would there be other questions here?

Guest: Yes, please.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: Two parts. The first part: for a while now, when I go out walking, or even sometimes walking about my house, I walk in a figure-8 pattern. So my question is, is that something that is related to being ungrounded, or am I being influenced by the influx of energies from the sun and the changes with the planets?

OWS: We would ask you a question: what does the figure-8 also a figure of?

Guest: Infinity.

OWS: Infinity, yes. There lies your answer.

Shoshanna: We have a perspective, as we know this one. We will give it if you wish.

Guest: Certainly.

Shoshanna: Dear Sister, you were trained in this manner many, many, many lifetimes ago when you occupied this land. And the way in which you walk was a reinforcement to the land that it continues on well beyond you. And this walk that you do is a reinforcement that life is never-ending and will always be there for all those that wish to have it, no matter what form it takes. This is the training that you had. Namaste.

OWS: And the walking part in this figure is representing completing the journey along the way.

Guest: Okay. The second part is about time and space. We talked about this before. Several days ago I had this ‘a-ha’ that since time and space does not exist, and man cannot prove that it exists, that myself as well as others like myself can elect to at will step out of time and space, and I’ve done that.

But also, I shared this with a person and it seemed like she didn’t agree. And she brought up that that was not possible because of what society believes. Boy, did that rub me the wrong way a little bit (laughs). Can you provide us with some higher thought on that, please?

OWS: Are you asking is there time and space? Or what is your question here?

Guest: Yeah, I know there is time and space. I step out of it without even an intention doing so.

Shoshanna: We will offer.

OWS: Yes, please share.

Shoshanna: We will offer here. May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest: yes.

Shoshanna: You must not pay attention to those that do not agree with you. That is a waste of time.

Guest: I agree.

Shoshanna: It is a waste of energy on your part. If you experience something beyond what the 3-D illusion offers, and you step aside and step outside of the current time line or time is based as it is defined, that is your experience. You do not need validation. You do not need others to tell you if it is true or false.

Part of the challenge of all beings on this planet is seeking to know if their experience was the right one. It is not right or wrong, it is yours. And it is yours to show you something.

Well we know what this is showing you. This is showing you that the illusion is just that. And that when you step aside from the illusion, step outside of the illusion, you have mastered it. Many have not. But do not request someone to agree with you that has not experienced that. And they do not know. Does this make sense, Dear Sister?

Guest: Yes. And I wasn’t asking for confirmation, I was sharing the experience. But also, essentially in this conversation, this exchange, I can essentially step out of time and go anywhere that we choose, is that correct?

Shoshanna: Yes.

Guest: Whoopee! (Laughs)

OWS: You do it, just simply in your guided meditation that you just had. The Archangel Michael had many of you in that sense of being out of time and space, even just for a moment. Many of you felt that expression, or could feel the sense of being outside of time and space in that moment, you see?

Guest: yes. Thank you.

OWS: Would there be any other questions before we release channel? Very good. Oh, there was an e-mail question, and we will bring that up here.

This one asks if Seraphim would be able to incarnate. We will simply answer that in a very general fashion here: any beings of consciousness, any conscious being is able at any time to incarnate if they wish to do so.

But many do not because it requires a great deal of energy to lower themselves into a lower vibration. And it is somewhat difficult to do, and many do not want to do that. But there is more to it than that: they do not do it, because it is not needed to do it. Such as Archangel Michael, or Seraphim, or whoever it might be, normally will not ever do that because, again, it is not needed, and they do not need to lower their vibration.

Know that when you came into this expression here in this lifetime, you as your Higher Self lowered your vibration to bring about a new consciousness, a new personality here that could express the God Source in a more fuller fashion, you see? Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?

Shoshanna: We agree. We are not certain of this question. What this question in regard to the body of angels known as the Seraphim?

OWS: Yes, this is what this is asking, yes.

Shoshanna: We will say that in the consciousness of an angel such as this, they will transform and evolve into something else when there is a need if they wish to assist in some way and they are called to assist. They will give that assistance by evolving or devolving in this manner to occupy perhaps a human body. So it is very possible. There are all evolutions going on. And even the human being, if he or she wishes, can evolve or devolve, as it is just a consciousness and an energy that is required when there is assistance needed and they can answer if they wish. Namaste.

OWS: Very good. And do you have any parting message here, before we release channel?

Shoshanna: We simply wish to say that this call, these beings that participate in this call, all questions must be asked. In the process of asking your question that you may be holding back on, your question is answering the dilemma of many. Your question is posing the question that many have in their mind. So we would ask each of you Lightworkers, Light-Warriors, Light-Bearers, whatever you wish to identify as in the Light Community, please ask your question, as it is paramount to the advancement of this group. Namaste.

OWS: Very good. And we say here that now that you are aware that you all have Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth, flaming Sword of Truth, utilize it in every opportunity that you have.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, January 26, 2023

Dear Ones, as co-creators you are always working with your team. Sometimes the action is happening on your side of the veil. Other times the greatest activity is occurring on the other side of the veil with different elements coming together until they can manifest into your physical reality. There is always movement, some of it tangible to you, most of it not.

Schumann's Resonance (7.83Hz) | The Earth's Aura | Binaural | NĀDA : DAY 26 of Sound Healing Journey

John Smallman - Saul - Time is unreal and makes no demands! - Jan 26, 2023

As your collective awakening unfolds before your very eyes – CELEBRATE!

Yes, it is unfolding right now, in the only moment there is, the eternal moment of now. You do of course know this, because when you allow yourselves to be aware you are aware that everything you think, say, or do is happening now, the only ‘time’ in which it could happen. It’s just that NOW keeps on continuously renewing itself without ever a break, that is what now is – NOW! Within the illusory state of material form, of which time is a major component, it flows constantly, whereas in Reality it is eternally stationary. That is a concept that is very difficult for you to imagine or to accept, and yet modern physics at the highest levels of research has found that this actually is the case. It is quite shocking to realize this because it is totally at odds with your human experience of life in form.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Safely Channel Higher-Frequency Energies - Jan 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are filling ourselves up with higher-frequency energies from the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and even thirteenth dimensions so that we can feel what we are moving into and so that we have more energy to share with all of you. When you are sitting around wondering what you should do with your life, and you cannot come up with one action that seems compelling or interesting enough for you to participate in it, we recommend that you simply set that intention to open up and fill yourselves up with higher-frequency energies from the higher-dimensional planes. You cannot go wrong if you do; you cannot get it wrong.

miércoles, enero 25, 2023

KRYON - Can You Change Your Biology?

Aurora Ray - A Journey into the Evolution of Consciousness - Jan 25, 2023

A Journey into the Evolution of Consciousness.

At present, you are being given more information than at any other time in history so that you can make better decisions as a species.

This is why there are so many things that seem bizarre or impossible; they were not possible until recently, but now they suddenly seem possible because there is so much new information available to make them happen.

This is because of how much more powerful our new technology has become in just a few short years. It was necessary for us to evolve at such a fast pace because we needed to prepare ourselves for what was coming next!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, January 25, 2023

We spoke yesterday of the idea of replacing the term divine timing with divine orchestration to give you an idea of how it is many different elements coming together. We would like to take that idea even further today.

Does the idea of divine orchestration still make you feel like there is something happening beyond your control? What if we told you that you are part of every experience of the orchestra? You are the producer of the show. You are the composer of the music. You are the instrument that emits tones and vibrations. You are the musician that lends your unique talents to the greater whole. You are the conductor that brings it all together beautifully. You are also the member of the audience that waits for the show to begin.

432Hz : Boost Positive Energy & Happy Hormones 😀 | Sound Healing Music | NĀDA : DAY 25

Judith Kusel - The great beginning of the rebirth is here! - Jan 25, 2023

"The Fires of Intense and Far-Reaching Changes

The Fires of intense and far-reaching changes are sweeping the earth, and especially the energy and the sacred centers, as well as all life and life forms on earth and within her.

The comet, which last was witnessed 50 000 earth years ago, which is arriving on the 2 February 2023, will intensify this process, and it is programmed to release immense changes upon earth. It will have a ripple effect on the whole, and especially in the Northern Hemisphere, as what was programmed into the earth at the time, will rise and will bring even more sweeping changes.

2023 Predictions - A YEAR NEVER SEEN BEFORE!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Energies Being Sent to You Need Recalibrating - Jan 25, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been recalibrating the energies that we are delivering to you, based on the very big steps forward you have taken over the last several weeks. This new year has brought with it new hope for so many, as you continue to move towards your entry point to the galactic community. There are more awakened souls on planet Earth today than there have ever been at any other point in human history there on Earth. The word is getting out, and not only that, but the work that people do on themselves, whether they are religious, atheist, or spiritual is paying off for the entirety of the human collective.

martes, enero 24, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation is Coming To Earth: Are You Ready? - Jan 24, 2023

The Galactic Federation is Coming To Earth: Are You Ready?

Dear Starseeds and Lightworkers!

The Galactic Federation is coming!

It is time for all of us to unite in our mission!

The time has come for us to prepare for ascension, and we have been sent here as a reminder that there is much work to do before we can leave this physical plane behind forever.

For a long time, the Galactic Federation has been helping us with our spiritual work and clearing our minds so that we can ascend. They are here to help us all!

Extrasensory-Psychic Awakening

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Acuario el portador de agua y la activación del corazón Aqua: El portal 2/2 - Ene 24, 2023

Acuario el portador de agua y la activación del corazón Aqua: El portal 2/2

Queridas almas amadas, ahora están en el umbral de la nueva era acuariana de la Tierra. Están listos para completar y anclar su transición a la nueva Tierra multidimensional.

Cuando trabajamos con ustedes previamente, en diciembre de 2022, activamos el Corazón Solar Dorado (8va Dimensional) y el Corazón de Diamante Galáctico (9a Dimensional) para permitirles acceder y tierra esas Frecuencias Superiores. Ahora te invitamos a activar y energizar el aspecto Aqua Heart que te conecta con el flujo puro de Agua Cósmica Cristalina del “Trono de Dios” o Fuente.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - Aquarius the Water Bearer & the Activation of the Aqua Heart - Jan 24, 2023

Aquarius the Water Bearer & the Activation of the Aqua Heart

Dearly Beloved Souls, you stand now at the threshold of the New Earth Aquarian Age. You are ready to complete and anchor your transition into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth.

When we worked with you previously, in December of 2022, we activated the Golden Solar Heart (8th Dimensional) and the Galactic Diamond Heart (9th Dimensional) to allow you to access and ground those Higher Frequencies. Now we are inviting you to activate and energise the Aqua Heart aspect that connects you to the pure flow of Crystalline Cosmic Water from the “Throne of God” or Source.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Enero 22, 2023

Blossom: ¡Buenos días! Así de rápido pasa el tiempo. He tenido una afluencia de cartas últimamente sobre Fergus el hongo. Parece haber tantas versiones posibles de lo que 'podría' ser. ¿Algo más que decir al respecto desde su posición?

FOL: Buenos días a ti, Blossom, y de hecho, a Cada Alma de Luz que se encuentra resonando con lo que elegimos brindar. Las actualizaciones que se les brindan con respecto a tu consulta se relacionarán con cualquier cosa en la que la atención de uno haya sido 'notificada' sobre ciertos asuntos específicos. Ha habido/hay/siempre habrá... ¡hongos! Sin embargo, aquello de lo que hemos hablado será puesto en primer plano cuando se considere el momento correcto para que esta táctica de miedo particular se presente a gran escala, para que parezca necesario que todos permanezcan en sus casas. Recuerden que también mencionamos que este bloqueo mundial provocará la Fase Dos y Fergus El Hongo es simplemente otro disfraz.